Gwaering (lore page) |
Home City | Silvenar | ||
Location | Dra'bul Two Moons Path |
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Aldmeri Dominion |
Gwaering is a Wood Elf and the niece of Finoriell, the previous Green Lady. After Finoriell's death due to losing her Silvenar, Gwaering was chosen to be the new Green Lady. She then married the new Silvenar, Indaenir, in the city of Silvenar.
She was born and raised in Deepwoods alongside her sister, Lanwaen and cousin Nilara. She was a childhood friend of Ulthorn and even was at some point to be his bethrothed before she became the Green Lady, stopping this from taking place due to having to be engaged with the Silvenar instead.
Related Quests[edit]
One Fell Swoop: Stop the Velyn Harbor invaders.
The Drublog of Dra'bul: Meet the Green Lady in Dra'bul.
Reap What Is Sown: Investigate the Drublog attack at the harbor.
- A Tale Forever Told: Ensure the spinners' tale of the Silvenar and the Green Lady is not changed.
- The Ties that Bind: Search for any surviving Thalmor soldiers at Wilding Run.
Restore the Silvenar: Defeat the Hound and observe the Silvenar's marriage to the Green Lady.
The First Step: Help the Lunar Champions in their first trial.
The Fires of Dune: Stop the Daedric invasion of Dune.
The Moonlit Path: Help the Lunar Champion walk the Two Moons Path.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
One Fell Swoop[edit]
After speaking to the disgraced Captain Cularalda, The Green Lady and her bodyguards will be there alongside Sergeant Linaarie and the Fists of Thalmor. Speaking to her before Linaarie:
- "Velyn Harbor is a beautiful city. We'll restore it to its glory, I'm certain of it."
The Drublog of Dra'bul[edit]
If you haven't started the quest, she will say:
- "Velyn Harbor isn't the only place in danger…"
After dealing with the Drublog and the Ra Gada invaders in Velyn Harbor, The Green Lady will be waiting to meet you:
- "The sergeant said Velyn Harbor would have fallen without you. Honor to meet you—I'm the Green Lady. The, uh, the new one.
I could use your help. The Drublog clan usually side with my people in times of war. We need to learn what changed." - How do we do that?
- "I'm going to Dra'bul, the Wood Orcs' nearest settlement. If The Silvenar arrives, I'll send him on ahead.
When you can, I'd appreciate your help in Dra'bul. You have a spear in this pig too, since you fought the Drublog here." - Why don't we just go together?
- "To be blunt, you couldn't keep up.
Don't be offended. I can travel through the forest at great speed. I'll perform a few emissarial duties here, and still beat you to Dra'bul." - All right, then we'll meet in Dra'bul.
You can ask her a bit about herself:
- "Velyn Harbor's been preparing for my wedding, so I have to take the time to meet with the locals.
Don't worry! I'll still beat you to Dra'bul." - When the Silvenar arrives, will he be safe?
- "He'll be as safe as his entourage can make him.
Don't worry. I may embody the physical prowess of the Wood Elves, but the Silvenar has all our spiritual strength.
That's why our union is so important to my people." - What do you mean?/And that's part of Bosmer history?/Why is your role important to the Bosmer?
- "The Bosmer were once carefree, untroubled by things beyond Valenwood. With changing times, we also changed.
The Silvenar holds the spiritual essence of the Bosmer, and the Green Lady holds the physical aspects. Each generation, we renew our vows."
- "The Bosmer were once carefree, untroubled by things beyond Valenwood. With changing times, we also changed.
- Who are you, exactly? / And you're the Green Lady. (If you have not completed The Perils of Diplomacy)
- "My name is Gwaering, and I've only recently become the Green Lady.
The former Green Lady, my aunt Finoriell, died while traveling on behalf of the Dominion's Queen. At her death, my destiny was revealed, and I began the necessary rituals." - What sort of rituals? / Do you perform ritual before taking on your titles? (If you have not completed The Perils of Diplomacy)
- "Too many, if you want to know the truth! Still, it's important for the Bosmer to see the Silvenar and Green Lady married. It keeps us stable.
I'm proud of my heritage, and have renounced my worldly obligations in order to become the Green Lady."
- "My name is Gwaering, and I've only recently become the Green Lady.
If you haven't completed The Perils of Diplomacy in Khenarthi's Roost, you can ask who is the Silvenar:
- Who is the Silvenar?
