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Morrowind:People in Ebonheart

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A list of people in Ebonheart.


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Agning Male Nord Publican 10 97 108 100 30 Six Fishes Merchant
Alodie Jes Male Breton Warrior Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 19 200 128 0 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
An-Deesei Female Argonian Monk Twin Lamps 9 78 112 0 30 Argonian Mission
Augurius Sialius Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 19 203 120 100 30 Hawkmoth Towers
Aumsi Female Nord Master-at-Arms Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 159 80 0 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Trainer
Apelles Matius Male Imperial Guard 35 304 154 0 30 Outside [1,-13] Tribunal-dependent
Asciene Rane Female Breton Mage 35 159 200 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Tribunal-dependent
Bedraflod Male Nord Savant Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 89 110 0 30 Skyrim Mission
Birard Adrognese Male Breton Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 148 120 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Blatta Hateria Female Imperial Pauper 13 101 100 0 30 Outside [2,-13]
Bolrin Male Wood Elf Merchant 13 110 138 0 30 East Empire Company Hall
Briring Male Nord Barbarian Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 113 72 0 30 Skyrim Mission
Canctunian Ponius Male Imperial Noble 13 111 118 0 30 East Empire Company Hall Chief factor and banker of the EEC
Cavortius Albuttian Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Legion Knight of the Garland(Knight of the Garland) 21 220 112 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Chanil-Lee Female Argonian Sorcerer Mages Guild Journeyman(Journeyman) 9 89 158 0 30 Six Fishes Trainer
Duke Vedam Dren Male Dark Elf Knight House Hlaalu Grandmaster(Grandmaster) 23 198 128 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Head of Grand Council & representative of Uriel VII
Eiruki Hearth-Healer Female Nord Barbarian Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 108 72 0 30 Skyrim Mission
Ekkhi Female Nord Battlemage Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 19 135 160 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Ervona Barys Female Dark Elf Battlemage Service Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 116 170 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Spell Merchant
Fainertil Male High Elf Warrior Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 148 120 0 30 Outside [2,-13]
Fanildil Male High Elf Healer Service Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 16 94 132 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Spell Merchant; Merchant
Fiiriel Male High Elf Barbarian Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 127 120 90 30 East Empire North Warehouse
Frald the White Male Nord Warrior Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 19 208 88 0 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Frik Male Nord Apothecary Service Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 13 100 144 100 30 Imperial Chapels Merchant
Frostien Ephine Male Breton Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 148 120 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Furius Acilius Male Imperial Warrior 15 186 102 0 30 Underground Caves
Gaeldol Male Wood Elf Archer Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 113 100 0 30 Outside [2,-13]
Galas Drenim Female Dark Elf Sorcerer House Telvanni Wizard(Wizard) 21 142 196 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Grand Council member, House Telvanni
Geel-Lah Male Argonian Monk Twin Lamps 9 78 92 0 30 Argonian Mission
Glallian Maraennius Male Imperial Priest Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 107 124 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Haening Male Nord Rogue Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 128 80 90 30 East Empire North Warehouse
Heidmir Male Nord Noble Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 145 112 0 30 Skyrim Mission
Ian Male Redguard Archer Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 141 80 0 30 Outside [2,-13]
Im-Kilaya Male Argonian Mage Twin Lamps 19 103 162 0 30 Argonian Mission
Ingokning Female Nord Assassin Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 131 124 0 30 Skyrim Mission
Iulus Truptor Male Imperial Savant Service Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 9 79 130 100 30 Imperial Chapels Trainer; Merchant
J'Zhirr Male Khajiit Agent 9 76 98 70 40 East Empire Company Hall Trainer
