I have been playing Elder Scrolls games since Redguard, but didn't get into Elder Scrolls completely until Morrowind (I think the Construction Set brought the addiction). Since then it has been a long ride of never looking back... As I sit here typing I am looking over at my shelf where actual disc containing origional boxes of Morrowind, Tribunal, Bloodmoon, Oblivion and Shivering Isles sit. I feel my knowledge of these games is a solid foundation, but always needs improvement.
So now I can only say: Welcome to... well... me!!!
I love to type those three periods: I know it really isn't proper English form, but if you see it... that's because I love to type the way I speak, often with that short 1-2 second pause to collect my thoughts so I can speak more precise and clearly. I try to edit them out, but you might find them in discussions areas where things are less formal but the discussion is deep and complex.
Update: Now that I feel I have been quietly skulking qround this Wiki long enough I will start with a few minor edits here and there (with justification in the discussions pages of course). I will also try to check my grammar and spelling on any page edits about ten times over, as I had to laugh like crazy when in one discussion area I caught my own mistake that had be up for several weeks: Bark Drotherhood instead of Dark Brotherhood. I wonder if no one caught it or was too polite to change it for me... --Anubis Priest 22:05, 10 March 2012 (UTC)
Being & Where[edit]
Talking about discussions pages, that is where you'll find me most. With my knowledge of Skyrim growing I will be out there looking to keep discussions strong on making a better SkyrimWiki all the time; but mostly I will be trying to help those who may have missed something. The complexity of Elder Scrolls games can sometimes make players forget the simple solutions, overlook items and the minor fixes that change everything. I mean, in gaming how often to we run through a door and not look behind us? Therefor, look for my work in the discussions pages where I'll try to be kind with my opinions.
Mimus Modus Operandi[edit]
In brief my Skyrim Characters and their lore (some ad libbed by me):
- Bosmer Sneak Archer- who happens to be a descendant of the Bosmer Champion of Cyrodiil, who was a descendant of the Bosmer Nevarine of Vvardenfell. Married to Muiri, now lives in a house mod called The Asteria[1], Patron Deadra are Noctural and Meridia, and is retired. (done 99.9% of game) EDIT: I finally got Blood on the Ice to trigger.
- Breton Summoner by day and Werewolf by night - the descendant of the Breton Mage Surane Leorine of the Blades, Caldera. Married to Aela the Huntress, lives in Breezehome (closest to the Companions), Patron Deadra are both Azura and Hircine, and loves to run wild as a werewolf at night when both Masser and Secundus are full on the moors of Whiterun Hold. (done 70% of the game)
- Redguard Warrior - the descendant of the Redguard Cyrus who became Captain of Cloud Ruler Temple after the Oblivion crisis. Married Senna, lives in Vlindrel Hall (closest to Sky Haven Temple and Temple of Dibella), Patron Deadra are both Boethiah and Namira, and has a philosophical and practical refusal to kill every dragon for the Blades. (You know what quest I am talking about: will console command a work around, done 15% of the game: very focused play through)
I Hide as You go Seek[edit]
You can find me all over the WWW as Anubis_Priest or anubispriest (if my account there is older than capitalization and symbols in log-in names).
Obligatory Userboxes[edit]
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user was born under the sign of The Lover. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This user worships M'aiq. |
This user knows much, tells some. |