- "The Silvenar can be either a male or female Bosmer. No one knows who's chosen until the old Silvenar dies, and the new one awakens.
I don't know much about this Silvenar yet. He's new to the role, like me, and we've many rituals to complete."- What does a Silvenar do?
- "The Silvenar senses the emotions of his people, and we sense his. Without the union between the Silvenar and the Green Lady, the Bosmer would be guided only by emotions.
The Green Lady balances that with instinct and action. The Bosmer need both."- Do you perform ritual before taking on your titles?
- "Too many, if you want to know the truth! Still, it's important for the Bosmer to see the Silvenar and Green Lady married. It keeps us stable.
I'm proud of my heritage, and have renounced my worldly obligations in order to become the Green Lady."
- "Too many, if you want to know the truth! Still, it's important for the Bosmer to see the Silvenar and Green Lady married. It keeps us stable.
- Do you perform ritual before taking on your titles?
- "The Silvenar senses the emotions of his people, and we sense his. Without the union between the Silvenar and the Green Lady, the Bosmer would be guided only by emotions.
- And you're the Green Lady.
- "My name is Gwaering, and I've only recently become the Green Lady.
The former Green Lady, my aunt Finoriell, died while traveling on behalf of the Dominion's Queen. At her death, my destiny was revealed, and I began the necessary rituals."
- "My name is Gwaering, and I've only recently become the Green Lady.
- What does a Silvenar do?
- "The Silvenar can be either a male or female Bosmer. No one knows who's chosen until the old Silvenar dies, and the new one awakens.
Arrive in Dra'bul and you'll find her waiting outside the Orc encampment. If you completed The Hound's Men, she'll greet you with:
- "Seems I've a lot to thank you for. I didn't expect you to go off and save my sister while I was away.
Glad you made it here in one piece."
If not, she'll merely say:
- "Good to see you made it here in one piece."
- Have you spoken to the Drublog yet?
- "No. Well, I've spoken to them, but gotten no answers.
This may take a little more effort than I first estimated."
If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will say:
- "Good to see you made it here in one piece."
- Have you spoken to the Wood Orcs yet? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
Reap What Is Sown[edit]
If you choose to not continue the conversation and before starting the quest, approaching her:
- "This can't be a good sign."
Otherwise Gwaering will continue:
- <Completed The Hound's Men>: "The Drublog refuse to tell me anything. After what happened in Velyn Harbor, I can guess why.
My sister's safe because of you. Can I count on you here as well?" - <Didn't complete The Hound's Men>: "The Drublog refuse to tell me anything. After what happened in Velyn Harbor, I can guess why.
You helped at the harbor. Can I count on you here too?" - What do you need?
- "Another pair of eyes. I need to meet with the chieftain, Chieftain Agrakh, and my travel will be limited.
But I can make a glamour—a disguise—for you. As a Drublog soldier, you'll be able to go where I can't." - You want to disguise me as Drublog soldier?
- "First, take a lock of hair from a Drublog champion … with a blade, if you have to. Chieftain Agrakh will respect your strength and allow you to attend the meeting.
If he lies to us? I'll make a glamour with the lock of hair. Then you can look around." - I'll get to work.
Speaking to her again before she runs off:
- "Meet me at Chieftain Agrakh's longhouse when you're done. If his answers don't satisfy me, we'll put those locks of hair to good use."
Collect the lock of hair and go to the Chieftain's Longhouse. After speaking to Agrakh, Gwaering will arrive:
- "As I expected. Chieftain Agrakh is hiding something, but I don't know what.
Good thing we've already planned for this. Are you ready for a little subterfuge?" - Yes. Once I'm disguised, what should I do?
- "I want you to find their shaman. I saw him heading to the beach a short while ago.
The chieftain is waiting for something, and I need to find out what. Find a good hiding place and listen in." - All right. I'm ready for the disguise.
- "Good. Follow me—we want to be a little less … visible for this."
As she turns to leave, she'll address Roku:
- The Green Lady : "You don't want this war, Roku.
- The Green Lady : "I've known this clan for years. We've never been allies, but this hostility is unexpected."
Step outside the longhouse and Gwaering will cast her spell:
- The Green Lady : "This should let you talk to the Drublog without bloodshed."
Speak to her before going and she'll add:
- "Not a bad look for you! The Drublog down by the waterfront won't notice a thing.
You'd better get moving while the magic's fresh."
After destroying each totem, Roku will run to Gwaering's aid:
- Roku: "Are you hurt, Elf?"
