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Hello! I have some experience with wiki-editing for other wikis, and I really like Elder Scrolls games. If I had to order the games in the series I like, from most favorite to least, it would be Skyrim > Arena = Morrowind > Daggerfall > Oblivion. This is liable to change, though!

I made one account earlier, bunbun39, but I forgot the password. Maybe I'll remember the password some other time.

I'm currently focused on Skyrim's Leveled Lists!

Nintendo Switch Logo.svg This user plays on the Nintendo Switch.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 4 months and 12 days.

Alchemy Ingredient Availability Project[edit]

Alchemy ingredient tiers are all over the place. There are four different tier listings I'm aware of:

  • Merchant availability (LItemApothecaryIngredients) <- used by Merchants
  • Standard loot (LItemIngredients) <- used by Bandit spellcasters and apothecary satchels
  • Underground loot (LItemUndergroundIngredients) <- used by Falmer
  • Barrel loot <- used by Barrels

There is also a minor list for Silver Hand members, with four instances of Hawk Feathers (36.36%), three instances of Charred Skeever Hide (27.27%), three instances of Mudcrab Chitin (27.27%), and one instance of Vampire Dust (9.09%). This has a 75% chance to be called up thrice, with each individual call having a 75% chance of returning nothing. This will not be on the table below, because the list is too narrow.

Ingredient barrels have three different types, like satchels, but the third is for fish. A common ingredients barrel and an uncommon ingredients barrel will always have ingredients. A fish barrel will always contain salt piles, but also has an individual 25% chance to have each of the five base-game fish ingredients (and can theoretically have all of them). The barrel ingredients are as follows:

Satchels and barrels will never change types, though their contents may change when they respawn. Salt Piles can also be found in most regular food containers (such as food-or-meat barrels).

For other means of acquiring ingredients, most can be found "in the wild" and collected right from the source:

  • Ingredients you Harvest come from stationary things that typically respawn. If you have the Green Thumb perk, you receive two samples instead of one.
  • Ingredients you Catch are from tiny passive creatures you have to catch. These disappear when caught, yielding their item (or themselves as an item).
  • Ingredients you Hunt are items spawned on the death of a particular creature -- you cannot pickpocket it off of them.
  • Exotic ingredients generally have to be bought, or found "pre-prepared" in containers or out in the world.


