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Skyrim:Conjure Bone Colossus

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SR-icon-spell-Summon.png Conjure Bone Colossus
School Conjuration Difficulty Master
Type Offensive Casting Fire and Forget
Delivery Target Location Equip Both Hands
Spell ID FExxx861 Editor ID ccVSVSSE003_SPELL_BoneColossus
Base Cost 1004 Charge Time 3
Duration 60 Range 24 ft
Tome ID FExxx891 Tome Value 1150
Purchase from (after Conjuration Ritual Spell)
Bone Colossus
Summons a Bone Colossus for 60 seconds. While active, conjured skeletons regenerate health and you can summon 2 additional skeletons. Only 1 colossus can be summoned at a time.

Conjure Bone Colossus is a Master level Conjuration spell added by the Necromantic Grimoire Creation.



  • Summoner, increase range to 48 ft at first rank or 72 ft at second rank.
  • Necromancy, Greater duration for spell.
  • Dark Souls, increases Health by 100.


  • Conjure Bone Colossus is unaffected by Spell Absorption.
    • The Bone Colossus' regenerate health is affected by Spell Absorption.
  • The Bone Colossus uses the Lurker's animations.
  • The extra summon works with the Conjure Skeleton Minion, Conjure Skeleton Marksman, Conjure Skeleton Champion, Conjure Skeleton Warlock, Conjure Boneman, Conjure Mistman and Conjure Wrathman spells.
  • Allied skeletons and draugr heal 3 health per second if they are within 1000 range of the Colossus.
  • Conjure Bone Colossus will despawn all other summons upon being conjured regardless if you have the Twin Souls perk or not.
  • If you have the Twin Souls perk, the next summon you conjure after Bone Colossus will take up the Twin Souls slot. So for example casting Conjure Bone Colossus, 2 Conjure Skeleton Champions, and a Conjure Dremora Lord will result in the Bone Colossus and one Skeleton Champion being despawned.
  • If you conjure a summon that qualifies as a extra summon after you've used up all your summon slots then the Bonecolossus will be despawned without despawning the other extra summons. So for example casting Conjure Bone Colossus, Conjure Dremora Lord, and 3 Conjure Skeleton Champions will result in an army of 1 Dremora Lord and 3 Skeleton Champions.
Creature (ID) Lvl Health Magicka Stamina Abilities Attacks Soul
Bone Colossus (FExxx89F) 40 1005 / 1105 15 330 (?) (?)