- Shaman Glazulg: "Roku! Stay back!"
- The Hound: "Though I am in Silvenar's city, I have power. Chieftain, cut them down!"
- Chieftain Agrakh: "I warned you, Roku! You chose to stand against your people!"
- Shaman Glazulg: "No! Brother! Stay your hand!"
- <Chieftain Agrakh kills Roku>
- The Green Lady: "Chieftain Agrakh. You have much to answer for."
- <The Green Lady attacks Chieftain Agrakh>
- The Green Lady: "The Hound... I know who he truly is. It does not bode well."
Speak to the Green Lady.
- "The Hound. He has gone too far!
If what he said was true, the Silvenar—my Silvenar—is gone!" - Who is the Hound? Do you know him?
- "Yes. It'll take too long to explain, though. I must go after him. The Hound is my concern, and mine alone.
Yet, I can't just leave the Silvenar in danger. It's as if I must be in two places at once." - What are you going to do?
- "I have to face the Hound. If I can reason with him, then there'll be no need to go after the Silvenar.
Even after all he's done, I need to give him that chance."
If you exit out of the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:
- "The Hound is my concern, and mine alone. Yet, I just can't leave the Silvenar in danger.
When will he leave me be?" - What are you going to do? (Leads to quest completion dialogue)
After the quest, she will run off and teleport.
A Tale Forever Told[edit]
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The Green Lady (lore page) |
Location | Caverns of Valeguard | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Condition | Projection |
She appears as a projection, next to a red projection of The Hound:
- "You follow me to my home? I should bite your feet off, and see how well you run!
The Hound is my consort. He has shown me the way of the wilds, and we rule over the forest, together. I need nothing from you!" - Come with me before the Hound corrupts you as well.
- "I am the Green Lady, the immortal aspect of Bosmer strength. I take orders from no one.
The Hound told me the story, and it excites me. If he's a part of this, then so am I. The story shall include us both!" - What about the Silvenar?
- "I don't know that name. Hmm. Yet, I feel something when you say it. As if this were all a dream ….
No! He said there would be temptations, charlatans, liars! The beasts will take care of you!"
Speaking to her again:
- "Still you pursue me! I tire of your games.
I will call the Hound to take your head as a prize. Begone, before he arrives!"
Stop The Hound and she'll say:
- "You defeated him. I didn't think it was possible."
- It had to be done.
- "I see that now. His story is not mine.
The incarnation of the Green Lady must know you. I will entrust you with my essence. Complete the story as it should be told." - I will.
With those words, she vanishes.
After the quest, if you return to the Wilds of the Heart, her apparition will appear near the Vine:
- "Your scent is familiar, but I do not know you. Why do you interrupt my courtship of the Hound?"
The Ties that Bind[edit]
Activate the Bone Amulet and you'll hear:
- Gwaering: "Of course, Ulthorn! It's a beautiful first kill!"
- Ulthorn: "Then you'll …."
- Gwaering: "How could I not? But … the spinners have summoned me. I must go to Silvenar."
Activate the Hunting Bow and you'll hear:
- Ulthorn: "The Green Lady? But that's impossible!"
- Gwaering: "If the spinners say I am, then I must be. We … we weren't meant to be."
- Ulthorn: "No! You must refuse. Gwaering, we will not be torn apart like this!"
- Gwaering: "Ulthorn, please. My part in this story is … over."
- Ulthorn: "Then the story is wrong!"
Activate the Totem of Hircine and you'll hear:
- Gwaering: "You shouldn't have come, Ulthorn."
- Ulthorn: "They fear him, Gwaering! With Hircine's aid, we could …."
- Gwaering: "The Daedric Prince? I won't hear any more. If you think I'd turn against my people, you're mad."
- Ulthorn: "I don't care what it takes. Gwaering, I won't let this die. I'll do anything for you!"
- Gwaering: "Anything? Then stop! My duty is to my people. I will protect them from any threat. Even you!"
- Ulthorn: "Gwaering …."
- Gwaering: "Take back the amulet, Ulthorn. Take it, and remember what we once were."
- Ulthorn: "This isn't over. This is not the end!"
Restore the Silvenar[edit]
Enter the Audience Hall and The Green Lady will attack on sight:
- The Green Lady : "How dare you threaten us?"
- The Green Lady : "The Hound is my true consort! You will not interfere!"