Pic Name Source Weight Value Merchant Satchel Falmer Barrel
SR-icon-ingredient-Imp Stool.png Imp Stool Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.25 0 Rare Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Namira's Rot.png Namira's Rot Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.25 0 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-White Cap.png White Cap Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.25 0 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Human Heart.png Human Heart Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)
1 0 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Blue Dartwing.png Blue Dartwing Catch:
Blue Dartwing (Freshwater Day Insect)
0.1 1 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Orange Dartwing.png Orange Dartwing Catch:
Orange Dartwing (Freshwater Day Insect)
0.1 1 Uncommon Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Torchbug Thorax.png Torchbug Thorax Catch:
Torchbug (Night Insect)
0.1 1 Uncommon Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Frost Mirriam.png Frost Mirriam Harvest:
Dried Frost Mirriam (Kitchens)
0.1 1 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Grass Pod.png Grass Pod Harvest:
Spiky Grass (Mainly on Coastlines)
0.1 1 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Juniper Berries.png Juniper Berries Harvest:
Smallish Trees (in the Reach)
0.1 1 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Lavender.png Lavender Harvest:
Flower (Mainly in Central Skyrim)
0.1 1 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Thistle Branch.png Thistle Branch Harvest:
Flower (Mainly in Pine Forests)
0.1 1 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Tundra Cotton.png Tundra Cotton Harvest:
Flower (Mainly in Plains)
0.1 1 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Creep Cluster.png Creep Cluster Harvest:
Roots on Rocks (in Eastmarch)
0.2 1 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Jazbay Grapes.png Jazbay Grapes Harvest:
Vines on Rocks (in Eastmarch)
0.2 1 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Garlic.png Garlic Harvest:
Garlic Braid (Kitchens)
0.25 1 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Hanging Moss.png Hanging Moss Harvest:
On Trees (in the Reach) & Overhangs
0.25 1 Uncommon Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Human Flesh.png Human Flesh Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)
0.25 1 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Charred Skeever Hide.png Charred Skeever Hide Harvest:
Charred Skeever (Bandit/Giant Spits)
0.5 1 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Blue Mountain Flower.png Blue Mountain Flower Harvest:
Common Flower (Most Common)
0.1 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Purple Mountain Flower.png Purple Mountain Flower Harvest:
Common Flower
0.1 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Red Mountain Flower.png Red Mountain Flower Harvest:
Common Flower (Least Common)
0.1 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Fly Amanita.png Fly Amanita Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Bear Claws.png Bear Claws Hunt:
Bears (All Kinds)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Eye of Sabre Cat.png Eye of Sabre Cat Hunt:
Sabre Cats (All Kinds, 50%)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Sabre Cat Tooth.png Sabre Cat Tooth Hunt:
Sabre Cats (All Kinds, 50%)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Large Antlers.png Large Antlers Hunt:
Deer & Male Elk (50%)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Small Antlers.png Small Antlers Hunt:
Female Elk (50%)
0.1 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Wisp Wrappings.png Wisp Wrappings Hunt:
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Small Pearl.png Small Pearl Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Pearl.png Pearl Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)
0.1 2 Rare Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Powdered Mammoth Tusk.png Powdered Mammoth Tusk Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)
0.1 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Salt Pile.png Salt Pile Exotic
Often stocked by Cooks
0.2 2 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-Mudcrab Chitin.png Mudcrab Chitin Hunt:
Mudcrabs (All Kinds)
0.25 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Chicken's Egg.png Chicken's Egg Harvest:
Chicken's Nests (in Settlements)
0.5 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Pine Thrush Egg.png Pine Thrush Egg Harvest:
Bird's Nests (Mostly in the South)
0.5 2 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Rock Warbler Egg.png Rock Warbler Egg Harvest:
Bird's Nests (Mostly in the Reach)
0.5 2 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Bee.png Bee Catch:
Bee (Day Insect, in/near Beehives)
0.1 3 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Butterfly Wing.png Butterfly Wing Catch:
Monarch Butterfly (Day Insect, x2)
0.1 3 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Blue Butterfly Wing.png Blue Butterfly Wing Catch:
Blue Butterfly (Day Insect, x2)
0.1 3 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Slaughterfish Scales.png Slaughterfish Scales Hunt:
0.1 3 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Slaughterfish Egg.png Slaughterfish Egg Harvest:
Egg Cluster (Underwater)
0.2 3 Uncommon Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Skeever Tail.png Skeever Tail Hunt:
0.2 3 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Snowberries.png Snowberries Harvest:
Berry Bush (Snowy Lands & Eastmarch)
0.1 4 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Deathbell.png Deathbell Harvest:
Flower (Mainly in Hjaalmarch)
0.1 4 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Mora Tapinella.png Mora Tapinella Harvest:
Pine Tree Fungus
0.25 4 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Scaly Pholiota.png Scaly Pholiota Harvest:
Birch Tree Fungus (Common in the Rift)
0.25 4 Uncommon Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Canis Root.png Canis Root Harvest:
Bush (Northwest & Southeast Skyrim)
0.1 5 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Dragons Tongue.png Dragon's Tongue Harvest:
Flower (Mainly in Eastmarch)
0.1 5 Common Common Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Wheat.png Wheat Harvest:
Crops (on Farms)
0.1 5 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Luna Moth Wing.png Luna Moth Wing Catch:
Luna Moth (Night Insect, x2)
0.1 5 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Glowing Mushroom.png Glowing Mushroom Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.2 5 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Nordic Barnacle.png Nordic Barnacle Harvest:
Barnacle Cluster (Underwater)
0.2 5 Uncommon Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Spider Egg.png Spider Egg Exotic
Find in Egg Sacs (Frostbite Spider Dens)
0.2 5 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Giant Lichen.png Giant Lichen Harvest:
Swamp Fungus (Hjaalmarch)
0.25 5 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Swamp Fungal Pod.png Swamp Fungal Pod Harvest:
Swamp Fungus (Hjaalmarch)
0.25 5 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Bone Meal.png Bone Meal Hunt:
Common Undead (25%), Dragon Priests
0.5 5 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Beehive Husk.png Beehive Husk Exotic
Find in all Beehives (once each)
1 5 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Exotic
Find in most Beehives (once each)
1 5 Common Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Histcarp.png Histcarp Catch:
Histcarp (Shallow-Water Fish)
0.25 6 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-Nightshade.png Nightshade Harvest:
Rare Flower (Commonly in Graveyards)
0.1 8 Rare Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Elves Ear.png Elves Ear Harvest:
Dried Elves Ear (Kitchens)
0.1 10 Common Common
SR-icon-ingredient-Nirnroot.png Nirnroot Harvest:
Rare Plant (Noisy, Often near Water)
0.2 10 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Chaurus Eggs.png Chaurus Eggs Harvest:
Chaurus Egg Sacs (Also in Chauruses)
0.2 10 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Falmer Ear.png Falmer Ear Hunt:
Falmer (50% + 25%)
0.2 10 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Bleeding Crown.png Bleeding Crown Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.3 10 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Blisterwort.png Blisterwort Harvest:
Cave Fungus
0.2 12 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Hawk Feathers.png Hawk Feathers Hunt:
Hawks (x3)
0.1 15 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Spriggan Sap.png Spriggan Sap Exotic
(Only found as pre-prepared samples)±
0.2 15 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Hawk Beak.png Hawk Beak Hunt:
0.3 15 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Dwarven Oil.png Dwarven Oil Hunt:
Dwemer Foes (50%, +1 for Centurions)
0.3 15 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Cyrodilic Spadetail.png Cyrodilic Spadetail Catch:
Cyrodilic Spadetail (Shallow-Water Fish)
0.3 15 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-River Betty.png River Betty Catch:
River Betty (Shallow-Water Fish)
0.3 15 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-Silverside Perch.png Silverside Perch Catch:
Silverside Perch (Shallow-Water Fish)
0.3 15 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-Abecean Longfin.png Abecean Longfin Catch:
Abacean Longfin (Shallow-Water Fish)
0.5 15 Common Common Common Fish
SR-icon-ingredient-Taproot.png Taproot Hunt:
Spriggans (All Kinds)
0.5 15 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Troll Fat.png Troll Fat Hunt:
Trolls (All Kinds)
1 15 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Hagraven Feathers.png Hagraven Feathers Hunt:
0.1 20 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Hagraven Claw.png Hagraven Claw Hunt:
Hagravens (25%)
0.3 20 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Glow Dust.png Glow Dust Hunt:
Wisps & Wispmothers
0.3 20 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Briar Heart.png Briar Heart Hunt:
Forsworn Briarhearts (can be stolen)
0.5 20 Rare Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Giants Toe.png Giant's Toe Hunt:
1 20 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Ectoplasm.png Ectoplasm Hunt:
Ghosts (not summoned)
0.1 25 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Vampire Dust.png Vampire Dust Hunt:
0.2 25 Rare Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Ice Wraith Teeth.png Ice Wraith Teeth Hunt:
Ice Wraiths
0.2 30 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Moon Sugar.png Moon Sugar Exotic
Mainly sold by Skooma Dealers
0.3 50 Uncommon Uncommon
SR-icon-ingredient-Fire Salts.png Fire Salts Hunt:
Flame Atronachs (not summoned)
0.3 50 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Frost Salts.png Frost Salts Hunt:
Frost Atronachs (not summoned)
0.3 100 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Void Salts.png Void Salts Hunt:
Storm Atronachs (not summoned)
0.3 125 Rare Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Heart.png Daedra Heart Hunt:
Dremora (not summoned)
0.5 250 Rare Rare
SR-icon-ingredient-Crimson Nirnroot.png Crimson Nirnroot Harvest:
Rare Plant (Noisy, in the Blackreach)
0.2 10
SR-icon-ingredient-Jarrin Root.png Jarrin Root Exotic
Imported by the Dark Brotherhood (one)
0.5 10
SR-icon-ingredient-Aloe Vera Leaves.png Aloe Vera Leaves Exotic
Imported by the Khajiit (SE 1.6+ only)
0.1 1
For whatever reason, apothecary merchants will stock these ingredients, but will not deal in them (buying or selling) unless you have the Merchant perk. Most updates of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch change this.
The Green Thumb perk does not affect these, making them more akin to Exotic ingredients.
±At least one edition of the Official Game Guide says that Spriggans drop Spriggan Sap. For this reason, most updates of the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch add Spriggan Sap to the Spriggan's death drops.


