Skyrim talk:Valdimar

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Spell List[edit]

Can someone with the CK get a complete spell list for Valdimar? I can confirm Ice Spike and one of the low level Magic Armor spells (Probably Stoneflesh) Lord Eydvar Talk|Contribs 21:02, 23 October 2012 (GMT)

Level and Spells, etc...
I'm the CK right now and Valdimar's level shows "Level Mult: 1.00", "Calc Min: 10" and "Calc Max: 50". Not sure how that's supposed to be inputted in his level box.
The Spells in his SpellList are:
  • CloseWoundsLeftHand
  • FastHealingLeftHand
  • IceSpikeLeftHand
  • OakfleshLeftHand
  • StonefleshLeftHand
  • TurnUndeadLeftHand
  • WardLesserLeftHand
I also see him in the PotentialMarriageFaction. I don't believe it was mentioned anywhere about that option. (Rayya and Gregor are also in that faction). — KunvuloninKünvülänin 03:30, 24 October 2012 (GMT)
Ah, thanks for this info! I'll go ahead and add this to the article. — ABCface 03:38, 24 October 2012 (GMT)

I can't find valdimar[edit]

Same as Rayya. I try to use console command "prid", but I don't know his Id. Does anybody knows it? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:00 on 5 December 2012

I'm not familiar with which IDs are needed for console commands, but his baseID is xx00521B and his refID is xx00521D (just replace the 'xx' with '02', '03', etc. depending on the load order of your mods). — ABCface 03:59, 11 December 2012 (GMT)
He seemed to disappear for me. No idea where he went. I ran all around and inside Windstad Manor with Detect Life and Detect Dead and couldn't find him anywhere. I thought maybe he had died somehow, so I used prid to target him and moveto player to move him to me, and he was fine. So, possible bug? -Trogdor — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:25 on 28 December 2012
I had the same problem. When I had just built the first room, I needed to get some lumber, so I went back to Morthal, and I met him on the way (he was going to the manor from Highmoon Hall since I had built the room). Later that night he seemed to be patrolling, but I just think he kept walking and walking. I tried looking for him the next day, but didn't find him. Day after that I was curious to his whereabouts, so I used the console to move to him, and he was apparently walking around Helgen... It's like he keeps moving south and doesn't stop ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 06:22, 5 January 2013 (GMT)
Actually, I've seen him near Helgen again when I passed it, he seems to go up and down the road there ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 16:27, 5 January 2013 (GMT)
It's a bug. His AI pack that should send him to Windstad Manor actually points to Lakeview Manor. If Lakeview Manor isn't enabled yet then the game will send him to Helgen instead since that's the default destination for bad targets. Arthmoor (talk) 00:49, 11 January 2013 (GMT)
I'm pretty sure the Manor already existed, it's usually the first house I build. Not that it really matters ~ Dwarfmp (talk) 21:10, 13 May 2013 (GMT)

Double Steward[edit]

I have brought Valdimar at Windstad Manor like a follower, then I dismissed him and he returned to the Manor and not to the Jarl house in Morthal. So I presume he lives at the Manor. Then I appointed Lydia as a steward and so she also lives at the Manor. I was expecting to see Valdimar leaving for Morthal, but he didn't. So now I have both Valdimar and Lydia living at the Manor! Both do the steward tasks like wandering, patrolling and smithing outside and cooking, sitting and sleeping inside. But actually only Lydia has the steward dialogue options. So my question is: is actually possible to have 2 NPC (that aren't children, spouse, bards, pets, carriage drivers) leaving at your house? So both are steward? -- 11:46, 19 January 2013 (GMT)

