Stonefalls | |
Type | Region |
Continent | Tamriel |
Province | Morrowind |
Subregions | Bal Foyen[1] Daen Seeth Varanis Zabamat |
Appears in | ESO |

Stonefalls is a large region in the center of Morrowind, right on the southern shores of the Inner Sea.[2] The ashfalls of its many volcanic mountains is both a bane and benefit to the region and its habitation. The area, over the course of history, has dealt with conflict and war, from the Second Akaviri Invasion of the mid-Second Era[3] to the Skyrim Conquests of the early First Era.[4]
Stonefalls is geographically bordered by Bal Foyen and the Telvanni Peninsula to the east, Deshaan to the south, the Redoran District to the north-northwest, and the Valus Mountains to the southwest. From across the provincial border, the region is neighbored by Nibenay Basin in northern Cyrodiil and the Rift in Skyrim.[5]
Society and Geography[edit]
The region's main demographic comprises of Dunmer,[2] the native race of Morrowind, though its large cities host the other races of Tamriel as well.[6] Here in central Morrowind, along the Inner Sea, the province's population is dense[7][8] but particularly in Stonefalls, the population is spread out in its three major cities, Davon's Watch, Ebonheart and Kragenmoor, as well as minor settlements like Senie. Most of these places are governed by the Great Houses,[2] but their allegiances have swayed over the years.
The large city of Davon's Watch had always been occupied by House Indoril and it remained as their sole foothold in the region.[9][UOL 1] But despite this, the house has held the most power on the southern Inner Sea coast; at least in the mid-Second Era.[10] House Dres at that time as well, held more territory in the region,[2] although their main hold, Kragenmoor has changed hands between them and House Hlaalu.[11][UOL 1][UOL 2] The former have occupied it the longest since their ancestors had worshipped the Daedra.[12][13]
Ebonheart was also held between these two houses,[2][UOL 1] however, the Hlaalu have a more solid claim. The house came into control of the city when they absorbed the previous ruling house, House Mora[14][15] and their noble family, the Ra'athim Clan. The clan were previously retainers of the High Kingship of Morrowind and once controlled many modern-day cities like Ebonheart, Kragenmoor, and even Mournhold to the south.[14][16] Between the traditional Great Houses, House Telvanni held the least territory.[2] The town of Bal Sunnar is a medium-sized community in the mountains near the Telvanni Peninsula. It has historically stayed hidden and isolated from its neighbors over centuries.[17][18] However, the fort town of Heimlyn Keep stands over the surrounding valleys of Varanis and Zabamat, in wide open space.[2]
In the early years of the Second Era, Dunmer slavers brought Argonians from Black Marsh to place them in their holdings across Morrowind.[19] When the Ebonheart Pact was created, however, it abolished Argonian slavery and provided them the means to settle the land. Bal Foyen, in particular, was relinquished to the freed slaves, who built the town of Dhalmora in its central basin.[1][20] Other Argonian citizens also built pocket communities in Stonefalls, like the village of assimilated Argonians called Lukiul Uxith and the Argonian Quarter in northern Ebonheart.[2]
What remains of the Dunmer's ancient nomadic culture are the modern-day ashlanders.[21] In Stonefalls, there are two known tribes, the Kagesh and Ulath tribes, and they both live near the Valus Mountain foothills in Varanis. Goblin tribes also live here.[2] These tribes typically live in caves and practice subterranean agriculture. Their cousins in Cyrodiil even come across the mountains through secret passes and tunnels, and learn their techniques.[22] The Murkwater Tribe live in the underground complex of Fungal Grotto[23] while the Shadowsilk Tribe live in the mountains north of Zabamat. They are mostly fisherfolk who tame spiders for conflict and care for the spider queen.[24][25][26]
Unlike most other parts of Morrowind, the Dwemer had little foothold in the region. The ruins that scholars call Inner Sea Armature, on the northern base of Ash Mountain is the only Dwemer ruin of note in Stonefalls.[27] The Nedes, ancient ancestors of Tamriel's human races are theorized to have once lived in Morrowind, though they have since gone extinct.[28] For a time, numerous Nedic tribes conquered much of Stonefalls, the largest of which was the Rontha tribe. These warriors were defeated by the Chimer, and although their descendants are long gone, relics and artifacts of their occupation can be found across the wastes.[29][30]
