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Morrowind:Imperial Legion

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Imperial Legion

Other Locations:

Knight of the Imperial Dragon:

Other Officers:

Favored Skills:
Favored Attributes:
Friends & Foes:
Blades +2
Imperial Cult +2
Fighters Guild +1
House Hlaalu +1
House Redoran +1
Mages Guild +1
House Telvanni -1
Thieves Guild -1
Tribunal Temple -1
Ashlanders -2
Camonna Tong -2
Vampires -2
Sixth House -3

The Imperial Legion, also known as the Imperial Army and the Ruby Ranks, is the main fighting force of the Empire of Tamriel. It is often pluralized as the Imperial Legions. It operates under the auspices and authority of the Emperor himself. With its vast numbers, quality training, and rigid discipline, the Legion is considered one of the best armies ever assembled in history. The primary mission of the Imperial Legion is to preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire. Those who protect the Emperor and the Imperial Province are sometimes called the Imperial Guard and the Imperial Watch. A Legion Centurion is typically in command of the Palace Guard of the White-Gold Tower.

In peacetime the Legion serves primarily as a garrison force — manning forts, patrolling roads, and providing guardsmen for towns, cities, counties, and nobles. They are empowered to arrest criminals and seize their property, among other things. In wartime, the Legion's responsibilities and powers are greatly increased. During conflicts, the Legion serves as an invading and occupying force, overwhelming opposition with numerical superiority and strict economy of force. For more information, see the lore article.

The Legion is a strictly hierarchic organization. Each fort is usually commanded by a Champion (smaller forts), or any higher-ranking Knight (larger ones). The commander of a fort is usually called 'captain' or 'General'. Only Knights may serve as generals. A Knight of the Imperial Dragon is the highest-ranking Legion officer in any District.

The Imperial Guard is an elite unit of the Imperial Legion charged with the defense of the Emperor and various of his direct representatives in the provinces. Duke Vedam Dren of Vvardenfell's rank and responsibilities entitle him to the protection of this elite unit. There is a traditional rivalry between the Imperial Guard and their counterparts in the regular Legions.

Joining the Imperial Legion[edit]

There is only one person in the Imperial Legion to whom you can speak for admission -- General Darius, who can be found in the Madach Tradehouse in Gnisis. Fort Darius is the only fort in the Imperial Legion that is admitting new members at this time in Vvardenfell.


If you make an infraction of the rules, you will be expelled from the Imperial Legion. Speak to any quest giver for the Imperial Legion, whereupon they will tell you what is going on: "Your activities have led some to question your allegiance. At the moment there is some debate as to your continued affiliation with the Imperial Legion. Would you care to explain yourself, %PCRank %PCName? This had better be good." Saying you were a victim of circumstance will yield a fifteen-point disposition increase and readmission into the Imperial Legion: "The Imperial Legion can forgive your actions this one time only, %PCRank %PCName. Your record will be permanently marred by this incident. Now return to your post." On the other hand, bluntly stating that you don't care will produce a five-point disposition decrease and an in kind response: "I see." This will end the conversation. Following a second infraction of the rules you will be permanently expelled. Discussing the matter of joining the Imperial Legion causes a thirty-point disposition loss and an expression of disgust: "You had your chance and you blew it. Get out of my sight." This will end the conversation.

Imperial Legion Ranks[edit]

Rank Required
Required Skills Faction
Item Reward
0. Recruit Endurance 30
Personality 30
0 Imperial Chain Cuirass
1. Spearman Endurance 30
Personality 30
One skill at 10 5 Imperial Shield
2. Trooper Endurance 30
Personality 30
One skill at 20 10 Imperial Steel Cuirass
3. Agent Endurance 30
Personality 30
One skill at 30 and two at 5 20 Imperial Steel Helmet and Gauntlets
4. Champion Endurance 30
Personality 30
One skill at 40 and two at 10 30 Imperial Steel Pauldrons and Boots
5. Knight Errant Endurance 31
Personality 31
One skill at 50 and two at 15 45 Imperial Templar Knight Cuirass and Greaves
6. Knight Bachelor Endurance 32
Personality 32
One skill at 60 and two at 20 60 Templar Helmet and Bracers
7. Knight Protector Endurance 33
Personality 33
One skill at 70 and two at 25 70 Templar Pauldrons and Boots
8. Knight of the Garland Endurance 34
Personality 34
One skill at 80 and two at 30 80 Duke's Guard Silver Cuirass
9. Knight of the Imperial Dragon Endurance 35
Personality 35
One skill at 90 and two at 35 100 Chrysamere and Lord's Mail