Valdimar is your housecarl if you are a thane of the hold, so he should automatically live at your house in that hold. You only appointed Lydia as your steward, so she is the only one who is your steward. Since Valdimar is just a housecarl, he doesn't have the steward dialogue options, but he still has a package for living in the home as a housecarl, which includes wandering, using crafting tools, etc. — ABCface 15:59, 19 January 2013 (GMT)
You can have an awful lot of NPCs living at your house. I have one character who has in one house a spouse, a housecarl, a steward, a bard, two children and a carriage driver outside. It never gets lonely there --Morrolan (talk) 18:16, 24 January 2013 (GMT)
I think you missed the part of the question which is in parenthesis- they were asking whether you can have two stewards in one house (already answered), not about all the other types of housemates. — ABCface 19:19, 24 January 2013 (GMT)
I'm a little confused by which "Manor" you are talking about. If he returned to Winstad Manor, then the above is true. If instead he went to Lakeview Manor, then this situation is probably caused by the known bug which causes Vladimar to travel to Lakeview Manor.--Draagyn (talk) 00:08, 21 February 2014 (GMT)

Aletration, Destruction and Restoration skills[edit]

At lvl 50, is Valdimar supposed to be a master at destruction, alteration and restoration or just an expert!? Watching his class didn't give me any information about it since he's the only one to use his class!! Thanks in advance! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:18 on 15 February 2013 (GMT)

What do you mean by master or expert? These are distinctions used about trainers, and as Valdimar is no trainer, I can not see what you are asking about? —MortenOSlash (talk) 05:35, 15 February 2013 (GMT)
I think he's wondering if Valdimar has 100 in his magic skills and/or if he can cast master-level spells, which I'm pretty sure he can't (can any NPC do it? I doubt so). 08:22, 15 February 2013 (GMT)
Sorry, I wasn't very accurate in my question! I was wondering if he has 100 in Destruction at lvl 50 or something around 75 (expert)? I know the spell he cast but even if he can cast only Ice Spike, he doesn't mean that he can be a master at Destruction!? I base my asking on the fact that housecarls have 100 in Heavy Armor, One-Handed and Block since Valdimar doesn't have the Block skill he has to be balance with something else! He can't be weaker just because he's different!?
If Argis the Bulwark at lvl 50 is like this:
Heavy Armor (100)
One-Handed (100)
Block (100)
Archery (98)
Two-Handed (78)
Then Valdimar at lvl 50 should be like this:
Heavy Armor (100)
One-Handed (100)
Restoration (100)
Destruction (98)
Alteration (78)
The spells known by him are not representative of his degree of skills! — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:09 on 16 February 2013 (GMT)


So, the Unofficial Hearthfire Patch says: "Valdimar (BYOHHousecarlHjaalmarch) is equipped with light armor and has perks for light armor use but his class was set for heavy armor. (Bug #12238)"

Does this mean A) Valdimar's class was changed to have a perk for light armor or B) Valdimar's perk was set for heavy armor ?

How can I find this out in-game (via console)? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:27 on 29 May 2013

Try getavinfo lightarmor, with and without the patch installed. Although I haven't tried it myself, it's supposed to return some fairly in-depth info about the actor's light armor skill. --Xyzzy Talk 05:45, 18 June 2013 (GMT)

Bug or Note?[edit]

{{Bug|Although his default gear is governed by the Light Armor skill and he has Light Armor skill perks, his class makes him more proficient in Heavy Armor. Similarly, he's carrying a steel mace while having a perk for axes instead, although you can just switch his weapon, unlike his outfit.|dlc=HF|UHFP|1.1.0|it makes him more proficient in Light Armor}}"

This is currently in the article under the "Notes" section. Since it is using the {{Bug}} template, should it be listed under bugs? It kind of sounds like a bug to me, but at the same time it just seems like an oversight so I've left it as is for now. •WoahBro►talk 13:29, 5 April 2014 (GMT)

I think the bug template is for tagging it as addressed by the unofficial patches, not necessarily for tagging it as a bug itself. Also, in a lot of pages (full search results here) the armor-skill discrepancies are listed under the Notes section. —<({Quill-Tail>> 14:42, 5 April 2014 (GMT)
Just checking, thanks Quill-Tail! •WoahBro►talk 14:50, 5 April 2014 (GMT)

Valdimar started fight with Gregor[edit]

