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Morrowind talk:Imperial Legion

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Ruby ranks?[edit]

I know it is a standardised entry for all articles on the Legion in ES, but where in Morrowind is the Legion ever called the Ruby ranks? Shouldn't this article be about one game (while containing links to other games and Lore if relevant)? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:55 on 30 May 2020


Isn't the picture of an Imperial Horseman a little inappropriate, as it being from Oblivion? Shouldn't we have a picture of a Morrowind Legionaire instead? -Talore 17:33, 5 March 2008 (EST)Talore

Agreed - the image was actually on Lore:Imperial Legion, and whoever put it there probably didn't realize that it would be transcluded onto the Morrowind page as well. I've added an #ifeq: statement to prevent that from happening. If we want to add a Morrowind-specific picture later, it can be added to the #ifeq: on the Tamriel page, in between the ||'s, to make it only appear on the Morrowind page. Let me know if you have an image and want me to do it or something. --TheRealLurlock Talk 23:21, 5 March 2008 (EST)

Required ranking[edit]

I've noticed that about half of the Imperial Legion quest pages lack the "Required ranking" information. Doesn't any of these quests except Varus' require a specific ranking? I was just thinking maybe someone should add the information anyway, just to clear things up. SwedishBerzerker at 11:06, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

As far as I can tell there are no rank requirements for any of the quests. The only requirement is that Frald the White requires a disposition of at least 30. rpeh •TCE 11:58, 11 April 2010 (UTC)

Being Expelled[edit]

Is it possible to be un-expelled from the Legion? AThousandYoung 03:12, 18 October 2010 (UTC)

No. Not unless I'm missing something huge. rpeh •TCE 07:54, 18 October 2010 (UTC)
it seams you can . This is from CS (dialogue, topic, join the imperial legion) (copy/paste): Your activities have led some to question your allegiance. At the moment there is some debate as to your continued affiliation with the Imperial Legion. Would you care to explain yourself, %PCRank %PCName? This had better be good.
Choice "I was a victim of circumstance..." 3 "Nevermind." 4
The %Faction can forgive your actions this one time only, %PCRank %PCName. Your record will be permanently marred by this incident. Now return to your post.
Tested punched to face Nash gro-Khazor in gnisis tradehouse same room as Darius, paid fine, talked to Darius "Join the Imperial Legion" then "I was victim of circumstance" and i am back at legion. But i think this works only once Ciberzombie (talk) 01:57, 15 April 2015 (GMT)

A bug[edit]

Despite having reached the highest rank available for the Imperial Legion, Cavortius Albuttian refuses to speak with me unless I equip my uniform. Grandmaster Duel is listed as completed in the journal. Ongoingwhy 09:37, 14 September 2011 (UTC)

id say that "knight of garland" is just set as a higher rank in the construction set. (From Fear to Eternity- Eddie The Head 09:46, 14 September 2011 (UTC))
Check your rank on your character sheet. What is it? rpeh •TCE 11:17, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
It is "Knight of the Imperial Dragon".
Ongoingwhy 18:36, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
Does it for me too. Probably a bug. rpeh •TCE 18:58, 14 September 2011 (UTC)

Stuck at Knight Protector[edit]

i have a problem because i dueled varrus the duke knight before joining the legion and now im stucked at knight protector because i need him to advance me. any clues pls? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:48 on 11 March 2012

If you're on PC you can use console commands, if you aren't using PC then there's nothing you can do, sorry. (Eddie The Head 09:57, 22 March 2012 (UTC))

Guard Dialogue Line: "Keep moving."[edit]

What is the conditions required for guards to say this? 09:07, 16 April 2014 (GMT)

cuirass needed for solstheim?[edit]

I've talked to a couple Legion officials in Frostmoth without any disposition loss while not equipping my cuirass. Do I need to haul it with me while I travel to Solstheim?

For the record, no. DRAGON GUARD(TALK) 16:10, 12 September 2015 (UTC)

Away from your post[edit]

I know this is one of the famous phrases in Morrowind, but i wonder if it's a bug that once you join the legion, the guards seem to stop ever saying anything else. Is it possible to fix this? Before joining guards had tens of quotes, and now only hearing the same phrase is infuriating, is there some way to fix it, besides never joining the legion? Also, does getting expelled from the legion fix this issue? 12:45, 5 March 2019 (UTC)

Note about the Duke's Guard and the Palace Guard[edit]

I was reading the page and I found this line in the introduction: "A special Legion platoon comprises the guard of any Duke in the province of Morrowind, the Duke of Vvardenfell, for instance. These soldiers are among the best the Legion has to offer; the most accomplished soldiers of the Duke's guard have the honor of serving as personal Palace guard to the King of Morrowind."

From what I can tell, the Palace Guard is comepletely removed from the Imperial legion and has no direct association, being Helseth's private army. In fact, I'm not sure what line of dialogue or bit of lore points to the Duke's guard being associated with the Palace Guard at all.

Also, as far as we know, the Duke of Vvardenfel is the only Duke of importance worthy of having a Legion-backed Duke's Guard. The line on the page implies every Duke is entitled to a Duke's Guard, however the line of dialogue that tells us that the Duke of Vvardenfel is entitled to the Guard, doesn't mention any other Dukes: "The Imperial Guard is an elite unit of the Imperial Legion. The Guard is charged with the defense of the Emperor and various of his direct representatives in the provinces. The Duke's rank and responsibilities entitle him to the protection of this elite unit. There is a traditional rivalry between the Imperial Guard and their counterparts in the regular Legions" (- topic Imperial Guard) — Unsigned comment by ThomasTheWest (talkcontribs) at 13:21 on 18 October 2020 (UTC)