The following lists new ingredients added by the Dawnguard add-on, and significant modifications to the availability of base-game ingredients. Only base-game ingredients occur in the merchant, satchel, Falmer, and barrel lists, so those columns will not be listed here.

Pic Name Source Weight Value
SR-icon-ingredient-Human Flesh.png Human Flesh Hunt:
0.25 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Chaurus Hunter Antennae.png Chaurus Hunter Antennae Hunt:
Chaurus Hunters (All Kinds)
0.1 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Ancestor Moth Wing.png Ancestor Moth Wing Catch:
Ancestor Moth§ (x2, Ancestor Glade)
0.1 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Yellow Mountain Flower.png Yellow Mountain Flower Harvest:
Rare Flower (Ancestor Glade)
0.1 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Gleamblossom.png Gleamblossom Harvest:
Rare Flower (Forgotten Vale)
0.1 5
SR-icon-ingredient-Poison Bloom.png Poison Bloom Harvest:
Rare Flower (Forgotten Vale)
0.25 5
§You can't collect Ancestor Moths while they're flying.


The following lists new ingredients added by the Hearthfire add-on, and significant modifications to the availability of base-game ingredients. Only base-game ingredients occur in the merchant, satchel, Falmer, and barrel lists, so those columns will not be listed here.

Pic Name Source Weight Value
SR-icon-ingredient-Aloe Vera Leaves.png Aloe Vera Leaves Harvest:
Home-Grown Aloe Vera! (SE 1.6+ only)
0.1 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Salmon Roe.png Salmon Roe Catch:
Jumping Salmon (and some others)¿
0.2 5
SR-icon-ingredient-Hawk's Egg.png Hawk's Egg Harvest:
Hawk's Nest (on player-built Houses)
0.5 5
!You need a sample first, which you plant into fertile soil. Quite a few Harvestable ingredients have this mechanic; see here for a full list.
¿Salmon found in particularly-shallow water can also provide roe, but only if hit at range before being caught.

Player-built houses also add additional sources of various ingredients, if built correctly. Notable examples include bees and honeycomb in the Lakeview Manor apiary, and a tame Slaughterfish or Salmon farm in the Windstad Manor hatchery.


The following lists new ingredients added by the Dragonborn add-on, and significant modifications to the availability of base-game ingredients. Only base-game ingredients occur in the merchant, satchel, Falmer, and barrel lists, so those columns will not be listed here. If you're on Solstheim, though, you'll find that Ash Creep Clusters have been added to their list of "rare" ingredients for sale.

