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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Oblivion NPC Redesign Project.
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Quests: written by Krusty (in-game) (N/A - no quests), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)

Schedule: written by SerCenKing (in-game)

Services: written by Krusty (in-game) (N/A - no services), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)

Personal Inventory: written by Jplatinum16 (in-game), checked by mxk101 (CS)

House Contents: written by GuildKnight (N/A - lives at Riverview), checked by Krusty (in-game)

Unique Dialogue: written by Alpha Kenny Buddy (CS), checked by Krusty (in-game and CS)

Rumors: written by SerCenKing (CS)

Faction: written by Already written, checked by Jeancey (CS)

Spells: written by RoBoT (CS - none), checked by Kalis Agea (CS)
(RefID: 00003640)
Home City Cheydinhal
House Riverview
Race High Elf Gender Male
Level 4 Class Noble
RefID 00003640 BaseID 000034D6
Other Information
Health 45 Magicka 230
Responsibility 50 Aggression 5
Faction(s) Cheydinhal Citizens; Cheydinhal Riverview
One of Voranil's parties

Voranil is a High Elf noble who runs the Riverview in Cheydinhal. He throws the best parties every weekend, and anybody who's anybody in the city goes there. Unfortunately, that doesn't include you, and it never will. He is reputed to mistreat his staff and seems to be a skooma addict, since you may find some on the top floor of his house. His employees aren't that nice either, as two of them have a dark secret.

Voranil wakes up at 6am every day and stretches out his legs for two hours before enjoying a two-hour breakfast until 10am. From that point until 6pm he can be found relaxing at his mansion, every so often seeking out Tanasa Arano or Tolisi Girith for a quick chat, and only taking a two-hour lunch break at midday. At 6pm he finally heads outside and walks to the Cheydinhal Bridge Inn, where he will have dinner until 8pm. After returning home he relaxes until his bedtime at midnight.

Every Loredas, however, his schedule changes significantly. At 8am he will now head over to the Black Waterside Stables and spend the next four hours admiring the black horses in the corral. He returns home for a two-hour lunch at midday and then spends the rest of the afternoon pacing around his mansion, waiting for his guests to arrive. Finally at 6pm the first few start trickling in, and Voranil will enjoy chatting to them for the rest of the evening, while eating dinner in their company from 8pm to 10pm. At midnight, the guests will leave and he will head upstairs to bed.

Voranil wears an upper-class outfit consisting of a blue velvet outfit and a pair of blue suede shoes. He carries the key to Riverview, as well as a large amount of gold.


Speaking to Voranil will have him claim that you are unworthy of attending his parties:

"I'm Voranil. I'm guessing you're angling for an invitation to one of my super parties. Well, forget about it. Invitation only. And no invitation for you, stranger."
"You're not on my list. And that's all I have to say. If you were somebody, I'd know. But I don't, so you aren't."


Voranil seems to have a pretty bad reputation for ill-treating his staff, as the townsfolk of Cheydinhal can be overheard asking each other:

"Have you seen the way that Voranil treats his servants? What a lout."
"Voranil is such a fool. Have you seen how he treats his servants?"

To which others will reply:

"He's an ass. There's no excuse for his behavior."
"I can't imagine why someone would act the way he does."

His staff will sullenly confirm Voranil's penchant for partying:

Rogmesh gra-Coblug : "Voranil got parties near about every night, and there's plenty of cooking and cleaning and preparing to be done."
Tanasa Arano: "Tanasa Arano. I clean up after Voranil and his parties."
Tolisi Girith:
"I'm Tolisi Girith. I'm a maid at Riverview. And it's no picnic, I'll tell you."
"He pays peanuts. And thinks it entitles him to chew us out 18 hours a day? Sometimes I wonder if I made a mistake coming here."


  • Voranil was meant to visit Cheydinhal's Arena on Sundas and spend the majority of his day there. However, due to the arena getting removed, his AI package VoranilArenaSpectatorSunday9x12 was repurposed into a basic sandbox package which he still uses in the final game.


  • Voranil is the owner of two black horses—one in the city stables, and another in Brindle Home. The horse in Brindle Home seems to be a mistake on the part of the developers, who appear to have copied and pasted the Cheydinhal Stables cell without changing ownerships.
  • Voranil was meant to seek out Maknok gro-Coblug at 10am and 2pm, but the package always checks for Maknok being in Riverview, which he never is. As a result, Voranil will instead wander around the house. ?