Culture and Industry[edit]
Stonefalls has two cities with access to the Inner Sea. Davon's Watch was once the biggest port in the region and much of the trade that occurred on the sea passed through it at some point.[31] Ebonheart is another port. It sits on the converging point where the Inner Sea meets the Thir River, which travels down into Morrowind's heartland.[2][32][UOL 1] Like other parts of the sea, smugglers use caves and other hidden places like Hightide Hollow to house their operations.[33]
Kragenmoor is a significant settlement in Stonefalls; a farming nexus that provides the region with its food and crops. The surrounding valley region is fertile and filled with plantations, like the Davenas and Sathram properties that grow saltrice.[11] South of Davon's Watch is the kwama eggmine, the Strifeswarm.[34] In Zabamat, the Othrys clan of Dunmer own a large swath of volcanic pools they harvest for its sulfur. Large hauls of this material are carted by guar and clients like alchemists pay well for it.[35][36]
The Ra'athim clan of Ebonheart were originally a clan of miners that held lucrative operations across their once large fiefdom.[14] As it was quoted by Moraelyn in the historical fiction, King Edward, "Mining's in his blood, as it is in all the R'Aathim, the royal Kin of Ebonheart."[37] Outside of the town is Emberflint Mine, an apt name for a flint mine in the vicinity of Ash Mountain.[38] Hightide Hollow was previously a mine before it was abandoned but what material it harvested is unknown.[33] The caves underneath Iliath Temple were once an ebony mine with source coveted by armorers and weaponsmiths until it dried out.[39] After acquiring the Anvil of Mithas and the Hammer of Gharen, King Casik of Ebonheart went out to revive the lost art of Dwarven smithcraft and produce the greatest arms in the land.[40]
Much like the rest of Morrowind, the Tribunal Temple was the main religion for native Dunmer until their decline in the early Fourth Era.[41] In their time, the Tribunal themselves made annual pilgrimages to Vvardenfell through Ebonheart.[42] Vivec was so enamored by the town that he desired a new Ebonheart built near his city,[43] which came into fruition one way when Castle Ebonheart was built.[44] The Iliath Temple is a large temple complex near Kragenmoor that was dedicated to the Tribunal but was previously dedicated to Azura.[39]
The Chimer built daedric shrines across Morrowind, and Stonefalls hosts a variety of them dedicated to either the Good Daedra or the House of Troubles. A Mephala's Nest[2] (the name typically used for a Mephalan temple)[45] was built just outside of Ebonheart. A Sheogorath temple aptly called Sheogorath's Tongue is built on a hill overlooking Kragenmoor.[2] There was once a great temple of Boethiah built on Ash Mountain[46] and the ruins on Stonefang Isle were once a temple dedicated to the Good Daedra overall.[47] In Daen Seeth is one of Morrowind's cities of the dead, Othrenis, were many notable figures like Mavos Siloreth and families such as the Elendises and the Indarens are buried.[48][49][UOL 3]
Though daedric cults had largely fallen out of favor over the Tribunal faith,[50] some were still active away from civilization. The Cult of the Spider, Mephala's cult of worshippers once resided in the Fungal Grotto ruins, where they tracked a prized artifact, the Obsidian Husk. With it, they took control of the surrounding region and used the artifact to allure travelers and turn them into loyal servants. Though their antics were stopped by the Fighters Guild, it is unknown if they ever resurfaced.[51] When it was previously active, the cult in Mephala's Nest made a particularly potent wine that was laced with spider's venom.[52]
The central Morrowind region, especially around the Inner Sea is described as a rich, fertile river valley, and high hills and uplands.[7][8] However, Stonefalls is mostly dominated by the arid landscape synonymous with Morrowind as a whole. The volcanic activity from the Velothi Mountains to the northwest, as well as the twin volcanoes, Ash Mountain and the Tormented Spire has turned much of the region into ashlands.[3][11]
