Lore:Bestiary B
Baboons are a large variety of monkey. The author of Ahzirr Traajijazeri derogatorily referred to the Imga as "baboonish", and described them as smiling like idiots as they walk around.[1]
- See also: Ape
Badgers are small omnivores that live in Elsweyr and Cyrodiil. They primarily eat burrowing rodents, though given the chance, they'll steal chickens, bantam guar and kwama scribs from farms.
- See also: Wolverine
Baliwogs (or Wogs)[2] are said to be the larval stage of the Grummite,[3][4][UOL 1] although this relationship has never been proven.[5] They frequent the lakes, rivers and bogs of the Shivering Isles. They have four limbs, a powerful tail, razor-sharp teeth, and a set of long spines along their back.[6] They possess the uncanny ability to regenerate when immersed in water.[2] They are less dangerous when young, but over the course of two years a Baliwog will increase in size, growing to be larger than a man in both length and weight,[3] and developing a large dorsal fin on its back. The most dangerous Baliwogs are known to be venomous, although a bite from any Baliwog has the risk of transmitting Swamp Fever, a disease which they often carry. A single pearl can sometimes be harvested from the body of a dead Baliwog.[6] Their meat is a common local dish for residents of the Shivering Isles, who often smoke Baliwog legs.[7][8]
Eventually, the adult Baliwog will feel the urge to seek out deep water and bury itself in the mud. It hibernates there for many months, gestating into a Grummite and emerging from the mud fully formed.[3] It is believed that Baliwogs can also grow up to be Scalons.[9][2]
A balrog is an obscure creature. Scraps of balrog hide were in circulation throughout Tamriel in the late Third Era,[10] and were sought after by members of the Mages Guild.[11]
Banekin are a small lesser Daedra resembling a winged humanoid with mottled gray skin, a tail full of ridged spikes, pointed ears and horns on their heads. Banekin are associated with Molag Bal and use powerful shock spells in combat. They can speak Tamrielic, and are sometimes used as familiars by powerful wizards, though they are unreliable due to their forgetfulness, as well as their inclination for cruelty and destruction. Banekin are agile daedra. Aside from being able to use their claws and tails full of ridged spines, they can use spells to weaken their foes as well as make them nauseous.
They are not well treated by larger daedra, such as Dremora, who torture loose banekin, and Daedroths, who are known to eat them alive. There has been one documented case of a Dremora in Fargrave keeping a banekin in a crib, akin to a baby.
Banshees are obscure creatures renowned for their deafening scream.[12][13] The spell "Ice Banshee" is named after them.[14]
- See also: Wispmother
Bantam Guar[edit]
Bantam Guar are small, docile creatures native to Morrowind, that are part of the scuttler family. They are also commonly called "ugly chickens" due to their appearance and behavior, and like chickens, are raised for eggs and meat. Despite the name, they are not related to guar. They are, however, related to cliff racers and cliff darters. Unlike their cousins, bantam guar cannot fly.[15]
Barnacles are aquatic arthropods that grow on submerged surfaces. Some coral crabs have barnacles growing on their backs. Naturalists speculate the sharp barnacles give the crabs an extra layer of protection.[16]
Kraken barnacles are found in the waters around Lilmoth and were grown in the Marrow Sump of Umbriel for food.[17]:56-57 Nordic barnacles are found in the waters of Skyrim.
Basilisks are snake-like creatures that inhabited the forests of Valenwood prior to the Aldmer's arrival to the province.[18] Basilisks were driven to extinction in the province by the Altmer. The highly venomous Mazken longsword, Serpentstrike, was believed to have been tempered with basilisk's blood prior to their extinction.[19] Basilisk eyes continue to be circulated in the Iliac Bay region and can be used in alchemical concoctions to cure paralysis. Basilisk Powder is a type of explosive powder capable of poisoning those caught in its range,[20] though it is unknown if it is derived from or merely named after basilisks. Brassilisks are named similarly, as they are biomechanically created snakes.
Bats are flying mammals often found in caves and dungeons, traveling in groups. They are associated with Vampires, as Vampire Lords can transform into a cloud of bats, or use bats to attack enemies in combat. Tamriel's bats are diverse in diet and appearance.
Giant Bats are also found throughout Tamriel and certain breeds have been bred for their milk in Ska'vyn and Goldfolly.