Pic Name Source Weight Value
SR-icon-ingredient-Ashen Grass Pod.png Ashen Grass Pod Harvest:
Spiky Grass (on Solstheim)
0.1 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Scathecraw.png Scathecraw Harvest:
Leafy Plant (on Solstheim)
0.1 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Trama Root.png Trama Root Harvest:
Bush (on Solstheim)
0.2 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Emperor Parasol Moss.png Emperor Parasol Moss Harvest:
Grows on Tel Mithryn Mushrooms
0.25 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Human Flesh.png Human Flesh Hunt:
Werebears (21.4% + 21.4% + 21.4%)
0.25 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Small Pearl.png Small Pearl Harvest:
Pearl Oysters (Thin, near Solstheim)
0.1 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Pearl.png Pearl Harvest:
Pearl Oysters (Fat, near Solstheim)
0.1 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Honeycomb.png Honeycomb Hunt:
Werebears (10.7% + 10.7% + 10.7%)
1 5
SR-icon-ingredient-Felsaad Tern Feathers.png Felsaad Tern Feathers Hunt:
Felsaad Terns (x3)
0.1 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Spawn Ash.png Spawn Ash Hunt:
Ash Spawn
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Ash Creep Cluster.png Ash Creep Cluster Harvest:
Roots on Rocks (on Solstheim)
0.25 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Ash Hopper Jelly.png Ash Hopper Jelly Hunt:
Ash Hoppers
0.25 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Netch Jelly.png Netch Jelly Hunt:
Netches (All Kinds)
0.5 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Boar Tusk.png Boar Tusk Hunt:
Rieklings (25%, + 25% if Mounted), Bristlebacks (45% + 45%)
0.5 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Burnt Spriggan Wood.png Burnt Spriggan Wood Hunt:
Burnt Spriggans (they don't have Taproot)
0.5 20

Bristlebacks (and Mounted Reiklings) also have a 50% chance to yield one of the basic mushrooms when defeated; either a blisterwort, a bleeding crown, a fly amanita, an imp stool, a Namira's rot, or a white cap. Werebears count as bears, and thus drop bear claws.

Rare CuriosCC[edit]

All Rare Curios ingredients are acquired from Khajiit caravan traders, without any other means of acquisition (with just that Creation enabled), and are thus Exotic.

The added ingredients are administered to the leveled lists of the Khajiit merchant chests right at the game's start, or perhaps after Unbound, by a quest that auto-resolves. These all occur in the same "leveled" sublist. To be specific,

  • One instance of this sublist is guaranteed if you have Hearthfire enabled.
  • One instance of this sublist with a count of 2 is added to the LItemMoonSugar75 list, giving a 50% chance for it to come up twice instead of a moon sugar serving each time it's called up.
    • LItemMoonSugar75 has a 25% chance of nothing, but it's called up five times in each caravan merchant chest.

This means the sublist occurs roughly 4.75 (1 + [5 × ½ × 2 × ¾]) times. From there,

  • The sublist itself has a 25% chance of nothing.
  • The sublist has 50 different ingredients, and two non-ingredients (a Flawed Varla Stone and a Welkynd Stone), so each individual thing has a 1-in-52 chance of being called.
  • The ingredients are each wrapped in their own "sub-sublist", which has a 50% chance of nothing but is called three times.

Thus, each ingredient has around a 6% (4.75 × ¾ ÷ 52 × ⅞) chance of being sold at a single caravan, with 1-3 samples (but theoretically as many as 18) being available.

Since the Rare Curios ingredients are all imported by the Khajiit, the following table will list their "inspiration" or source instead.

