Lore:Daedra Names
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This is a list of all the known Daedra names, compiled from the games.
- 1 Air Atronach
- 2 Banekin
- 3 Clannfear
- 4 Daedra Lord
- 5 Daedrat
- 6 Daedric Titan
- 7 Daedroth
- 8 Dark Seducer
- 9 Dremnaken
- 10 Dremora
- 11 Flame Atronach
- 12 Flesh Atronach
- 13 Frost Atronach
- 14 Gloam Knight
- 15 Golden Saint
- 16 Harvester
- 17 Havocrel
- 18 Herne
- 19 Hoarvor Daedra
- 20 Hunger
- 21 Huntsman
- 22 Iron Atronach
- 23 Meridian Guardian
- 24 Mind Terror
- 25 Ogrim
- 26 Ruinach
- 27 Scamp
- 28 Seeker
- 29 Shrike
- 30 Skaafin
- 31 Spider Daedra
- 32 Spiderkith
- 33 Storm Atronach
- 34 Twilight
- 35 Watcher
- 36 Wraith-of-Crows
- 37 Xivilai
- 38 Xivkyn
Air Atronach[edit]
- Gurlisk, Gutsripper, Maebomaz, Marrow, Nazullu, Rotmouth, Snapjaw, Spinesnap, The Devourer, The Screeching Matron
Daedra Lord[edit]
Male Daedra Lord Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Imago Storm, Sumeer Jabran, Xivilai Moath
- Bad Man, Hha-Lugh-Zhek
- Lore
- Menthyx
Female Daedra Lord Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Faydra Shardai
- Barzuso, Grizzlefang, Hivhel, Rasper, Shirufax
Daedric Titan[edit]
Daedric Titan Names[edit]
- Aetherion, Arox, Balefire, Bogdan, Djanax, Iozuzzunth, Iskra, Ozzozachar, Phobbiicus, Qrazgoth, Salosuum, Ser, Sormorask, Telkor, Uzuruz, Zandadunoz, Zatalguch
- Lore
- Kkrohziz
Daedric Titan Titles[edit]
- The Implacable Guardian, The Mutilator, The Nightflame, The Omen, The Reborn, The Unforgiving, The Wingshorn
- Lore
- The Greater Titan
- Achaeraizur, Aghezaidil, Bakea, Bhornaz, Daragaz, Dresuu Var, Dubroze, Gar Xuu Gar, Horvantud, Keggahiha, Nolagha, Ol'icath, Rsolignah, Steel-Tail, Tulu, Urrai, Varvesuu Nograta, Vree, Xevat-Golok
- Lore
- Zetthax
Male Daedroth Names[edit]
Female Daedroth Names[edit]
Dark Seducer[edit]
Male Dark Seducer Names[edit]
Female Dark Seducer Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Si'ess
- Oblivion
- Adeo, Dylora, Jansa, Nelrene, Stela, Udico, Ulfri, Vika
- Dylandra, Dylora, Fatahala, Jansa, Madam Whim, Nerazakan, Nikalia the Beguiling, Nuzara, Olesella, Rayyaima, Rayzara, Shayaifa, Shir, Trilvath, Ven, Venissia, Vika
Dremnaken Titles[edit]
Male Dremora Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Dremora Gatanas, Imago Storm, Dremora Methats, Dremora Rathine, Sumeer Jabran, Dremora Tanchelm
- Morrowind
- Anhaedra, Krazzt, Lord Dregas Volar, Khash-Ti Dhrur
- Oblivion
- Amkaos, Kathutet, Orthe, Ranyu
- Skyrim
- Gatanas, Methats, Velehk Sain
- Akezel, Akvilaxu, Amkaos, Arusax, Aruz, Atris, Bogtro, Brosuroth, Demis, Dezerog, Dias, Dogas, Dothaz, Dregas Volar, Drozu, Druitularg, En, Erunas, Erztiran, Firhikh, Firikho, Fothxura, Gelattaz, Gilfrex, Gniledan, Gnilokelo, Grel, Grexev, Hivorate, Ifriz, Kaluzan, Kathutet, Kehothar, Kmolag, Kothutuilk, Krrztrrb, Kyngogurth, Lansh, Maneer, Methats, Nariam, Nif, Nokvroz, Noroth, Ofepayl, Orran, Ranyu, Ri, Rynkyus, Screizzaz, Seris, Skoria, Skrigif, Sulazz, Sumeer, Tachnim, Tassovas, Telixas, Tephilaz, Torvesard, Tuzunkykz, Uldun, Vaekar, Velehk, Verkynvayl, Vregas, Vyrotesn, Xar, Xykenaz, Ykal, Za, Zavak, Zexamys, Zyzazzil
- Legends
- Reive
- Blades
- Anhaedra, Orthe, Uldun, Velehk
- Lore
- Xalxorkig, Zexxil, Zzedenkathik
Female Dremora Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Wonshala Keriayn, Zenaida Nacarra
- Akata, Angata, Bailakhet, Barasatii, Belofasa, Brolsgerbwd, Clorsatari, Codaermet, Dekamma, Doshia, Drulshasa, Elinzel, Ephae, Enzir of the Vanquished, Ephae, Fessitosha, Fessoshaz, Foshaz, Gadrah, Gykkah, Hadri, Hivlota, Illitosha, Ioloola, Iss, Issata, Jan, Jerazzet, Jynd, Kixathi, Kvotai, Lirif, Lyranth, Makilakhet, Marruz, Mati, Mirit, Morah, Mysissa, Olarra, Oloshaz, Oololash, Osata, Pynufax, Raynia, Rykuna, Shyn, Skriliaa the Guide, Ukaezai, Uluphae, Ulz, Un, Urata, Tephra, Vame, Velark, Velezai, Venatari, Vesakta, Viksax, Vintev, Vonshala, Xigira, Xynaa, Xyria, Zylara, Zyr
- Blades
- Angata, Dekamma, Raynia, Urata
Flame Atronach[edit]
- Blaze, Blazebuddy, Brimstone, Dark Ember, Ember, Embermane, Firemane, Flameloper, Flameprancer, Hatewarden, Hotter-than-sand, Inferno Cat, Inferno Kitten, Magdra Ibrai, Magdra Tigun, Ragebinder, Roki, Scorchbear, Scorchcub
- Lore
- Isbrann Lyn
Flesh Atronach[edit]
- Debruz, Glorgoloch, Grothdarr, Gwarchodwyr, Iluzan, Macharus, Phazkad, Thugrub, Tiny, Uncle Leo, Varien, Vearogh, Volghass
Frost Atronach[edit]
Frost Atronach Names[edit]
- Morrowind
- Nomeg Gwai
- Avalanche, Azorrinuz, Crystaldancer, Frostpurr, Gasher, Iceclaw, Iceheart, Icicle Cat, Icewhiskers, Igudhan, Nomeg Chal, Nomeg Haga, Nomeg Hyril, Nomeg Nulu, Nomeg Ozal, Nomeg Rine, Nomeg Zozumiralpachar, Nunatak, Old Frostrump, Shardhoof, Sharpnose, Shiverchill, Sleeraak, Snowball, Winter, Winterstorm
- Out-of-Game Books
- Nomeg Jrool
Gloam Knight[edit]
Golden Saint[edit]
Male Golden Saint Names[edit]
Female Golden Saint Names[edit]
- Morrowind
- Staada
- Oblivion
- Desha, Chuna, Kaneh, Issmi, Staada, Zudeh
- Alinef, Jysetai, Mireh, Silezol, Staada, Tykn, Vevotkohal
Female Harvester Names[edit]
- Cynhamoth, Dreffor-Xon, Drel, Exkeleku, Gruthaz, Irazur, Korignah, Malubeth, Marwoleath, Naeraizozan, Ozzai, Preinrha, Ra'Lorka, Rhagothan, Sihna, Ulguna, Uzzai, Vera, Vrendi, Xalvakka, Ysenda
Harvester Titles[edit]
Male Havocrel Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Herne Egahirn, Balaherne
- Ghorev
Hoarvor Daedra[edit]
Hunger Names[edit]
Hunger Titles[edit]
Female Huntsman Names[edit]
- Angirgoth
Iron Atronach[edit]
- Aeonflame, Atinar, Crucible, Feyr, Flarion, Moorloper, Mynar Igna, Mynar Metron, Redeemer, Starfall, Wormhunter
Meridian Guardian[edit]
Mind Terror[edit]
- Adolot, Ahzuom, Atarus, Blyhicius, Brakuum, Charr, Dirz, Doshlalkh, Glut, Grook, Hixashal, Hogshead, Igozai, Kryozote, Migoruz, Mirlark, Neechar, Nirsinnaf, Nogral, Oghezai, Orulu, Oxblood, Oztuk, Pirlekh, Razan, Shrom, Stumble, Stupulag, Ukhelezan, Vruxynbu, Zozullu
- Bruzzak Tor, Irenan, Ghemvas, Karzikon
Scamp Names[edit]
- Brimstone, Ell, Flickerstab, Galat, Gibbers, Gw, Gyl, Ifavahz, Irnizz, Kizna, Lamm, Lavalight, Mikan, Packrunner, Pumice, Stinker, Venpigas, Zirat
Male Scamp Names[edit]
Female Scamp Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Rishaal Tamir
- Caal
Seeker Names[edit]
Seeker Titles[edit]
Female Shrike Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Deyanira Katrece, Jaciel Morgen
- Dyzera, Kamira, Sorina, Viriana
Shrike Titles[edit]
- Battlespire
- Greater Nocturnal, Lesser Nocturnal
- Night Sister, Nightstealer, Nightmaiden
- Lore
- Qilik
Male Skaafin Names[edit]
- Lore
- Mazfylax
Female Skaafin Names[edit]
