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Location Lair of Maarselok
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Stags of Z'en

Allanwen is a Wood Elf who was sent with Gadnalon to the valley in the Tenmar Mountains where the Dragon Maarselok lurks. She was sent to negotiate with Warlock Carindon and the captured spirit Selene for their help. She can also be met in Valley of Blades.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Azure Blight[edit]

When you enter the Tenmar Mountain valley, you may overhear a conversation between Allanwen, Gadnalon and Warlock Carindon as they look at the corpse of an Azureblight Spider.

Allanwen: "Oh, agh. The Dragon's corruption has spread farther, Carindon. Closer to you and Selene."
Warlock Carindon: "Yes, this is … unfortunate. I will do what I can. But, Selene? She is difficult to persuade, at best."
Gadnalon: "Selene might've been less difficult if you hadn't chosen to make her the subject of your research."
Allanwen: "It's a moot point. We just need to convince her that the Dragon is a greater enemy than Carindon."

You can then introduce yourself to Allanwen and ask what she and Gadnalon are doing there:

"Poor creature. But, oh, that stench. Why must this Dragon's blight smell so bad?"

Or if you've met her and Gadnalon during The Dragonguard's Legacy quest:

"You made it! I'm afraid this is everyone I've managed to pull together. Hopefully, it'll be enough to deal with the Dragon's blight.
You can see—ugh—smell the problem right there."
Dragon Blight?
"A Dragon, Maarselok, has made its lair on the other side of this mountain. I don't know why, but its presence is corrupting the wilderness in this valley and it's creeping farther with every passing day. Soon it'll reach the Green."
How do you plan to deal with the blight?
"I have King Camoran's blessing to petition the nature spirit, Selene, to help us protect Valenwood from Maarselok's poison.
It's a gamble, but it's all we've got. Even that might not be enough … I don't suppose you're the betting type?"
If you're asking for help, I'm willing.
"Selene is in Carindon's study, a cave down this path. Not far, but the blight has the wildlife on edge. Even the ones who aren't sick are terrified and ready to attack anything that comes near.
If you could clear a safe path for us, I'd be grateful."
I'd like to know more about you all. First, who are you? / I'd like to know more about you all.
"I'm Allanwen, you could call me something of a mediator. I proposed this plan to the king. Despite what Carindon's done, I believe I can convince Selene to ally with us against Maarselok."
He killed her and trapped her soul. I was there. (If you completed Selene's Web)
"You were on that expedition then? I'm all too aware of Carindon's actions, but the fact of the matter is we need them both. They'll have to put aside their differences or Maarselok will corrupt them along with this valley. Even Carindon sees that."


Carindon and Selene don't get along?
"Carindon's a warlock from the Mages Guild. He chose Selene as the subject of his research and trapped her soul. To hear him tell it, he saved all of Valenwood from her sinister influence. Justified or not, the fact of the matter is she hates him."
If he has her bound, can't Carindon just force her cooperation?
"Even if he could, I won't be party to forcing anyone to risk their life for my own gain. While I'm sure Carindon doesn't see Selene as any different from an atronach or Daedra, I think otherwise. She deserves as much respect as anything in the Green."
And you really think you can convince her to ally with him?
"Selene is a being closer to the Green than even we are. Sitting helpless to stop its perversion must be more painful than anything Carindon has done, and staying bound makes her vulnerable to Maarselok's influence. It's in her best interest to help."
And your fellow Wood Elf? How does he fit in here?
"Gadnalon represents Elden Root. I have the king's blessing, but he's the one with the authority to speak for our kingdom. It took more leverage to persuade Carindon than I could have negotiated on my own. Altruism isn't in his vocabulary."
Why do you believe the Dragon is the source of the blight? / How do you know that the Dragon corrupts these woodland creatures?
"When the Dragon arrived, his words boomed through the valley and the wilds around his roost started to take on an unnatural aspect. I don't know why Maarselok is twisting the land, but I have no doubt he's the cause."
What do you know about the blight?
"Only that it affects the flora and fauna alike, poisoning and twisting them. If they're lucky they die. I'm hoping Selene can fight back against the blight, otherwise we might not even make it to Maarselok at all."
If your plan is such a gamble, why not try something less risky?
"Like sending an army to kill the Dragon? Elden Root tried that. No one's seen them since. Quite a loss for a safe bet.
All the king had to risk on my plan was Gadnalon. Not that mediating between Carindon and Selene isn't a health hazard."
What if Selene doesn't cooperate?
"Then I'll need a new plan. I don't see the lot of us defeating Maarselok without her.
Keep your fingers, toes, tails, and eyes crossed."