But despite the harsh environment, the region possesses a myriad of plant species and even farms. Some plants found in other parts of Tamriel have also grown in the ash wastes. Ash Basil is known for its strong scent and is a food source for local dreughs.[53] Ashreeds grow in tide pools on the coast and is used by Argonians to wrap meat.[54] Ashflowers are gnarled trees with small bushes of leaves found in Stonefalls' interior. Red Aloe can also be found across the land.[55]
Some of these plants, however, are unaffected by the volcanic soot. In the coastal cities are cherry blossom trees, with large thorny branches.[2][55] In Morrowind's mountain country and highlands are black roses, which bloom in the shadows of stony ridges and banks.[56] The black rose also wields cultural significance in Morrowind, particularly with the Ra'athim clan and one of its members, the mythical figure Moraelyn, who sported a buckle with the "black rose of Morrowind" in the King Edward series.[57]
There are even several mushroom species, such as the common Emperor Parasol of Morrowind,[2] the Graven Caps around Othrenis,[58] and the rare Kwama Cap, which grows in kwama eggmines.[59] Perhaps one of the region's most noteworthy landmarks is the beaches of Vivec's Antlers. The former site of a battle against the Akaviri of the east that is noted for its bizarre land coral. It is described as a maze and sensitive locals believe that the coral is self-aware and thoughtful.[60][61] The story goes that the coral is a gift from Vivec, who supposedly defeated the Akaviri here by flooding all of Morrowind.[61][62] Two of Stonefalls' most prominent features are the volcanoes, Ash Mountain and the Tormented Spire. Across the region are a myriad of lava tubes and rivers (known as foyadas in the Ashlander tongue)[63] found above, but especially underneath it.[2][64][65]
These caves are described as endless, subterranean spaces with half-buried ruins of unknown origin.[65] The most famous example of this is the caves under Ash Mountain; a honeycomb network that some believe contain ancient and dangerous secrets.[64] A theory proposed by the Speluncus Tamrielicum is that the natural cave systems of Nirn were once its capillaries and nodes and that they pulsated with the divine essence of aedra.[66]
In Stonefalls, there are six types of lava[67] and from this activity is volcanic glass, which is used as crafting material by local artisans.[68] It can also produce heart stones, molten ore created from volcanic debris.[69] Other forms of similar material such as basalt and pumice laden the landscape. Sulfur, in particular can be found in clusters in the eponymous pools in Zabamat.[11][35] Stonefalls and Deshaan are separated by the Charred Ridge, a jagged granite range highlighted by the Tormented Spire to the west.[70][71] Unlike its sister volcano, which is in a continual state of eruption,[64] the Tormented Spire has remained dormant for most of history. But like the rest of the ridge, it is known for its splintered crags and quake-shattered walls.[70][71]
Many creatures live in the region, mostly those based in Morrowind, such as the Shalk, which spits fire and lives near lava. The alit, guar, kagouti, netch, and nix-hound can also be found across the land.[2] Spiders are prevalent in the western hills and caves, and are sometimes tamed by the local populace, especially by the Shadowsilk Tribe of goblins. Their venom, though particularly deadly, has been harvested by Dunmer cultists.[25][26][52] For a time, Dreugh were commonplace between Ebonheart, Vvardenfell, and the surrounding Inner Sea waters, but have been targeted over centuries and now live in isolated pockets.[72] In Stonefalls, they live along the beaches, and some of which have lived as far inland as Fungal Grotto.[2] The Coral Heart of Vivec's Antlers can communicate and summon them to protect it.[73] Ash Mountain resonates with powerful magic ever since Balreth's capture. Both the magic and the mountain's lava flow attracted daedra like clannfear and scamps.[48]
Many unique types of fish also live in the region. On the Inner Sea, there is the Armorhead, the Travally, and the Akaviri Wrasse.[74] On the Thir River and the Brothers of Strife valley[2][UOL 1] are river fish such as the Ash Shad, Ricefish, and Thorny Catfish. In small, remote inland lakes are fish like the Lake Chub, the Rainbow Zander, and the Tench. In places like the Sulfur Pools, fish such as the Fungusfish, the Scum Carp, and the Stinkfish live in foul water.[74]
Village of Stonefalls[edit]
In the Third Era, there was a settlement also called Stonefalls (alternatively known as Balfalls)[75] just south of the Inner Sea coast,[32] on a long, winding river in the northernmost part of the Central Plains region. It was a territory of House Hlaalu.[UOL 1]
During the Imperial Simulacrum in the late Third Era, the village of Stonefalls was an active settlement. It was ruled by Lord Caspar and had a rivalry with Riverbridge.[76] Stonefalls was neighbored by several settlements, such as Ebonheart to the southeast, Karththor Dale to the west, Kragenmoor to the southwest, and Riverbridge to the south-southwest.[32]
Early History[edit]
Some of Morrowind's earliest inhabitants were the Dwemer,[77] but although they mainly populated areas like Vvardenfell and the Velothi Mountains,[21][78] there are scant examples of Dwemer civilization in what later became known as Stonefalls.[2][29] The Chimer, ancestors of the present-day Dunmer on the other hand, established themselves far across the region. Their early years scouring the province was a period of High Velothi Culture. In this time, the Chimer were nomadic clans that often feuded with the Dwemer for resources and territory, but also because of their contrasting cultural and religious beliefs.[21]
Tension between both parties was serious. The Chimer created many powerful and dangerous weapons but none proved to be as deadly as the spellplague. Developed by two mendicant Namira mages, it was deemed uncontrollable and the Chimer lords buried it in a vault along with its creators, Rendrasa Malena and Adras Velae. That vault became the Heimlyn Keep reliquary and it has since been guarded by House Telvanni.[79] The late Merethic Era marked the decline of High Velothi Culture. The former Chimer nomads settled down to build villages and developed early tribal cultures that evolved into the modern Great Houses.[21]
This was when permanent settlements like Stonefalls' cities were first built. The Indoril city of Davon's Watch was originally built as a fortress[UOL 4] and the House Dres ancestors built the crypts in Kragenmoor's mountainside[13] sometime after Heimlyn Keep was already established.[UOL 3] Ebonheart in the very center has long considered itself the eldest city-state of Morrowind and was once the seat of a fiefdom that controlled lucrative mines as far south as Mournhold.[14] Stonefalls' early years, however, were rife with conflict and struggle. Throughout the Merethic and First Eras, the region's borders constantly shifted[4] and in time suffered one of its most well-known battles.[29]
The Nedic Invasion and the Brothers' Gambit[edit]
Sometime in the early First Era,[Note 1] the ancestral Nords, known at that point as the Nedes,[28][29][69] had invaded Stonefalls for conquest and wealth.[29] Many tribes comprised this invasion force but the Rontha tribe was chief among the largest.[30]
They entered the region from the pass near modern-day Fort Virak that branches in from Skyrim.[80] The Chimer's greatest generals: the brothers Balreth and Sadal led the retaliation but as they grew overwhelmed and acted purely in defense, blood was greatly spilled and many settlements from cities to farms were burned. In a few short years, the Nedes controlled most of the region and cut the Chimer army's access to the Inner Sea.[29][81]
The brothers were left surrounded in a valley south of Ebonheart with a small elite force of sorcerers and troops.[29] In a last-chance gambit, they conducted a ritual in which the brothers infused themselves with the enemy's blood and daedric essences to turn into fearsome weapons of destruction. With the heart of the Nedic chieftain, Ornskar, and the Essences of Wrath and Fire, the ritual was completed and the two became the Brothers of Strife.[82][83] What happened in those ruins and how the brothers came to be had been lost to history but what followed after is considered a dark period in the Dunmer's long history.[29]
