Online:Scouting Report for Sergeant Shaghila

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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png This page contains information about content that was cut from The Elder Scrolls Online.
The content described here was planned to be included in Imperial City, but removed before release.
Scouting Report for Sergeant Shaghila
An Aldmeri Dominion scout's report on the state of the sewers

  • Scout patrol led by Frenith and scouts Cimildel and Santirr sent to investigate second level of sewers, find source of the infection.
  • Lots of trash all around. These Imperials sure are slobs.
  • Encountered small packs of legionnaires, all infected. Evaded these foes.
  • Tunnel full of scamps. I hate scamps, we went around.
  • Lots of small camps of legionnaires. These scum are here to stay.
  • Took a quick look at the end of the huge chamber, to see if that lightning Daedra was still down there. Still there, so we snuck away quietly.
  • Took the central passage and ran into a Dremora patrol. Just barely survived.
  • Says a lot that the infected imperials are the least disgusting things down here. I hate these sewers.
  • More scamps and clannfear. I hate them too.
  • Finally reached the door down to the catacombs. Not looking forward to this.
  • Daedra and trash everywhere we look down here. Hard to tell the two apart.
  • Snuck past some Dremora guarding a portal. Don't want to know where that goes.
  • Saw a citizen being tormented by legionnaires. We rushed to help him but more of them came at the noise. Cimildel and Santirr mortally wounded, staggered off to die. I hid and finished this report. No idea how I'll get it back to Shaghila.