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Skyrim talk:Resist Poison

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100% Resist Poison Not 100%[edit]

100% Resist Poison does not nullify poison damage - you can confirm by wearing Hevnoraak and fighting a few chaurus reapers. You will still get the message "You have been poisoned" and poison damage will show up under Active Effects, though lessened to 1pt/second. Not sure if this is a bug with Hevnoraak or if there's a Resist Poison cap like with Resist Magic... can any PC players use the console to figure that out? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:56 on 16 December 2011

I've been trying to pin down some oddities with poisons, and it turns out that most of the Falmer "poisons" aren't actually poisons at all: they're generic "special" spells, and nearly all of them are miscategorised (as are the Chaurus ones). The easiest way to see it in action is to just go through a Dwemer Ruin with a Poison Immunity necklace: Centurion (Poison Gas) Breath is correctly completely blocked, but almost everything else will do either 1pt of damage (with its normal duration, for DOT effects), or (thankfully rarely) full damage (also with full duration, if it's DOT). The "it's capped at 85%" note is, I think, almost certainly wrong given the Centurion case, and it's simply that a huge number of "poison" effects just aren't "fully" so, and as a result the "spell" bypasses what should be a "0 magnitude via immunity" first test; then the actual poison MGEF gets applied, and when its magnitude gets calculated it comes out as 0 and is rounded up (hacked to) 1 to avoid a division-by-zero error. I haven't had a chance to really dig into it yet, but that's my first impression of things, rather than that there is a deliberate cap or that it's the Centurion Breath that's wrong. I'm sure Kivan will get to it someday if I can't figure it out. Aliana 03:59, 11 April 2012 (UTC)
It's not capped. If you want to test it, play a vampire and chew on poisonous alchemy ingredients. You will suffer exactly zero damage, even if you eat jarrin root. --Morrolan (talk) 21:49, 22 September 2013 (GMT)
It is capped. Chewing poisonous alchemy ingredients is not a way to test poison resistance because on-self effects are not modified by resistance (on a side note, I tried your method, putting on a necklace of poison immunity (100% poison resist) and chewing Jarrin root. I died immediately since I have only 100 HP) Falmer and Chaurus poison spit are indeed poison, so they are the reliable way to test poison cap. Player wearing necklace of poison immunity still takes damage from chaurus poison spit but a follower equipping that same apparel will not, that's because npc's resistances have no cap. 14:21, 23 September 2013 (GMT)
That's ... interesting. I'm on XBox, 1.9, obviously no mods. We're encountering what appear to be very different rules. You? --Morrolan (talk) 02:53, 24 September 2013 (GMT)
Err, I should specify that I'm playing with all the Bethesda add-ons as well. I'll retest next chance I get. --Morrolan (talk) 03:54, 24 September 2013 (GMT)
I'm on PC, I have only unofficial patches and some self-made mods. However I don't think the patches have anything to do with it since I have played the game long before I used unofficial patches, surely I had to notice if the resistance is suddenly capped. 16:10, 26 September 2013 (GMT)
Is there a possibility that the vampire poison resistance and the enchantment one are different mechanisms, the former not being capped and the latter being capped to 85 %? I would make some sense that the vampires' complete poison immunity would be a special case. 22:37, 26 December 2016 (UTC)
Or perhaps the vampirism does give you immunity against alchemical poisons, but the poison resistance enchantment does not? 22:39, 26 December 2016 (UTC)
Can confirm through extensive in-game testing (at least, not as a vampire, though I find no clear evidence that vampires are immune either) that poison resistance is functionally capped at 85%, like Magic, Fire, Frost, and Shock resistance; Resist Disease is the only Skyrim resistance type for which it is possible in certain circumstances to achieve complete functional immunity. Mikeprichard (talk), 19 June 2020

() Alright, I haven't tested it yet. I'll retest first chance I get, but it might be a while. I think it was around 1.6 the last time I tested it.
It does appear that magic resistance works on poison attacks; chaurus attacks against a PC that has no magic or poison resistance cause blurred vision, but that doesn't happen if you have magic resistance. So it might be that spell absorption (which is uncapped) was making me think that my 100% poison resistance was causing the 0 damage effect. --Morrolan (talk) 16:16, 26 September 2013 (GMT)

Does the en chant exist ingame?[edit]

I cant find it and google only returns threads about people who cant find it and no one claims to have this enchant on a disenchantable piece — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:01 on 21 April 2012

