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Online:Mirrormoor Incursions

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A Mirrormoor Incursion

Mirrormoor Incursions are World Events that occur in the West Weald. They take place at Mirrormoor Mosaics. Only one Mirrormoor Mosaic is active at a time, and when one is finished, the next Mirrormoor mosaic to activate is chosen randomly (including itself). The area around an active Mosaic changes with the apparition of mirrormoor crystals and enemies.

From the Mirrormoor Mosaic are launched three yellow bolts at a large distance, where they land is a mini-event involving enemies with a Valkynaz to defeat at the end when you have to lower his Health to 36%. When defeated, Mirrormoor Shards appear on the ground which can be looted for basic no-set equipement and runestones.

When all three Valkynazes are defeated, the Mirrormoor Mosaic activates and the Incursion truly begins. A Boss appears which you must defeat and many enemies spawn. The boss always have two invicibility phases where the previously defeated Valkynazes come back to fight you. At the first phase you fight one Valkynaz at the time and must lower its Health to 70%. At the second phase you fight all three at the same time, they start with 70% Health and you must lower their Health to 16%. After the two invincibility phases are over, the Valkynazes canalize a spell at the center of the mosaic, are invincible and untargetable, you must quickly kill the boss.

Each Mirrormoor Incursion destroyed grants everyone who contributed a 30Fighters Guild Rep Reputation boost with the Fighters Guild and Gleaming Mirrormoor Shards can be looted for a West Weald's overland set jewelry, runestones and also furnishings and furnishing plans only looted here.


Elite Enemies[edit]

Champion Enemies[edit]





There are six achievements associated with this world event:

Achievement Points Description
ON-icon-achievement-Glass Sky Champion.png Glass Sky Champion 10 Journey to the Mirrormoor Mosaics in West Weald and defeat the Incursion champions listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Glass Sky Defender.png Glass Sky Defender 10 Complete the Mirrormoor Incursions at the Mosaic locations listed below.
ON-icon-achievement-Mirrormoor Incursion Disruptor.png Mirrormoor Incursion Disruptor 10 Disrupt the Valkynaz rituals listed below in the wilds surrounding the Mirrormoor Mosaics.
ON-icon-achievement-Mirrormoor Incursion Hunter.png Mirrormoor Incursion Hunter 5 Journey to a Mirrormoor Mosaic and complete your first Incursion daily quest for Legionary Jaida in West Weald.
ON-icon-achievement-Mirrormoor Incursion Demolisher.png Mirrormoor Incursion Demolisher 10 Complete 10 Mirrormoor Incursion daily quests for Legionary Jaida in West Weald.
ON-icon-achievement-Mirrormoor Incursion Devastator.png Mirrormoor Incursion Devastator 15 Complete 30 Mirrormoor Incursion daily quests for Legionary Jaida in West Weald.

See Also[edit]

  • World Events — A list of other large-scale zone activities
