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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Morrowind Overhaul Project.
The page is being rewritten and checked in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines.
Quests: written by Ratwar, checked by Salamangkero

Services: written by Salamangkero (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Salamangkero

House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by Salamangkero

Unique Dialogue: not written

Spells: written by Maroonroar, checked by Salamangkero
Karrod (karrod)
(lore page)
Location Mournhold, Royal Palace Throne Room
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level 50 Class Warrior
Other Information
Health 634 Magicka 122
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Essential Yes

Karrod, a Redguard warrior, is King Hlaalu Helseth's Champion. During the Main Quest, you are required to defeat him in order to gain the King's favor.

He is wearing an almost-complete set of Royal Guard Armor, save for the helm, as well as an expensive shirt with matching pants. He has an odd Dwemer weapon as well as unusually high stats for an NPC, with 150 Strength and 120 Speed. Like all Redguards, he has a natural resistance to poison and disease, and can boost his health, strength, agility and endurance for a short period of time, but otherwise knows no spells. However, he has additional abilities:

Due to these abilities, Karrod can withstand a lot of punishment. However, he does very little damage because his sword, while unique, deals less damage than most mid-tier weapons.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Helseth's Champion[edit]

If you attempt to speak to him before beating him he will stay mute:

"[Karrod says nothing.]"

Once he is beaten:

"Hold! I am beaten. You are the greater warrior, %PCName. You should speak now with my liege." Goodbye

The Blade of Nerevar[edit]

"What may Karrod do for you, mighty one?"
"I am Karrod, Champion of King Hlaalu Helseth, and eternal friend to you, %PCName."
pieces of the blade
[Odd Dwemer Weapon has been added to your inventory.] "When I was a child, my father gave me this weapon. He told me that as long as I had it, none would defeat me in battle...until the rightful owner came to claim it from me. I know now that you are the one of whom he spoke. I give it to you freely. May it serve you as well as it has served me."

If you ask again:

pieces of the blade
"Good luck in your quest, my friend. When it is done, the blade will serve you well."

Once you have Trueflame:

"You have forged the blade anew. I am in awe, my friend. Use it well."


  • Despite his loyalty to Helseth, if you ask him about Helseth, he'll give an oddly unpatriotic response "He's our new King, I suppose..." and wonder whether Helseth had anything to do with King Llethan's and Talen Vandas' deaths. If you ask him about Talen Vandas, he will remark "Now there's a man who could lead our people!" He even thinks that the Royal Guards (presumably including himself) are thugs. These are generic dialogue statements that you can get from almost anyone in Mournhold. The developers presumably simply forgot to make an exception for Karrod.
  • While Karrod is Helseth's greatest warrior and wears a set of Royal Guard Armor, he is not part of the Royal Guard faction.