Imperial Legion Quests[edit]

In order to receive any of your quest orders you must be wearing a uniform Imperial Legion cuirass. When you first join the legion, you are given an Imperial Chain Cuirass which satisfies this requirement. The four other cuirasses that you receive from the legion as your rank increases are also acceptable (Imperial Steel Cuirass, Imperial Templar Knight Cuirass, Duke's Guard Silver Cuirass and the unique Lord's Mail). Your armor other than your cuirass can be of any style. Talking to a superior officer while out of uniform results in a disposition loss of five points and a refusal of the character to continue the conversation; however you do not need to wear your uniform to talk to characters of equal or lower rank, with the exception of Cavortius Albuttian, the Knight of the Garland. If you lose your Imperial cuirass, the article on Imperial Armor provides a list of locations where replacements can be found.


  • Three Legion quests didn't make it into the final version of the game. Information on them can be found here.

Imperial Legion Members[edit]

Character Name Gender Race Class Ranking Location Comments
Joncis Dalomax Male Breton Knight 5 Knight Errant Ashurnibibi, Shrine
Shardie Female Redguard Crusader 3 Agent Buckmoth Legion Fort Trainer
Aldaril Male High Elf Battlemage 4 Champion Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Battlemage Service
Allian Carbo Male Imperial Warrior 1 Spearman Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Arnand Liric Male Breton Healer 3 Agent Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Priest Service
Attelivupis Catius Male Imperial Drillmaster 2 Trooper Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Drillmaster Service
Dulian Female Redguard Priest 2 Trooper Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Priest Service
Hingor Male Wood Elf Scout 2 Trooper Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Trainer
Imsin the Dreamer Female Nord Master-at-Arms 7 Knight Protector Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Trainer
Raesa Pullia Female Imperial Knight 4 Champion Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Yambagorn gor-Shulor Male Orc Smith 2 Trooper Buckmoth Legion Fort, Interior Smith Service
Iratian Albarnian Male Imperial Master-at-Arms 2 Trooper Caldera, Shenk's Shovel Trainer
Jonus Maximus Male Imperial Guard 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart
Company Guard Male Imperial Guard 1 Spearman Ebonheart, East Empire Company Hall
Duke's Guard Male Imperial Guard 4 Champion Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
Llaalam Dredil Male Dark Elf Savant 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
Varus Vantinius Male Imperial Warrior 9 Knight of the Imperial Dragon Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers
Matus Mido Male Imperial Spellsword 4 Champion Ebonheart, Grand Council Chambers Tower
Alodie Jes Male Breton Warrior 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Aumsi Female Nord Master-at-Arms 4 Champion Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Trainer
Ervona Barys Female Dark Elf Battlemage 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Battlemage Service
Fanildil Male High Elf Healer 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Healer Service
Frald the White Male Nord Warrior 7 Knight Protector Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Landorume Male High Elf Trader 3 Agent Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Trader Service
Nebia Amphia Female Imperial Priest 3 Agent Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Priest Service
Nedhelorn Male Wood Elf Drillmaster 4 Champion Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Drillmaster Service
Norring Male Nord Warrior 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Sirollus Saccus Male Imperial Smith 4 Champion Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Augurius Sialius Male Imperial Guard 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Hawkmoth Towers
Duke's Guard Male Imperial Warrior 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Commission
Duke's Guard Male Imperial Battlemage 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Commission
Rufinus Alleius Male Imperial Acrobat 3 Agent Ebonheart, Imperial Commission
Tuvene Arethan Female Dark Elf Savant 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Imperial Commission
