Morrowind:The Head Of Scourge

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The Head Of Scourge
The Head Of Scourge (misc_argonianhead_01)
Weight Weight 3.0 Value Value 100
The Head Of Scourge

The Head Of Scourge is the head of an Argonian Spellsword[UOL 1] mounted on a plaque found in a storeroom at The Lizard's Head in Vivec, presumably being the inn's namesake. The plaque is simply sitting on a barrel and can be stolen. This Easter Egg is dedicated to a character used by developer Steve Meister for testing the game.[UOL 2]


  • Before Scourge's death, the Argonian was known to use claymores in addition to his magical capabilities.[1][UOL 1]
  • Scourge was noted as having an insatiable lust for gold, "no matter what he has to do to get it."[UOL 3]
  • The Head of Scourge, unlike his living counterpart, no longer has the gold rings seen on the normal version of the male Argonian hair style.



  1. ^ Steve Meister: Industrial Magic & Light. (4 January 2002).

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.