I have all three Hearthfire houses, and their housecarls. I was standing in the master bedroom in Lakeview when Valdimar and Gregor walk in behind me and started to fight over my Nightingale bow that I placed on the plaque. Rayya just stood there and did nothing. This ever happen to anyone else? Not just those two, but any two NPCs coming to blows over a "dropped" item? KaidaThyme (talk) 19:37, 13 June 2014 (GMT)

It's a world interaction. --AN|L (talk) 21:42, 13 June 2014 (GMT)
Thanks KaidaThyme (talk) 16:06, 24 July 2014 (GMT)

Found him wandering far from home[edit]

I just wanted to make a note, I found Valdimar wandering along a road SW of Dawnstar, just east of Windward Ruins. He was headed in a westerly direction along the road, which I suppose is in the direction of Morthal or Windstead Manor, but I have no idea why he'd be here, I've never asked him to follow me. Obax (talk) 04:57, 13 December 2015 (UTC)

This bug is already noted on his page. —MortenOSlash (talk) 08:06, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
Is it? I only saw the bug about him going to Lakeview Manor instead of Windstead manor. I found him near Dawnstar, which is on the opposite end of the map from Lakeveiw Manor. If it's the same bug, then I guess misunderstood what was written. I was only mentioning it in case others were searching for him and couldn't find him at the places noted on his page, I wasn't necessarily suggesting it needed to be included on the page, I'm happy to let others decide what should and should not be included in the main articles. For the record, I followed him and he walked back to Winstead Manor and then promptly went for a swim in the fish farm, so I guess he's back home for now. Obax (talk) 20:37, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
Sorry. It seems you are right. I just had a bit too brief glance a the bug and thought it was the other way round when I wrote. —MortenOSlash (talk) 23:27, 13 December 2015 (UTC)
No worries, I've been known to read things wrongly on occasion. And by 'on occasion' I really mean 'fairly often'... I mostly just like to contribute to talk pages with little things I've noticed like this, in case anyone else has the same experience and is looking into it and/or the page writer feels like it's worth adding. I don't feel like I have enough experience/knowledge to actually add it to the main page myself. Obax (talk) 02:50, 14 December 2015 (UTC)

Must have rock hard skin[edit]

I have tried to kill this dude by shouting him off the Throat of the World five fricking times and he always survives. I also just tried paralyzing him then shouting him into the lava at the Aetherium Forge, I captured his soul but he acts alive and I can still "talk" to him, and he still shows up when I use the Detect Life spell. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:28 on 17 June 2017 UTC

What Is His Schedule?[edit]

I'm curious about what Valdimar's schedule is supposed to be.

I know he sometimes thinks he belongs at Lakeview Manor rather than Windstad Manor, so I built and fully furnished both the Entryway and the Main Hall at Lakeview Manor, got made Thane of Falkreath, and made Vilkas my steward there. I bought a chicken, paid for a carriage, and verified that both Rayya and Vilkas were using their beds at Lakeview Manor. Only then did I build and fully furnish both the Entryway and the Main Hall at Windstad Manor. I got made Thane of Hjaalmarch and followed Valdimar back to Windstad Manor. He went inside and headed towards his bed, but then it hit 6:00 AM, so he turned around and headed outside to patrol. I went back to Whiterun, grabbed Aela, returned to Windstad Manor, and accepted her as steward there. I used the wait function to fast-forward to 10:00 PM. Like a sensible girl, Aela headed inside. Valdimar took off toward Morthal. I wanted to see where he wound up, so I followed him. He made it nearly to Movarth's Lair when midnight came, and then he immediately did an about face, walked back to Windstad Manor, went inside, and went to bed.

So if midnight is the time he heads to bed, where was he headed at 10:00 PM and why? Movarth's Lair is too far afield for him to have been merely patrolling. And with a different character, he did something similar but was headed toward Dawnstar and didn't turn around and head home until 1:00 or 2:00 AM. 08:52, 22 January 2019 (UTC)