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The Green Lady (lore page) |
Home City | Silvenar | ||
Location | Silvenar Audience Hall | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Female |
Health | 133844 | Difficulty | ![]() |
Reaction | Hostile | Class | Nightblade |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Aldmeri Dominion |
The Hound will appear from a swirling read mist…
- The Hound : "I'm here, Gwaering! No one can stop our union now!"
Just as The Silvenar enters the hall:
- The Silvenar : "Green Lady! Remember the Green Pact! Come to me!"
- The Hound : "No! We belong together!"
The Silvenar casts a hold spell on The Green Lady and pulls her to him. The Hound turns hostile and attacks:
- The Silvenar : "Return to the Pact, loyal hunter!"
Once the Hound is defeated, The Silvenar turns to his lady:
- The Silvenar : "And good riddance to that. Gwaering, are you hurt?"
- The Green Lady : "I'll be fine. Let's not delay the ceremony any longer."
Speak to her and she'll say:
- "The shadow's lifted! For the first time in many moons, my spirit is my own. I can see my destiny again.
Without your help, the Silvenar might never have made it back. I hope I didn't injure you." - I'll recover. You're very strong.
- "I embody the physical strength of the Bosmer, but it proved useless against Hircine's magic.
The Hound was once my dearest friend Ulthorn. Despite everything, I thought I could make him change his destructive course. I was wrong." - What happened?
- "Ulthorn allowed me to think I could reach him, but his words were wrapped in Hircine's magic as the Hound.
They drew out my primal spirit, and I lusted for the hunt. I felt as the ancient Bosmer must have felt, before the Pact." - How was that?
- "Like there was nothing for me but blood, and the kill. If you hadn't arrived, I'd be a Houndsman, hunting innocent Bosmer. But stronger, with my power as the Green Lady encouraging others to turn feral.
We must complete the handfast quickly."
- "Like there was nothing for me but blood, and the kill. If you hadn't arrived, I'd be a Houndsman, hunting innocent Bosmer. But stronger, with my power as the Green Lady encouraging others to turn feral.
- What do we need to do now? / What do we need to do?
- "Retrieve the Handfast. It was crafted in Valeguard and sent here for the wedding ceremony.
Fortunately, the spinners hid it away somewhere in the city, to keep it from the Hound … and me."
- "Retrieve the Handfast. It was crafted in Valeguard and sent here for the wedding ceremony.
- Where should I look?
- "Scout Anglith, chief of the Silvenar's hunters, should know.
Considering how much you've helped us already, I can't think of anyone else who deserves the honor more than you." - I'll be back soon with the Handfast.
After the wedding ceremony, she'll tell you:
- "The spinners will weave your actions into the story of the Bosmer. I'll see to that myself.
I'm the Green Lady. They'll listen."
Speaking to her before Spinner Dothriel starts the ceremony:
- "It's like a veil's been removed from my eyes. No, from all my senses!
Ever since becoming the Green Lady, I've felt the power of the Bosmer, but now I sense their spirit as well."
Once the quest is complete, she'll tell you:
- "I hope the Silvenar survives the handfast bonding. I know he has great spiritual reserves, but ….
Well, anyway, I'm certain he can handle the celebrations!"
The First Step[edit]
She will be in attendance for the ritual.
If you have met her before:
- "I know that scent. Green keep you, my friend. The Silvenar and I are well pleased that we could be here to support the Khajiiti people."
Otherwise if this is your first meeting with her:
- "I have heard of your valor, though we have not met before. My Silvenar and I are well pleased that we could be here to support the Khajiiti people."
She will insist on supporting the Khajiit:
- The Wood Elves aren't worried about the Mane's fall?
- "Oh, no. My people are deeply divided. I believe this is one of the most vulnerable moments our fragile Dominion has faced. King Camoran himself felt he had to remain in Valenwood. Stay close to the people, keep them from worrying."
- What do you think?
- "I have spoken with the Champions, taken in their scent. They seem lean, strong, flexible … much like my Silvenar. I fear they do not have the experience, the age, that the Mane should have. But I am willing to watch and wait and see."
Once you've spoken to Kauzanabi-jo, she will tell you:
- "The Wood Elves of Valenwood stand behind you on this sacred journey, Hallowed."
After the trials she will say:
- "I forsee great things in the Khajiiti people's future. It's an honor to have been present for such an important ritual."
After the quest:
- "We shall see you at Dune, then. I look forward to our next conversation."
