Skyrim talk:Construction
- 1 Cutting your own Lumber
- 2 Altering house expansions?
- 3 Balcony Walkway
- 4 Adding animals to the Animal Pen
- 5 Simple contruction
- 6 Bug - house not appearing
- 7 Hearthfire Homes Batch List
- 8 Small House - Entrance Hall
- 9 Blank Carpenter's Workbench
- 10 Achievement - Master Architect
- 11 Moved from article
- 12 Save some materials
- 13 earth moving!
- 14 Stuff disappearing!
- 15 Exterior Deck Bug
- 16 how to get lakeview manor if impossible before
- 17 Items spawning in wrong place?
- 18 Drafting Table won't remove Cellar workbench
- 19 Quantities and Console Codes for Building All Houses
- 20 Carpenter's Workbench Bug
- 21 Steward won't furnish entry
- 22 What is respawning in the houses?
- 23 Storage room fence bug
Cutting your own Lumber[edit]
I've noticed in various places that people have struggled to get lumber vendors to let you cut the wood for yourself for free (the line of dialogue runs something like 'I can't just give it away!'). I ran into the same problem with Thonnir of Morthal, until I noticed that I hadn't completed his related quest, Laid to Rest. Upon completing the quest, Thonnir became a friend and then I was allowed to cut the lumber for myself for free. I therefore assume that being able to cut lumber for free relies on your being friends with the lumber vendor. However I have only verified this with Thonnir as unfortunately my current character is already quite the social butterfly with the lumberjacks. Threepwood87 (talk) 01:37, 12 September 2012 (GMT)
- I can confirm, on my game, that Anja and Grosta (Heartwood Mill) also allow to saw the logs for free, and I am fully assuming that this is because I did their misc. mission beforehand. -- 16:45, 12 September 2012 (GMT)
- After installing Hearthfire I completed Aeri's (of Anga's Mill) letter delivery, and when speaking to her again, she does allow you to cut your own lumber for free. You get 10 sawn logs per cut, and it appears you can cut lumber indefinitely. 03:01, 17 September 2012 (GMT)
Altering house expansions?[edit]
Is it possible to "demolish" a wing of a house and build a different type of wing in its place using the drafting table? The impression I've gotten is that once you build a house you can't change the layout like that, but I want to be sure before I decide how to finish my main Hearthfire house. 03:10, 17 September 2012 (GMT)
- From what I've seen so far, this is not possible. There are no options to undo or destroy anything you have already done. There doesn't seem to be any dialogue options from your steward to allow you to do this either. — ABCface◥ 12:59, 17 September 2012 (GMT)
- I'm playing on Xbox so I don't have access to console commands, but my cousin plays on PC so I asked him if there was a way to do it. He said that if all you had laid out was the roped-off section (no foundation or framing) then you could change it with the console. He didn't tell me how, and he has several unofficial mods installed, so I'd take this information as rumor at best. Any chance someone with a PC could confirm/deny this? Bruchette (talk) 08:36, 9 June 2013 (GMT)
(←) Can anyone give list of console commands to reset the whole house or, preferably, just one wing? I have looked a lot online but haven't found anything. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:54 on 20 August 2013
Balcony Walkway[edit]
There´s a fence between the storage balcony and the armory balcony? How to remove? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:15 on 18 September 2012
- Same problem with storage + bedrooms here. 17:30, 10 October 2012 (GMT)
- I do not think this is removable because the individual wings would've had them there as actual fences. so it doesn't get removed if you were to add an adjacent wing. But I might be wrong AsinineCompadre (talk) 14:01, 19 February 2017 (UTC)
Adding animals to the Animal Pen[edit]
I have built an Animal Pen as an exterior addition to Heljarchen Hall. It appears on the left of the entryway (when facing the door), as a fenced-off area with a hay bale in it. How do I add animals to it? A cow? Some chickens? I have tried clicking on the hay bale, and tried checking the carpenter's bench in the entryway where I created the Animal Pen, but there doesn't seem to be an option to add the animals to the pen. 22:05, 27 September 2012 (GMT)
- You have to have make a follower into a steward and pay them to add the animals. Details are on the steward page, but I didn't think to link to them from this page. I'll go ahead and do so now. Hope this helps! — ABCface◥ 02:24, 28 September 2012 (GMT)
Simple contruction[edit]
For those who want to build all 9 options, want to build everything including the cellar and want to keep things simple, some tips here:
Total materials for all houses (crafted at forge): 569 nails, 60 hinges, 41 iron fittings, 30 locks and 18 iron ingots = 176 iron ingots + 30 corundum ingots. Just buy all ingots from vendors first. Buy 2 straws as well.
