This is a listing of books that have appeared in Elder Scrolls games, sorted by author. The list does not include diaries, journals, or logs. For the novels by Gregory Keyes, see here. To see the list of books sorted by game, see these categories. To see the list of books sorted by subjects see here.
- The Buying Game
Abba Arl[edit]
- Tales of Abba Arl: The Fat Mother
- Tales of Abba Arl: The Ox's Tale
Abdul-Mujib Ababneh[edit]
- Skyrim's Rule
Ablahar at-Tanul[edit]
- Glinting Talons
Captain Abitius[edit]
- By Order of the Silver Dawn
- Chevalier Renald
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 4
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 5
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 8
- The Demon Weapon is Within My Grasp...
- Eulogy for Emperor Varen
- High Chancellor's Papers: The Tagh Droiloch
- Sai Sahan
- The Slave Rebellion – Man's Triumph
Lieutenant Abrienna Nestoro[edit]
- Crafting Motif 94: Ancestral Reach Style
Absolon Sorick[edit]
- Orcs: The Vermin Among Us
Vigilant Adalvald[edit]
- Notes on Dimhollow Crypt, Vol. 3
Adan Kordrel[edit]
- A Citizen's Petition
- A Conversation with Lady Arabelle Davaux
- A Conversation with the Ascendant Order
- A Helpful, Steadfast Hand
- Investigator Vale Does Not Cry Wolf: The Truth Behind the Hounds of Black Moor
- On the College of Sapiarchs
- The Elder Council: Where Are They Now?
- The Real Investigator Vale?
Adandora the Tale-weaver[edit]
- A Star Walks In Craglorn
- Crafting Motif 35: Dro-m'Athra
Priestess Adie Rodeau[edit]
- The Martyrdom of Saint Pelin
Adolphus Eritius[edit]
- Forge, Hammer and Anvil
- Ghosts in the Storm
- Olaf and the Dragon
- Xil-Go's Spell
Aegrothius Goth[edit]
- The Final Lesson
- The Sage
- Journal of Aeliah Renmus
Aemilianus Falto[edit]
- The Ring of Daggers
- A Royal Embarrassment
Praetor Aemilianus Lector[edit]
- The Fall and Rise of Reman's Bluff
- Wind and Sand
- The Legend of Vastarie
Aglindor the Black-Thumb[edit]
- Care and Feeding of Swamp Jellies
Agneta Falia[edit]
- Herbalist's Guide to Skyrim
Agrippa Fundilius[edit]
- The War of the First Council
Clan Mother Ahnissi[edit]
- The Moon Cats and their Dance
- Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi
- The Faerie Chain
- Aicantar's Lab Journal
- Before the Ages of Man
- Before the Ages of Man (Elder Scrolls Online)
- Crafting Motif 25: Aldmeri Dominion Style
- Crimes of the Daggerfall Covenant
- Regarding the Ebonheart Pact
- Response to Citizen Inquiries
- Thalmor Handbill
- An Unusual Alliance
- Welcome to New Aldmeri Irregulars
- Prince Aiden's Report
- The Imperfect Logistics Log
- Residential Logistics Log
- On Those Who Know Baan Dar
- Star Teeth, Volume I
Alanya of Alinor[edit]
- Tamrielic Calligraphy, Chapter VII
Proctor Albacron[edit]
- Engine of Expression
- The Law of Gears
Albanon Renil[edit]
- The Elements of Magicka
Albanus Caudex[edit]
- The Count's Boar Hunt
Warlock Aldaale[edit]
- Where Magical Paths Meet
- Cats of Skyrim
Aldous Brousseau[edit]
- Glenumbra's People
- Guide to Anvil
- Guide to Bravil
- Guide to Bruma
- Guide to Cheydinhal
- Guide to Chorrol
- Guide to Leyawiin
- Guide to Skingrad
- Guide to the Imperial City
Alexandre Hetrard[edit]
- Glories and Laments
Alexandre Simon[edit]
- The Alduin/Akatosh Dichotomy
- Crafting Motifs 1: The High Elves
- Crafting Motifs 2: The Dark Elves
- Crafting Motifs 3: The Wood Elves
- Crafting Motifs 4: The Nords
- Crafting Motifs 5: The Bretons
- Crafting Motifs 6: The Redguards
- Crafting Motifs 7: The Khajiit
- Crafting Motifs 8: The Orcs
- Crafting Motifs 9: The Argonians
- Crafting Motifs 10: Imperial Cyrods
- Crafting Motif 46: Frostcaster Style
Alla Llaleth[edit]
- Breaking the Cycle of Tyranny
- The Marksmanship Lesson
- The Time of the Ebonheart Pact
- Druid Funerals: A Piece of Y'ffre
- Homilies of Blessed Almalexia
Alyandon Mathierry[edit]
- Fundaments of Alchemy
Amadri Drevin[edit]
- How to Pronounce Dwemer Words
Amanda Alleia[edit]
- The City of Stone
- The Code of Malacath
- Five-Fold Felicitations!
