Skyrim talk:Vampirism

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Archive 1: Nov 2011 - Feb 2012
Archive 2: Mar 2012 - Jul 2012
Archive 3: Aug 2012 - Dec 2012
Archive 4: Jan 2012 - May 2013

Finding Sleeping Enemies[edit]

Can any 1 tell me where to find sleeping enemies to feed on? — Unsigned comment by Revencher (talkcontribs) at 12:16 on 5 January 2013 (GMT)

There is an entire section of the article devoted to feeding-related information. If you're specifically looking for "enemies", you're likely to find bandits asleep at any bandit camp after dark. Did you have a more specific question in mind, such as "Where can I find reliable sleeping enemies that are easy to get to?" -Trogdor — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:04 on 5 January 2013 (GMT)
Isn't "Where can I find reliable sleeping enemies that are easy to get to?" basically what i asked? but that is what i want to know. — Unsigned comment by Revencher (talkcontribs) at 20:05 on 5 January 2013 (GMT)
If you have a decent sneak skill you can feed on any sleeping non-vampire NPC in sneak mode without hostility. They only turn hostile if you are detected and they wake up while you are feeding. Even then it does not effect their relationship rank, so you can run away and come back later and they will be normal again. -- Jimbo talk 14:18, 27 June 2013 (GMT)

Vampire Seduction Limitations[edit]

I don't know if this information should be added somewhere on the main page or not.

  1. Vampire Seduction does not work for me on leveled or important NPCs such as housecarls, or an NPC like Sapphire for example. I get a message "<NPC Name> is to powerful for Seduction". I do not know if this is based on level, or if there is some flag as to whether an NPC can be seduced or not.
  2. When using Vampire Seduction on an otherwise non-hostile NPC. Casting it on them does not turn them hostile, but you have to feed on them from behind, so they can't see you, to avoid getting a bounty and having them turn hostile when it wears off. -- Jimbo talk 14:48, 27 June 2013 (GMT)
It's based on level. When the message says "too powerful" it means "too high level." That also applies to werewolf fear roars, illusion spells, and necromancy. The issue with feeding from a Seduction target sounds to me like you don't have Dawnguard installed; IME under Dawnguard you can feed from Seduction targets without any bounty or post-Seduction hostility. --Morrolan (talk) 04:58, 28 June 2013 (GMT)
Hmm, I had not been feeding with Vampire Seduction on non-hostile NPCs except for the Bard at Windstadt Manor. Otherwise it had been Bandits and such. The Bard is where I have the issue of having to feed from behind. It must have something to do with there being other NPCs around watching, even though they don't see it as an assault. If the Bard can see me she will say "Help, I'm being assaulted!" or something like that, and I will get a bounty. When the seduction wears off and she attacks, the other NPCs in the house kill her, removing the bounty because she was the only witness. Somehow them being there enables her to realize what is going on. I have now used it on some other non-hostile NPCs and, as you say, there is no hostility. -- Jimbo talk 17:28, 30 June 2013 (GMT)
Interesting. Do you have any children at Windstadt? Children seem to do weird things to the crime system. --Morrolan (talk) 01:56, 1 July 2013 (GMT)
Yes, I have two daughters at Windstadt. I also just had this same situation happen with the Alchemist lady at Mistveil Keep, Riften. Even though the door was closed and it was just her, me, Jordis (vampire,wife,follower) and a dead thrall. This time a female voice said "Help, someone is being assaulted!", like somebody else could see it, but if I fed from behind where she couldn't see me it was fine. -- Jimbo talk 16:08, 2 July 2013 (GMT)
Who was the dead thrall? I believe they keep their mortal attitudes towards crime and can count as witnesses, which is why I usually have bandits as thralls. --Morrolan (talk) 23:14, 2 July 2013 (GMT)

() It was Sapphire. I got tired of her bitching at me every time I passed her in Riften, so I used the console to make her mortal. Listening to her moan is much better than listening to her bitch. -- Jimbo talk 15:25, 3 July 2013 (GMT)

