Tamriel Rebuilt:Aldmeri Diplomacy

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Calm down an embassy member who is unwilling to let old grudges go.
Quest Giver: Arieglos of Eldenroot
Location(s): Ebon Tower
Reward: Witch Charm or 100 gold or The Firsthold Revolt
Disposition: -20/-15/+5/+10/+20 (Arieglos of Eldenroot)
+0/+10 (Randir of Silvenar)
+0/+10 (Maeracaine)
+0/+20 (Elteryn of Firsthold)
Reputation Gain: +1
ID: TR_m3_OE_AldmeriDiplomacy
Irniwen may be difficult to persuade...

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Arieglos of Eldenroot about Ambassador's Favor.
  2. Calm down Irniwen Man-Eater:
    • Persuade her to behave.
    • Fail to persuade her then talk to Arieglos, who will tell you she must leave.
      • Persuade her to leave.
      • Fail to persuade her and she will attack you; kill her.
    • Kill her at any point unprovoked.
    • Tell Maeracaine about the issue and he will "take care of it".

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

A Problematic Embassy Member[edit]

At the Valenwood Mission in the Ebon Tower, you may encounter the ambassador, Arieglos of Eldenroot. He asks if you want to gain an ambassador's favor by helping him with something. He explains that Irniwen Man-Eater is not happy about the closeness of the Summerset Isles Mission due to the recent conflict between Valenwood and the Summerset Isles, and he wants you to calm her down. You can say it's not your problem and the quest is over (-20 disposition), or, say you'll try and he'll point you to the second floor where Irniwen resides.

There are multiple solutions to this quest: persuading Irniwen to behave, persuading her to leave, killing her provoked or unprovoked, and betraying Arieglos by telling the High Elf, Maeracaine.

Irniwen Man-Eater[edit]

Most paths involve seeking out Irniwen on the second floor. If you want a quick resolution, you must raise her disposition to 70 or higher. Talk to her about ambassador's favor and she will agree to behave. Return to Arieglos to receive 1 reputation, a 20 disposition increase with him, a 10 disposition increase with Randir of Silvenar, and a Witch Charm.

If you talk to Irniwen without 70 disposition, she calls Arieglos and you fools and gives an ultimatum: either she leaves or the High Elves leave. Return to Arieglos, who makes it clear that the only solution now is for her to go back to Silvenar. Approach Irniwen again; her reaction will still depend on her disposition, but it only needs to be 50 or higher this time for a successful resolution. With 50 disposition, she agrees to leave: the screen fades in and out and she's gone. The reward is the same here except for disposition, which is reduced to +10 with Arieglos.

Failing this disposition check turns her hostile, and you are forced to kill her. The reward from Arieglos is now 5 disposition with him and 100 gold.

At any point during these paths you can choose to kill Irniwen, which angers Arieglos. You lose 20 disposition if you tell him about it. Of course, attacking her detected will turn the whole room hostile so this dialogue is dependent on either a stealthy kill, a calm spell, or coming back later.

Betraying Irniwen to Maeracaine[edit]

If you have not yet reached a point where Irniwen has been dealt with—behaving, leaving, or attacking—you can go to the High Elf Maeracaine and inform him of the ambassador's favor. He tells you to wait while he "takes care of it" and the screen fades in and out. You must choose the [Wait.] option to hear the rest of his dialogue: Irniwen is gone and he has a reward for you, the Mysticism skill book The Firsthold Revolt. You gain 10 disposition with him, 20 with his ambassador, Elteryn of Firsthold, but lose 15 disposition with Arieglos. Returning to Arieglos is not necessary to complete the quest, though you will see just how unhappy he is at your betrayal.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Aldmeri Diplomacy (TR_m3_OE_AldmeriDiplomacy)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Arieglos of Eldenroot, the Ambassador of Valenwood, has asked me to calm Irniwen Man-Eater down before she does something stupid.
20 Irniwen Man-Eater gave me an ultimatum to give to Arieglos of Eldenroot.
30 Arieglos of Eldenroot has chosen to send her back to Valenwood and he asked me to tell her.
35 Irniwen Man-Eater has told me she would behave.
40 Finishes quest☑ Arieglos thanked me for helping Irniwen Man-Eater see reason.
45 Irniwen Man-Eater attacked me claiming I'm no better than the Altmer. I had no choice but to defend myself from her assault.
49 Irniwen left the Valenwood Mission.
50 Finishes quest☑ Arieglos of Eldenroot thanked me for sending Irniwen home peacefully.
51 Finishes quest☑ I told Arieglos of Eldenroot about Irinwen's attack. He thanked me and gave me some gold.
55 Finishes quest☑ Irniwen Man-Eater is dead, and Arieglos isn't happy. I might want to avoid the Valenwood Mission for a while.
60 Finishes quest☑ I've chosen to decline the ambassador of Valenwood's humble request.
70 Finishes quest☑ I've betrayed Arieglos and told Maeracaine the truth about Irniwen Man-Eater. He thanked me and told me he would take care of it.