Birard Adrognese Male Breton Warrior 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Cavortius Albuttian Male Imperial Warrior 8 Knight of the Garland Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Ekkhi Female Nord Battlemage 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Frostien Ephine Male Breton Warrior 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Glallian Maraennius Male Imperial Priest 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Jelin Male Redguard Warrior 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Sader Male Redguard Warrior 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Viccia Claevius Female Imperial Priest 4 Champion Ebonheart, Imperial Guard Garrison
Vinnus Laecinnius Male Imperial Pilgrim 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Six Fishes Trainer
Bedraflod Male Nord Savant 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission
Briring Male Nord Barbarian 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission
Eiruki Hearth-Healer Female Nord Barbarian 2 Trooper Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission
Heidmir Male Nord Noble 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission
Ingokning Female Nord Assassin 6 Knight Bachelor Ebonheart, Skyrim Mission
RaccanBM Male Redguard Guard 3 Agent Fort Frostmoth
Severia GratiusBM Female Imperial Guard 4 Champion Fort Frostmoth
Vilbia HerenniaBM Female Imperial Guard 2 Trooper Fort Frostmoth
Zeno FaustusBM Male Imperial Guard 3 Agent Fort Frostmoth, Armory
Falx CariusBM Male Imperial Guard 7 Knight Protector Fort Frostmoth, Carius' Chambers
Gaea ArtoriaBM Female Imperial Guard 3 Agent Fort Frostmoth, General Quarters, Upper Level
Dul gro-Dush Male Orc Warrior 1 Spearman Gnisis
Largakh gro-Bulfim Male Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis
Molvirian Palenix Male Imperial Guard 0 Recruit Gnisis
Ughash gro-Batul Male Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis
Vatollia Apo Male Dark Elf Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis
Yashnarz gro-Ufthamph Male Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis
Ragash gra-Shuzgub Female Orc Warrior 0 Recruit Gnisis, Arvs-Drelen
Optio Bologra Male Orc Drillmaster 0 Recruit Gnisis, Barracks Trainer
Strillian Macro Male Imperial Spellsword 2 Trooper Gnisis, Barracks
Vantustius Pundus Male Imperial Warrior 1 Spearman Gnisis, Barracks
Varian Angius Male Imperial Battlemage 2 Trooper Gnisis, Barracks
Vertilvius Cines Male Imperial Warrior 1 Spearman Gnisis, Barracks
Bagamul gro-Dumul Male Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius
Bogdub gra-Gurakh Female Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius
Mug gro-Dulob Male Orc Smith 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius
Sharkub gro-Khashnar Male Orc Drillmaster 3 Agent Gnisis, Fort Darius Drillmaster Service
Uloth gra-Ushar Female Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius
Ulumpha gra-Sharob Female Orc Healer 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius Healer Service
Yambul gro-Bogrol Male Orc Guard 1 Spearman Gnisis, Fort Darius
Lugrub gro-Ogdum Male Orc Warrior 2 Trooper Gnisis, Lower Eggmine
Asha-Ammu Kutebani Male Dark Elf Scout 1 Spearman Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse Trainer
Clilias Pullia Female Imperial Guard 0 Recruit Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Darius Male Imperial Knight 7 Knight Protector Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Ertius Fulbenus Male Imperial Warrior 1 Spearman Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Nash gro-Khazor Male Orc Guard 2 Trooper Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Snakha gro-Marob Male Orc Warrior 1 Spearman Gnisis, Madach Tradehouse
Ondi Female Nord Knight 5 Knight Errant Khuul, Thongar's Tradehouse Trainer
Amarie Charien Female Breton Healer 2 Trooper Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior Healer Service
Erla Female Redguard Smith 2 Trooper Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Larrius Varro Male Imperial Warrior 4 Champion Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Radd Hard-Heart Male Nord Master-at-Arms 7 Knight Protector Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior Trainer
Urfing Male Nord Trader 2 Trooper Moonmoth Legion Fort, Interior
Solea Nuccusius Female Imperial Battlemage 2 Trooper Moonmoth Legion Fort, Prison Towers Battlemage Service
Angoril Male High Elf Master-at-Arms 7 Knight Protector Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad Trainer
Shadbak gra-Burbug Female Orc Smith 1 Spearman Pelagiad, Fort Pelagiad
Hrisskar Flat-Foot Male Nord Rogue 2 Trooper Seyda Neen, Arrille's Tradehouse
Ganciele Douar Male Imperial Guard 1 Spearman Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Office
Sellus Gravius Male Imperial Guard 5 Knight Errant Seyda Neen, Census and Excise Office
Saprius Entius Male Imperial Crusader 4 Champion Vivec, Arena Storage
Din Male Redguard Master-at-Arms 1 Spearman West Gash Region
Dumbuk gro-Bolak Male Orc Knight 2 Trooper Wolverine Hall