Ironically, despite her being Thieves Guild, I'm pretty sure she counts as a witness. It was probably her spotting you. --Morrolan (talk) 19:20, 3 July 2013 (GMT)
Yeah, her morality is "No Crime". Even as a dead thrall she's still a pain in the... Well, I think I'm just about an expert on what you can and can't get away with when feeding now. Thanks for the discussion. --- Jimbo talk 02:33, 4 July 2013 (GMT)
Last comment on this, I know this has gotten long, but I think this is actually what is going on. After a little more testing, I think it actually has to do with the collective consciousness built into the AI for interior zones. If one NPC witnesses you doing something they don't like, all the NPC's in that zone's faction become hostile collectively. In an Inn, or castle, even if you close a door blocking line of sight, the NPCs are still "connected". If the victim can still see you, even though they can't react while under the Vampire Seduction effect, it still triggers the hostility of the NPC collective for that zone. If you feed so they can't see you, then the hostility doesn't get triggered, because the rest of the NPCs can't see either due to the closed door. It gets more complicated with your house. In my case, the bard is the only NPC not in my follower/family faction, so if she can see me feeding on her it triggers hostility for the NPC collective in the house, but the other NPCs don't react because they are followers/family, but the bard reacts when the seduction wears off. If you are in an interior zone like a shop, where the NPC being fed on is the only one, then apparently there is no collective to be triggered, so when the seduction wears off they simply forget the experience. -- Jimbo talk 02:45, 5 July 2013 (GMT)
That's kinda interesting. It doesn't really belong on this page though. Maybe you could edit Skyrim:Crime and update it? Add a note or something. --Morrolan (talk) 00:56, 8 July 2013 (GMT)
To #1 yes it is level based but there is a way around it, all you have to do is cast a relevant level calm spell and then cast Vampire Seduction and it will let you feed on anyone that can be affected by calm spells, at least on xbox with latest patch. Wrath425 (talk) 04:38, 11 November 2013 (GMT)

Invisible Shield Bug[edit]

Along with having invisible Ebony Equipment, I note that it's impossible for me to place Ebony Shields in Shield Racks. I haven't done any extensive testing; I'm in my manor in Solstheim and even though I placed ebony weapons in all the weapon slots, the shield slots say I need to equip one despite my inventory and block animation claiming otherwise. CookiesRiot (talk) 06:12, 8 August 2013 (GMT)

Stage 4 hostility[edit]

So, it seems a mod I have conflicts with the removal of hostility set by Dawnguard. Until the mod is updated, is there a temporary fix, console, CK or otherwise, that I can use to remove the hostility (while, of course, still keeping the mod)? Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 23:34, 19 August 2013 (GMT)

Find PlayerVampireQuestScript in your scripts. Make and store a backup file somewhere else. Find the spot that starts like this:
;Vampire progression should not happen if player is in combat or controls are locked or the player can't fast travel
There will be a section shortly underneath it that looks like this:
;All NPCs hate the evil Vampire
Remove those two lines or remove Game.GetPlayer().AddtoFaction(VampirePCFaction) and replace Game.GetPlayer().SetAttackActorOnSight() with Game.GetPlayer().SetAttackActorOnSight(False). Also look later in the script and find the lines
and remove those too. The line directly above those is ;Player is no longer hated. Only used for players that load DLC as a vampire. This may or may not work. Vely►t►e 23:59, 19 August 2013 (GMT)
Now if only the CK were working for me, I could do this. Something about Version Control and a ConstructionSet.ini file that I don't seem to have except in my Oblivion folder. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 00:30, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
I don't actually know how to edit scripts through the CK. PlayerVampireQuestScript.psc is in steamapps\common\skyrim\data\Scripts\source\Dawnguard. You can open and edit it via Notepad. If you can't get it yourself, feel free to email me. Did you check the CK bugs? Vely►t►e 00:42, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
Checked that a while ago, and I thought I had fixed it. Oh well, I can't stand the CK anyway; the Oblivion version was so much easier to navigate. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 00:59, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
Unfortunately, neither of those changes worked. Trying to see if I can possibly locate the scripts from that mod. Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 01:19, 20 August 2013 (GMT)
Aw... well, did you open up a save where your vampire was already stage 4? You'd have to remove the faction via console and remove the SetAttackActorOnSight, though idk how to do that; try becoming stage 3 and then 4 again to test it. Otherwise, good luck. Vely►t►e 02:05, 20 August 2013 (GMT)