Even with the Nedes defeated, the Brothers of Strife continued their onslaught and slaughtered man and mer alike. With access to the Inner Sea, a relief effort consisting of mages from Vvardenfell was made to stop them.[29] Three of these mages: Genvis Faledran, Levisii Gilvayn, and Mavos Siloreth sealed the stronger brother Sadal in the Tormented Spire,[84] and by using a magical artifact that became the Coral Heart.[73] Despite this one victory, Genvis and Levisii had fallen and the other brother, Balreth was still loose in Stonefalls. Mavos Siloreth and some other mages bound him by splitting his power between two guardian atronachs on the Charred Ridge and sealed him in Ash Mountain. Many of these mage defenders, including Mavos Siloreth died and were interred in Othrenis.[48][85][86]
Provisions were made to keep them imprisoned. The House Dres retainers of Kragenmoor placed a mystical veil over the Tormented Spire to prevent anyone from entering it and possessed the only key to it.[87] The entrance was specifically made with two wardstones of the Atronach and the Tower.[88] Balreth's guardian atronachs were left in Ash Mountain and stood over him for centuries.[48] When the brothers were finally put to rest, their bloody legacy went with them. Two statues were built over the ancient ruins where they were created and it stands as a testament to their sacrifice.[29]
The Conquest of Morrowind and its aftermath[edit]
By 1E 240, the Nordic Empire under High King Vrage began their grand conquest of Tamriel that lasted for nearly two hundred years.[16][89] The Conquest of Morrowind was their campaign over the ancient province and is still regaled by Nordic bards in alehouses. Just like the rest of Morrowind,[90] Stonefalls endured an invasion.[91] As told by the King Edward series, the Nords held Ebonheart for a century and a half,[92] while the Ra'athim clan, led by Kronin and his sons, Cruethys, S'ephen and Moraelyn left their home and became guerilla raiders.[16] A member of House Mora went on to become a hero in the battle against the Nords.[93]
By the time the Nords were defeated by the First Council in 1E 416,[94] the Ra'athim family returned home. At some point, Cruethys became the King of Ebonheart while his aunt Yoriss became the Queen of Kragenmoor sometime later.[16][92] In time, Moraelyn and his heirs ruled Ebonheart but were also retainers of Morrowind's High Kingship. However, when his grandsons were left as joint heirs to the throne, the family's fiefdom split between them and turned into the modern-day city-states: Ebonheart and Mournhold. Around this time as well, the High King's office was left vacant for a temporary war leader named in times of provincial emergency.[14]
Like other parts across Morrowind, Stonefalls saw a significant change after the Battle of Red Mountain and the subsequent events of Sun's Death in 1E 700.[95] The eruption devastated at least half of the province and saw the population permanently shift south into Deshaan.[78] Though the southern region experienced significant climate changes, a great effort was made to escape the north as maps at the time presumingly showed escaped routes.[96]
But in the wake of Hortator Indoril Nerevar's death and the disappearance of the Dwemer came the Tribunal Temple and its eponymous patrons, Almalexia, Sotha Sil, and Vivec. The majority of Stonefalls' population accepted the three god-kings with open arms. The modern Castle Ebonheart was designed in reverence to them[97] while the former temple of Azura, Iliath Temple now focused exclusively on the Tribunal.[39] Other residents, like citizens of House Telvanni however, were not so welcoming. Matriarch Lladi Telvanni founded Bal Sunnar, a community of like-minded people that rejected the Tribunal in the mountains south of Davon's Watch.[98][99]
Stonefalls in the Second Era[edit]
Sometime in the Second Era, Dunmer raiders assaulted the Nord city of Riften and destroyed many farms. Among these casualties was Unnvald Ironhand's daughter and her family, save for his granddaughter, Hallfrida. Seeking vengeance, Unnvald assembled like-minded warriors from all over Skyrim and conducted a series of campaigns against Morrowind. The same year a skald of the Bards College traveled with them, Unnvald's warriors sacked Davon's Watch.[80] His most famous battle was the Battle of the Bones, in which he defeated the necromancers of Fort Virak with his weapon, the Bonebane.[100][101] A memorial dedicated to his triumph was built just in view from the fort in the Rift.[80]