Pic Name Original Source Weight Value
SR-icon-ingredient-Withering Moon.png Withering Moon Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Cave Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 5
SR-icon-ingredient-Saltrice.png Saltrice Morrowind
Southeastern Coastal Plant (Harvest)
0.1 6
SR-icon-ingredient-Chokeweed.png Chokeweed Morrowind
West Gash Rocky Shrub (Harvest)
0.1 7
SR-icon-ingredient-Congealed Putrescence.png Congealed Putrescence Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Putrid Gigantea (Harvest)
0.1 9
SR-icon-ingredient-Watcher's Eye.png Watcher's Eye Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Cave Fungus (Harvest)
0.2 9
SR-icon-ingredient-Blind Watcher's Eye.png Blind Watcher's Eye Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Rare Mutation of a Cave Fungus (Harvest)
0.2 9
SR-icon-ingredient-Hunger Tongue.png Hunger Tongue Shivering Isles
Hungers¹ changed by the Isles (Hunt)
0.1 10
SR-icon-ingredient-Comberry.png Comberry Morrowind
Ascadian Berry Bush (Harvest)
0.1 12
SR-icon-ingredient-Ambrosia.png Ambrosia Oblivion
Purple Mana Bloom (Harvest)
0.1 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Lichor.png Lichor Oblivion
Blue Mana Bloom (Harvest)
0.1 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Stoneflower Petals.png Stoneflower Petals Morrowind
West Gash Flower (Harvest)
0.1 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Gnarl Bark.png Gnarl Bark Shivering Isles
Gnarls (Hunt)
0.1 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Imp Gall.png Imp Gall Oblivion
Imps (Hunt)
0.2 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Scrib Jerky.png Scrib Jerky Morrowind
Made from Scrib Meat (Exotic)
0.2 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Marshmerrow.png Marshmerrow Morrowind
Southeastern Coastal Plant (Harvest)
0.1 18
SR-icon-ingredient-Bog Beacon.png Bog Beacon Oblivion
Blackwood Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Red Kelp Gas Bladder.png Red Kelp Gas Bladder Shivering Isles (Mania)
Water Plant (Harvest)
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Roobrush.png Roobrush Morrowind
West Gash Shrub (Harvest)
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Wisp Stalk Caps.png Wisp Stalk Caps Oblivion
Cave Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Scrib Jelly.png Scrib Jelly Morrowind
Scribs (Hunt)
0.1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Kagouti Hide.png Kagouti Hide Morrowind
Kagoutis (Hunt)
1 20
SR-icon-ingredient-Alocasia Fruit.png Alocasia Fruit Shivering Isles (Mania)
Leafy Plant (Harvest)
0.25 22
SR-icon-ingredient-Hypha Facia.png Hypha Facia Morrowind
Bitter Coast Tree Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 23
SR-icon-ingredient-Bittergreen Petals.png Bittergreen Petals Morrowind
Mid-Western Vvardenfell Plant (Harvest)
0.1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Blister Pod Cap.png Blister Pod Cap Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Outdoor Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Flame Stalk.png Flame Stalk Shivering Isles (Mania)
Cave Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Redwort Flower.png Redwort Flower Oblivion
West Weald Flower (Harvest)
0.1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Scalon Fin.png Scalon Fin Shivering Isles
Scalons (Hunt)
0.1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Luminous Russula.png Luminous Russula Morrowind
Bitter Coast Fungus (Harvest)
0.2 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Dreugh Wax.png Dreugh Wax Morrowind & Oblivion
Dreughs, in Water & on Land (Hunt)
1 25
SR-icon-ingredient-Coda Flower.png Coda Flower Morrowind
Draggle-Tail (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Corkbulb Root.png Corkbulb Root Morrowind
Root Crop (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Fire Petal.png Fire Petal Morrowind
Mid-Eastern Vardenfell Fern (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Gold Kanet.png Gold Kanet Morrowind
Uncommon Flower (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Hackle-Lo Leaf.png Hackle-Lo Leaf Morrowind
Grazelands Tree (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Kresh Fiber.png Kresh Fiber Morrowind
Kreshweed (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Fungus Stalk.png Fungus Stalk Shivering Isles (Dementia)
Outdoor Fungus (Harvest)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Elytra Ichor.png Elytra Ichor Shivering Isles
Elytras (Hunt)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Sload Soap.png Sload Soap Morrowind
Made from Sload Slug Fat (Exotic)
0.1 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Worm's Head Cap.png Worm's Head Cap Shivering Isles (Mania)
Outdoor Fungus (Harvest)
0.2 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Hydnum Azure Giant Spore.png Hydnum Azure Giant Spore Shivering Isles (Mania)
Outdoor Fungus (Harvest)
0.5 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Aster Bloom Core.png Aster Bloom Core Shivering Isles (Mania)
Wall "Flower" (Harvest)
0.1 40
SR-icon-ingredient-Heart of Order.png Heart of Order Shivering Isles
Knights of Order (Hunt)
0.1 40
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Venin.png Daedra Venin Oblivion
Spider Daedra (Hunt)
0.2 50
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedra Silk.png Daedra Silk Oblivion
Spider Daedra (Hunt)
0.5 50
SR-icon-ingredient-Daedroth Teeth.png Daedroth Teeth Oblivion
Daedroths¹ (Hunt)
0.5 50
SR-icon-ingredient-Bungler's Bane.png Bungler's Bane Morrowind
Bitter Coast Tree Fungus (Harvest)
0.5 50
SR-icon-ingredient-Ogre's Teeth.png Ogre's Teeth Oblivion
Ogres (Hunt)
3 50
SR-icon-ingredient-Minotaur Horn.png Minotaur Horn Oblivion
Minotaurs & Minotaur Lords (Hunt)
5 55
SR-icon-ingredient-Void Essence.png Void Essence Shivering Isles
Flesh Atronachs (Hunt)
0.2 60
¹These creatures existed in Morrowind, which introduced set ingredient drops for foes (after Daggerfall had only random ingredient drops), but dropped daedra hearts instead.