- Restoring the Welwas
Amili Drals[edit]
- A Tale of Baar Dau
- Aminyas' Journal
Amminus Entius[edit]
- Crafting Motif 40: Order Hour
Ampyrian Brum[edit]
- The Gold Ribbon of Merit
Amun-dro, the Silent Priest[edit]
- All Our Perfect Forms
- The Adversarial Spirits
- Azurah's Crossing
- The Dark Spirits
- The Favored Daughter of Fadomai
- The Sky Spirits
- The Wandering Spirits
- The Worldly Spirits
- From the notes of Ancemion, Ceremony Coordinator
Anchivius, M.Z.F.[edit]
- Legal Basics
- Ancotar's Journal
Lieutenant Anders Gemane[edit]
- Saving Your Hide
- Trapped in Ebon Stadmont
Andoche Marie[edit]
- Saints and Seducers
Andor Indoril[edit]
- Understanding House Indoril
- Sotha Sil and the Scribe
- A Brief History of House Telvanni
- Ranks and Titles of House Telvanni
- Khunzar-ri: Origin
- Khunzar-ri: Tales, One
- Khunzar-ri: Tales, Two
- Khunzar-ri and the Lost Alfiq
Anido Jhone[edit]
- The Epic of the Grey Falcon
Anthropus Galia[edit]
- Flora and Fauna of the Burn
- Flora and Fauna of the Sever
- Gold Coast Goblin Tribes
Druid Anouk[edit]
- The Meaning of the Hidden Fawn
Antonious Civello[edit]
- An Abbreviated History of Skingrad
Druid Anwas[edit]
- Logbook of Druid Anwas
Alienist Arolosea[edit]
- Provost Varuni Arvel
Ordinator Alurua[edit]
- The Nycotic Cult
Centurion Ancrus Vesnentia of the Shields of Senchal[edit]
- Crafting Motif 80: Shield of Senchal Style
Kinlord Andurion[edit]
- A Case for Open Borders
Aunt Anela[edit]
- Aunt Anela's Cookbook
- Angalmo's Travels: The Island of Storms Volume 1
- Angalmo's Travels: The Island of Storms Volume 2
- The Daedric Armory
Anias Gae[edit]
- The Liturgy of Affliction
Aniis Noru[edit]
- Surfeit of Thieves
Annanar Orme[edit]
- The Third Door
Brother Annulus[edit]
- Annals of the Dragonguard
Anonymous Bosmeri Brewer[edit]
- On the Brewing of Dark Meat Beer
Anrunn Frozen-Cove[edit]
- The Grave of Skar
- Red Mountain's Might
Ansur Belote[edit]
- Glenumbra's Towns and Cities
- A Hypothetical Treachery
- The Nereid's Dilemma
Druid Anwas[edit]
- Logbook of Druid Anwas
- Living on the Karth River
- The Apprentice's Assistant
- Crafting Motif 97: Wayward Guardian Style
Aranea Drethan[edit]
- Varieties of Daedra
Lord Archibald Laurent[edit]
- The Gray Host: A History (1, 2)
Arctus Cove[edit]
- Abnur Tharn
Arfons Jellicandante[edit]
- The Feast of Saint Coellicia (I, II, III, IV, V)
Argus Mender[edit]
- Nedes of the Deathlands
Aritanwe of Lillandril[edit]
- Rituals of the Harmonious Masters
- The First Scroll of Baan Dar
- The Third Scroll of Baan Dar
- Crafting Motif 91: Hazardous Alchemy Style
- Stone Garden Dissection Notes
- Stone Husk Dissection Log
Armelle Menant[edit]
- Crafting Motif 88: Ancestral Orc Style
Arnie the Scrib[edit]
- Honor Among Thieves
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow
- The Daedric Primer
Arrianus Arius[edit]
- The "Madmen" of the Reach
- The Bear of Markarth
Arsyn Herandus[edit]
- Preparing Necrom Kwama, Fifth Draft
Arthenice Belloq[edit]
- A Life Barbaric and Brutal
- On the Nature of Reachmen
Artuudawen Thousand-Shoes[edit]
- Crafting Motif 62, Sapiarch
Asgrim Kolsgreg[edit]
- Galerion the Mystic
- The Founding of Zuuk
- Naryu Virian
- Compendious Almanac of Reagents
Astia Hexos[edit]
- Fargrave's Most Influential Shop-Owner
Professor Astinia Bincal[edit]
- Crafting Motif 102: Sul-Xan Style
Astinia Isauricus[edit]
- Gold Coast Guide (1 2)
- Traveler's Guide to Gideon
- Traveler's Guide to Leyawiin
- A Travel Guide to Tamriel Castles
Athal Sarys[edit]
- Dunmer of Skyrim
- The Cake and the Diamond
- The True Noble's Code
Auditia Lentulus[edit]
- Eveli Sharp-Arrow
General Augurius Bucco[edit]
- Imperial Incursions: Why a Swamp?
Augusta Purusius[edit]
- The Sublime Brazier
Auguthan Corovel[edit]
- The Crowned Dragon
The Aureate Serpent[edit]
- Dark Magic: Three Pretexts
- The Gwylim Praxis
Mistral Aurelian Teriscor[edit]
- Common Arms of Valenwood
- War Customs of the Tribal Bosmer
Aurelienne Dulroi[edit]
- Armor of Myth and Legend
Honoria Aurrus[edit]
- Pillow of Sweet Dreams
Kinlady Avinisse of Shimmerene[edit]
- A Rejection of Open Borders
- Kinlady's Letter
- The Divine Prosecution
- Varieties of Dragons: An Initial Exploration
- Journal of Justiciar Avanaire
- An End to Isolation
- Proxy Queen Alwinarwe
- Crafting Motif 75: Sunspire Style
- Sugarbelly
- Cheeses of Skyrim
- Hjaalmarch, Haafingar
- Riften, Falkreath
- The Reach, The Pale
- Whiterun, Winterhold, Eastmarch
- Lord Bacaro's Journal
- The Bleak Veil Endures
- Intoxicants of the Shambles
Bakozog gro-Shakh[edit]
- Dark Elves, Dark Hearts
- Uncommon Taste
- The Horror of Castle Xyr
- Legend of Krately House
Bangor the Liar[edit]
- The Battle of Orsinium
- Barilzar's Journal
- On Extending Existence
- On the Clockwork City
Archdruid Barnabe[edit]
- Discourse with Mainlanders, 2E 553
- Wyrd and Druid
- The Battle of Karthspire Lea
Chief Archivist Bartholomew[edit]
- Artifact Record: Duplici Gladio
- Artifact Record: Groundsplitters
- Artifact Record: Opal Charm
