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Home City Firsthold
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) First Auridon Marines

Curime is a High Elf member of the First Auridon Marines found in the city of Firsthold.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Back to Skywatch[edit]

If you have not yet completed the prerequisite quests, she will send you back to Skywatch.

"Firsthold is off limits. Please make your way back to the main road."
What happened here?
"We've got a little situation here, but we have things under control. If you're looking to make a difference, we could use some reinforcements.
Would you carry word to Skywatch?"
What should I do once I get to Skywatch?
"Find Captain Tendil. Let him know we could use some reinforcements for the perimeter here, and then do whatever he asks.
We're going to be fine here. I know it."
I'll speak to him.

If you talk to her again before turning the quest in, she'll say:

"Tendil's a good sort. He'll get you moving and get us the help we need.
Don't worry about us here."

If you return to her after completing the quest, she'll thank you.

"We've a dozen more strong bodies on the line, traveler! Thank you for bringing word of our troubles to Skywatch."

To Firsthold[edit]

You can warn her of the Daedric attack on Firsthold on the request of Captain Lanare:

I came to warn you of a Daedric attack, but it looks like I'm too late.
"Sadly, yes. The attack is underway."

Breaking the Barrier[edit]

You meet her by the bridge leading to Firsthold, she can be heard saying:

"We must hold the line!"

Speaking to her:

"Hold, there. Firsthold is under siege. We'll need you to head back to the main road."
Razum-dar sent me to help. What happened here? (If you started the quest through Razum-dar) / Can I help? I've worked with Razum-dar in the past.
"You're one of Raz's? Thank Mara. We could use you.
There are Daedra everywhere. Portals to Oblivion opened within the city, and an army of the beasts threatens to take Firsthold"
Was it Estre? Is the High Kinlady behind this? (If you started the quest through Razum-dar) / Who opened the portals?
"It's hard for me to believe, but reports indicate High Kinlady Estre is behind this. We hold the line here, but that could change at any moment.
Battlereeve Urcelmo sent a runner requesting aid. He has a plan to deal with these beasts, apparently."
Raz sent me to find the Battlereeve. Where is he? (If you started the quest through Razum-dar) / I'll find the Battlereeve at once.
"He's at the Mages Guild hall. Should be straight ahead, across the bridge.
Trinimac's blade keep you safe."
Do you know what Urcelmo is planning?
"Estre dropped a barrier around the inner castle. We'll need a way past it, to get at the portals. I think the Battlereeve and the guild leader plan to crack that thing like an egg. The frontal approach."

Asking further questions about the attack:

How did Estre do this?
"The High Kinlord didn't know of her treachery. He let her into the city, and ... that was it.
We lost touch with Rillis after the gates to the Deadlands opened. I hope he's still alive. "
The Deadlands?
"Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion. It's a wasteland. Nothing but stone, lava, and Daedra. When the gates first opened. I had a good look.
And smell. Mara's heart that place has an odor!"
You spoke like you know Razum-dar? (If you started the quest through her)
"He's here. He piled in right behind the Battlereeve. Said something about supporting the Marines and the guilds.
You know how he is."

If you've already completed the quest, she'll greet you with:

"With the barrier down, I assume the portals will be next. Be careful."