Yes, not being sarcy but that's why there is a section on disenchantable items. That being said I don't think I've had an enemy drop one, they are sold by merchants, usually general merchants. The Silencer has spokenTalk 23:15, 21 April 2012 (UTC)
Generally, when someone starts a comment with "[I'm] not being ____", they're being _____. That said, I think what OP is asking is whether or not there are any GUARANTEED locations for any of these generic items instead of having to wander aimlessly looking for a random spawn. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of any that exist. 04:23, 2 June 2012 (UTC)
Precisely what I'm wondering. I've never had a merchant carry one yet. I see resist disease necklaces all the time, but never this, and I have every enchanting effect possible for someone playing 360, save the resist magic effect on the Shield of Solitude (it's actually pretty good as is, so I didn't destroy it yet).--Playerseekingbugs 03:19, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
I saw a Necklace of Poison Immunity on sale once only. In Solitude. Either at Bits and Pieces or Radiant Ramant (can't remember which). I have a sinking feeling it can only appear in shops while the player is still in the lower levels, though I can't confirm that. 19:33, 5 August 2012 (UTC)

() I found an immunity to poison amulet somewhere. It is disenchantable but I don't really want to disenchant it because the best I could do right now is 62% and the one i have is 100%. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:39 on 29 August 2012

How do items with this enchantment behave in leveled lists?[edit]

As in the section above, I am very concerned for how hard it is to find this item in shopkeeper inventories. I've spent the last couple hours checking in on Radiant Raiment, Bits and Pieces, and the blacksmith in Solitude; then waiting for 2 days; then checking again. I've had Necklace of Disease Immunity show up plenty of times, and on 2 different merchants at the same time. My only guess is that an item that is of less value, but appearing five levels later is somehow erasing the Necklace of Poison Immunity from existence. The character I'm using is at level 43, and I found Muffle-enchanted boots just a little earlier at the same level. Radiant Raiment carries so many enchanted necklaces at once on a regular basis that I assumed that surely Solitude could bring me this at a faster pace than the Blacksmith couple of Whiterun gave me muffled boots. I was wrong. Can anyone confirm if all of the 2 items that you can use to learn the effect absolutely vanish after a certain level (albeit much lower I fear) like the muffle boots?--Playerseekingbugs (talk) 08:30, 21 November 2012 (GMT)

I've encountered the same thing at level 28. I've gone through a few dozen respawn cycles sitting in Radiant Raiment and saw Disease Immunity come up 4 times and never saw either Resist Poison or Poison Immunity. Michaelt919 (talk) 21:17, 27 July 2013 (GMT)
It works like this. Go to Radiant Raiment at levels 5-9 and you'll find Necklace of Poison Resistance pretty easily. Go at levels 10-14 and you'll find Necklace of Disease Resistance easily too. At levels 15-19 you'll find Necklace of Poison Immunity; and at levels 20+ you'll find Necklace of Disease Immunity. If you don't have either of the anti-poison necklaces by level 20, forget it — you're not getting it ever again unless you cheat it in with the console.Simaton (talk) 03:36, 28 July 2013 (GMT)

() Note that the Necklace of Poison Immunity stops appearing in levelled lists from Level 20, so it will be impossible to learn this enchantment if you have not found a disenchantable item before then.

This note was added to the page. Is there any proof that they stop appearing or is it just based on hearsay without any testing? Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 23:46, 15 October 2013 (GMT)

Seems to be correct. In LItemEnchNecklaceMisc, "Calculate from all levels <= PC's level" is not checked, meaning that on Lvl 20+ you'll only get the Necklace of Disease Immunity. This is also a bug that has been fixed by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch: "LItemEnchNecklaceMisc has been fixed to allow water breathing and resist poison amulets to spawn after level 20. (Bug #1452)" --Holomay (talk) 00:31, 16 October 2013 (GMT)
(PS3 user) To complicate the issue further (but also to give some hope to high-level characters), my character just bought a Necklace of Poison Immunity from his wife Jordis's "store" at level 90. MrC (talk) 20:05, 30 January 2014 (GMT)
I confirm your spouse may sell a Necklace of Poison Immunity at any level. So after level 20 the only way to acquire this necklace is to get married with someone, not necessarily Jordis. Tested with Jordis and Iona at level 85. Defqon1 (talk) 18:07, 5 January 2020 (GMT)
Confirmed with Shahvee as well at level 47 - so I'm assuming it will work on any spouse who uses the miscellaneous merchant list (i.e. any which weren't a particular type of merchant before marriage). Please note the odds for this do suck, I noticed that Shahvee had stocked enchanted jewelry from levels 1 through 15 from the generic magic apparel list (at a rough approx. this could be one of about 50 different rings, circlets or necklaces). Even with a typical 3 in jewelry items in stock this takes over an hour to get of respawning inventory using the save/reload glitch to get - so it should only be considered as a last resort if you're greater than level 20 and are playing on a home console - JDizzle (talk) 18:15, 10 November 2020 (UTC)

Resisting Poison[edit]