() Nah, I opened up when I was stage 3, went to High Hrothgar, turned to stage 4 while inside and got attacked by the Greybeards. I think I'll just wait for an email response from the modder (for the record, the mod is called "The Rabbit Hole"). Schiffy (Speak to me|What I've done) 17:00, 20 August 2013 (GMT)

Uncurable, unable to feed vampirism (360)[edit]

There is a potential bug with being bitten by a vampire in battle. In my case it was a vampire scout attacking outside of fort dawnguard.

The bug is that the vampirism is applied to the player character, but (im guessing) the players race is not changed to (player race)vampire.

This results in the feed option not appearing, the players eyes not glowing, and the quest to cure vampirism not being able to start when speaking to innkeepers about rumours. Yet, however, the player continues to move through the stages of vampirism, have its asociated powers and negative and positive effects - including blood boiling in sunlight. The player can feed on bottled blood (blood potion) to reduce vampirism (found in castle vohlkar) to reduce the vampiric level.

This bug can be insanely frustrating and i myself struggled to cure the vampirism for weeks and weeks of real time - but as nobody recognizes you as a vampire you cannot cure it and since he only way to reduce the vampiric level is with the exceedingly rare blood potions (i beleive there are only 5 in the entire of skyrim) you may be tempted to restore from a former save.

If you have freed serena from her tomb you can fix the bug by asking her to turn you into a vampire. As the world does not know you are a vampire she will oblige and bite you. During this cutscene, the game will glitch out and possibly crash, as it is double applying the vampirism to the character but it did work for me. Then the players race changes and the eyes start glowing, this allows you to interact with all the characters in the world normally as a vampire, including feeding and getting cured.

This may also work by finding vampires and letting them bite you if you have not freed serena yet, but this process could take a long time.

The telltale sign of this bug is that you are a vampire without glowing eyes.

This bug could be a potential upside for players who want to maximize their vampiric powers - as you can wander around as a level 4 vampire without being attacked while having all of the positive and negative benefits of vampirism maxed out. Im not sure how common this bug is or what causes it, but players who revel in their vampirism might want to experiment to see if they can use this bug as an exploit. To everyone else, this is a very frustrating bug. Perhaps someone better with this wiki could add it tothe bugs section under vampirism, as it was exceedingly frustrating to figure out. I only know about this bug on 360, as i dont have any other version of the game.

— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:57 on 10 November 2013 (GMT)

Vampire's Servant[edit]

I was looking for information on this power and was disappointed to find only a similar description as there is in game, along the lines of "reanimate a very powerful corpse to fight for you".

I feel the description of this power has some glaring omissions such as: How powerful? What types of corpses? Is it affected by necromage? and possibly more.

Is this power discussed elsewhere on the site and does anyone have this type of information? 22:11, 8 December 2013 (GMT)

Hmm, you're right, it is not readily acessable from this page...
as seen here, a very powerful corpse is any corpse up to level 30 (without the Necromage perk) or level 37 (with the Necromage perk). I'll see into how to integrate this into these pages. -- SarthesArai Talk 22:37, 8 December 2013 (GMT)
I've gone ahead and added the necessary details where necessary. I hope that's better. Regarding the necromage perk, as it says here any spells that targets undead (including the player) will be affected, so it'd be kinda redundant to repeat the same info here. --S'drassaYes? 15:45, 9 December 2013 (GMT)

Keep Vampires Sight after cured[edit]

You can keep the vampire power "Vampires Sight" after you are cured

So I became a vampire and wanted to get cured, but while I was still a vampire I decided that I would at least use the vampires sight power to see in the dark while I had it. So I had it "equipped" as my current power on my right bumper button while I walked around. I go and get cured of vampirism, and then went off to do other things for a while. Some time later, I accidentally hit the right bumper instead of the left when attepting to sprint and discovered that Vampires Sight was still equipped and it still worked. I checked my active effects to see if I truley was fully cured and did not still have vampirism and i did not, I was fully cured but still had the power. Lucky for me I have not activated the dragons yet so I dont need to use that button for shouts so I am going to keep the power forever