Bat Lizard[edit]
Bat lizards are said to be a species of flying creature encountered by Topal the Pilot in the Merethic Era. They were found on a forested island theorized to be Gorne. They possessed leathered wings and grew to be the size of ships. While some think the creatures to have been Dragons, it is theorized that they are a now-extinct ancestor to the cliff racer.[21]
Bears are large, vicious predators that will attack people if found infringing on their territory. They are impressive creatures, much larger than the average adventurer, especially when standing up on their rear feet. Bears have two main types of attack: biting, or standing up on the rear legs and mauling you with their paws. They live either in the wilderness or in their cave lairs.
- Variations: Black Bear, Brown Bear, Cave Bear, Grizzly Bear, Plague Bear, Snow Bear
Bearers of Fargrave[edit]
The Bearers of Fargrave (nicknamed Gargantuans) are mysterious extinct beings commonly believed to be a kind of Daedra or, according to less popular theories another kind of being that are neither Daedric, Aedric, or mortal in origins. Their skeletons can be found in Fargrave, and are considered one of the city's best features.
Beavers are semi-aquatic mammals that chew down trees to build the river dams they live in.[22] Their tails are used in Cyrodiilic cuisine.[23] There is a druidic fable of them coming to the Systres, however it states they died out there.[24] They were the namesake of various inns and taverns in the late Third Era.[25]
Bees are yellow-black insects which live in hive colonies in forested areas. Both the bees and their hives are commonly used as ingredients in alchemy, as well as the Honey they produce.
Isgareth Bees are an extinct species that were native to Auridon which lived in the First or Second Era. Their honey was said to grant immortality upon repeated consumption. Some believe that the Altmeri kings and queens maintain a secret hive of them.[26]
Beetles are small insects with hard shells. They came to represent knowledge in Chimeri culture.[27]
There are many species of beetle, such as scarabs and reekers. Several larger species of beetle exist, such as Assassin Beetles, Shalks, Shroom Beetles and Thunderbugs.[28]
The Bird-of-paradise is type of a bird whose feathers are used for both quills and decorative purposes.[29][30]
Blackbirds (or Black Birds) are a type of bird with black feathers.[31] The species found in Skyrim have red and yellow feathers on their wings, while the species found in Grahtwood have yellow beaks and yellow feet.
Bliss Bug[edit]
Bliss Bugs are small beetles resembling torchbugs. They are native to the Shivering Isles and glow with a magical amber light. The insect is named for the city of Bliss, a district of New Sheoth which serves as the capital of Mania. Bliss Bugs are occasionally found on Tamriel in places where Sheogorath's influence is particularly strong. Their thoraxes are useful in alchemy.
Bluebirds are birds known for their blue plumage. "Umbrella Birds" were enchanted trinkets created to ward off rain. They resembled mock bluebirds with satin feathers and featured epaulet clips.[32] Some pet teal-faced fellrunners were named after bluebirds.[33]
Bloodfiends are feral vampires. The process of becoming a bloodfiend typically begins when a vampire starves, loses their sanity and turns feral. However, the term "bloodfiend" also refers to other vampiric abominations that do not experience an infection with an incubation period as most vampires do.
Feral vampires are vampires who have lost their minds over the years, until they eventually become deranged with hunger. A vampire can become a feral vampire when they are unable to feed, refuse to feed, or go for long without blood. The most notable example of a vampire that has gone feral in this manner is Lord Lovidicus.
The "blood cursed" are a type of bloodfiend who resemble blood-starved vampires. Unlike traditional vampirism, the infection sets in very quickly, and the process completes in a very short time. What makes these bloodfiends distinct from normal vampires is the fact that potential bloodfiends are not required to be alive for the process to reach completion. Bloodfiends can come about after a victim is drained dry by a vampire. A relic known as the Lightless Remnant was capable of transforming mortals into bloodfiends, and almost unleashed a bloodfiend plague upon Rivenspire before it was given to Molag Bal.
Harrowfiends are another variety of bloodfiend, which were created when certain people were caught in Harrowstorms. They had more of their life energies stripped from them than the mindless harrowed and as such were incapable of being cured.
Bloodknights are an alchemically altered strain of vampires who absorb the power of other vampires. They are larger, stronger and faster than normal vampires. Bloodknights have a difficult time restraining their more base instincts, giving them a beast-like quality. They usually operate in service to Vampire Lords. Lady Essenia of Greymoor Keep created bloodknights by alchemically blending the bloodlines of several vampires, using Azure Plasm as a catalyst. She would then infect vampires with this mixture, infecting her subjects with a strain of vampirism she dubbed Chaotica Vampiris. Unlike Porphyric Hemophilia or Sanguinare Vampiris, Chaotica Vampiris only affects those already inflicted with vampirism.
