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Great Bazaar People[edit]

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Bedal Alen Male Dark Elf Merchant House Hlaalu Kinsman(Kinsman) 12 113 136 0 30 Bookseller Does not actually buy/sell from you
Belwen Female Wood Elf Clothier 40 232 200 100 30 Clothier Merchant
Catia Sosia Female Imperial Smith 40 332 142 0 30 Armory Blacksmith; Merchant
Daron Male Redguard Smith 30 271 106 0 30 Outside Blacksmith; Merchant
Drathas Reyas Male Dark Elf Acrobat 10 102 94 0 30 Outside
Dravil Indrano Male Dark Elf Assassin 25 168 168 0 30 Outside
Fonari Indaren Female Dark Elf Apothecary Service 30 156 200 100 30 Outside Merchant
Fons Beren Male Dark Elf Noble 30 212 172 0 30 Outside
Gureryne Selvilo Female Dark Elf Savant 5 54 116 0 30 Outside
Jeanne Andre Female Breton Mage Service 40 178 200 0 30 Magic Shop Spells, Spellmaker
Jodhur Male Khajiit Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Marena Gilnith Female Dark Elf Commoner 20 153 122 0 30 Outside
Meralyn Othan Female Dark Elf Commoner 10 93 100 0 30 Outside
Meryn Othralas Male Dark Elf Savant 5 59 115 0 30 Outside
Nevama Sarobar Female Dark Elf Commoner 15 123 110 0 30 Outside
Ovis Velas Male Dark Elf Mage 1 40 100 0 30 Outside Appears only after starting The Summoner quest
Rerlas Mon Male Breton Merchant 15 128 164 0 30 Outside Sells pet companions
Roner Arano Male Dark Elf Pawnbroker 25 162 176 0 30 Outside Merchant
Sanaso Sarothran Female Dark Elf Bookseller 35 203 200 100 30 Bookseller Merchant
Suldreni Salandas Female Dark Elf Noble 40 267 200 0 0 Outside
Sunel Hlas Male Dark Elf Trader Service 35 250 288 0 30 Trader Merchant
'Ten-Tongues' Weerhat Male Argonian Pawnbroker 15 93 102 100 30 Pawnbroker Merchant
Ungeleb Male Wood Elf Alchemist Service 40 184 200 0 30 Magic Shop Merchant

Godsreach People[edit]

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Deldrise Andoren Female Dark Elf Noble 20 148 140 50 30 Andoren Manor
Yagak gro-Gluk Male Orc Smith 45 364 130 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Elbert Nermarc Male Breton Enchanter Service 30 156 200 100 30 Craftsmen's Hall Enchanter, Merchant
Bols Indalen Male Dark Elf Smith 15 165 102 90 30 Craftsmen's Hall Custom Armor, Repairs, Merchant
Detritus Caria Male Breton Noble 20 148 160 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Ilnori Faustus Male Imperial Crusader 10 110 100 0 30 Craftsmen's Hall
Trels Varis Male Dark Elf Journalist 10 120 130 90 50 Secret Office
Sendel Tedas Male Dark Elf Enforcer 10 83 100 90 50 Secret Office
Feranos Hlando Male Dark Elf Witchhunter 10 75 158 90 50 Secret Office
Veros Nerethi Male Dark Elf Battlemage House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 12 97 148 0 90 Secret Office
Ignatius Flaccus Male Imperial Enchanter 20 119 200 0 / 50 30 Ignatius Flaccus's House Second Alarm rating is after the Dwemer Warbots quest; Does not actually offer Enchanter services
Ravani Llethan Female Dark Elf Healer 13 92 106 0 30 Llethan Manor Widow of the late King Llethan
Donus Serethi Male Dark Elf Spellsword House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 17 135 124 90 30 Llethan Manor
Anrel Female Wood Elf Warrior House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 12 135 98 90 30 Llethan Manor
Tadera Andules Female Dark Elf Noble 35 237 288 90 30 Sadri Manor
Alvan Llarys Male Dark Elf Noble 30 212 172 90 30 Sadri Manor
Golena Sadri Female Dark Elf Thief 40 232/300 200 90/0 30 Sadri Manor Second statistics are during The Thief quest.
Mitanne Limax Female Breton Commoner 25 177 152 0 30 The Winged Guar
Ra'Tesh Male Khajiit Trader Service 25 186 156 100 0 The Winged Guar Trader
Bakh gro-Sham Male Orc Agent 35 221 134 0 30 The Winged Guar Trainer
Hession Female High Elf Publican 40 235 200 100 30 The Winged Guar Merchant
Galms Seles Male Dark Elf Commoner 20 158 122 0 30 The Winged Guar Runs a fixed shell game
Holmar Male Nord Barbarian 15 155 82 0 30 The Winged Guar
Denegor Male Wood Elf Commoner 15 118 110 0 30 The Winged Guar
Therdon Male Redguard Commoner 10 108 80 0 30 The Winged Guar
Soscean Male Redguard Warrior 20 214 90 0 0 The Winged Guar
Geon Auline Male Breton Noble 25 177 176 0 30 Geon Auline's House
Arnsa Thendas Female Dark Elf Noble 20 148 140 100 30 Thendas Manor
Olvyne Dobar Female Dark Elf Rogue 30 233 126 90 50 Vacant Manor
Felvan Ienith Male Dark Elf Rogue 30 228 126 90 50 Vacant Manor
Dovor Oren Male Dark Elf Rogue 50 375 158 90 50 Vacant Manor
Gavis Velas Male Dark Elf Mage 30 150 198 50 30 Velas Manor
Torasa Aram Female Dark Elf Noble 30 207 172 100 30 Museum of Artifacts
Eno Romari Male Dark Elf Priest 20 119 134 0 30 Outside
Salas Valor Male Dark Elf Crusader 40 350 166 100 30 Outside
High-Pockets Male Wood Elf Thief 10 76 108 0 30 Outside
Venasa Sarano Female Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 Outside
Thrud Male Nord Barbarian 25 212 98 0 30 Outside Follows you during The Barbarian and the Book
Taren Andoren Male Dark Elf Noble 19 147 138 0 30 Outside
Velyna Seran Female Dark Elf Commoner 20 153 122 0 30 Outside
Elanande Female High Elf Battlemage 30 200 200 0 0 Outside

