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My name is Steve, and I started enjoying ES by dungeon spelunking in Daggerfall. Much of my time in college was spent playing that game...

Much later, I picked up a copy of Morrowind on the bargain shelf, and have been spending late nights still playing it.

I had wiki experience from my previous company (working as an embedded sw engineer), as our internal information sharing site was wiki-based. Then the company was swallowed up by a bigger company, and the wiki was cut. So, I'm a bit rusty.

Took a break from Morrowind while playing other games. Just coming back after finding out how much better this game is when modded.

Personally, this one makes the game seem new! Better Bodies is also a good improvement.

Present In Game Efforts[edit]

I rolled a new character, and have a goal to play through all of Morrowind, Tribunal and Bloodmoon, completing as many of the quests and collecting as many items as possible.

Current status: Almost completed Bloodmoon

As I go, I am hoping to verify current content of the wiki and add content that may be missing. Hopefully I can find a role and help out with the Morrowind Redesign Project.

Quests Completed[edit]

Morrowind Factions

Also completed most of the Miscellaneous quests, and the Daedric quests.
Morrowind Main Quest - Completed.
Tribunal Main Quest - Completed.
Bloodmoon Main Quest - In Progress.

Artifacts Recovered[edit]

Listed in Famed Artifacts of Tamriel
Accepted by the Artifact Museum
Both in the book and accepted by the museum

32 out of 32 Donated or Sold to the Artifact Museum in Mournhold.

42 out of 42 total found.

Item Found In Museum? Notes
Auriel's Bow Yes Yes I should have pickpocketed it...
Auriel's Shield Yes Yes Had to kill a friend...
BiPolar Blade Yes Yes Took me two tries to get this couple to succeed..
Bloodworm Helm Yes Yes Another Bone Helm!
Boots of Blinding Speed Yes Yes Never could get the Dispel to work right anyway...
Boots of the Apostle Yes Yes Finally retired.
Bow of Shadows Yes Yes Finally retired.
Chrysamere Yes Yes Found as loot in Abanabi, later realized there was a quest for it too.
Cuirass of the Savior’s Hide Yes Yes. Finally retired.
Daedric Crescent Blade Yes N/A
Daedric Scourge Yes N/A Actual game name is just "Scourge." Fyr didn't even care that I looted his chest right in front of him...
Dagger of Symmachus Yes Yes I like the Fang better.
Denstagmer’s Ring Yes N/A
Dragonbone Mail Yes Yes I assume this is the Dragonbone Cuirass, which the Museum collects.
Ebony Mail Yes Yes Finally retired.
Eleidon's Ward Yes Yes Part of my current equipment.
Fang of Haynekhtnamet Yes Yes The Book misspelled it as "Fang of Naynekhtnamet" Part of my current equipment.
Fists of Randagulf Yes N/A Acquired during one of many raids on Sixth House bases, and are now part of my current equipment.
Goldbrand Yes Yes Great sword. But after getting TrueFlame, kind of redundant...
Helm of Oreyn Bearclaw Yes Yes Reminds me of the Bone Helm in Maple Story.
Ice Blade of the Monarch Yes Yes
Lord’s Mail Yes Yes Received through the Imperial Legion Quest.
Mace of Molag Bal Yes Yes Received through Molag Bal's Quest.
Mace of Slurring Yes Yes I like the arrows she had too.
Masque of Clavicus Vile Yes N/A Currently sitting on the floor in Velas Manor, my residence in Mournhold.
Mehrunes Razor Yes N/A Currently sitting on the floor in Velas Manor, my residence in Mournhold.
The Mentor’s Ring Yes N/A I left his ashes and his key, but took his ring...
Ring of Khajiit Yes N/A Received through Mephala's Quest. Currently sitting on the floor in Velas Manor, my residence in Mournhold.
Ring of Phynaster Yes Yes Found as loot in [[Morrowind:Senim_Ancestral_Tomb|Senim Ancestral Tomb, while traveling near Dagon Fel.
Ring of Surroundings Yes N/A Currently sitting on the floor in Velas Manor, my residence in Mournhold.
Ring of the Wind Yes N/A Currently sitting on the floor in Velas Manor, my residence in Mournhold.
Robe of the Lich Yes Yes Would kill me anyway...
Skull Crusher Yes Yes Arguably the best weapon in Morrowind, due to it having no weight when equipped, and good damage without enchantment (can't get reflected back on you). I call it "Maxwell's Silver Hammer."
Spear of Bitter Mercy Yes Yes
Spell Breaker Yes Yes Had to use the console, since I never bothered with becoming a vampire.
Staff of Hasedoki Yes Yes It has a face....
Staff of Magnus Yes Yes Ajira in Balmora's Mage's Guild tipped me off to its location.
Ten Pace Boots Yes Yes
Umbra Sword Yes Yes Guess Umbra played Morrowind too long and got bored....
Vampiric Ring Yes Yes
Veloth's Judgement Yes Yes Too heavy to be practical.
Warlock’s Ring Yes Yes Ajira in Balmora's Mage's Guild tipped me off to its location.

Works In Progress[edit]

I'll use this as a work area for things I'm looking to add to UESP.

Alchemy Pages for Tribunal and Bloodmoon[edit]

There were several Alchemical ingredients added in the expansions, which have yet to be incorporated. Where to put these? Ideally, a person who is playing the expansion would only wish to look at one consolidated site, while the person who has only Morrowind may be annoyed to plan a potion and discover the ingredient they need is only available in an expansion.

I'm going to simply list the ingredients and info here, as storage, and maybe do some formatting, until it can be resolved where these should go.

Added effects not covered in Morrowind's Alchemy Pages:
Damage Magic

All the ID's and effects have been verified using the TES:CS

Tribunal's additional ingredients

Bloodmoon's additional ingredients