After you fight your way to the Ruins of Magrus's Ascent, the trio will follow you in, with some commentary:

Allanwen: "Well, this is homey."
Gadnalon: "High Elf living in a cave. I can see why you required so much compensation."
Warlock Carindon: "I am not some Crystal Tower sorcerer. I go where my research requires. This is the ideal environ to study Selene. That and your contribution are the only reason I'm still here."
Warlock Carindon: "My study is just through these ruins. You will find Selene there."

Once you enter Carindon's study, Selene will notice the group, Allanwen will try a talk with her, only for Selene to try and attack Carindon:

Selene: "I see you've brought more torturers to dissect me, warlock."
Allanwen: "Z'en's bargain, we're not torturers! I've come to restore the balance here."
Selene: "Am I to understand you're a follower of Z'en? Return my freedom and I will right the wrongs done here."
Allanwen: "Unbind her, Carindon."
Warlock Carindon: "Unwise. I shall loosen my hold only."
<Carindon uses his magic and loosens the bindings.>
Selene: "Now for payment in kind. It's my turn to study your insides, warlock!"
Warlock Carindon: "Gah! I warned you of her duplicity!"
Allanwen: "Selene! No! Don't let her kill Carindon! We need them both!"
Selene: "Stay out of this! Carindon must pay!"

When Selene has been subdued, Gadnalon and Allanwen will make a pact with her and gain Selene's aid:

Selene: "Enough! I relent."
Warlock Carindon: "See what you wish to bargain with? She must remain bound."
Gadnalon: "Can you two please take your hands off each others' throats long enough to see there is a bloody Dragon turning this place into a fetid latrine!"
Warlock Carindon: "I … concede your point. This Dragon blight is a threat to you, Selene. You will not overcome it without me."
Selene: "I'll need to draw on more than you to oppose Maarselok. You Bosmer must be my connection to the Green."
Allanwen: "Whatever you need, Selene. We'll support you."

You can then talk with her about it:

"I can't say I'm surprised Selene tried to take a swipe at Carindon. Thank you for keeping the peace."
How confident are you that Selene will keep her vow?
"An agreement struck in Z'en's name is not broken lightly.
She's a creature of the Green first and foremost. If she hadn't been captured by Carindon, I'm certain Selene would already be fighting against Maarselok's corruption."
Why is Z'en significant?
"Z'en's a god of the Green. His chief virtue is fairness. Honest work, honest reward, proportionate to the deed. Anyone who calls the Green home knows a deal struck in his name is one that must be kept.
She'll keep her word."

When you encounter Maarselok for the first time:

Allanwen: "Look! Maarselok!"
Warlock Carindon: "Another rare specimen."
Selene: "Is there nothing you won't objectify?"
Warlock Carindon: "Taking you apart has taught me how to put you back together. You'll be grateful for that as the Dragon's blight rots you from within."
Allanwen: "Save it for the Dragon! Keep moving."
Maarselok: "Ah, she's awake. I wondered how long it would take before you showed yourself, Changeling. Shall we dance?"
Selene: "Maarselok! You'll pay for defiling this place!"
Selene: "Unbind me, warlock!"
Maarselok: "And you've brought an audience! How fun!"
Selene: "Kill this abomination and I'll choke Maarselok on his own corruption!"

You can then talk to Allanwen after her first encounter with a dragon.

"So that's a Dragon …. He's large. We have our work cut out for us. I pray to Z'en we don't toil in futility."
Having doubts about this plan?
"I told you, it's a gamble. There's a good chance none of us will walk away from this. If we go bust, we do it together.
That sounded more reassuring in my head."