Spider Daedra[edit]
Male Spider Daedra Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Perthan Serni, Perthan Vorn
Female Spider Daedra Names[edit]
- Anexiel, Arachanos, Bol Veppik, Brevorra Poisonclaw, Flamespinner, Gozzak, Gwaumanus, Kayliriax, Kythiirix, Malygda, Mezelukhebruz, Naluroen, Ruzozuzalpamaz, Sithera, Ulfaduug
Male Spiderkith Names[edit]
Female Spiderkith Names[edit]
- Enlizanev, Furnophra, Gytha-Kitha, Junermet, Keetas, Khephidaen, Mezeluth, Shaermeta, Telofasa, Vorissa, Xoraxia, Zikal-zun
Storm Atronach[edit]
- Morrowind
- Zedias-soko
- Oblivion
- The Sunken One
- Bitterwind, Bouldergrin, Shock-Hump, Shockpony, Squall, Storm-Slave, Stormbringer, Stormfist, Ugly Hugs, Zapkitty, Zymel Etitan, Zymel Hriz, Zymel Ipaezeth, Zymel Kruz, Zymel Mirapharrus, Zymel Ozarus, Zymel Ozata
- Out-of-Game Books
- Zymel Shar
Winged Twilight Names[edit]
- Morrowind
- Molag Grunda
- Azara the Frightener, Drasilla, Fatestealer, Irrai, Molag Grunda, Murelda, Rozelun, Zix
- Out-of-Game Books
- Molag Grunda
Grievous Twilight Names[edit]
Watcher Names[edit]
- Brax, Brol, Conundrum, Cres, Enigma, Eru, Everstare, Gazmod the Collector, Izhavi, Jun, Kor, Kyf, Ky'zuu, Lazonthagish, Lazonthagish, Lys, Myx, Neverdream, Ocula, Ogle, Ool, Oru, Paranoxia, Peep, Peeper, Phylaraak, Scruut, Tem, Tezurs, Uzur, Xess, Yggmanei, Zilipif, Zoal
Watcher Titles and Bynames[edit]
- 2x: The All-Seeing (1, 2)
- 1x: The Ancient One, the Blinking, the Collector, Dagon's Witness, the Ever-Wakeful, Filer, Glaring Eye, Gravelight Sentry, Keeper of the Known Thing, the Petty, Lord, Manifestation of Terror, Omen of Destiny, Tyrant, Vigilant
Male Xivilai Names[edit]
- Battlespire
- Xivilai Moath
- Oblivion
- Amorah, Anaxes, Medrike
- Aez, Anaxes, Bha, Bogtro, Ibomez, Ilambris-Athor, Ilambris-Zaven, Kothekel, Luzraffa, Medrike, Mezz, Miksotet, Moath, Rukhan, Skoedal, Tazzak, Verkynvayl, Vri, Xiven, Xvarik, Xvij, Xyxevan, Xznotell, Zydezaar, Zynoahz
- Out-of-Game Books
- Khefletak, Sahrith Dagon
Female Xivilai Names[edit]
Xivilai Titles[edit]
Male Xivkyn Names[edit]
- Daktivus, Danrok, Ebral, Entekkar, Historoth, Hzu-Hakan, Kazarvel, Kelax, Ketkarkux, Krosogar, Malivus, Obb, Skoorn, Solkyn, Stegakyx, Tarkatix, Teltyraz, Tholiakke, Thrasotin, Torgo-Rix, Ukkawoon, Utt, Wadracki, Xobutar, Zakuryn, Zolgar, Zulagogg
Female Xivkyn Names[edit]
- Brell, Doragren, Dredaza, Flakk, Gangatru, Gati, Grynkx, Hoonzo-Gann, Molag Kena, Nomo-Rerak, Obtorgren, Ontagoor, Pahtrok, Skalhexx, Squale, Szekesnarana, Taebod, Thrasotin, Xorolagora, Xotos Vel, Yx, Zeffij
Xivkyn Titles[edit]
- the Apostate, Arbiter of Pain, the Betrayer, the Blizzard's Edge, Blade of Mourning, of the Bloody Blade, the Brutal, Captor of Souls, Carver of Souls, the Cauterizer, the Creeping Chill, the Cremator, of the Crimson Blade, Devourer of Souls, of Divine Ashes, the Dominator, Duchess of Anguish, The Edge Who Hungers, the Enkindler, the Enslaver, of the Freezing Tombs, of the Frozen Winds, the Gatekeeper, General, Guard of the Damned, of His Deep Graces, the Hungerer, Incinerator of Souls, the Insatiable, the Lacerator, the Lesser, the Ravenous, the Ravenous Flame, the Ringmaster, Scathe-Knight, the Sculptor, the Shearflame, Shield of Bal, the Soulgorger, the Spinecracker, the Storm Sister, Tormentor of Souls, the Unyielding, Warden of Frozen Souls