- Crafting Motif 106: Silver Rose Style
General Baryctor Stelanie[edit]
- Daggerfall Covenant Arms and Armor
Bastibien Marolles[edit]
- Sorrows of the Wind
- Crafting Motif 44, Silken Ring
Belami Llevarso[edit]
- The Art of Kwama Egg Cooking
Bellona Calatorius[edit]
- The Delicacies of High Isle
Beragon of Valenwood, Imperial Scribe[edit]
- House Rayn of Silvenar
- Journal of Beragon
- Traveler's Guide to West Weald
Berdier Wreans[edit]
- The Mirror
- Aurbic Enigma 4: The Elden Tree
- Ayleid Inscriptions Translated
- Heart of Valenwood
- Once
- The Remnant of Light
- The Swallowed City
- Wayshrines of Tamriel
Berevar Bero[edit]
- Bero's Speech to the Battlemages
- Sovngarde, a Reexamination
- Thirsk, a History
- Thirsk, a History -- Revised
Bernadette Bantien[edit]
- Amongst the Draugr
Bernardine Gelves[edit]
- Visitor's Guide to Y'ffre's Cauldron
Bertrand Merik[edit]
- Crafting Motif 118: House Mornard Style
Druid Betrys[edit]
- Logbook of Druid Betrys
- Tips for a Khajiit in Summerset (V. 1, V. 2)
Bibenus Geon[edit]
- A Dubious Tale of the Crystal Tower
- Path of the Pilgrim
Bilius Felcrex[edit]
- Black Book: Waking Dreams
Bjarnus Whitewhiskers[edit]
- Crafting Motif 87: Ancestral Nord Style
- Blasius' Unfinished Manuscript
- Night Falls on Sentinel
Moon-Singer Bokkari[edit]
- Scroll of Evensong
Bolga gra-Bur[edit]
- Bolga's Guide to Galen Beasts
- Bolga's Guide to Island Beasts
- Crafting Motif 69, Dead-Water
Bonorion the Wanderer[edit]
- All About Giants
- Legend of the Ghost Snake
- The Witches of Hag Fen
- Ode to My Jade Princess
- Scorpion Observations
Braccus Klinicus[edit]
- Governor Fortunata
- Ancestral Tombs of Vvardenfell
- Twin Secrets
Bravam Lythandas[edit]
- Journal of Bravam Lythandas
Brean Dufort[edit]
- A Harrowing Sea Voyage
- Breda
Brenith Aralyn[edit]
- Guide to New Sheoth
Brenus Astis[edit]
- Brenus Astis' Journal
Bresne Smythe[edit]
- The Story of Lyrisius
- Werewolves: Long-Suffering Guardians
Bristin Xel[edit]
- Poison Song (I II III IV V VI VII)
Scout Brittia Conconius[edit]
- The Vashabar Threat
- Brondold's Journal
- Brondold's Papers
- Princess Svana
Evoker Brucille[edit]
- The Order of the Black Worm
Brunile Dufont[edit]
- The Secret Origins of Tribute
- Brutius's Journal
Bthuand Mzahnch[edit]
- The Egg of Time
- Ius, Animal God
Imperial Surveyor Buntara Gravius[edit]
- Guide to Western Skyrim
- Haafingar
- Hjaalmarch
- Karthald
Butha Sunhous[edit]
- Jokes
- Cadwell's Personal Anthem
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 9
- Crafting Motif 29: Soul-Shriven Style
- High Astrologer Caecilus Bursio Answers Your Questions
- Songs of the Stars
Caelius Calogerus[edit]
- Crafting Motif 92: Ancestral Akaviri
Caelius Imbrex[edit]
- How to Win a Fight
- Dark Company: Deserters or Mercenaries?
- The Fort Sphinxmoth Ruins
- Proclamation of Neutrality
- Calcelmo's Guide to the Falmer Tongue
- Dwarves (1 2 3)
Legate Calevarnel[edit]
- Protocols of Propriety, Order Seven
- Caluurion's Notes
- A Reach Travel Guide
Camilonwe of Alinor[edit]
- Liminal Bridges
Camoran Gorinir[edit]
- The Massacre at Cormount
- An Imperial in Markarth
- History of Markarth: A Story in Stone
- Politics of the Reach
- On the True Nature of Daedra
- On the Nature of Oblivion
Capiton Casca[edit]
- Saga of Varen's Rebellion (1, 2, 3)
Carena Esmery[edit]
- A History of Mor Khazgur
Carillius Melfus[edit]
- Black Book: The Hidden Twilight
- Observations on the Changeling
- Observations on Tenmar Valley
Carlotta Maro[edit]
- A Change in the Chimer
Carlovac Townway[edit]
- 2920, The Last Year of the First Era
- (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)
Cascius the Proud[edit]
- Veloth the Pilgrim
- Crafting Motif 74: Pellitine Style
Cassia Hiriel[edit]
- Crafting Motif 100: True-Sworn Style
Cassia Volcatia[edit]
- Scary Tales of the Druadach Mountains (1, 2, 3)
- Scary Tales of the Deep Folk (1, 2, 3)
- Woman Gone Wild
Castus Marius[edit]
- Druid Food of Vastyr
Catonius Libo[edit]
- Yours for the Taking!
- Crafting Motif 61, Psijic
- The Old Ways (Daggerfall Version)
- Regarding Thorn Blackstaff
- The Path of Transcendence
- Doombringer Celdina's Testament
- Summons to Deadlight
Ceruval Rolumaril[edit]
- The Price of Praxis
- Ceryolminwe's Translation
- Rhymes and Chimes
- Gift of the Lilmothiit
Chaplain Jorden[edit]
- Strange Rituals of the Orsimer
- Thibaut's Cairn and its History
- Chirrhari's Notes
- Chimere's Journal
- Knahaten Flu Confirmed
- Cicero's Journal (1 2 3 4 5)
- The Containment Apparatus
- Void Portals
Cinda Amatius[edit]
- The Shivering Apothecary
Cinna Scholasticus[edit]
- Noxiphilic Sanguivoria
- Aetherial Fragments
- Crafting Motifs 28: Ra Gada
- Crafting Motif 72: Meridian Style
- The Glenmoril Wyrd
- In Defense of Prince Hubalajad
- The Knightly Orders of High Rock
- Mysteries of the Mundus Stones
- Persistence of Daedric Veneration
- Saint and Slave-Queen: Alessia and the Lens of Gender
- Subtropical Cyrodiil: A Speculation
- Tu'whacca, Arkay, Xarxes
- Who Are the Wardens?