Maarselok will flee during the first encounter.

Maarselok: "I'd forgotten how thrilling cavorting with your kind can be! I hope you can keep up!"
Allanwen: "He's playing with us!"
Warlock Carindon: "Good. Underestimating us will be his undoing."
Selene: "Unleash me, and he won't be laughing much longer."
Warlock Carindon: "I'll give you only the slack you need, hound, no more. Now sniff out the Dragon before he escapes us."

Speaking to her here:

"Z'en's price! Maarselok's tough. We've got to take him out of the air to stand any real chance of hurting him. Keep helping Selene. If anyone can ground him, it will be her."

When you find the source of the blight within the caverns:

Selene: "There. That writhing mass is the source of the cancer in this cavern. It must be purged."
Warlock Carindon: "Leave it. Its proximity is already beginning to taint you."
Selene: "Destroying it weakens Maarselok's hold!"
Allanwen: "We're destroying it! Help Selene however you can!"

After destroying the source of the Azureblight, Allanwen will be concerned for Selene:

Selene: "Ugh. It's done …."
Allanwen: "Selene? Are you alright?"
Warlock Carindon: "As I said, we should be conserving our energy."
Selene: "Ignore him. I feel better already."

Speaking to her:

"It's taking a lot out of her. I can feel it. Selene's going to need a lot from all of us before this battle is done."

Second encounter with Maarselok:

Maarselok: "There you are, my pet. I feared you lost interest."
Selene: "I am no one's pet!"
Maarselok: "No, you're the Elf's plaything. But you could be so much more."
Selene: "You'll pay dearly for all of this, Dragon!"
Allanwen: "Go. Protect Selene! We'll give her everything we have!"
Maarselok: "We don't have to be enemies, Selene. I am in need of a priestess."
Combat Dialogue

She will yell at you whenever you're failing to kill the Stranglers that are spitting at Selene's spiders.

Allanwen: "Get the stranglers! They're spitting at her spiders!"
Allanwen: "Hey! They're killing her spiders! The plants I mean!"
Allanwen: "The spiders aren't going to make it to Maarselok if you don't protect them! Go for the stranglers!"

After fighting off Maarselok:

Maarselok: "I've had enough of you insects. For now."
Selene: "Rrragh! You won't escape! I'll hunt you to the ends of the world!"
Gadnalon: "I think we really hurt him! This crazy plan might actually work!"
Warlock Carindon: "Your confidence is heartening. We've driven Maarselok back to his lair, but the battle will not be finished until the Dragon is dead, or ensnared."
Selene: "He deserves the worst you can do, warlock, but I won't give you the satisfaction."
Allanwen: "We're cleansing all of this corruption, that includes its source."

Then you can talk to her about the situation:

"Don't worry about me. You're holding up? We've come out ahead on this gamble twice now. Third time's a charm?"

While on the hunt:

Selene: "He's up there. By that spire."
Allanwen: "Ugh, the blight's everywhere. We have to hurry. Help Selene cleanse a path through."

Once you make it to the dragon's lair:

Selene: "Enough running, coward."
Maarselok: "Oh, yes. Welcome to my web, spider-witch. I'll make you feel quite at home."
Warlock Carindon: "He's much stronger here. He's trying to wrest control of Selene!"
Allanwen: "Hurry! Finish this before Maarselok corrupts anyone else!"
Maarselok: "Ah, it's taking root within you now."
Selene: "His sickness takes root! Use my ward!"

Once Maarselok has been slain:

Allanwen: "Z'en above! We did it!"
Gadnalon: "And we're all alive! Somehow. You all really pulled through for us. Even you, Carindon."
Warlock Carindon: "Did I not agree to lend you Selene's aid? I expect payment from your king, promptly."
Selene: "You don't speak for me, oathbreaker. Your promises aren't worth the air you waste speaking them."
Allanwen: "Hey! Hey! Let's not sour our victory!"

You can then talk with Allanwen to receive your reward:

"I confess, I didn't think our luck would hold there in the end, but Z'en was watching over us today. You too. I don't believe this plan could have been successful without you."
Thank you.
"Here. This was a gift from King Camoran. It's yours now. Payment in kind. With some gratitude on the house."