Royal Palace People[edit]

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
King Hlaalu Helseth Male Dark Elf King 35 400 154 0 30 Throne Room Essential; King of Morrowind
Karrod Male Redguard Warrior 50 634 122 90 30 Throne Room Essential
Ivulen Irano Male Dark Elf Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 295 166 90 30 Throne Room
Evo Othreloth Male Dark Elf Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 295 166 100 30 Throne Room
Diradeni Farano Female Dark Elf Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 293 166 100 30 Throne Room
Drusus Gratus Male Dark Elf Guard Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 295 166 100 30 Throne Room
Tienius Delitian Male Imperial Guard Royal Guard Captain(Captain) 45 394 150 100 30 Throne Room
Calvus Horatius Male Imperial Warrior 10 250 94 0 30 Courtyard Possible Companion
Plitinius Mero Male Imperial Savant 40 233 200 0 30 Courtyard
Aleri Aren Female Dark Elf Crusader Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 293 166 90 30 Guard's Quarters
Milvela Dralen Female Dark Elf Crusader Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 293 166 90 30 Helseth's Chambers
Ervis Verano Male Dark Elf Crusader Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 295 166 100 30 Helseth's Chambers
Crito Olcinius Male Imperial Priest Service Imperial Cult Disciple(Disciple) 35 182 176 0 30 Imperial Cult Services Merchant; Spells; Spellmaker
Laurina Maria Female Imperial Priest Service 30 161 162 0 30 Imperial Cult Services Spells; Spellmaker
Effe-Tei Male Argonian Mage 35 164 200 0 30 Reception Area Essential; Transport to Ebonheart
Barenziah Female Dark Elf Queen Mother 70 630 300 0 30 Barenziah's Chambers Essential
Alusannah Female Redguard Crusader Royal Guard Guard(Guard) 40 295 146 90 30 Barenziah's Chambers

Temple Courtyard People[edit]

Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Gaenor Male Bosmer Pauper/Warrior 1/50 300/500 80/158 90/0 30/30 Temple Courtyard Second statistics occur during The Natural quest
Athelyn Malas Male Dark Elf Commoner 25 187 132 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Forven Berano Male Dark Elf Noble House Hlaalu House Brother(House Brother) 21 159 144 90 30 Temple Courtyard
Bels Uvenim Male Dark Elf Noble 35 275 188 0 0 Temple Courtyard
Gee-Pop Varis Male Dark Elf Gardener 3 64 84 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Goval Ralen Male Dark Elf Commoner 20 158 122 0 30 Temple Courtyard
Mehra Helas Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 7 60 96 100 30 Temple Courtyard Merchant; Spells; Spellmaker
Shunari Eye-Fly Female Khajiit Thief 35 211 188 0 30 Temple Basement Only appears during the Crimson Plague quest
Nerile Andaren Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Curate(Curate) 35 169 154 100 30 Temple Hall of Ministry Merchant; Spells
Galsa Andrano Female Dark Elf Healer Service Tribunal Temple Adept(Adept) 25 95 25 100 30 Temple Infirmary Merchant; Spells
Granny Varis Female Dark Elf Caretaker 4 61 92 0 30 Temple Reception Area
Fedris Hler Male Dark Elf Assassin 50 280 200 0 30 Temple Reception Area Essential
Urvel Dulni Male Dark Elf Priest 5 56 92 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon
Gavas Drin Male Dark Elf Priest Tribunal Temple Patriarch(Patriarch) 50 431 200 0 30 Office of the Lord Archcanon Essential
Hand Vonos Veri Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Sadas Mavandes Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Savor Hlan Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Drals Indobar Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel
Hand Arnas Therethi Male Dark Elf Warrior Hands of Almalexia 50 394 158 80 50 High Chapel

Other People[edit]

Plaza Brindisi Dorom
Teran Hall
Bazaar Sewers
Moril Manor
Residential Sewers
West Sewers
Temple Sewers


Two people have been added to Vvardenfell: