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Oblivion talk:Absorb Attribute

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This page is the first example of a possible new format for individual magical effect pages. See Oblivion Talk:Magical Effects#Restructuring for details.

--Nephele 01:48, 21 July 2006 (EDT)

Added grandma's special touch to the template to make it look, in my opinion, better. ;) --Aristeo 17:10, 23 July 2006 (EDT)
I kind of liked having the lines on the subtable (school, type, ID, etc) invisible. It seems a bit cluttered with the lines. Or if you think the lines are needed, I'd prefer to go for getting rid of the subtable (thinking back on it, I think the whole reason I did the subtable was to get rid of the lines). --Nephele 18:32, 23 July 2006 (EDT)
OK, I don't understand why fixing the main table's class=greylapse parameter then messes up the sub-table's borders. I tried a bunch of things, and couldn't get the sub-table's borders to go invisible again. So I removed the class=greylapse parameter. If anyone can make reinstate the class=greylapse AND keep the sub-table invisible, have at it. In the meantime, I like this compromise more. --Nephele 18:53, 24 July 2006 (EDT)
The problem is that you can't use html codes to alter css codes. border="0" doesn't work against border: 1px solid grey --Aristeo 18:43, 25 July 2006 (EDT)
What I don't understand is that I have two different tables defined. Why should the parameters on table 1 affect the appearance of table 2? What I'm guessing is that there is some type of inheritance rule at work. Since one table is defined to appear inside of the second table, it seems to be getting the outer table's class whether I want it to or not. If I define a second table, I'd like to be able to determine the class being used for that table, independent of other tables on the page. --Nephele 19:11, 25 July 2006 (EDT)
Not sure what's up. Feel free to check out Monobook.css and Common.css. Doesn't seem to be hurting anything... --Aristeo 19:21, 25 July 2006 (EDT)
I'm inclined to say as long as it looks acceptable right now, to not tinker any more. Save that project for a rainy day (and since I live in California, I'm not likely to see any rainy days until about November!) --Nephele 19:27, 25 July 2006 (EDT)


What do you think about having a list of purchasable spells, and possibly items (scrolls, weapons, armor, etc.) which have the effects on the pages? --TheRealLurlock 17:46, 23 July 2006 (EDT)

What I'm doing right now is setting up the entries under "Available" to link to the specific sections on each page that list those items. Or at least I'm doing spells, potions (built-in and custom) and scrolls: I've already tabulated those items. And I can try to remember to look for weapons, armor, staves, etc. as I go through. So do you think more is needed than just a link? (I'm kind of against duplicating info too much, but I can be convinced otherwise, i.e. Oblivion:List of Spells by Effect). --Nephele 18:26, 23 July 2006 (EDT)
I just set up Fire Damage, and put some links in to arrows, weapons, and staves (the last one I set up assuming that table will eventually get split into tables for each effect). But maybe it would be worth adding another section to the page that lists some of the non-generic items with fire damage? Of course, I start this by picking the single most common effect in the game! --Nephele 19:18, 23 July 2006 (EDT)
Well, I'm just talking about a list, no specific numbers, no "where to get", just a list, with links to the pages where the real info is. If I look up "Burden" under Magical Effects and want to find a place I can buy the spell, it'd be nice to have the links right there for me. Not sure about items, though I understand you can make spells based on effects from gear you're wearing, even if you don't know the spell, so at least apparel items might be nice to have. Weapons, scrolls, potions, etc., not as important, since you can't use enchantments on those to make your own spells, at least as far as I know. --TheRealLurlock 19:22, 23 July 2006 (EDT)
I'm not sure I'm getting what you're suggesting here. If you look up Burden, I don't see how a list of just the spells helps you to buy them. Even if the spell names are linked, it would be just as fast to click on the "spells" link under "availability", and get all the info at once. Just to hopefully make it more obvious that those are links, I added a bit of text to the box. --Nephele 19:12, 24 July 2006 (EDT)


I didn't notice any obvious mention to whether absorb skill enchanted weapons cause stackable effects. I am guessing they don't.


I found a technique to permanently increase intelligence using the absorb attribute spell in conjunction with spell stacking (on the Xbox).

Create several spells:

1: On touch: Weakness Mag. 100%; 2 sec Cmnd Creat. 25; 2 sec

2: On touch: Weakness Mag. 100%; 2sec Cmnd Creat. 25; 2 sec

3: On touch: Fortify Intelligence 50; 2 sec Weakness Mag. 100%; 2 sec Cmnd. Creat. 25; 2 sec

4: On touch: Absorb Int. 20; 20 sec Cmnd. Creat 25; 2 sec

Purchase or make a long lasting summons spell.

Cast summons, then cast spells 1 and 2 on the summoned creature repeatedly (a la spell stacking). Then cast spell 3 and 4 on the summons (in that order). Your intelligence will skyrocket after the last spell is cast.

Spell 3 is necessary because summons do not have unlimited intelligence for absorbing.

Beginning with int of 115 I stacked spells 1 and 2 about 40 times, after finishing the ritual I had int. 1750 and magicka of 3600. After the spell wore off, the increased intelligence and magicka remained. I was unable to remove the effects after waiting for 3 days, nor did they show up in my active effects. I can only imagine how enormous these numbers can become for a master of restoration.

I attempted it again and again and it appears to be repeatable with this character.

I assume this will work with any attribute by using the appropriate absorb attribute spell in place of absorb int. This may also work for skills, but I do not currently have the spells to test it (no fortify skill spell yet).

Enjoy being a god. Havik --- 13:08, 25 April 2011 (UTC)

Negative Magicka?[edit]

Will Absorb Intelligence result in the same negative magicka quirk as Fortify Intelligence if you use up the excess Magicka before the effect runs out? Reizl 04:06, 3 September 2011 (UTC)

Tested on fully patched PC. Drain Magicka 100, wasted 250, left with -130. --DKong27 Tk Ctr Em 22:08, 3 September 2011 (UTC)