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Online:Primordial Mirrormoor Mantikora

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Primordial Mirrormoor Mantikora
Location Mirrormoor Incursions
Species Mirrormoor Mantikora
Health 358,614 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Lead: Ayleid Sculpture, Grand Tree
Primordial Mirrormoor Mantikora

Primordial Mirrormoor Mantikoras are stronger versions of Mirrormoor Mantikoras found when a nearby Mirrormoor Mosaic is active.

Skills & Abilities[edit]

As a champion rank enemy, the Primordial Mirrormoor Mantikora is immune to crowd control.

Glazed Backhand
Basic melee attack dealing moderate-high physical damage.
A charged melee attack at a target dealing high physical damage and stunning targets in an area. The main target can block it to stagger the Mirrormoor Mantikora instead.
Spear Sweep
The Mirrormoor Mantikora swipes its spear at its target if they are not in reach of its claws, dealing low physical damage in front of it.
Lustrous Javelin/Furtive Shards
The Mirrormoor Mantikora hurls its spear into the air which homes in on its target, indicated by a red circle, dealing moderate physical damage and then moderate magic damage.
Tail Whip
Standing behind the mirrormoor mantikora while it is attacking another target causes it to swipe with its tail, indicated by a red cone, dealing high physical damage.