In 2E 572, the Akaviri of Kamal, led by Ada'Soom Dir-Kamal landed in northeast Skyrim and fought a bloody incursion down into Morrowind.[102] After bypassing Riften, they entered the mountain pass to Stonefalls and sacked Fort Virak before invading the region.[103] The Akaviri were met by Dunmer legions led by Almalexia and the House Indoril Grandmaster, Tanval Indoril, who staged a fighting retreat for further inland. Just as they stopped, the Nordic army led by Jorunn the Skald-King, and supposedly the ghost of Wulfharth, came from behind and cornered them at Vivec's Antlers.[102][103]
Many stories emerged from this battle. An Argonian army comprised of Archein warriors and the Shellbacks of Stormhold led by Heita-Meen and Walks-in-Ash came in from the south and helped defeat the Akaviri.[104] At the same time, Jorunn contacted an old friend from Black Marsh, Keshu the Black Fin to help fight the invaders with her militia, the Black Fin Legion.[105] From Ebonheart, the three races came together to solidify an alliance known as the Ebonheart Pact, which guaranteed the freedom of Argonians in Morrowind.[104][105] Another story from the battle involved Vivec himself, who used his divine power to let his people breathe water while he flooded all of Morrowind.[61][62]
With the abolishment of slavery meant new opportunities for Argonians. Travel across Morrowind was more accessible[106] and pockets of Argonian communities sprung up, such as Lukiul Uxith and Ebonheart's northern quarter.[2] Bal Foyen, east of Davon's Watch was relinquished to these freed Argonian slaves and turned into an enclave.[20] However, certain parts of Morrowind did not wholeheartedly acknowledge this decree. Though House Dres were members of the Ebonheart Pact, freedom was not guaranteed in their territories.[106] Instead of having Argonians and other Pact-affiliated races as slaves in Kragenmoor for example, Khajiits made up the majority of these numbers.[107][108] House Telvanni, on the other hand, were not members of the Pact largely for this subject.[109] How much this affected their nominal territories in Stonefalls is unknown.
The Covenant Invasion and the Brothers' Return[edit]
In 2E 582, the Daggerfall Covenant from the far west launched a large-scale invasion on the Ebonheart Pact's territories as part of the Alliance War.[110] Led by General Serien,[111] much of this conflict took place in Stonefalls, but started in Bleakrock Isle and Bal Foyen. It began with their siege of Davon's Watch, a days-long bombardment of the city's northern district. The local commander, Holgunn One-Eye and Tanval Indoril organized the defense, and as a means to destroy their fleet, Tanval summoned Balreth.[112][113]
Having completed its purpose, the Ebonheart Pact, specifically Garyn Indoril worked to re-seal Balreth into Ash Mountain. They sent an Agent of the Pact to Othrenis, to contact Mavos Siloreth's spirit and learn his process to seal the daedra.[86] With this knowledge, the Pact was able to put Balreth to rest and continue their efforts on the remaining Covenant invaders.[114] The Covenant made landfall on Vivec's Antlers and spread themselves out across western Stonefalls.[110]
General Serien left most of his forces in Vivec's Antlers with Alexandra Conele. A mage who sought out the Coral Heart to destroy Ebonheart and potentially summon Sadal, the other Brother of Strife. All the while, the General and his soldiers went inland toward Fort Virak.[48][73] In response to the Coral Heart's theft, the coral called dreugh to defend it against the Pact and Covenant, but when the Argonian mage, Sings-With-Reeds attuned herself to the coral, the battle shifted in the Pact's favor and Alexandra Conele was defeated.[115]
By the time the battle at Vivec's Antlers was over, General Serien had taken over Fort Virak and reinforced its walls. Garyn Indoril led the charge to take it back but the days-on siege yielded no results. Every night, the Pact allowed the Covenant to take back the dead bodies of their comrades but unbeknownst to them, the enemy used necromancy to revive them and continue their attack. By infiltrating the fort through its ruins, the Pact defeated the Covenant, but as they confronted General Serien, he took Garyn Indoril's life. Strucken with abject grief at the death of his son, Tanval Indoril stole the Coral Heart and took his Vanguard to Zabamat, to re-awaken Sadal and destroy the Covenant.[116][117][118]