The Fires of Dune[edit]
Arrive in Dune and you'll find him and other Dominion leaders in the ruined house across from Crafty Mazduni's Caravan:
- "What a disaster to befall such a fair city …."
After you've spoken to Queen Ayrenn, she'll say:
- "Destruction. Devastation. Our Dominion does not deserve this treatment."
After the quest, she will be at the Temple of the Dance:
- "Your scent is one of victory. The city has been cleansed by your hand. You must bring the same closure to the Khajiiti people."
The Moonlit Path[edit]
When you arrive at the Temple of the Dance, you'll find her and others outside the entrance. After speaking to the Lunar Champion, she'll say:
- "Our thoughts are with you, Hallowed. May the Green guide your steps."
A vision of the Silvenar and the Green Lady fleeing from chaos occurs during the quest. Approach Gwaering and Indaenir and The Silvenar pair will prepare for combat.
- The Silvenar : "Brace yourself … wait. Who are you?"
- The Green Lady : "You smell friendly. Brace yourselves! Here they come!"
After the first wave of the Wild Hunt:
- The Silvenar : "Why? Why my love? Why is this happening?"
- The Green Lady : "The Hunt … it's turned them. This never would have happened if the Dominion had stayed intact! Damn the eagle banner!"
- The Silvenar : "I'm glad you two showed up. You can help us find … nng."
After the second wave:
- The Silvenar : "Nng! The pain! I can't go on much longer like this."
- The Green Lady : "What's wrong, my heart? Are you wounded?"
- The Silvenar : "I don't know. I feel weak. I don't know what's happening."
- The Green Lady : "Hold on a little longer, my love … damn it. Yet more coming. Help us!"
After the next wave:
- The Green Lady : "We can't hold this place. Got to get out of here. Follow, if you would live."
- The Silvenar : "Leave me here, my love. Find safety. I can fend for myself."
Follow the two to a secluded spot and speak to the Green Lady.
- "He'll be all right. We've suffered through worse."
- He doesn't look well, my lady.
- "He's fine. He's just tired. We've been running for so long now. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up."
- What happened to the Wood Elves?
- "After Akkhuz-ri's fall, and the death of Gharesh-ri, the Khajiit fell away from the Dominion. The other Alliances moved in. We tried to make the heart of the forest beat that much stronger, but they lost hope."
- What did you do?
- "We … we said the words. And the Wild Hunt returned to Valenwood. It roamed through the forest, drove our people feral. It had consumed them before we realized what had happened. That's when the chase began."
- Will you be able to survive?
- "Who knows? As soon as my mate wakes we can get moving again. Then from there, I have no clue. But wait. He's stirring. What is it, my heart? Are you all right?"
Unfortunately, the Silvenar isn't feeling well:
- The Green Lady : "What's wrong? What's happening?"
- The Silvenar : "Run. Get out of here!"
- The Green Lady : "No, love. I won't. I can't leave you!"
- The Silvenar : "Get out of here before I hurt you!"
The Silvenar will turn into a werewolf and it'll be up to you to put him down.
- "We fought so hard for our people. To see him dead by my own hand …."
- I'm sorry for your loss.
- "We did what we had to do. This isn't your fault. This is … this is Ayrenn's fault! That witch. She held the Dominion so tight that it suffocated. And now we have no more breath in our chests."
- What will you do now?
- "It … it doesn't matter. The others will find me. And with my Silvenar dead, I shall soon follow. The heart of the forest, dead, and the Wild Hunt rampant. This is the end …."
- I can't just leave you.
- "Go! There's no hope now … if the Khajiit hadn't left us. If those bastard cats and the witch-queen of the Altmer hadn't … go! Leave us, and remember that the heart of the forest once beat within the chest of an Elf."
Speaking to her one more time before leaving:
- "Leave me alone. Let me die here."
Speaking to the Green Lady in the real world after seeing the vision of the Bosmer:
- "I'm sorry, Hallowed. The words of the Moon-Bishop have affected me greatly. The thought of my people gone feral, my Silvenar dead …."
The Den of Lorkhaj[edit]
After returning from the plane of Lorkhaj, she'll comment:
- "May the end of your Path be marked by no sorrows, no sadnesses."
After the ceremony to crown the new Mane is complete, she'll add:
- "I will admit, Hallowed. The words of the Moon-Bishop affected me deeply. But your victory here … the scent of your return to our living world. The dawn of a new day for our allies. It fills my heart with hope."