Jelin Male Redguard Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 163 80 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Jonus Maximus Male Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 23 231 128 100 30 Outside [1,-13]
Joshur Male Khajiit Bard 4 52 114 0 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Joslin Female Breton Bard 10 81 160 0 30 Six Fishes
Kaye Male Redguard Trader Service Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 9 104 86 100 30 Imperial Chapels Merchant Shrine Sergeant
Lalatia Varian Female Imperial Priest Service Imperial Cult Oracle(Oracle) 19 115 130 100 30 Imperial Chapels Spellmaker; Spell Merchant; Merchant Oracle quests
Landorume Male High Elf Trader Service Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 11 101 132 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Merchant
Lassinia Mussillius Female Imperial Agent Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 13 102 106 90 30 Six Fishes Trainer
Llaalam Dredil Male Dark Elf Savant Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 119 160 0 30 Grand Council Chambers
Llerar Mandas Male Dark Elf Crusader House Redoran House Brother(House Brother) 21 187 124 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Grand Council member, House Redoran
Llivas Othravel Female Dark Elf Witchhunter Tribunal Temple Disciple(Disciple) 21 171 200 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Grand Council member, Tribunal Temple
Maline Masolaude Female Breton Commoner 3 47 104 0 30 Outside [1,-13]
Matus Mido Male Imperial Spellsword Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 113 114 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Tower
Nebia Amphia Female Imperial Priest Service Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 19 115 130 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Spellmaker; Spell Merchant; Merchant
Nedhelorn Male Wood Elf Drillmaster Service Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 111 120 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Trainer
Nevosi Hlan Male Dark Elf Shipmaster 4 63 21 0 30 Outside [2,-13] Transport
Norring Male Nord Warrior Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 129 72 0 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison
Okan-Shei Male Argonian Savant 13 94 146 0 30 East Empire Company Hall
Olfin gro-Logrob Male Orc Warrior Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 160 80 0 30 Outside [2,-13]
On-Wan Female Argonian Slave 3 53 104 0 30 Argonian Mission
Onasha Female Argonian Agent Twin Lamps 9 76 118 0 30 Argonian Mission Trainer
Pilus Amatius Male Imperial Noble 5 63 92 0 30 Outside [1,-13]
Relen Hlaalu Male Dark Elf Nightblade House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 21 116 124 0 30 Grand Council Chambers Grand Council member, House Hlaalu
Ruccia Conician Female Imperial Agent Imperial Cult Invoker(Invoker) 21 144 124 0 30 Grand Council Chambers TrainerGrand Council member, Imperial Commission
Rufinus Alleius Male Imperial Acrobat Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 19 159 108 0 30 Imperial Commission Imperial Magistrate
Sader Male Redguard Warrior Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 163 80 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Sarmosia Vant Female Imperial Monk Service Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 83 92 100 30 Imperial Chapels Trainer
Sauleius Cullian Male Imperial Enchanter Service Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 73 144 100 30 Imperial Chapels Enchanter; Merchant
Shazgob gra-Luzgan Male Orc Trader 9 100 86 0 30 East Empire Company Hall
Siltalaure Female High Elf Rogue Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 108 120 0 30 East Empire South Warehouse
Sirollus Saccus Male Imperial Smith Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 25 233 118 100 30 Hawkmoth Legion Garrison Blacksmith; Merchant
Synnolian Tunifus Male Imperial Healer Service Imperial Cult Novice(Novice) 9 71 98 100 30 Imperial Chapels Spell Merchant; Merchant
Thoromlallor Male Wood Elf Barbarian Fighters Guild Protector(Protector) 13 122 100 0 30 East Empire South Warehouse
Tuvene Arethan Female Dark Elf Savant Imperial Legion Knight Bachelor(Knight Bachelor) 17 114 160 0 30 Imperial Commission
Ukawei Male Argonian Healer Twin Lamps 9 66 98 0 30 Argonian Mission
Varus Vantinius Male Imperial Warrior Imperial Legion Knight of the Imperial Dragon(Knight of the Imperial Dragon) 23 232 116 0 30 Grand Council Chambers
Viccia Claevius Female Imperial Priest Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 99 29 0 30 Imperial Guard Garrison
Vilamon Male Redguard Merchant 3 63 86 0 30 Outside [1,-13]
Vinnus Laecinnius Male Imperial Pilgrim Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 102 98 0 30 Six Fishes Trainer