Tanval Indoril's forces marched into Kragenmoor to use their leader, Grandmaster Omin Dres' key to the Tormented Spire. When Omin Dres denied him access, he ordered his Vanguard to take Omin's son, Sen Dres hostage until he completed his mission.[13] The Agent of the Pact followed suit and rescued Sen from his prison in the House Dres Crypts.[119] The Grandmaster gave the Agent another key to the spire, and with it, the Pact assembled warriors to stop Tanval. He, however, was attacked by daedra conjured by Sadal, who proved too strong to control. The spirits that previously bound him returned to open the portal to his prison.[120] After a final battle and Tanval's sacrifice, Sadal was defeated and the region was saved. Holgunn One-Eye succeeded the Indoril Grandmaster as the Pact commander of Stonefalls.[121]
Stonefalls in the Third Empire[edit]
After the conquest of Hammerfell, the Imperial Army massed their fleets on the western provincial border, near Kragenmoor and Silgrad Tower.[122] Though Stonefalls' history at large during the Tiber War is unknown, what is known is that most of the old nobility was replaced with upstarts like Symmachus in Mournhold. In that time, Symmachus worked with a rag-tail end of the Ra'athim Clan to deal with the Staff of Chaos and for that service, they were named the King of Ebonheart. The counselors that served him, however, did much to suck his kingdom dry and pick at it to its core.[56] Under the Third Empire, cities such as Ebonheart and Kragenmoor became the seats of kings.[123][124]
Only a few years later, the Ra'athim clan of Ebonheart became acquainted with Queen Potema of Solitude and were one of many disgruntled kingdoms that later supported her and her son, Emperor Uriel III in the War of the Red Diamond.[125][126] What occurred with Ebonheart and the surrounding Stonefalls region during the conflict is unknown, but one side of the Empire's battle took place through Morrowind and later Skyrim, and it was led by King Magnus Septim of Lilmoth and his Argonian army.[127] After Uriel III's defeat in 3E 127, Potema's allies turned coat and received new levels of freedom under the new Emperor, Cephorus I.[128][129]
In time, Magnus Septim succeeded his brother as Emperor and spent the rest of his life cleaning up after the war. To mend the relationship with Ebonheart, Magnus arranged the marriage of his son, King Pelagius of Solitude and the Ra'athim clan's heir, Katariah.[126] Her marriage into the Septim family did a lot to establish peace across the Empire despite detractors and ushered a golden era upon her ascension as the Regent-Empress.[128] Though times have been tumultuous since then, Morrowind eventually saw great changes between the late Third Era and the Fourth Era. With Hlaalu Helseth's rise into power, the Great Houses Dres and Hlaalu had significant growth, while House Indoril, for example, was declining. How this has affected their core territories in Stonefalls is unknown.[77]
Stonefalls at the Turn of the Era[edit]
The subsequent Oblivion Crisis in 3E 433 and the later Red Year (4E 5), however, did much to shift the politics of the province. Oblivion Gates opened all over Morrowind,[130] and despite Chancellor Ocato's decision to not pull soldiers from the provinces,[131] Morrowind was left by themselves. House Hlaalu took the brunt of the blame after the Empire relinquished Morrowind and lost both their status as a Great House and their seat in the Grand Council.[130] Then early into the Fourth Era, the Ministry of Truth fell onto Vivec City and caused the eruption of Red Mountain, thus province-wide devastation.[132] The eruption had reportedly destroyed most of Morrowind's cities[133]:234 and even places as secluded as Bal Sunnar were affected. The skies above turned red and filled with smoke, while volcanic debris rained down.[134]
In 4E 48, the flying city of Umbriel, a severed piece of Clavicus Vile's realm; the Fields of Regret appeared over the Southern Sea and flew in a straight direction from Lilmoth on Black Marsh's southern coast to the Scathing Bay where Vivec City formerly stood. People in and underneath its path were fed into the city's Ingenium and turned into zombie thralls that laid waste to everything in its wake. Stonefalls would have been in its direct path, in both its initial move across the Inner Sea and its subsequent move over the Valus Mountains to the Imperial City.[135]:42–46
Notable Locations[edit]
- Ash Mountain
- One of Stonefalls' twin volcanoes. It sits on the coast just east of Ebonheart and hosts a daedric ruin
- Bal Sunnar
- A Telvanni settlement and tower located in the mountains south of Senie.