Blood Scion[edit]
Blood Scions are a powerful type of vampire created by Lamae Bal, the first vampire. Their power almost rivals that of the Vampire Lords who were turned directly by Molag Bal.[34][UOL 2]
Boars are furry, relatively slow wild pigs with dangerous tusks.[35] Common woodland boars are found throughout the wilds of Cyrodiil. They have tough hides, making them surprisingly dangerous despite their compact size.[36]:45 Boars are also found in Grahtwood, with their heads being popular hunting trophies there.[37] There are various species of boar, such as bristlebacks, daggerbacks, and warthogs.
The boatman is a mysterious skeletal creature of unknown origin that was found on the coast of Stros M'Kai. Resembling a boat made of ribs with a skeleton ferryman attached to its prow, the creature offered passage to the Isle of N'Gasta for a small fare. In 2E 864, the hero Cyrus employed its services.
- See also: Boneman
Bog Blight[edit]
Bog Blights are Argonian zombies that can be found in Murkmire. They are usually found near Argonian grave-stakes and may rise if the grave-stakes are disturbed. They are known to rush people and then explode, possibly a result of their corpses being left out in the swamp water.[38]
Bog Dog[edit]
Bog Dogs (sometimes called Moss Hounds)[39] are a species of stout pack hunters native to Black Marsh and Cyrodiil, mainly in the Blackwood and West Weald regions. They disguise themselves in the marshes of the region with vegetation that appears to grow in the fur on their backs. Despite their name, they have no relation to actual dogs. Bog Dog dung is one ingredient in a traditional Argonian concoction, said to bring good luck.[40]
Bone Colossus[edit]
Bone colossi are massive necromantic constructs made of bones that are designed to strike fear into those that see them.[41][42]:122 They can raise weaker skeletons by roaring, and can be summoned by powerful necromancers.
- See also: Brothers of Strife and Bone Goliath
Bone Dragon[edit]
Bone Dragons (also called Skeletal Dragons or Undead Dragons) are the reanimated skeletal remains of a Dragon which has been stripped of its soul. Even without a Dragon soul, the physical remains of a Dragon can prove to be a dangerous opponent when reanimated by necromancy. Bone Dragons are therefore highly prized by necromancers for use as undead minions.
Bone Goliath[edit]
Bone Goliaths are hulking skeletal creatures. Powerful necromancers are capable of temporarily transforming into this form.[43] They also can be created as a form of undead construct.[44]
- See also: Bone Colossus and Lich
Bone Hawk[edit]
Bone Hawks are undead skeletal birds, similar in appearance to a regular hawk but with black feathers and an exposed skull. They are sometimes hunted and used to create rings and amulets. Bone Hawks are associated with vampires, and can be found circling Castle Volkihar.
- See also: Gristlewing
Bonelords are a peculiar form of skeletal revenant that are usually found protecting the tombs scattered throughout Morrowind.[45] They seem to derive their powers more from their spirit energies than from the substance of their skeletal remains.[46] Bonelords can place curses on their opponents that lessen their endurance and speed. They are immune to most weapons, and resistant to frost, poison, and shock spells.
Bonemen are skeletal undead of the Soul Guard found within the Soul Cairn, where they serve the Ideal Masters for eternity without a will of their own.[47] They are often ghostly, and can be tinted black or red.
Bonewalkers (or bone-walkers) are skeletal zombie-like creatures covered in gaping wounds and sharp protuberances of bone and metal employed in the rituals that bind them to the mortal plane. All Bonewalkers are considered to be malevolent and dangerous. These revenants are used to guard the ancestral tombs throughout Morrowind.
Though not as powerful as other undead, Bonewalkers are feared for the terrible curses they can bestow upon their foes. Bonewalkers are resistant to frost, poison, and shock attacks. They are known to carry the disease Brown Rot. They can also be summoned by magic users.
Foul beasts, not of this earth. These are creatures brought into existence by black magic. They are a mockery of the true and good wolves that roam this land.— Risi Ice-Mane
Bonewolves (or Bone Wolves) are an undead skeletal type of wolf that can be found haunting old tombs on Solstheim. They can also be found on Blackbone Isle and parts of mainland Skyrim. There are similar types of skeletal wolves utilized by necromancers throughout Tamriel. Larger varieties are sometimes used as mounts much like their living counterparts.
