Project Tamriel:Cyrodiil/Armor Artifacts

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A number of armor artifacts appear in Project Cyrodiil, although they are technically added by Tamriel Data.

Artifacts are specifically defined as anything with a unique appearance. This is opposed to Unique Armor, which is defined as those which there is only one of, but which have the same appearance as other generic items. See Unique Armor for these.


  • Armor Rating is given both as base values and Max values, which apply when you have 100 points in the relevant armor skill.
  • Charge/Cost = Uses indicates how many uses on average you can get before needing to recharge the armor (or wait for it to charge on its own). Note that the Cost depends on your Enchant skill, so your results may vary.


Helm of Bendu Olo[edit]

Helm of Bendu Olo
Artifact: Helm of Bendu Olo (T_Imp_UNI_BenduOloHelm)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 54 (179 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 54 (179 Max) Health Health 575
Weight Weight 4 (Medium) Value Value 20000
Constant Effect:
Fortify Agility Fortify Agility 15 pts on Self
Fortify Willpower Fortify Willpower 15 pts on Self
Helm of Bendu Olo

The Helm of Bendu Olo is the helm of the famed Bendu Olo, the Sailor-King of Anvil and leader of the All Flags Navy. It can be obtained by joining and finishing the Kingdom of Anvil questline.

Masque of the Captain[edit]

Masque of the Captain
Artifact: Masque of the Captain (T_Imp_UNI_MasquedCaptain)
Type Helmet
Armor Rating Rating 18 (59 Max)
Armor Rating Rating 18 (59 Max) Health Health 525
Weight Weight 1 (Light) Value Value 6000
Masque of the Captain

The Masque of the Captain is the favored means of anonymity employed by The Masqued Captain, and gives this pirate his moniker. His ship, Crypsis, can be found in the Abecean Sea.