Quarried Stone and Clay can be mined on site or bought from personal steward. Sawn Logs can be bought from personal steward. Bring along the follower that you want to be steward when you first arrive at you new house. So you can instantly hire them after building the small house and don't have to travel back and forth.
Let the stewards do all the furnishing if you want.
Simple guide for lazy man (like me). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:00 on 7 November 2012
Bug - house not appearing[edit]
"House doesn't show at all." added by at 06:53, 11 November 2012
- The above bug was just added to the article, and I moved it here mainly because it is quite vague. There is a known bug, typically caused by mods, in which a house may either 1) not appear at all, or 2) appear at a different homestead (e.g., you purchased Windstad and when building at the Windstad table/workbench the house gets built at the Lakeview property instead). Could the user who added this bug specify which house they experienced the bug at and which platform they are playing on? Also, if on PC, disabling mods and checking to see if the issue is resolved on an earlier save would be helpful. — ABCface◥ 07:01, 11 November 2012 (GMT)
- I had this problem myself, specifically with Windstead not appearing properly. From research I've done, it seems like this can be caused by several different mods. Some (like Unique Region Names) have you build Windstead, only for it to appear at Lakeview. Several which have increased wildlife spawns can cause the Windstead house to not appear at all. Of course, anything which alters the landscape on which the house is to appear poses a problem. Most mods that are still maintained have fixed their issues regarding this by now; others would need to be removed. In my case, and all the others I've read, it was ultimately caused by a mod, and not Skyrim or any official DLC. -- 19:18, 23 August 2013 (GMT)
Hearthfire Homes Batch List[edit]
I know many people get tired of tracking down all the items required to build and furnish your homes. I've made well over thirty homes accross many different characters, and it can get quite tedious. Or maybe you just want to see what the various wings look like before you decide on which ones you want in your main house for keeps. Well in an effort to solve this issue for many, I've compiled a batch list that will give you everything you need to build and furnish all three of you houses. This list will give you 1000 of every item needed to build your home(s). Even if you build all three, you will however, have a lot of items left over. It is also important to note that these codes put the items directly in your inventory. It may be a good idea to use player.modav carryweight 100000 until you have finished with the items, and then use player.modav carryweight -100000 to reset your stats to normal. Or you could use some other means of fortifying your carry weight. It will take (if memory servers correctly) approximately 70,000 carryweight for all these items.
There are some specific rules as to how to go about using this list though, so please, ensure you've followed these directions carefully, otherwise many items (the Hearthfire specific ones, such as goat horns and glass) will not work.
When you open Skyrim, you will be able to look at your data files. This list shows you what official plug-ins and mods you are currently using. You must ensure that the items from Hearthfire (the items that are 01XXXXXX as opposed to 00XXXXXX in my list) match the place in which Hearthfire loads ONLY TAKING INTO ACCOUNT OFFICIAL PLUG-INS. That is to say that if Hearthfire loads before any other official plug-in, the list is good to go for you as is. If you have other plug ins, such as Fall of the Space-Core, DawnGuard, or Dragonborn, some changes will have to be made. There are two ways to go about doing this.
The simplest way may simply be to load Hearthfire before any other plug-ins. If you don't want to change your load order, here is how to change the batch list to accomodate you. Figure out how many official plug-ins you are loading. If you have four official plug-ins loading, and Hearthfire is the third to load, you must change all the items from Hearthfire (the ones that are 01XXXXXX) to 03XXXXXX.
Hopefully those directions were explained well enough. If not, feel free to ask me to elaborate more. Anyways, here is the list. I hope someone gets some use out of it.