Ciphers of the Eye[edit]
- Beasts of the Gallery
- Sentient Beasts of the Gallery
Professor Cinutalmo[edit]
- Heart of the Indrik
- Arboreal Architecture
- Bosmer Traditions and Manners
- Care of Kwama
- Ladies of Green
- Moon Worship among the Cat-Men
- Myths and Legends of the Hist
- Ogres: A Summary
- The Ogres of Wrothgar: A Continuing Treatise
- On Argonians
- Temples of the Dragon Cult
- Wet Wilds of Black Marsh
- Spinning a Story
- The Spinners of Y'ffre
- Stormhold, City of Shadowfen
- Stuck in the Slag
- Letter to the Grand Marshall of the Imperial Legion
- The Salas En Expedition
- Love Poem LT0782
Cloelius Maluginensis[edit]
- Basic Provisioning Guide
- Mixed Unit Tactics
- Crafting Motif 70, Elder Argonian
- On Voriplasms
- Civility and Etiquette V. 5: Undead
- Civility and Etiquette: Wood Orcs I
Cornelius Clanius[edit]
- Moon-Sugar: A Report
- Grimoire
- Principles of Conjuration
The Council of Healers[edit]
- Notes on Racial Phylogeny
- The Dance Of The Three-Legged Guar
- The Lusty Argonian Maid
- The Lusty Argonian Maid, v2
- The Distributed Soul
Croll Baumoval[edit]
- The Legend of Lovers Lament
- Lord Hollowjack's Dread Realm
- Nursery Rhymes of Summerset
- Smithing: A Worthy Endeavor
- Ayleid Survivals in Valenwood
- Journal of Culanwe
Curly Lainlyn[edit]
- Strakes and Futtocks
- Curano's Journal
Cuseius Plecia[edit]
- Reflections on Cult Worship
Cyrillo the Deranged[edit]
- Dark Ruins
Purifier Cyrus[edit]
- Purifier's Journal
- Ardent Flame: Draconic or Endemic?
- Non-Standard Techniques
- Schemes of the Reachmage
- Proposal: Schools of Magic
- What's an Arcanist? (Part 1, Part 2}
- I'm My Own Grandpa
- Observation Note 154: Z'Maja's Capture
Galeria Hexos[edit]
- The Stricture and the Grasp
Galdrus Salobar[edit]
- A Daedric Proposal
- The Nightingales (1 2)
- Galur Rithari's Papers
Ganpheril Kimeth[edit]
- Silence
- Notes on Alchemical and Enchanting Ingredients
Garina Rathri[edit]
- Ode to Vaermina
- The Interrogation of Henghild
- From Wrothgar to Lilmoth: A Smith's Tale (1, 2, 3)
Garold Farfly[edit]
- The Flourishing of Elinhir
- Merchants, Scoundrels, Thieves
Garric the Pilot[edit]
- Beware the Glenumbra Banks
Garshag gra-Sharkub[edit]
- Heavy Armor: A Forge-Wife's Advice
Gaspard Esmery[edit]
- Crafting Motif 19: Mercenary
- The Night Mother's Truth
Lieutenant Gavo Haderus[edit]
- Captain Caudex
- Chimes of Silver
- Gelebourne's Journal
Gelyph Sig[edit]
- Watcher of Stones
Gemma Pamphelius[edit]
- Namira's Dance
Gemelle Maraennius[edit]
- Wilderness Survival Tips
- The Black Hand
Captain Gerarde[edit]
- Watcher's Report
Siege-Master Germia Demetrius[edit]
- The Siege of Ald Marak
Geros Albreigh[edit]
- The Refugees
- Glenbridge's Argonian Shrine to Sithis
- The Eagle and the Cat
Master Ghelwezh[edit]
- Beginning Bladecraft: 7 Precepts
- Crafting Motif 55, Dreadhorn
- Domihaus the Bloody-Horned
- The Inescapable Helm
- Master Zoaraym's Tale
Gilbard Bacqure[edit]
- Nord Cuisine: Savory Edition
- Nord Cuisine: Sweets Edition
Gilbard Larocque[edit]
- Cheeses of Tamriel
- Gilraedal's Book of Obscure and Ancient Spirits
- Kagrenac's Tools
- The Lost Prophecy
- The Seven Curses
Speaker Gilzaron[edit]
- Fan of False-Face
Giraud Gemaine[edit]
- Songs of Skyrim
Glabrian Tuliel[edit]
- A Year Among the Eagleseer Clan
Glargargil the Speaking Oak[edit]
- Wyresses: The Name-Daughters
- Glyndallagan's Confession
The Glimmering Foxbat[edit]
- Shadow Draining: A Hypothesis
- Stepping through Shadows
- Sacred Places
- Gordag's Journal
Gorgic Guine[edit]
- The Black Arrow (1 2)
Goval Sadryon[edit]
- Life in the Camonna Tong
- Application of Flame
Grassius Vilco[edit]
- Orcs of Tamriel, Volume 3
Gratian Caerellius[edit]
- Gratian's Journal
The Gray Maybe[edit]
- Crafting Motif 34: Assassins League
- The Green Lady's Primer for Children
- From the Private Journals of Green-Venom-Tongue
- Greywyn's Journal
Grilbar the Architect[edit]
- The Hidden Tunnels of Orsinium
Grimrald Brassbones[edit]
- Proctor Luciana
Weapon-master Grutsug[edit]
- Crush, Slash, Bash, and Stab
The Guardian of Stars[edit]
- Crafting Motif 41: Celestial
Gullveig the Ascendant[edit]
- Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom
- What is Volendrung?
Guylaine Marilie[edit]
- Guylaine's Architecture
- The Strange Case of Ragnthar
Forge-Wife Gurzbog gra-Gulog[edit]
- Crafting Motif 23: Malacath Style
- Y'ffre's Beckoning
- Crafting Motif 77: Stags of Z'en Style
Gwilgoth Branchbreaker[edit]
- A Time of Troubles
- Report From the Wendir Dig
Mabei Aywenil[edit]
- Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie
Mabrel Pierel[edit]
- Worship in Fanacas
Druid Madena[edit]
- Fauns' Thicket Research Notes
- Motalion Necropolis Report
Magiul Shiana[edit]
- Journal of Magiul Shiana
Magnius Calussa[edit]
- Wisdom of the Flying Gods
- From The Memory Stone of Makela Leki
Malenford Hlaalu[edit]
- The Perfect Host
Commodore Malfairre[edit]
- Commodore's Diary
- General Malgoth's Journal
- Malham's Annotated Compendium of Arcane Contrivances of the Second Age, Volume IV
- The Chosen People of Aldmeris
Malviser, Battlemage[edit]
- Response to Bero's Speech
Malyn Varen[edit]
- Malyn Varen's Grimoire
Manaran Renim[edit]
- Hlaalu Construction Syndic
- Mythic Dawn Commentaries (1 2 3 4)
- Arkay the Enemy
- The Chim-el Adabal
- Father Egnatius
- The Unbreakable Redguard
- A World of Corpses
- Worm Saga
Manon Rolaine[edit]
- Glimmertarn: A Stonelore Community
Marcius Carvain[edit]
- An Explorer's Guide to Skyrim
Researcher Marenia Colus[edit]
- History of the Dreamstone
Margaux Cantillon[edit]
- Cantillon's Correspondence
Necromancer Marilia Relarys[edit]
- The Thirsty Dead
Marin Laroix[edit]
- The Scaled Elves
- Ancient Tales of the Dwemer
- (The Ransom of Zarek
- The Seed
- The Importance of Where
- On the Utility of Marbles and Needles
- Song of the Alchemists
- Chimarvamidium
- The Snow Elf and the Variation-Lens
- The Dowry
- Azura and the Box)
- The Alessian Doctrines: Original Manuscript
Masonry of Solitude Digest[edit]
- The Tower of the Wolf
- The Vanishing Crux
Matera Chapel[edit]
- The Legendary Sancre Tor
Mathias Etienne[edit]
- The Wispmother
Mathinn Palard[edit]
- Crafting Motif 96: Arkthzand Armory Style
Brother Mathnan[edit]
- Atlas of Dragons, 2E 373
- An Unusual Hare
Maveus Cie[edit]
- The Firsthold Revolt
Maxa Corrand[edit]
- The Glint in the Night
- King Maxevian's Orders
Battle Crafter Maxilien Bachard[edit]
- Crafting Motif 117: Firesong Style
- Mazubar-do's Advice
- The Black Fin: Foreign Adventures (1, 2, 3, 4)
- The Black Fin Comes Home
Meekus Ralbrek[edit]
- From Frog to Man
- Mysterium Xarxes
- Vashabar In Valenwood and Beyond
Archdruid Melie[edit]
- Spirits of Lost Nature
Melis Ravel[edit]
- The Red Year (I II)
- Y'frre's Sparkling Steeds
Melynie Agnan[edit]
- Wines of the Systres
Mendan Flot[edit]
- Nirncrux: A Study
Menyna Gsost[edit]
- How Orsinium Passed to the Orcs
Mera Llykith[edit]
- Mystery of Talara (1 2 3 4 5)
Meralyn Randas[edit]
- History of Necrom: The City of the Dead
Mercator Ambustus[edit]
- Seeker Manadra's Expedition
Mercator Mannix[edit]
- Ashlander Tribes and Customs
Mercuro Catraso[edit]
- An Interview with Countess Caro
- The Llodos Plague
- Ceyran, Warlord of Rulanyil's Fall
- Head of Brazzefk
- Nedic Dueling Swords
Midara Salviticus[edit]
- Pirate Queen of the Gold Coast
- The Primate
- (Before the Light
- Finding Faith
- Rise to Glory)
- Varen's Wall
- The Wolf and the Dragon
- The Wolf and the Pirate Queen
Midar Nelvilo[edit]
- Drunken Aphorisms
- A Gentleman's Guide to Whiterun
Brother Mikhael Karkuxor[edit]
- Varieties of Faith in Tamriel
- Varieties of Faith...
Captain Millona Arius[edit]
- Imperial Incursions: Officer's Lament
Chanter Milius[edit]
- The Poet-Champion of Vastyr
Minerva Calo[edit]
- Green Serpent Testimonials
- Monsters of Northern Folklore
- Testimonials on Baar Dau
- Testimonials on Mushroom Towers
- The Criminal Mind
- Gold Coast Notables
- The Lie We Tell Ourselves
- Mirah's Journal: The Salvage
Miramel Charascel[edit]
- The Colossus of Gonfalon Bay
- Secrets of Amenos
Mirise Dres[edit]
- An Affair with Death
Mirtil Angoth[edit]
- Journal of Mirtil Angoth
Mjahlar Virian[edit]
- Sanctioned Murder
Modun-Ra, the Hidden Voice[edit]
- The Bladesongs of Boethra (II, III, V)
Mogen Son of Molag[edit]
- The Woodcutter's Wife
- The Cabin in the Woods
Mora'at the Lesser[edit]
- Mora'at's Theory of Lightning
Morgaulle Dechery[edit]
- Morgaulle Dechery's Journal
- Commentaries on Beredalmo
- Notes on Doors of Oblivion
- On Oblivion
- Secrets Overheard in Apocrypha
- Studies in Aprocrypha
- Partially Hidden Journal
- The Adabal-a
Oathman-Applicant Mornsu Baram[edit]
- Our Dunmer Heritage
Morvas Andrys[edit]
- Visions of the Green Pact Bosmer
Muhay at-Turna[edit]
- The Unearthing of Kardala
Cipher Mukheesh[edit]
- The Littlest Tomeshell
Captain Murzazir[edit]
- Commander Varian
Mycaelis Julus[edit]
- Imperial Architect's Correspondence
- Mycaelis Julus Answers Your Questions
- Ark'ay The God
- The Armorer's Challenge
- The Athedorix Conundrums
- Myths of Sheogorath
Sabarid the Seeker[edit]
- An Archer's Archive
Honor Guard Captain Sadineras-Kor[edit]
- Emperor Kastav's Epitaph
Lector Saelorn Tenar[edit]
- The Unseen Potential of Clockwork
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 6
- Chronicles of the Five Companions 7
- Origin of the Mages Guild
- Origin of the Mages Guild (Daggerfall)
- The Trials of Hissmir
Salora Adlaron[edit]
- Research of Salora Adlaron
Samar Starlover[edit]
- Starlover's Log
- Sanavar's Research Notes
- Nedic Oblations
Sanessalmo of Glister Vale[edit]
- Glyphs and Enchantment
Sannemmu Khamishi[edit]
- Crafting Motif 48, Ashlander
- Saradin's Diary
Sathyr Longleat[edit]
- Daughter of the Niben
- Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay
Sathyr Longleat the Elder[edit]
- The Barrows of Westmark Moor
- Wayrest, Jewel of the Bay (Cumberland Edition)
- Senche-rahts: Not Just Mounts
Scaporius Pulex[edit]
- Quotes from the Greats
Scholasticus Incognitus[edit]
- Bisnensel: Our Ancient Roots
Royal Imperial Mananaut Secundius[edit]
- The Hierarchical Structure of the Greater Dremora
- Theory of Arkayn Convergence
- The Doors of Oblivion
- Crafting Motifs 11: Ancient Elves
- Crafting Motifs 12: Barbaric
- Crafting Motifs 13: Primal
- Crafting Motifs 14: Daedric
- The Source of the Bone
- Farewell Note to Lauriel
- Letter to Lauriel
- Selenwe's Journal
- Code of the Baandari Pedlars
Senilias Cadiusus[edit]
- Senilius' Report
Sentanus Marillin[edit]
- Audiences with the Longhouse Emperors
- My Dear Sister Clivia
- Septima Tharn's Leadership Maxims
- Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls
- Enchanter's Primer
Serinal Gane[edit]
- The True Fate of King Ranser
- Servos' Journal
Cipher Sethali[edit]
- On Tracts Perilous
- A Summoner's Guide to Nymics
- Shalidor's Insights
- Summoning Rituals (Legible)
- A Child's Tamriel Bestiary
The Shattered Masque[edit]
- A Clothier's Primer
Moon-Bishop Shavka[edit]
- Sacred Waters of the Shining Sea
- Watcher Shavmar's Journal
- Ballad of Dorzogg the Gutter-King
Shelga gra-Bur[edit]
- Guide to Taming Dire Wolves
- The Folly of Isolation
Severia Quasitto[edit]
- A Feast Among the Dead (I, II, III, IV)
Seventh Court of Aldmeri Justice[edit]
- Aldmeri Court Transcript
- Seviur's Journal
- Recollections of a Humble Potentate
- Crafting Motif 76: Dragonguard Style
Sigilis Justus[edit]
- On Stepping Lightly
Sigillah Parate[edit]
- The Five Points of the Star
- Invocation of Azura
- Invocation of Azura (Daggerfall)
Sil Rothril[edit]
- Argonians Among Us
- The Curse of Beela-Kaar
- A Gift and Some Concerns
The Silver-Haired Shadow[edit]
- A Looter's Paradise
Sima the Edged Scholar[edit]
- The Four
Simocles Quo[edit]
- The Red Kitchen Reader
- The Nirnroot Missive
- Sinderion's Field Journal
The Sinistral Apprentice[edit]
- Tome of Daedric Portals
- Rislav the Righteous
- Sirdor's Journal
Sirino Hentor[edit]
- Belaigh and the Molmor
- The Last Battle of Phalevon Vero
Welkynar Siroria[edit]
- The Gryphons of the Welkynars
- In the Company of Wood Orcs
The Sisters Glumm[edit]
- Legends of the Forest
Skardan Free-Winter[edit]
- A Dream of Sovngarde
- Adventurer's Almanac
- 1st Edition
- 2nd Edition
- 3rd Edition
Skormvnir Kyrrund[edit]
- Draugr and the Dragon Cult
Skald Skullsplitter[edit]
- The Ballad of Skald Skullsplitter
- Darkest Divinities
Skorm Snow-Strider[edit]
- Skorm Snow-Strider's Journal
Slafknir the Scribe[edit]
- Holdings of Jarl Gjalund
- The Truth About the Green Pact
First Mate Snagoth[edit]
- Trans-Niben Delicacies
Solamar Dres[edit]
- Understanding House Dres
Solis Aduro[edit]
- Children of the Root
- In Accord With Those Sun-Blessed
- Lost Tales of the Famed Explorer (I, II, III, IV, V, VI)
- The Call Beyond
- The Last Wish of the Sun-Blessed
- The Way of Shadow
Sondivel Ulres[edit]
- Sondivel's Journal
Sonia Vette[edit]
- The Tale of Dro'Zira
Sonolia Vatia[edit]
- Last of the Ayleid Kings
Soran Hariksen[edit]
- Soran's Journal
Sorexius Lentulus[edit]
- Husks and Bones
- Sorti's Shanties in Progress
Spatior Munius[edit]
- Walking the World, Vol XI
- Legacy of the Bretons
Stern Gamboge[edit]
- Biography of Queen Barenziah (1 2 3)
- Biography of Queen Barenziah (Daggerfall) (1 2 3)
- Crafting Motif 54, Bloodforge
Stronach k'Thojj III[edit]
- Brief History of the Empire (1 2 3 4)
- Brief History of the Empire (Daggerfall) (1 2 3 4)
- All About Echatere
Sulema, Initiate Scholar of the Pa'alatiin[edit]
- Anequina and Pellitine: An Introduction
- History of Pellitine: An Overview
- History of Senchal: An Overview
- New Cult or Ancient Religion?
- Research Notes
- Suril's Journal
- An Accounting of Werewolves
- Sage Svari Answers Your Questions
Sven Two-Hammers[edit]
- Heavy Armor Forging
Swyk the Long-Sighted[edit]
- Great Harbingers
Szun Triop[edit]
- The Faerie
- To Amberrie
Tabar Vunqidh[edit]
- Last Scabbard of Akrash
Tacita Maenius[edit]
- Legate Minutes: Concerning Goblins
Tacitan Vano[edit]
- The Gold Road: A Merchant's Journey
- Oegnithr
Taleon Mythmaker[edit]
- The Bastard's Tomb
- The Crown of Freydis
- Orcs: Monsters or Misunderstood?
