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Online:Titus Stolo

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Titus Stolo
Location Outside Shipwreck Shoals
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Titus Stolo (Aldmeri Dominion)

Titus Stolo is an Imperial spy who can be found outside of Shipwreck Shoals.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Titus can be found near the boat that takes you to the Shipwreck Shoals, as approach he will say, "Ahem. You there. Here, please."

Speak with him to see what is going on, his dialogue and outfit will differ depending on what alliance you are:

"No, you don't know me, but I do know you. Keeping an eye on notable people while going unnoticed is sort of my expertise.
The only reason we're speaking is because I'm in something of a predicament."
What's the matter?
Aldmeri Dominion Aldmeri Dominion
Daggerfall Covenant Daggerfall Covenant
Ebonheart Pact Ebonheart Pact
"My partner and I were gathering intelligence on behalf of the Dominion in Shipwreck Shoals, but we were caught by Dreadsail pirates and separated.
We can't let the Sea Elves take documents worth so much to the Dominion for themselves."
So you want me to recover the intelligence?
"Yes … and I need you to rescue my partner. If she was captured, she'd be consigned to a life of brutal slavery.
If you rescue Nari and take care of the documents, I'll forfeit my finder's fee from the Dominion to you."
You have a deal.
"My partner and I were gathering intelligence for the Covenant in Shipwreck Shoals, but we were caught by Dreadsail pirates and separated.
We can't let the Sea Elves steal vital documents from the Covenant, can we?"
So you want me to recover the intelligence?
"Yes … and I need you to rescue my partner. If she was captured, she'd be consigned to a life of brutal slavery.
If you rescue Nari and take care of the documents, I'll forfeit my finder's fee from the Covenant to you."
You have a deal.
"My partner and I were recovering intelligence for the Pact in Shipwreck Shoals, but we were caught by Dreadsail pirates and separated.
Imagine the harm Sea Elves could do with Pact maps and orders? We can't allow it."
So you want me to recover the intelligence?
"Yes … and I need you to rescue my partner. If she was captured, she'd be consigned to a life of brutal slavery.
If you rescue Nari and take care of the documents, I'll forfeit my finder's fee from the Pact to you."
You have a deal.

After you agree to help, you can ask him additional questions:

"The three things to lookout for are enemy messages to collect, allied documents to destroy, and Nari to bring to safety. You'll find all of them either among the wreckage on the shoals or among the Sea Elves.
Take my skiff to get there."
What do you do for the Aldmeri Dominion/Daggerfall Covenant/Ebonheart Pact?
"I keep an eye on the Systres for them. Make note of noteworthy people and events. Gather information. Exchange it with other eyes and ears around the isles. Folks beneath notice—Nari among them. The rewards far outweigh the risks. Usually."
Tell me about your partner.
"This is risky business. Informants that get caught shouldn't expect a rescue, but I just can't leave her.
The truth of it is, Nari's my sister. Letting her be dragged off by the Sea Elves would make future family gatherings … awkward."
Anything I should know about Shipwreck Shoals?
"It's a particularly treacherous route through the Systres Archipelago. Anything larger than a skiff that gets pulled in by the currents usually winds up running aground on the shoals. Violently."
Why not avoid the area?
"It's a tempting route for clandestine maneuvers. That makes it a favorite of pirates, and alliance warships, seeking to avoid a lot of attention. I suspect the Dreadsail's presence explains why so many ships have been lost lately."

In the Shipwreck Shoals the sensitive documents will be scattered all around. Nari can be found deep within the Hadolid Warrens in a cage near the boss. When you rescue her you will learn she is Titus's sister and she is annoyed that he considered her rescue as secondary.

When you go back to Titus, you will find the pair of them arguing:

Nari Stolo: "Well, what were you going to do if they hadn't shown up when they did?"
Titus Stolo: "You do realize that if you weren't my sister, you'd have been on your—stow it, Nari, they're back."

Talk with Titus to complete the quest:

"Your actions certainly didn't go unnoticed in there. I take it everything worked out though?"
I dealt with the intelligence and rescued your contact.
"You saved the alliance … and Nari. At least one of those accomplishments is worth the payment I promised. I'll make sure these documents wind up in the right hands.
Oh, and if you see us around in the future, pretend you didn't."

You can continue to speak with him some more:

"It's a shame the Sea Elves have laid claim to this spot. It was an ideal location for clandestine exchanges. Not irreplaceable though. The same can't be said for my sister, which I'm beginning to regret."
Nari seems pretty upset.
"It's understandable, given the situation, but I can't say I appreciate her taking it out on me. I took care of the situation the best way I know how. All charging in after her would have accomplished is getting both of us captured, or worse."

As you leave you will hear them argue some more:

Nari Stolo: "Don't think I'm done with this, Titus! You were just sitting here cozy while I was getting raked over the barnacles for those documents!"
Titus Stolo: "That's part of the job, Nari. You knew the risks when you signed o—"
<Nari punches Titus in the face and knocks him out.>
Titus Stolo: "Ugh!"
Nari Stolo: "Oops. Guess that was just one of the risks of the job. Prig."