Gadnalon | |||
Location | Lair of Maarselok | ||
Race | Wood Elf | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Stags of Z'en |
Gadnalon is a Wood Elf soldier who was sent alongside Allanwen to the valley on behalf of King Camoran to represent the Elden Root. The reason is to negotiate with Carindon and the captured spirit Selene for aid to deal with the dragon causing the blight, after the initial forces sent were slaughtered.
While he dislikes Carindon, he fully admits that Selene scares him. He can also be met in Valley of Blades.
Related Quests[edit]
The Azure Blight: Take down an awakened dragon to stop the spread of an unnatural blight.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Azure Blight[edit]
When you first enter the valley, you will overhear a conversation:
- Allanwen: "Oh, agh. The Dragon's corruption has spread farther, Carindon. Closer to you and Selene."
- Warlock Carindon: "Yes, this is … unfortunate. I will do what I can. But, Selene? She is difficult to persuade, at best."
- Gadnalon: "Selene might've been less difficult if you hadn't chosen to make her the subject of your research."
- Allanwen: "It's a moot point. We just need to convince her that the Dragon is a greater enemy than Carindon."
You can then introduce yourself to Gadnalon who is not enjoying his current assignment:
- "I'm not so sure I feel honored by this current assignment. First, it involves a Dragon. So, death. Next, it involves Selene. So, again, death. Finally? It involves Carindon. So, unrelenting annoyance.
I can't decide which is worst."
Or if you've met him and Allanwen during The Dragonguard's Legacy quest: [verification needed — what if you don't speak to them?]
- "Huh, you really came. All the way from the Abbey of Blades. Well, welcome to our merry band. Wait until you hear Allanwen's plan. You'll see why we're all so cheery."
- You sound like you don't agree with this plan.
- "A Dragon threatens Valenwood, and Allanwen suggests we kill it with a nature spirit who loves being a giant spider. I'll be surprised if anything here survives the aftermath.
And then there's Carindon." - So, you have a better idea?
- "Me? Not yet. The last plan ended in disaster. Our entire attack force never returned. King Camoran feared losing more soldiers, and thus … we're here.
Lucky me. By lucky, I mean bad luck." - What skills do you bring to this situation?
- "Aside from convincing Carindon to help? I'm asking myself that same question. This situation is so questionable maybe I'm here to bother asking?
For example, why is this Dragon blighting the land? Surely it's not for the smell." - Do you have any ideas why?
- "Well, there's an awful lot of places Maarselok could have chosen, yet he's picked this quiet little valley with nothing of note. Except an ancient nature spirit helplessly bound by a myopic mage.
Worth chewing while we carry out this crazy plan."
After you fight your way to the Ruins of Magrus's Ascent, the trio will follow you in, with some commentary:
- Allanwen: "Well, this is homey."
- Gadnalon: "High Elf living in a cave. I can see why you required so much compensation."
- Warlock Carindon: "I am not some Crystal Tower sorcerer. I go where my research requires. This is the ideal environ to study Selene. That and your contribution are the only reason I'm still here."
- Warlock Carindon: "My study is just through these ruins. You will find Selene there."
Once you enter Carindon's study, Selene will notice the group, Allanwen will try a talk with her, only for Selene to try and attack Carindon:
- Selene: "I see you've brought more torturers to dissect me, warlock."
- Allanwen: "Z'en's bargain, we're not torturers! I've come to restore the balance here."
- Selene: "Am I to understand you're a follower of Z'en? Return my freedom and I will right the wrongs done here."
- Allanwen: "Unbind her, Carindon."
- Warlock Carindon: "Unwise. I shall loosen my hold only."
- <Carindon uses his magic and loosens the bindings.>
- Selene: "Now for payment in kind. It's my turn to study your insides, warlock!"
- Warlock Carindon: "Gah! I warned you of her duplicity!"
- Allanwen: "Selene! No! Don't let her kill Carindon! We need them both!"
- Selene: "Stay out of this! Carindon must pay!"
When Selene has been subdued, Gadnalon and Allanwen will make a pact with her and gain Selene's aid:
- Selene: "Enough! I relent."
- Warlock Carindon: "See what you wish to bargain with? She must remain bound."
- Gadnalon: "Can you two please take your hands off each others' throats long enough to see there is a bloody Dragon turning this place into a fetid latrine!"
- Warlock Carindon: "I … concede your point. This Dragon blight is a threat to you, Selene. You will not overcome it without me."
- Selene: "I'll need to draw on more than you to oppose Maarselok. You Bosmer must be my connection to the Green."
- Allanwen: "Whatever you need, Selene. We'll support you."
You can then talk with him:
- "Now what has Allanwen signed me up for? I'm not sure what Selene means by draw on me, but I hope it doesn't involve giant spider fangs.
At least she asked first?"
During your first encounter with Maarselok, Gadnalon will shout when the adds spawn:
- Gadnalon: "Look out! It's got friends!"