Tal Marog Ker[edit]
- Tal Marog Ker's Researches
- Famia Mercius
Talsgar the Elder[edit]
- Lost Legends of Skyrim
- Dossier: Chief Inspector Rhanbiq
- Abah's Landing Merchant Lords (1 2 3 4 5 6)
- The Frostfall Coup
Tancano the Elder[edit]
- Tancano the Elder's Journal
- Mirror of Fatal Premonition
- Ayrenn: The Unforeseen Queen
- Letter from Tanlorin
- Targa's Note
- Frostcrag Spire Memoirs
Tarnian Lovidicus[edit]
- On the Ivory Brigade
- Pirates of Topal Bay
- The Aetherium Wars
- Buoyant Armigers: Swords of Vivec
- On Moving Ebonheart
- Ordinators: A Comprehensive Guide
Taurce il-Anselma[edit]
- Fragment: On Artaeum
- Fragment: On Artaeum (Daggerfall)
Tavi Dromio[edit]
- Bone (I II)
- Hallgerd's Tale
- Vernaccus and Bourlor
Tazheq at-Rajd[edit]
- Crafting Motif 83: Pyre Watch Style
Doctor Tazhim[edit]
- Sacrilege and Mayhem in the Alik'r
Legate Tebeza-ko[edit]
- On the Chamber of Legates
Tel Verano[edit]
- Critter Dangers: Telvanni Peninsula
- The Great Houses and Their Uses
- Murky Time
- The Argonian Maid—An Oral Tradition
- Crafting Motif 64, Pyandonean
- Enigma of the Runestones
- Fang of the Sea Vipers
- Further Notes on the Sload
- The Humor of Wood Elves
- A Loathsome Civilization
- Words and Power
Telraves Decanis[edit]
- Flora and Fauna of the Druadach Mountains
Temple Zero Society[edit]
- The Monomyth
Tenace Mourl[edit]
- The Rear Guard
- Origins of the Khajiiti Martial Tradition
- Crafting Motif 36: Dark Brotherhood
- The Five Tenets (annotated)
- Green-Venom-Tongue
- Terran's Notes
Tetronius Lor[edit]
- Mysticism
- Mysticism: The Unfathomable Voyage
- Umaril is Undone
- Send Your Forces, Narilmor
- Xarxes and Oghma
Thara of Rihad[edit]
- The Reclamations
- Tharayya's Journal (1, 2, 7, 10, 15, 16, 19)
- Unearthing Garlas Malatar
- Epistle on the Spirits of Amun-dro (1, 2, 3)
- Children of the All-Maker
Thelwe Ghelein[edit]
- Dwemer Inquiries (I II III)
- Summarized Overview of Known Dwemer Locations
Thendaramur Death-Blossom[edit]
- Glorious Upheaval
- The Rite of Boethiah's Gauntlet
Theopho Harvian[edit]
- On the Clans of the Reach
- Twilight Cantors: The Exorcists of Azurah
Theoderic Peron[edit]
- Lamias of Craglorn
- Sun-in-Shadow
- Book of Most Arcane Covenants
- Holidays of the Iliac Bay
- Fellowship of the Temple
- Saryoni's Sermons
Thora Far-Wanderer[edit]
- Orcs of Skyrim
- The Stormfist Clan
- The Mabrigash Trial
Thorvild Direfrost[edit]
- The Direfrost Flame
Thracius Mento[edit]
- Journal of Thracius Mento
Thromgar Iron-Head[edit]
- Alduin is Real
Captain Thromkir[edit]
- Crafting Motif 84: Blackreach Vanguard Style
- Letter to Thane Ogvar
- The Angry Alfiq: A Collection
- Ghraewaj
Lector Tidras Dran[edit]
- The Factotum's Secret Voice
- Teas and Tisanes for Aches and Pains
- Vvardenfell Flora and Fauna
Tilse Sendas[edit]
- Confessions of a Skooma-Eater
Tirdos Renam[edit]
- Crafting Motif 104: Ancient Daedric Style
Tirnur Nalyn[edit]
- Hlaalu Letter of Complaint
- An Accounting of Enemies
Knight Gallant Titianus Iulus[edit]
- A Nightmare Land
- King Narilmor
- Nature of Ayleidic Poesy
Todir the Tower[edit]
- Fighting to Survive and Surviving to Fight: the Definitive Guide to Two-Weapon Combat
- The Southern Coast as Far as the Eastern Sea
Torhal Bjorik[edit]
- The Dragon War
- There Be Dragons
- Eerika Skjoralmor
- Cap'n Dugal's Journal (1 2 3 4)
- Torvesard's Journal
The Transparent One[edit]
- Black Book: Epistolary Acumen
- A Guide to the Deadlands
- The Mirror Portal: A Gleaner Legend
Tredayn Dren[edit]
- The Legend of Red Eagle
Tribunal Temple[edit]
- Lives of the Saints
- Nerevar at Red Mountain
- The Pilgrim's Path
Tricatrel, Cataloger of Creation's Mysteries[edit]
- Havocrel: Strangers from Oblivion
Trilam Heladren, Associate Dean of Eltheric History[edit]
- Systres History (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
A True Son of Aldmeris[edit]
- Corruption of the Blood
Clan Mother Tsradama[edit]
- The Marriage of Moon and Tide
- The Madness of Pelagius
- Jaxsik-Orrn
- Journal of Tsona-Ei (1 2 3 4)
- How Hackwing Got Her Tail
- Letter from Orsinium
- Necromancer's Diary
- A Letter from the Lillandril Illumination Academy
- The Affairs of Wizards
Turiul Nirith[edit]
- The Hope of the Redoran
- Undaunted: A Life of Glory
Captain Turseth Garil[edit]
- Captain's Log of the Intrepid Guar
Archwizard Twelvane[edit]
- Archwizard Twelvane's Decree
Tyronius Liore[edit]
- The Truth of Minotaurs
Tyrrya Len[edit]
- A History of Blackrose Prison
- A History of Lilmoth
Tyston Bane[edit]
- The Pig Children
- Lycanthropic Immunity
- Spectral Assassins
Uela the Ravener[edit]
- Uela's Song
- Crafting Motif 24: Outlaw Style
- The Philosophy of Stealth
- Malacath and Trinimac
- Vosh Rakh: A Study of a Religion Reborn
- Scaly Steeds of Black Marsh
Ulf the Bleaker[edit]
- Ulf's Torn Journal
- Our Story (I, II, III, IV)
- Ulfsild's Log