It kind of makes me feel like a half vampire, which is cool because this is my vampire hunter character so I'm like Blade lol

This may in fact work for all of the other vampire powers as well but i have not tested it out 12:48, 29 December 2013 (GMT)Nyte Blayde

That's an interesting glitch. I presume that if you switch to any other power, you won't be able to switch back though. It probably belongs on Skyrim:Glitches. Do you have Dawnguard installed?
It'd be interesting if this glitch happened with other powers. Beast Form and Vampire Lord both spring to mind. :) --Morrolan (talk) 20:19, 30 December 2013 (GMT)

Multiple headgear[edit]

Right now I have 5 headgear on. Thieves guild hood, thieves guild hood (upgraded), linwe's hood, guild master's hood and nightingale hood. Sooo you can have more than 3. And if I didn't sell it earlier i could have had a different normal thieves guild hood that I could have improved to have 6. So technically you can have 7 multiple headgears that can be legitimately obtained. Or to an extremely large amount with the console. I0brendan0 (talk) 14:40, 6 June 2014 (GMT)

The hood glitch in the Bugs section is listed as needing verification and links to this comment. The glitch happens for me and apparently I0brendan0 as well, so I see no reason to keep the needs verification tag there, unless verification needs to be visual or something.--VɅƝØȠƊØΓƑ ʂƥξαƙ 23:49, 29 May 2017 (UTC)
Then you can just change the vn=1 with confirmed=1 all by yourself. —MortenOSlash (talk) 19:08, 30 May 2017 (UTC)
To my knowledge, this bug does not affect beastkin vampires because unlike elven and human vampires, beastkin vampires' head models don't change when turned into a vampire. That being said, if anyone wants to link a beastkin vampire wearing a thief hood to prove or disprove me, then please do so.

MidbossVyers (talk) 14:55, 23 May 2020 (UTC)

No Necromage/Vampirism symbiosis in Unofficial Skyrim Patch?[edit]

According to the notes section for Restoration, "This issue has been addressed by version 1.2.3 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch; Necromage no longer boosts the power of spells and enchantments used on a vampire player." Should the notes section for this page reflect that as well? However, I am a bit confused as to what extent 1.2.3 downgraded the Necromage/Vampirism symbiosis. It no longer boosts power of spells and enchantments used on a vampire player, but what about perks? Medouneu (talk) 18:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

If I recall, the USKP adds an explicit "does target != player?" check in the Necromage perk to prevent it from affecting any magic effects that target the player, regardless of source (perk, spell, enchantment, ability, etc.). — Lid-Mop (talk) 02:40, 6 June 2015 (UTC)
Thanks! Then I'll add that same verbiage here. — Medouneu (talk) 18:04, 7 June 2015 (UTC)

NPC Vampiric Drain value unclear[edit]

Unfortunately, this spell is not as powerful as the version cast by vampire NPCs (which can reach up to over 20 HP per second)

So is it up to 20 HP per second, or over 20 HP per second? You can't have both unless you want to include all real (positive) numbers. 00:15, 10 August 2015 (UTC)

Skin color of vampires[edit]

Why the skin color of my character becomes darker instead of becoming paler when i turn into a vampire? it only becomes more pale if im a nord, is this a bug? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:30 on 22 November 2015 (UTC)

Days not counting right[edit]

Say I fed at 6am on Morndas. At 6pm it registers as if it's another day, giving me 48h before I turn into stage 4, which is half of what it normally is. I am a 10 day vampire if that has anything to do with it. Can anyone tell me how to fix it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:57 on 20 August 2016 (UTC)

Healing Hands Aggression[edit]

Discussion moved to Skyrim talk:Healing Hands

Sending Seduction victims to castle[edit]

I read somewhere that you can make Npcs into thralls using seduction and command them to go to the vampire castle for enslavement. Is this correct? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 3:20, 14 May 2018 (UTC)

No. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 19:34, 14 May 2018 (UTC)
The closest thing to that is New Allegiances, where you turn someone for the benefit of the Volkihar clan. They won't actually return to the castle, though. The person in question will simply disappear once the quest is complete. You can also turn your spouse in The Gift. Robin Hood  (talk) 19:43, 14 May 2018 (UTC)

Vampire-feeding softlock[edit]

The article mentions a bug that occurs in some cases when feeding on another actor, wherein the player loses almost all control of the character.