Batch List |
player.additem 000c8911 1000 player.additem 000cc848 1000 player.additem 000c8915 1000 player.additem 000c8917 1000 player.additem 000c8919 1000 player.additem 000c891b 1000 player.additem 000cc844 1000 player.additem 000cc846 1000 player.additem 000878bb 1000 player.additem 0003ad52 1000 player.additem 0005ad93 1000 player.additem 000d284d 1000 player.additem 0003ada4 1000 player.additem 0003ada3 1000 player.additem 0005ad9d 1000 player.additem 0006851e 1000 player.additem 00068523 1000 player.additem 01005a69 1000 player.additem 0003ad8e 1000 player.additem 0100303f 1000 player.additem 0005ad9e 1000 player.additem 0002e4ff 1000 player.additem 01003011 1000 player.additem 0003ad68 1000 player.additem 01003035 1000 player.additem 0005ace4 1000 player.additem 0006bc0a 1000 player.additem 000800e4 1000 player.additem 01003012 1000 player.additem 0006bc00 1000 player.additem 0100300f 1000 player.additem 0005ad99 1000 player.additem 0005ada0 1000 player.additem 0005ada1 1000 player.additem 0005ad9f 1000 player.additem 0003ad6e 1000 player.additem 0006bc04 1000 player.additem 0100300e 1000 player.additem 0005ace3 1000 player.additem 0003ad70 1000 player.additem 0006bc0b 1000 player.additem 0005ace5 1000 player.additem 01005a68 1000 player.additem 0003ad76 1000 player.additem 0003ad74 1000 player.additem 01003043 1000 Player.additem 0003ad6d 1000 player.additem 0100306c 1000 |
— Unsigned comment by MoonStruck (talk • contribs) at 06:18 on 25 January 2013
- For anyone confused by the changing the first two numbers in IDs, the page Skyrim:Form ID may be helpful. — ABCface◥ 06:43, 25 January 2013 (GMT)
- Also, rather than changing carry weight, you can just toggle god mode with "tgm" at the console. You will still be encumbered and moving slowly at first, but you then open and close the inventory (I guess to refresh or something) and then your weight doesn't matter anymore. You can now move normally and fast travel. Use "tgm" again later to toggle it back off. Ignotus (talk) 04:47, 4 April 2013 (GMT)
- If I may, I would actually recommend adding batch files for each possible addition, the small house, and the mansion entryway and main hall on their respective discussion pages. It would certainly help reduce item bloat for people looking to build only a specific wing. (Don't know how to sign this since I'm not a user.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:37 on 1 August 2013
- To sign, type ~~~~ or simply click the signature button (
) when your cursor is at the end of your message. The
button is located just above the editing window into which you type your message. When you save the page, the site will automatically convert the four tildes (~~~~) into your username (or IP address, if not signed in to a registered account) and the current time. — ABCface◥ 23:38, 1 August 2013 (GMT)
- Duly noted, sir. Also, this is the same fellow who suggested the item totals way back when. Good to see things looking so nice and neat. 23:44, 1 August 2013 (GMT)
- To sign, type ~~~~ or simply click the signature button (
- If I may, I would actually recommend adding batch files for each possible addition, the small house, and the mansion entryway and main hall on their respective discussion pages. It would certainly help reduce item bloat for people looking to build only a specific wing. (Don't know how to sign this since I'm not a user.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:37 on 1 August 2013
Small House - Entrance Hall[edit]
Xbox: When I changed the small house to the entrance hall at Windstad Manor, all of the items i had stored in a chast inside the small house disappeared. Unfortunately this was some time ago and I don't have the savegame anymore, so if anyone could confirm if this happens with all chests or just with some (I think it was one next to the door into the main hall), I think it should be added to the bug section, or maybe noted in the entrance hall paragraph. I would change it myself, but I'm not sure about the details. -- 22:29, 26 February 2013 (GMT)
- When Upgrading from 'Small House' to the Entrance hall, any furniture you've build is removed from the game. there is no way to get it back, other than loading an old save. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:43 on 28 May 2013