After encountering Maarselok for the first time, you can talk with Gadnalon who will want to discuss the relationship between Allanwen and Selene:
- "Yep, death. On wings. Now I'm questioning my sanity, among other things."
- Like what?
- "Why Allanwen is so cozy with Selene, for one? All that Z'en business felt like there was a lot being left unsaid. I'm not siding with Carindon, Y'ffre knows, but I don't exactly trust Selene either."
- You think Allanwen is in league with Selene?
- "No! No, no. I just get the impression she knows something we don't.
If she is up to no good though, get me out of here alive, would you?"
The second time Maarselok taunts Selene and is driven off, Gadnalon will be feeling optimistic:
- "That went better than expected! Of course, I expected being ground to mush between a Dragon's teeth, so that's not much of a measure.
Good work though, I got winded just watching you. Or maybe that was Selene's magic?"
After you encounter a source of the blight and destroy it:
- "Y'ffre's bones, I'm feeling green as the Green. Like I killed a bottle of overripe rotmeth last night. Selene's not looking too good either. Even Carindon looks sour. Then again, he always does.
Hope it's not the blight setting in …."
After you fight off Maarselok a third time:
- Maarselok: "I've had enough of you insects. For now."
- Selene: "Rrragh! You won't escape! I'll hunt you to the ends of the world!"
- Gadnalon: "I think we really hurt him! This crazy plan might actually work!"
- Warlock Carindon: "Your confidence is heartening. We've driven Maarselok back to his lair, but the battle will not be finished until the Dragon is dead, or ensnared."
- Selene: "He deserves the worst you can do, warlock, but I won't give you the satisfaction."
- Allanwen: "We're cleansing all of this corruption, that includes its source."
Then you can talk to him about the situation:
- "So, we've earned a breather, right …?
Probably don't want to breathe too deep here anyway."
After you have slain Maarselok:
- Allanwen: "Z'en above! We did it!"
- Gadnalon: "And we're all alive! Somehow. You all really pulled through for us. Even you, Carindon."
- Warlock Carindon: "Did I not agree to lend you Selene's aid? I expect payment from your king, promptly."
- Selene: "You don't speak for me, oathbreaker. Your promises aren't worth the air you waste speaking them."
- Allanwen: "Hey! Hey! Let's not sour our victory!"
When you speak with Gadnalon, he will be feeling the effects of Selene's draining:
- "Hoo, glad that's over. Not sure I could have taken much more of Selene sucking the life out of me. I mean, I let her, but I was sure I was going to die during that last bout!"
Once you have spoken with Allanwen, Carindon will try and renege on the deal to free Selene. Allanwen and Gadnalon will intervene and capture Carindon:
- Selene: "You've got what you wanted. Honor the pact and release me."
- Warlock Carindon: "The Wood Elves made that foolish bargain. I never agreed to it."
- Selene: "Liar! I'll kill you!"
- Warlock Carindon: "Again you prove yourself too dangerous to let roam. Perhaps when you're tamed."
- Allanwen: "Carindon! No! I won't let you break our agreement!"
- Gadnalon: "Let her go, you cad!"
- Gadnalon: "Run, Selene!"
- Warlock Carindon: "Weak-willed fools! She's made you her puppets! Let me go!"
- Allanwen: "You aren't going anywhere, Carindon. The Arch-Mage wants a word with you."
When you speak with Gadnalon he will reveal that he didn't now about the countermeasure until the moment:
- "Can't say I'm surprised that Carindon tried to renege on our agreement. I knew the moment I met him that he's the type who doesn't do anything that isn't for his own benefit.
I guess Allanwen was prepared for that. Wish she'd clued me in sooner." - Did Elden Root send you here to free Selene?
- "Not expressly, they sent me here to negotiate. To be honest, Selene scares the dirt out of me, but she defended the Green and that's what matters to me.
I do enjoy sticking it to Carindon, but that's just an unexpected bonus." - What will you do now?
- "Leave this place behind as fast as my feet will take me. The king will want my report about this mission, and the fate of the soldiers he sent on before us.
I think he'll forgive us for not honoring the Green Pact under the circumstances."
The Dragonguard's Legacy[edit]
Inside the Valley of the Blades, you'll find Gadnalon and Allanwen.
If you speak to him, and haven't completed Lair of Maarselok yet, he'll say:
- "You look like you could give a Daedric Prince pause. Like your chances against a Dragon? Maarselok is corrupting the Green and we're grasping at straws."
Or if you've completed Moongrave Fane but not Lair of Maarselok:
- "I heard about what you did in Moongrave Fane. We could certainly use some of that fearlessness. There's a Dragon blighting the Green and I'm not so sure about Allanwen's current plan. Maybe you could make it … more feasible?"
If you have completed Lair of Maarselok:
- "One Dragon wasn't enough, eh? Well, whatever rustles your leaves. The Green is safe for now, but the Dragons are coming out of the woodwork. Must have smelled blood on the air or … Dragon musk? I don't know. The point is they're here!."