Attempting to feed on an NPC sleeping in a bed with something next to it (such as a table or chest) can cause the feeding sequence to not animate correctly. The screen will still glow red and you will revert to stage one vampirism, but your character will be stuck in place, unable to move.

I can't explain the lack of an animation, but I can explain the softlock. When you feed on an actor, the game creates AI packages at run-time: a "do nothing" package for your target, and a "vampire feed" package for you. The game applies these packages and then flags your character as AI-driven; in other words, your character temporarily becomes an NPC and acts out the package. The "vampire feed" package has hardcoded behavior: at a regular interval (possibly every frame), it checks for a particular set of AI data on your character; when that data is found, the package will flag your character as no longer being AI-driven. The data in question is set whenever your character receives the "PickNewIdle" animation event.

So: the animation event sets some AI data; the AI package eventually reads that data; and then your character becomes playable again. What could go wrong? Well, something -- and in all honesty I still don't know what -- can cause the vampire-feed package to be removed from your character before that AI data gets set. This means that the package is no longer around to set you as no longer being AI-driven, so you basically remain an NPC forever -- or, at least, until you use the SetPlayerAIDriven 0 console command.

The aforementioned console command should allow you to escape being softlocked on any PC platform. I also have a mod, "Cobb Bug Fixes," which includes a fix for this for Skyrim Classic. (I patch the code which deletes temporary AI packages: if the package to be deleted was a vampire-feed package for the player, and if the player is still AI-driven, then I force them to no longer be AI-driven before letting the deletion occur.) I am aware that UESP links to a page on the Unofficial Patch when listing a bug that that patch solves, but I'm not sure whether the same is done for other mods, and in any case doing that myself would feel like a plug.


  • The virtual function void Character::Unk_BF(Actor* target, TESObjectREFR* targetFurniture) initiates vampire feeding. It creates and executes both the "vampire feed" and the "do nothing" packages. Because these packages were created at run-time rather than being pre-created in the Creation Kit, they will be deleted when they are no longer in use.
  • Function void PlayerCharacter::SetPlayerAIDriven(bool) at 0x0073E0C0 (in Skyrim Classic) is used both by the console command and by other parts of the game engine.
  • One of the internal SetPlayerAIDriven calls is from ActorProcessManager::Subroutine0070CD80, which testing has shown to run very frequently (possibly every frame) while a vampire-feed package is active. That function only sets the player as no longer AI driven if they are more than 40 units from their target (possibly with other conditions as well), or if specific AI-related conditions are met.

I don't know how much information the UESP would want before providing this explanation in the article (nor am I sure how much of this explanation the UESP would want to provide), so I'll leave this here for any other editors. If desired I can transliterate the subroutines mentioned from assembly to C++. DavidJCobb (talk) 13:36, 18 March 2020 (GMT)

Soy nordico y tengo los ojos de vampiro normal teniendo el dawnguard cuando en realidad deberian ser brillantes.[edit]

hay una solucion al dia de hoy? 20:59, 3 September 2020 (UTC)

I Keep Reverting to Stage 1[edit]

Twice now, my character has inexplicably reverted to Stage 1 Vampirism. The only person on whom she has fed was Dexion, which you HAVE to do in order to continue the quest, so that was a special case. But after completing Unseen Visions, I fast travelled to Darkfall Cave and got a notice on arrival that my vampirism had been advanced, and when I reloaded from my last save, I discovered that my character was once again no longer at Stage 4. This happened to me before at a different place in the Dawnguard questline, and I can't figure out why. Has anyone else had this happen to them? Valeria (talk) 05:03, 14 July 2024 (UTC)

I think I found the problem. Apparently, giving Serana a Potion of Blood can cause MY vampirism to revert to stage 1 when she drinks the potion. One more reason to hate having Serana along.  :-( I'm going to add this to the bug list here. Valeria (talk) 05:49, 14 July 2024 (UTC)