- The Building Options section of this article states "If you choose to remodel the original Small House into this area, then all improvements made to the house will be distributed throughout the rest of the house." This should be corrected. Also, none of the articles explicitly state that when the small house is remodelled into an entryway, this cannot be reversed. Some people mistakenly believe that it can be. 13:34, 10 September 2017 (UTC)
Blank Carpenter's Workbench[edit]
I can confirm the bug (for Xbox 360) where the exterior carpenter's workbench is occassionally totally blank upon using it. As stated in the article, the easiest fix is to simply leave the table and then use it again. Wilfeh (talk) 10:17, 24 June 2013 (GMT)
- Thanks for the confirmation, I've gone ahead and marked it as confirmed on the article. — ABCface◥ 14:50, 24 June 2013 (GMT)
- The fix isn't helping anymore - the workbench outside the houses just stays blank for me :( ~`\"Darxicus (talk) 12:17, 28 July 2013 (GMT)
- Did you build everything on the exterior? That might the cause, but I may be wrong.-- 23:43, 26 October 2014 (GMT)
- The fix isn't helping anymore - the workbench outside the houses just stays blank for me :( ~`\"Darxicus (talk) 12:17, 28 July 2013 (GMT)
Achievement - Master Architect[edit]
Having built all three houses with identical wings (ie greenhouse, trophy room, and library), I have not gained the Master Architect Achievement. I am guessing that this is because I have not built all three variations of the wings that are available. Might be worth clarifying this on the main page if this is the case.Helfane (talk) 04:37, 25 October 2013 (GMT)
Moved from article[edit]
- Items crafted on the workbench for the exterior will be removed from the list of what can be made but will either appear outside and then vanish, or not appear at all.
The wording on this is incredibly vague. I see two ways to interpret it: 1) Building items from the workbench will not actually result in them being built, or 2) They may visually disappear while still being there. I know for a fact that the first interpretation isn't true (at least not 100% of the time, which is what the wording of the statement implies), and the second interpretation is a documented graphical glitch that isn't exclusive to this one workbench, and so isn't worth noting on this page. Without more details on this "bug", I suggest that it be removed from the article unless the person who originally added it can elaborate. Any objections? ThuumofReason (talk) 23:01, 7 November 2013 (GMT)
Save some materials[edit]
Possible tip for first time builders:
Build the initial Small House and if you do not actually need to use it then do not furnish it. This saves the materials that would be lost when the Small House interior is converted into an Entrance Hall. Kalevala (talk) 22:35, 22 November 2013 (GMT)
- "If you choose to remodel the original Small House into this area, then all improvements made to the house are lost." This sentence covers this issue, but it is somewhat buried in the Entryway section. It might be more relevant in the Small House section. --Xyzzy Talk 04:50, 23 November 2013 (GMT)
earth moving![edit]
in my game earth moved!my mean is earth came up and took my garden and carry and workbench and stone mine and in other side of house earth came down and my farm is on air now!is it bug or other things?!-- 16:04, 21 February 2014 (GMT)
- Did you have a dragon crash-land onto your land? This creates a temporary mound of dirt and rubble, I think. If so, it will go away Sergio Morozov (talk) 16:37, 21 February 2014 (GMT)
- It doesn't sound like the OP is describing a dragon crash-landing, but instead a shifting of the ground level. Sounds like it may be the result of a 3rd party mod. Try uninstalling any mods you have and see if it goes away. You may have to uninstall the mods, then leave the area for awhile before the ground returns to normal. --Xyzzy Talk 06:33, 22 February 2014 (GMT)
Stuff disappearing![edit]
Things I built for my house keep disappearing. Like the table that comes with the butter churn is gone now, and it isn't in the build list right now. 23:33, 26 March 2014 (GMT)