What about the chance to resist poison entirely? Does that relate to resist poison at all? I know that draugr have 100% poison resistance and as such always resist poisons with the notification but I fought a lot of enemies which only sometimes resisted poisons. Is it even the case that resist poison reduces the damage? I thought it would work like resist disease in that it gives a chance negate the effect. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:07 on 19 April 2014

Alchemy potions with (only) Resist Poison beneficial effects are ignored for the Alchemy Benefactor perk[edit]

In all of the ingredient combinations I've tried (not all possible ones), the Benefactor perk does not recognize Resist Poison effect as beneficial. BTW, the Benefactor perk ONLY works with Potions (i.e. beneficial potions as compared to poisons). That is, the mixture must be a Potion, not a Poison. I determined this by the potion's name (potion or poison), but I understand which category the mix is in is determined by the value (gold) of the most valuable (base) Effect match in the mix. The Benefactor perk works as follows: For each Effect match. Is the mixture a potion? If yes then is the effect a benefit (and not Resist Poison)? If yes apply multiplier (1.25X) to the effect's magnitude xor duration. Otherwise the Benefactor Multiplier is 1.00. IIRC, only Cure Disease has neither magnitude nor duration (as displayed - they say it has internal values used to determine value). All other ingredients (I've only looked at the base game) have variable magnitude xor duration (but never both). Examples: At Alchemy Skill Level 100, with 5/5 Alchemist Perk, With Physician Perk, With Benefactor Perk (and no enchantments and no Fortify Restoration in effect, etc.) Beehive Husk and Charred Skeever Hide match for Resist Poison. The mix IS a (beneficial) potion. But the magnitude (as well as value) is the same whether you have the benefactor perk or not. Also true with Beehive Husk + Thistle, Falmer Ear + Troll Fat, Charred Skeever H. + Mudcrab Chitin, and Garlic + Slaughterfish Egg. You will also note that the other beneficial effects in the last two combos do increase (Restore Stamina and Fortify Stamina, respectively) in magnitude. 20:51, 6 November 2019 (GMT)

Getting a Necklace of Poison Immunity probabilities / chances / likelihoods[edit]

Xbox 360 High Elf levels 10 to 18:

I did extensive testing and found that when I went to Radiant Raiment with a follower, me with a lower enchantment level, with too little money, not a member of the thieves guild, and various other simultaneous factors that would be too numerous to list, I was never able to get the ladies there to have the item(s), but when I was a thieves guild member, did not have a follower at all (dismissed), had a higher enchantment level about 70+, had plenty of money, I ended up getting 3 such 100% immunity necklaces within minutes of trying to do so. When I was not with suitable state, 2 days of attempts went by with unsuccessful attempts to get such necklaces, etc. While being unsuccessful, I got numerous accesses to disease resistance necklaces that eventually I purchased then destroyed by learning one of their enchantments at an enchanting table, but those kept always coming as available in the ladies' store stock.

I am not sure of the exact one or more situational states was the check box item that enabled the ladies to have stock in the poison immunity necklace, so listed the ones for certain that I knew were different when eventually I had success. I know that I had leveled up 1 to 5 times at that point, but knew not to exceed level 19 so opted not to enter the level up menu and stayed safely at level 18 for the "testing." 13:30, 18 December 2019 (GMT)

"A target with 50% Resist Poison will effectively halve any poison damage it takes."[edit]

The page does not clearly explain how poison resistance interacts with non-damaging poisons.

I assume that poison resistance directly reduces the duration if a duration exists and magnitude otherwise. If this is the case then 50% resistance and a 10 second paralysis poison becomes 5 seconds being paralysed. I also assume that '40% weaker to shock for 30 seconds' becomes 40% over 15 seconds and not 20% over 30 seconds.

This should be answered directly in the page by someone who knows the details. - 12:36, 2 November 2020 (UTC)

Necklace of Poison Resistance drop at lv 46[edit]

I’m playing on 360 with official patch installed, Dragonborn and Hearthfire installed (no DawnGuard), level 46 kajiit character. Last stage of Blood on the Ice in Windhelm, Calixto dropped a 50% poison resistance necklace for me, which seems really weird given the level cap listed on the page. This is my first point entering Windhelm in this run through, and I didn’t come close enough to the city to activate the quest timer until I was level 30+. I’ve got several quests active but none I can think that would interact with this particular mechanic. Did I just hit the 1 in a million spawn lottery or is this something that changed in the coding for that patch or…? 06:48, 2 February 2022 (UTC)

Spouse selling immune/resist poison amulet at high level[edit]

07/03/2024 : I'm married with Borgakh with lengendary edition, all DLC and official Creaton Club installed. Not have any mod,even the Unofficial Patch. I'm lvl 89 and I just buy a amulet of poison immunity in my spouse's shop. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:14 on 7 March 2024 (UTC)