- See also: Death Hound, Draugulf, and Skinned Hound
Boojums are a likely fictional type of creature. They were listed as one of the creatures the Gateway Inn in Sadrith Mora was free from in a fraudulent paper written by Uleni Heleran, declaring that the establishment was "ghost-free".[48]
- See also: Snark
Bookwyrms are Daedric wyrms from Apocrypha that serve Hermaeus Mora.[49][50] Some claim that they devour books to keep knowledge safe for their master, while others say Hermaeus Mora's cultists use them to hunt for lost tomes.[49] They have been known to fight off invasive Dremnaken who seek to consume tomes.[51][52]
Bounders are horned bipedal savage creatures native to the part of the Western Reach region that overlaps with Hammerfell. They are part of the Fanged Gouti species, their relatives being Wickeders and Clawrunners. These creatures collectively have appear to have backs that are lined in plates of armored scales, pointed mouths that are almost as large as the rest of their body, and they all have an area of exposed gums visible from their face. Bounders have the ability to paralyze their opponents. Their skin is known to have powerful alchemical effects.
Brassilisks are fabricants resembling snakes. They are created from interconnected metallic squares, with exposed copper wiring that allow for their snakelike movements. Some are created with wings to mimic the Sep Adder. They are a popular choice as pets among the denizens of the Clockwork City. They can be powered by either soul gems, animo cores, or steam power.
Brekkas are strange soft-coated feathery pack animals that are vaguely camelid in appearance. They were created by Second Era animal husbandry experts from Hammerfell and Wrothgar as part of a unique Daggerfall Covenant collaboration to create a good-natured pack animal with a hearty constitution and a pleasing aesthetic.[53]
Bristlebacks or Tusked Bristlebacks (also sometimes called Razorbacks) are large tusked boars that can be found on Solstheim, and are known for their amazing ability to reflect magical effects used against them. The fur along their spines is barbed and stiff, lending to their name. They are often used by Rieklings, who have bred the creatures to be even more warlike and dangerous, as mounts. Their preferred climate is snowy mountaintops and temperatures well below freezing.
- Variations: Lowland Bristleback, Mountain Bristleback, Regal Razorback, Snowbarrow Boar
Brothers of Strife[edit]
The Brothers of Strife are two beings of elemental destruction that act as guardians of the Stonefalls region of Morrowind. They both have the appearance of flaming bone colossi, towering undead skeletal constructs usually assembled from the bones of many corpses. Although the Brothers are a powerful weapon, they cannot be controlled and thus were eternally bound.
The Brothers were created in the early First Era by the Daedra-worshipping Chimer clans of the region after Nedic tribes (most prominently the Rontha) from Skyrim had successfully invaded Stonefalls. Faced with imminent defeat, the Chimer army made a last stand at a Daedric shrine far south of modern Ebonheart. Despite the dangers, the Chimer performed a dark transformation ritual to create the Brothers of Strife, using flame atronach essences and the hearts of their Nedic enemies, and offering two of their leaders as sacrifices. The monsters succeeded in crushing the Nedes and liberating Stonefalls, but continued to rampage. Using flame atronachs as guardians, the Chimer managed to bind the brothers atop Ash Mountain and the Tormented Spire, two large volcanoes that dominate the region. The responsibility of keeping the Brothers bound eventually passed down to House Indoril and House Dres, two Great Houses of the Dunmer, the descendants of the Chimer. These bindings were briefly broken in 2E 582.
Bulls are male cattle, herbivorous animals often raised for meat. A bull that is raised as a beast of burden is known as an ox. In Tamrielic folklore traditions, a bull's ossified member is considered as a charm for good fortune and can be found across Tamriel.[54] To the Ra Gada, the symbol of a winged bull was considered to be important enough to placed in their tombs.[55] The aforementioned symbol is also seen in the Adabal-a, where Morihaus is referred to as a winged bull. Among the Reachmen, the Bull-Heart Warriors use their skulls in rituals,[56] while the Dreadhorn Clan considered the bull to be their emblem after beginning their alliance with the Minotaurs and embellished their belongings with bull symbolism.[57]
Bull-Horned Magma Frog[edit]
Bull-Horned Magma Frogs are large frogs which can be found on Galen and Y'ffelon. They are said to be a story given life, of which the first emerged from Y'ffre's Path.[58]
Buntings are a type of small bird. Painted Buntings can be found in various parts of Tamriel, including the Wrothgarian Mountains. Blue Buntings are another variety that can found in Wrothgar,[59] bronze perches were created for pet ones by Brightsteel Armory in Vulkhel Guard.[60] The Red-Crested Bunting is a species that is the namesake of a type of dye.[61]
Butterflies are diurnal insects with colorful wings. Their larvae are known as caterpillars. Nets are sometimes used to catch them. Migratory monarch butterflies are a common sight across all of southern Tamriel, and are seen in the northern provinces during summer. In contrast to the Ancestor Moth, which represents the past, monarch butterflies are said to represent the souls of the present. Blue butterflies are common in Skyrim. Butterflies are often associated with Sheogorath, and serve as a sign of his influence. The buildings of his Shivering Isles are essentially sentient as they are actually made out of butterflies. Pyandonean swallowtails once swept through and sung in the Imperial Palace.