- Ulfsild's Log: The Indrik
- Ulfsild's Log: The Gryphon and the Fox
- Ulfsild's Log: The Netch
- Ulfsild's Log: The Dragon
- Ulfsild's Log: Your Discovery, My Farewell
- Ulfsild's Note
Ulnil Tildarin[edit]
- Healing Herbs of Northwest Tamriel
- Legionary Ulrath's Report
Ulran Releth[edit]
- Ashlander Tribes and Customs
- Uluscant's Manifesto
Ulysa Rervam[edit]
- The Blackfeather Court
Ulvius Tero[edit]
- The Warp in the West
Judicator Umberwen[edit]
- The Unraveling Staff
- Crafting Motif 21: Ancient Orc Style
- Curator's List of Sought-After Relics
- Frontier, Conquest
- The Ashes of Red Mountain
- We Sail for the Horizon
The Unveiled Azadiyeh[edit]
- Blessed, Blessed Satakalaam
- Ghosts of the Old Tower
- Hags, Harpies, and Hagravens
- The Hunger of Sep
- Plea for Open Eyes
- Sentinel, the Jewel of Alik'r
- Zakhin's Many Heroes
Uraccanach the Witchman[edit]
- Crafting Motif 31: Skinchanger
- Crafting Motif 65, Huntsman
- An Argument For Common Sense
- Princess Urenenya's Letter
Urig the Wanderer[edit]
- Keepers of the Grove
- Seryn
Ursa Uthrax[edit]
- The Falmer: A Study
Researcher Uryaamo[edit]
- Uryaamo's Journal
- Stonemelt Potion Recipe
- Ushenat's Notes
Venerable Uugus[edit]
- Crafting Motif 22: Trinimac Style
Uulitag gra-Orsinium[edit]
- Return to Orsinium
- On Necromancy
- Soul of the Sword
- Valasha's Journal
- Kinlord Rilis and the Mages Guild
Valenca Arvina[edit]
- On the War of Righteousness
- The Blackwater War (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
- The Emperor of the Villa
High Chronicler Valentine Liore[edit]
- Epics of Mehrunes Dagon (1, 2)
- Life In the Scaled Court
- Origin of the Scaled Court
- Coral Aerie Temporal Tome
- Cries from Empty Mouths
Varil Arvel[edit]
- Realms of the Clockwork City: The Radius
Varlinsi Arandu[edit]
- A Brief History of Ald Sotha
- The Memories of Sotha Sil
- The Water Cycle of Clockwork City
- Preserve the Secret
- Secret History of the Longhouse Emperors
Vandalion Brightsteel[edit]
- Crafting Motif 16: Glass Style
Vanesse Aurilie[edit]
- The Translated Works of Tosmorn, I
- Secrets of Treehenge
- The Mammoths of Treehenge
- Treehenge: Home of the Lady
- Treehenge's Roots by Vanendil
Warlock Vanton[edit]
- Warlock Vanton's Research Proposal
- Artaeum Lost
- Guild Memo on Soul-Trapping
- On the Utility of Shock Magic
- Selene
Knight-Commander Varaine[edit]
- Orders from a Knightly Order
Star-Queen Varalias[edit]
- The Nine Coruscations (I, II)
Varana Tappo[edit]
- Hail to the Ancient Spirits
- Reach Hunting Hymn
- Reach Witch Chant
- Red Eagle's Song
- We Rise to Fight Again
Varcent Eardrey[edit]
- Crafting Motif 86: Sea Giant Style
- Sea Giant Predation
Magister Varkenel[edit]
- The Vvardvark Experiment
Varnard Karessen[edit]
- On Lycanthropy
Varona Vedralu[edit]
- Systres History: Addendum
- Systres History: Vastyr
- Systres History Addendum: The Druids of Galen
Vashu gra-Morga[edit]
- Great Spirits of the Reach (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
- A Tale of Kieran
- Venarus Vulpin's Journal
- Venarus Vulpin's Research
Venustinius Perquitienus[edit]
- Dealing with Werewolves
- House Ravenwatch Proclamation
- Verandis's Journal
- A Guide to Liturgical Vestments
- Crafting Motif 49, Militant Ordinator
- Veya's Private Thoughts (1, 2, 3, 4)
Investigator Vianis Orania[edit]
- On the Trail of the Forgotten Mane
Victor Croquel[edit]
- Catacombs of Cath Bedraud
Captain Viddgryr[edit]
- Crafting Motif 85: Greymoor Style
Vilyn Girith[edit]
- Mottos of the Dunmeri Great Houses
Vindamea Redoran[edit]
- Crafting Motif 52, Redoran
Vinicius Imbrex[edit]
- The Four Abominations
Viola Fulcinius[edit]
- A Hunter's Journey II: The Imperial Reserve
- A Hunter's Journey VI: Fauns
- A Sailor's Guide to Sea Elves
- Virmaril's Journal
- Viti's Notes: Moon Beasts
- Viti's Notes: Order of the Hidden Moon, Part I
- Viti's Notes: Order of the Hidden Moon, Part II
- Viti's Notes: Song of Binding
- The 36 Lessons of Vivec
- (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
- 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
- 31 32 33 34 35 36 37)
- The Battle of Red Mountain
- The Cantatas of Vivec
- Crafting Motif 47: Buoyant Armiger
- Plan to Defeat Dagoth Ur
Vojne Mierstyyd[edit]
- Palla (1 2)
Volas Night-Eyes[edit]
- The True Nature of Magnar
Cataloger Volgunn[edit]
- Working in the Infinite Panopticon
Voltha gra-Yamwort[edit]
- The Wraith's Wedding Dowry
Vondham Barres[edit]
- A Scholar's Guide to Nymphs
Vorar Vendu[edit]
- The Lure of the Camonna Tong
Vorgrosh Rot-Tusk[edit]
- Vorgrosh Rot-Tusk's Guide to Dirty Fighting
- De Rerum Dirennis
Vorinara Kleeve[edit]
- A Guide to Dwemer Mega-Structures
Vothel Bethalas[edit]
- Wuunding and Tumult
- The Judgment of Saint Veloth
- The Psijic Order
Vulper Newgate[edit]
- The War of Betony
Vunhilde Stormcrag[edit]
- The Stormcrag Family Crypt