Saints & SeducersCC[edit]

Saints & SeducersCC adds a variety of ingredients that you can find within the Solitude Sewers.

The Solitude Sewers contain hollowed stumps, which each have a chance of containing one of seventeen Rare Curios ingredients from the Shivering Isles if you have Rare Curios activated. If you don't have Rare Curios activated, these ingredients simply don't show up. This table will include a column that notes which ingredients require Rare Curios to appear.

Pic Name Source Weight Value Rare Curio?
SR-icon-ingredient-Bliss Bug Thorax.png Bliss Bug Thorax Catch:
Bliss Bug (Solitude Sewers)
0.1 1 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Withering Moon.png Withering Moon Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 5 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Congealed Putrescence.png Congealed Putrescence Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 9 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Watcher's Eye.png Watcher's Eye Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (12.5%)
0.2 9 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Blind Watcher's Eye.png Blind Watcher's Eye Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.2 9 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Hunger Tongue.png Hunger Tongue Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 10 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Gnarl Bark.png Gnarl Bark Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (they don't have Taproot)
0.1 15 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Spriggan Sap.png Spriggan Sap Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (they don't have Taproot)
0.2 15 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Rot Scale.png Rot Scale Harvest:
Bulbous Fungus(?) (Solitude Sewers)
0.1 20 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Screaming Maw.png Screaming Maw Harvest:
Bulbous Fungus(?) (Solitude Sewers)
0.1 20 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Thorn Hook.png Thorn Hook Harvest:
Bulbous Fungus(?) (Solitude Sewers)
0.1 20 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Red Kelp Gas Bladder.png Red Kelp Gas Bladder Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 20 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Alocasia Fruit.png Alocasia Fruit Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.25 22 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Blister Pod Cap.png Blister Pod Cap Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (12.5%)
0.1 25 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Flame Stalk.png Flame Stalk Harvest:
Bulbous Fungus(?) (Solitude Sewers)
0.1 25 No¥
SR-icon-ingredient-Green Butterfly Wing.png Green Butterfly Wing Catch:
Green Butterfly (x2, Solitude Sewers)
0.1 25 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Purple Butterfly Wing.png Purple Butterfly Wing Catch:
Purple Butterfly (x2, Solitude Sewers)
0.1 25 No
SR-icon-ingredient-Scalon Fin.png Scalon Fin Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 25 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Fungus Stalk.png Fungus Stalk Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 30 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Elytra Ichor.png Elytra Ichor Hunt:
Elytra Nymphs (All Kinds)
0.1 30 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Worm's Head Cap.png Worm's Head Cap Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (12.5%)
0.2 30 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Hydnum Azure Giant Spore.png Hydnum Azure Giant Spore Hunt:
Corrupted Spriggans (12.5%)
0.5 30 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Aster Bloom Core.png Aster Bloom Core Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.1 40 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Heart of Order.png Heart of Order Exotic
(only found as pre-prepared samples)
0.1 40 Yes
SR-icon-ingredient-Void Essence.png Void Essence Exotic
Hollowed Stumps
0.2 60 Yes
¥Saints & Seducers comes with a copy of the Rare Curios code for this ingredient. There are some reports of the two not lining up if both are activated, but these are unconfirmed.


