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Whiterun carriage driver Bjorlam: "Need a ride?"

There are multiple methods of transport in Skyrim.

Walking, Running, Strafing and Sprinting[edit]

Walking is the slowest speed at which you will normally move. To walk, use the movement control appropriate for your platform. You cannot move faster than at a walking pace while you are overencumbered.

You will generally spend most of your time moving at a moderate run; running uses no stamina. You can also strafe or sidestep using the left or right "move" commands.

Sprint by holding the sprint control key (or toggle on/off for the Special Edition). Sprinting is significantly faster than running. As it consumes stamina, you can only sprint for a limited distance. You will generally exhaust your stamina more quickly when sprinting in heavy armor or when wielding a heavy weapon.

Walking or running backwards is slower than going forwards, and you cannot sprint backwards or sideways.

Movement Speeds by Method and Conditions[edit]

Movement methods and conditions Raw F/sec
Horse sprinting forward 600 28.1
Vampire LordDG sprinting forward 600 28.1
Werewolf sprinting forward 531 24.9
Sprinting forward 500 23.4
Horse running forward 450 21.1
Vampire Lord running 400 18.8
Werewolf running 400 18.8
Running forward
Swim "running" forward
Bow drawn running forward with Ranger perk
Block running forward with Block Runner perk
370 17.3
Sneak running forward 222 10.4
Horse swimming forward 210 9.8
Running backward
Swim "running" backward
Bow drawn running backward with Ranger perk
Block running backward with Block Runner perk
205 9.6
Sneak running backward 150 7.0
Bow drawn running forward 135 6.3
Horse walking forward 125 5.9
Bow drawn walking forward 120 5.6
Horse running backward
Horse walking backward
108 5.1
Bow drawn running backward 98 4.6
Blocking forward 81 3.8
Walking forward
Swim "walking" forward
80 3.8
Walking backward
Swim "walking" backward
72 3.3
Blocking backward 71 3.3
Vampire Lord walking 70 3.3
Werewolf walking 70 3.3
Bow drawn walking backward 65 3.0
Sneak walking forward 47 2.2
Sneak walking backward 43 2.0


Also see information on falling, which can hurt or kill you.

Dragon RidingDB[edit]

As part of the Dragonborn DLC, you can ride a dragon once you have acquired all three words of the Bend Will shout. For more information see Dragon Riding.

As you cannot steer a dragon while riding it, the main functionality of this method of transportation is for fast travel.

Horse Riding[edit]

You can travel much faster on horseback than on foot. You can also ride a horse while overencumbered for normal or fast travel. For complete information see Horses.


Carriages will carry you between the nine capital cities of each hold in Skyrim for 20–50 gold. They are the fastest means to get to cities which you have not yet discovered - although in the plain game, they are only available in the five major hold capitals: the four smaller hold capitals can be the destination but not the origin of a carriage journey.

The fare to the five larger hold capitals of Markarth, Riften, Solitude, Whiterun, and Windhelm costs 20 gold, whereas going to the four smaller hold capitals of Dawnstar, Falkreath, Morthal, and Winterhold costs 50 gold.

With the Hearthfire add-on, homestead carriages also provide transport from the three homesteads to Darkwater Crossing, Dragon Bridge, Ivarstead, Karthwasten, Kynesgrove, Old Hroldan Inn, Riverwood, Rorikstead, Shor's Stone, and Stonehills. There is no charge for these services beyond the initial cost of hiring the carriage driver.

When first arriving at one of the five major hold capitals, you can speak with the carriage operator for some local information. Carriages will not operate when you are overencumbered.

  • PC Only The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 1.0, addresses this issue. Carriages will transport you overencumbered, as will horses and ferries.

The carriage drivers are:


Three ferrymen are added by the Dawnguard add-on and can transport you between three coastal cities for 50 gold, or to Icewater Jetty for 500 gold. You can also take a self-service ferry between Icewater Jetty and Volkihar Keep.

With the Bittercup Creation, you may have to ask Harlaug to bring you to the island of Giant's Tooth. He will continue to offer transport to the remote island for 50 gold.

The map in Dead Man's Dread

Dead Man's DreadCC[edit]

With the Dead Man's Dread Creation, you will have the opportunity to acquire the Dead Man's Dread, an ancient pirate ship that serves as a player home. Once you have claimed the ship as your own, a map inside allows for instant sea transportation. This map will bring you to Solitude, Dawnstar, or Windhelm. You will also unlock the ability to travel to Volkihar Keep (or rather, Icewater Jetty) and Raven Rock once you have discovered these places. This mode of travel is one-way.

Fast Travel[edit]

You can fast travel from any exterior location to any location marked on your in-game map and which you have discovered (visited). Discovered locations are indicated on your map or compass with light-colored markers. Dark-colored markers, on the other hand, are places you have had marked on your map but have not yet discovered yourself, and therefore are not available for fast travel. Although fast travel transports you "instantly", a more "realistic" amount of game time will have passed upon arrival; however, such elapsed travel times are the same whether on foot or horseback.

With the Dragonborn expansion, fast traveling while riding a dragon transports you almost instantly in game time.

You cannot fast travel when near any hostile enemies, when overencumbered (unless you are on a horse), nor when falling, jumping, or during the animation of mounting a horse. Fast travel is totally disabled when playing in Survival Mode, except while riding a dragon.

  • Fast traveling from a snowy location can cause it to snow in areas that don't normally experience snowy weather conditions. ?

See also[edit]