- What platform are you playing on? Are you running any 3rd party mods? Have you installed the latest official patch? --Xyzzy Talk 15:56, 27 March 2014 (GMT)
Exterior Deck Bug[edit]
I figured it was worth saying something about the bug I just put up on the page about the patio decks not connecting properly. It was discussed on the talk page for Armory, and since another person described seeing it and even a fix, I felt it was worth documenting it and marking it as confirmed, with the fix. What I think is happening with this bug is that the railings on the Storage Room addition are not being removed properly when another side addition is built, as the construction of those additions only affect themselves and not the storage room. That's why when the Storage Room is built last, the decks connect properly because in that case, it never even puts down those obstructing railings in the first place. Anyway, I hope that helps. If anyone wants to reword what I put down, go ahead. --Matt (talk) 19:12, 2 May 2014 (GMT)
- I just tried to build Lakeview Manor with the corresponding "bug fix". No dice. I built the bedroom, armory, then storage wing additions, respectively, in that order. The railing between the armory and storage wing additions still blocked access between the two balconies. I'm going to try a different order to see if that does anything, but the current listed "fix" didn't work. 19:50, 4 October 2015 (UTC)
how to get lakeview manor if impossible before[edit]
You probably have a current rare items quest that you you need to complete in order to unlock the rare item quest for the Jarl of falkreath, this will stop you from doing missions in order to be able to buy a house. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:29 on 26 October 2014 (UTC)
- I am late to this talk but I will just add this here for future help-seekers, if the jarl of falkreath is siddgeir and you are level 9, you will get his letter of invitation. In that case you do not need do his "rare item" mission. He will directly give you the next mission, which is the "kill bandit leader" quest. BUT, if you did not start the main quest "dragon rising" yet, you need to make sure that you at least progresse the previous main quest Bleak Falls Barrow to the stage 3. Otherwise Siddgeir will not give you any quests whatsoever. I think this is a hardcoded progression check, becasue his friendship level stays same in between Bleak Falls Barrow stages. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:41 on 17 November 2021 (UTC)
Items spawning in wrong place?[edit]
I was furnishing my small house when 2 snowberries were on the ground. Soon, I saw a bowl on the floor. I did not tamper the furnishings other than sleeping on the double bed. I had no spouse or steward. Is this a bug? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:25 on 26 October 2014 (UTC)
Drafting Table won't remove Cellar workbench[edit]
I have completely furnished the Cellar, but no matter what I do, the Drafting Table will not remove the Carpenter's Workbench from the Cellar.
This is at Windstad Manor. I am runnng unmodded Special Edition on PS4. 01:31, 29 October 2017 (UTC)
Quantities and Console Codes for Building All Houses[edit]
I compiled this list based on various reports on the number of items: it should be very close if not a few extra items. I have tried it on a recent play through and adjusted the numbers. Useful if you need a code or are lazy and want to just console all of the materials into your inventory.
Assumes Hearthfire mod with be Mod #X in list: player must replace "X" with their Hearthfire mod load order number
Quantities: for build of all three houses; player is not making materials (example: won't need iron ingots for nails); building one each of the wings but with no duplication of any wing; player is using what is in the provided chest at each house; & not furnishing the small house at all but making it into the entry way immediately. Vampire Dust and other mats included for Vampire character with a coffin in each basement.
- Items do not include materials needed for Trophies in Trophy Wing due to player choices: not all trophies can be made at once.