Afterwards, Carindon will try to get out of the deal to free Selene. Allanwen and Gadnalon will intervene:

Selene: "You've got what you wanted. Honor the pact and release me."
Warlock Carindon: "The Wood Elves made that foolish bargain. I never agreed to it."
Selene: "Liar! I'll kill you!"
Warlock Carindon: "Again you prove yourself too dangerous to let roam. Perhaps when you're tamed."
Allanwen: "Carindon! No! I won't let you break our agreement!"
Gadnalon: "Let her go, you cad!"
Gadnalon: "Run, Selene!"
Warlock Carindon: "Weak-willed fools! She's made you her puppets! Let me go!"
Allanwen: "You aren't going anywhere, Carindon. The Arch-Mage wants a word with you."

With Carindon captured and Selene freed, you can talk with Allanwen and ask if this was all part of her plan:

"Once an oathbreaker, always an oathbreaker. Z'en have mercy on Carindon, because the Mages Guild will not."
What do you mean?
"There's a reason Carindon's been living out here in the wilds instead of taking his prized Changeling back to the guild for study. He violated an accord between the guild and Selene when he invaded her territory and took her captive."
Was this all part of the plan then?
"Well, you showing up wasn't expected, but everything else went about as predicted.
Had Carindon kept his bargain and agreed to some restitution, Z'en might have offered his mercy, but as it stands he's got a considerable debt to repay."
What's going to happen to Carindon?
"He'll be tied like a hog and unceremoniously dumped on a guild hall floor. I don't know what the Arch-Mage has planned for Carindon after that, but I hear he's an imaginative sort."
And Selene?
"Left alone, as was promised. Though I'll ask King Camoran to send some wardens out here to help cleanse the blight. Regardless, I'm confident Selene will restore the valley whether we assist her or not.
Who knows, maybe we'll be allies from now on."

The Dragonguard's Legacy[edit]

Inside the Valley of the Blades, you'll find Allanwen and Gand. If you have not completed the Lair of Maarselok quests, she'll say:

"I pity Elsweyr, but Valenwood has a Dragon problem of its own. The Dragon, Maarselok, is blighting land and threatening the Green."

Or if you've completed Moongrave Fane but not Lair of Maarselok:

"Aren't you the one who faced off against the Dragon in Moongrave Fane? We could really use your help with another that threatens Elden Root!"
Is that why you've come to the Abbey of the Blades?
"As luck would have it, Sai Sahan and Blademaster Kasura have plans to repay a debt of pain to these Dragons. I'm hoping he can spare some assistance with some plans of my own. Maarselok has a lot to answer for."
What can you tell me about the Dragon plaguing your home?
"Interesting choice of words there. As it happens, the Dragon hasn't attacked us, but its presence is doing something unwholesome to the land. He's blighted an entire valley near Valenwood."
Why come all the way here for help?
"We tried to handle it ourselves, but the army King Camoran sent to kill it hasn't returned, and it doesn't look like they're ever going to. Now we're weighing our options. One way or another, I'll come up with something."
Can I help?
"Z'en's labors, I can put you to work! You can meet us out there, after we've finished here. Bring some friends though. The more the merrier."

If you have completed Lair of Maarselok, she'll say:

"Fancy seeing you here. Z'en's still watching over your labors I hope."
Hello, Allanwen. What brings you to the Abbey of Blades?
"Oh, the usual. Dragon killing. Z'en's retribution, they're everywhere now! Thankfully, we're not the only ones fighting back. Sai Sahan is rallying the troops! So, I'm throwing myself behind that effort. The Dragons have a lot to pay for."
And how have things been in Elden Root since we defeated Maarselok?
"Oh, fine. Selene's got her hands full with healing the damage Maarselok caused. It's keeping her out of trouble. She's steering clear of our people in the area. Not that I can blame her. I just hope Carindon hasn't destroyed her trust completely."
What happened with Carindon after we parted ways?
"I'd love to know that myself, but I haven't heard another word about him since we handed him over to the Arch-Mage. It's probably better this way, I've got a vivid imagination."


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