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Skyrim:Conjure Dragon Priest

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SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Conjure Dragon Priest
School Conjuration Difficulty Expert
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Either Hand
Spell ID 0010fc16 Editor ID ConjureDragonPriest
Base Cost 358 Charge Time 0.5
Duration 60 sec Range 24 ft
A Dragon Priest
Summons a Dragon Priest for 60 seconds.

Conjure Dragon Priest is an expert level Conjuration spell that summons a spectral Dragon Priest to aid you in combat. It cannot be learned by the player through normal means, but it is one of the spells that may be cast by the Konahrik mask when the wearer is badly damaged.



  • Summoner, increases range to 48 ft at first rank or 72 ft at second rank.
  • Atromancy, extends duration to 120 secs.


  • The stats of the Dragon Priest summoned are:
Creature (ID) Lvl Carries Abilities Attacks Soul
Dragon Priest
50 Grand