Name | Qty | Code |
Clay | 87 | X003043 |
Quarried Stone | 475 | X00306c |
Sawn Logs | 1002 | X00300e |
Iron Ingots | 130 | 5ace4 |
Corundum Ingot | 7 | 5ad93 |
Straw | 34 | X005a68 |
Goat Horns | 87 | X00303f |
Horker Tusk | 12 | 3ad68 |
Leather Strips | 127 | 800e4 |
Hinges | 241 | X003011 |
Iron Fittings | 288 | X003035 |
Lock | 106 | X003012 |
Nails | 1460 | X00300f |
Sabre Cat Pelt | 4 | 3ad6d |
Steel Ingot | 120 | 5ace5 |
Glass | 61 | X005a69 |
Bear Pelt | 11 | 3ad52 |
Mudcrab Chitin | 16 | 6bc00 |
Wolf Pelt | 8 | 3ad74 |
Goat Hide | 8 | 3ad8e |
Slaughterfish Scales | 24 | 3ad70 |
Elk Hide | 12 | 3ad90 |
Small Antlers | 3 | 6bc0b |
Vampire Dust | 3 | 3ad76 |
Large Antlers | 16 | 6bc0a |
Snow Sabre Cat Pelt | 9 | 3ad6e |
Sabre Cat Tooth | 26 | 6bc04 |
Ice Wolf Pelt | 3 | 3ad75 |
Grand Soul Gem (full) | 4 | 2e4ff |
Gold Ingot | 10 | 5ad9e |
Amulet of Akatosh | 3 | c8911 |
Amulet of Arkay | 3 | cc848 |
Amulet of Dibella | 3 | c8915 |
Amulet of Julianos | 3 | c8917 |
Amulet of Kynareth | 3 | c8919 |
Amulet of Mara | 3 | c891b |
Amulet of Stendarr | 3 | cc844 |
Amulet of Talos | 3 | cc846 |
Amulet of Zenithar | 3 | 878bb |
Flawless Amethyst | 3 | 6851e |
Orichalcum Ingot | 6 | 5ad99 |
Silver Ingot | 12 | 5ace3 |
Quicksilver Ingot | 10 | 5ada0 |
Ebony Ingot | 6 | 5ad9d |
Refined Moonstone | 10 | 5ad9f |
Flawless Sapphire | 3 | 68523 |
Refined Malachite | 6 | 5ada1 |
Dragon Bone | 3 | 3ada4 |
Dragon Scales | 3 | 3ada3 |
--Anubis Priest (talk) 02:53, 24 July 2018 (UTC)
Carpenter's Workbench Bug[edit]
I have the common bug with the Carpenter's Workbench in the Main Hall at Heljarchen: items that I have already built are listed in the Carpenter's Workbench. I don't know how far back I would have to go in game saves before this started, and I have already had to go back to an earlier save when the double bed in the Bedroom wing at Lakeview bugged out in the Carpenter's Workbench. If I ignore the items that I have already built and build the last remaining items for Heljarchen's Main Hall, am I likely to get bugged Carpenter's Workbenches for Heljarchen's Cellar and the remaining wings there and at Lakeview? I have built and fully furnished Windstad Manor. I have not built a north wing at Lakeview, but I have built and fully furnished everything else there. At Heljarchen, I have fully furnished the Entryway and was waiting until the Main Hall was fully furnished to do any more building at that site. So Heljarchen Hall does not yet have any of the wings or the Cellar. If the glitch with the Main Hall's Carpenter's Workbenches only affects Carpenter's Workbenches in the Main Halls, I should be okay, but if it can spill over into the Carpenter's Workbenches for the wings or the Cellar, I could be in trouble.
Dear Bethesda, please fix these Carpenter's Workbench bugs. I am beyond sick of this.
- As of November 2021 Anniversary Edition, this bug is still there. Unofficial Skyrim Patch did not fix this issue neither. The only solution I found is to make a quicksave and reload the game. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 09:42 on 17 November 2021 (UTC)
Steward won't furnish entry[edit]
After remodeling the small house into an entry, the steward won't furnish it. No matter how much gold you have, the steward says, "Sorry, you can't afford that." 17:55, 21 April 2019 (UTC)Master Architect
What is respawning in the houses?[edit]
I think it would be useful, if somewhere there was an explanation of what does and what does not respawn inside the houses, and how to get rid of respawning undesirables with console commands. E.g. in the back of the main hall there is a table with cutlery thrown in the box on it, looking ugly. But if you take it out, it eventually respawns. Sergio Morozov (talk) 10:37, 24 June 2022 (UTC)
Storage room fence bug[edit]
I just had the same as the second person reported under the section Exterior Deck Bug: build the Bedroom, and then later on the Storage Room, and the fence between the two decks did not clear properly unlike what the fix states. Also, when I clicked on the fence to clear it through the console, it came up with a different ID than the one provided on the main page for Construction (xx010E80). I presume that one might be for the fence between the Armory and Storage Room, not the Storage Room and Bedroom. MarkForDelete still worked after going in and out through the door. --Dragos Drakkar (talk) 23:38, 15 May 2023 (UTC)