The FishingCC Creation adds nine new ingredients to catch, among the other fish one may now acquire. Fishing also allows one to catch the five base-game fish with alchemical properties.

Pic Name Source Weight Value
SR-icon-ingredient-Glassfish.png Glassfish Catch:
Temperate Fairweather Fish, native to the Blackreach
0.25 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Angler Larvae.png Angler Larvae Catch:
Freezing Fish, native to the Pilgrim's Trench
0.25 1
SR-icon-ingredient-Pygmy Sunfish.png Pygmy Sunfish Catch:
Rare Fish, found in Ancestor GladeDG or the East
0.25 2
SR-icon-ingredient-Goldfish.png Goldfish Catch:
Temperate Lake Fish, most common in Eastmarch
0.25 10
SR-icon-ingredient-Pearlfish.png Pearlfish Catch:
Rainy River Fish (though also in the Sea)
0.25 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Spadefish.png Spadefish Catch:
Rainy River Fish (though also in Eldergleam Sanctuary)
0.25 15
SR-icon-ingredient-Angelfish.png Angelfish Catch:
Rare Fish, most common in Ancestor GladeDG
0.25 30
SR-icon-ingredient-Lyretail Anthias.png Lyretail Anthias Catch:
Rare River Fish, most common in Evergreen Grove
0.25 30

The Angelfish may also be put in the hatchery at Windstad ManorHF, to farm additional specimens.

Other CreationsCC[edit]

The last column in each of these will detail which Creation makes the ingredient available, or at least more available.

Pic Name Source Weight Value Creation
SR-icon-ingredient-Wild Grass Pod.png Wild Grass Pod Harvest:
Wild Spiky Grass (Runoff Caverns)
0.1 1 Forgotten Seasons
SR-icon-ingredient-Yellow Mountain Flower.png Yellow Mountain Flower Harvest:
Rare Flower (Goldenhills Plantation Apiary)
0.1 2 Farming
SR-icon-ingredient-Mort Flesh.png Mort Flesh Hunt:
Rotting Zombies
0.5 2 Plague of the Dead
SR-icon-ingredient-Ironwood Fruit.png Ironwood Fruit Harvest:
Ironwood Trees (Giant's Tooth Island)¢
0.1 5 Bittercup
SR-icon-ingredient-Steel-Blue Entoloma.png Steel-Blue Entoloma Harvest:
Cave Fungus (Gromm's Pass)£
0.25 10 Goblins
SR-icon-ingredient-Bloodgrass.png Bloodgrass Harvest:
Deadlands Grass (Tame)
0.1 25 The Cause
SR-icon-ingredient-Harrada.png Harrada Harvest:
Deadlands Vine (Vicious)
0.1 25 The Cause
SR-icon-ingredient-Spiddal Stick.png Spiddal Stick Harvest:
Deadlands Flower (Vicious)
0.1 25 The Cause
The Creation is not explicitly required for this ingredient, as it can be found elsewhere.
¢The events of the BittercupCC questline may render this location unreachable, but completing it also adds this ingredient to the wares of Khajiit traders.
£GoblinsCC also adds this ingredient to the list that can be grown, and adds it to the wares of Khajiit traders.