Online:Vitellia Strabo

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Vitellia Strabo
Home City Baandari Trading Post
Location Silver Moons Inn, Fazaddu's House
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Gold Coast Mercenaries
Vitellia Strabo

Vitellia Strabo is an Imperial who can be found at the Silver Moons Inn in the Baandari Trading Post. She will be standing near the door as you walk in, but may also be found dozing in one of the sleeping cubicles near Yggnast.

Related Quests[edit]

  • A Tangled Net: Reward the mercenaries for their prowess against the werewolves.


During A Tangled Net when you're instructed to match entertainers to mercenaries, she'll be one of the mercenaries in Fazaddu's House. When you first speak to her, you can try to convince her to stay:

"I don't have all day to be waitin' around."
Can I convince you to stay your hand?
"Ah, I dunno. I'm bored. Restless, like.
I want to punch something. Or someone."
What would be most entertaining for you, then?
"Hm. Not a fan of those fancy ones you had prancing in here. I need excitement, not pretty faces!"
Lananwe would be a good fit.
[Fails the objective; she leaves without speaking]
Ostarion would be a good fit.
"I'm not one for dallying with those pointy-eared Elves, but I noticed a few interesting scars. Heard he has a few interesting tales to go along with them.
This could be interesting."
Sadelia would be a good fit.
"Oh, is she the Dark Elf? I liked her moxie. And her biceps.
I bet she could give me a run for my money. Heh, this'll be fun!"
[Persuade] I don't think any of our entertainers want to be punched.
"Aw, I didn't mean it like that! I'm just looking for a little friendly competition, you know?
Got anyone that could go toe to toe with me, you think?"
[The same three entertainer options as above]