- See also: Ancestor Moth, Dragonfly, Fetcherfly, and Moth
Buzzards are a type of bird found in Bangkorai that feed on dead bodies.[62][63] Terror Birds are sometimes referred to as "overgrown buzzards".[64]
- See also: Vulture
- ^ Ahzirr Traajijazeri — Anonymous
- ^ a b c The Shivering Bestiary — Namlir Esprink
- ^ a b c From Frog to Man — Meekus Ralbrek
- ^ Grummite creature type in Legends
- ^ Loading screens in Oblivion: Shivering Isles
- ^ a b Baliwogs in Shivering Isles
- ^ Smoked Baliwog Leg in Oblivion: Shivering Isles
- ^ Smoked Baliwog Leg card in Legends
- ^ Generic Rumors in Oblivion: Shivering Isles
- ^ Scrap of Balrog Hide item in Arena
- ^ Generic Dialogue in Arena
- ^ Erilthel's dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
- ^ Jailer Lagrolga's dialogue in ESO: High Isle
- ^ Gralthum the Tormented abilities in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ Morrowind Fauna, Part One — Holia Asellio
- ^ Barnacle-Back Coral Crab pet description in ESO
- ^ Lord of Souls — Greg Keyes
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Wilds Remain: Valenwood — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Serpentstrike description text in Blades
- ^ Bounty Hunter class abilities
- ^ Father Of The Niben — Florin Jaliil
- ^ Tanlorin's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Feast of Saint Coellicia II — Arfons Jellicandante, Expert on Nibenese Cuisine
- ^ Druid Fables: Systres Beavers — Archdruid Ilyes
- ^ The names of various Taverns in Daggerfall
- ^ On Immortality — Anonymous
- ^ Gold Mandibular Cradle Antiquity codex entry in ESO
- ^ Razor-Edged Mandible item description in ESO
- ^ Bird-Of-Paradise Writing Quill item description in ESO
- ^ Ornamental Crocodile Skull item description in ESO
- ^ Mythic Dawn Commentaries — Mankar Camoran
- ^ Rain-Repellent "Umbrella Bird" item description in ESO
- ^ Teal-Faced Fellrunner's description in ESO
- ^ Lamae Bal's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Rozette the Rapscallion's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Official Game Guide — Peter Olafson
- ^ Menninia's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Letter to Faral — Mongannor
- ^ Moss Hounds in ESO
- ^ Deetum-Jas' dialogue in ESO
- ^ Virmaril the Betrayer's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Kyne's Challenge: A Hunter's Companion — David S. J. Hodgson
- ^ Bone Goliath Transformation in ESO
- ^ Beyond a Veil of Twilight quest in ESO
- ^ Generic Dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ Legions of the Dead
- ^ Book of Life and Service
- ^ Ghost-Free Papers — Uleni Heleran
- ^ a b Apocryphal Bookwyrm pet description in ESO
- ^ Azandar al-Cybiades' dialogue in ESO
- ^ Bookwyrm behavior in ESO
- ^ Hungry for Knowledge quest in ESO
- ^ Russet Brekka mount description in ESO
- ^ Petrified Bull Charm Item Destription
- ^ Ra Gada Guardian Statue, Winged Bull Furnishing Item
- ^ Bull-Heart Skull Sallet Item Description
- ^ Crafting Motif 55: Dreadhorn Style — Gherig Bullblood of the Dreadhorn Clan [Notes by Rena Hammerhands]
- ^ Bolga's Guide to Galen Beasts — Bolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral
- ^ Birds of Wrothgar — Haenelisse, Vice-Chairman of the Bird-Watchers Society of Alinor
- ^ Bronze Blue Bunting Perch item description in ESO
- ^ Fledgling: Red-Crested Bunting dye in ESO
- ^ Thaeraen's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Albatross Crewman dialogue in ESO
- ^ Ri'hirr's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.