- Brothers of Strife
- A sprawling daedric ruin named after the legendary duo of Chimer warriors
- Davon's Watch
- A major port city owned by House Indoril on the northeast coast
- Ebonheart
- Perhaps the oldest city in Morrowind and the seat of power of Clan Ra'athim
- Fort Virak
- A fortress on the Morrowind border that guards the pass to Skyrim.
- Kragenmoor
- A historically Dres-occupied city and important farming settlement to Stonefalls
- Senie
- A small kwama-mining town located close to Ash Mountain.
- Tormented Spire
- One of Stonefalls' twin volcanoes. It sits further inland and is guarded by Kragenmoor's rulers
- Vivec's Antlers
- A beach consisting of bizarre land coral that is uncommon in Morrowind.
See Also[edit]
- For game-specific information on the region, see the Elder Scrolls Online article.
- For game-specific information on the settlement, see the Arena article.
- ^ a b Letter from an Indoril Retainer — Bandusil Falvani
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t Stonefalls in ESO
- ^ a b Stonefalls loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b Antique Map of Stonefalls antiquity codex entries in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ Map of Tamriel – The Elder Scrolls Online
- ^ Loremaster's Archive - House Telvanni — Divayth Fyr
- ^ a b Provinces of Tamriel
- ^ a b Elone's dialogue in Morrowind
- ^ Davon's Watch in ESO
- ^ The Great Houses and Their Uses — Tel Verano
- ^ a b c d e The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Stonefalls and Deshaan — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ House Dres Crypts loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b c Denu Faren's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e The Real Barenziah, v 5 — Anonymous
- ^ Interview With Three Booksellers — Jobasha, Codus Callonus, and Dorisa Darvel
- ^ a b c d King Edward, Part X — Anonymous
- ^ Bal Sunnar in ESO: Scribes of Fate
- ^ Scribes of Fate Preview—Bal Sunnar
- ^ Argonians Among Us — Sil Rothril
- ^ a b Bal Foyen loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b c d Before the Ages of Man — Aicantar of Shimerene
- ^ Muck Valley Cavern loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Fungal Grotto I in ESO
- ^ Shadowsilk Tribe in ESO
- ^ a b Burnt, Mostly Illegible Scrap
- ^ a b Hrogar's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Inner Sea Armature in ESO
- ^ a b Frontier, Conquest — University of Gwylim Press, 3E 344
- ^ a b c d e f g h i j The Brothers of Strife — Nili Omavel
- ^ a b Nedic Wineskin antiquity codex entries in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ Captain Rana's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Map of Morrowind – The Elder Scrolls: Arena
- ^ a b Hightide Hollow loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Strifeswarm Kwama Mine in ESO
- ^ a b Cloya's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Jin-Ei's dialogue in ESO
- ^ King Edward, Part VII — Anonymous
- ^ Emberflint Mine loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b c Iliath Temple loading screen text in ESO
- ^ King Casik's dialogue in Arena
- ^ The Reclamations — Thara of Rihad
- ^ Disciple Sildras' dialogue in ESO
- ^ On Moving Ebonheart — Archcanon Tarvus
- ^ Ebonheart in Morrowind
- ^ Mephala's Nest loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Chimer Talisman of Boethiah treasure text in ESO
- ^ Triple Bust of the Good Daedra treasure text in ESO
- ^ a b c d e Garyn Indoril's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Mirri Elendis' dialogue in ESO: Blackwood
- ^ Varieties of Faith: The Dark Elves — Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
- ^ Lighting the Shadows group quest in ESO
- ^ a b Tamriel's Finest Wines — Samuel Gourone
- ^ Jee-Lar's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Zasha-Ja's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Stonefalls Furnishings in ESO
- ^ a b The Real Barenziah, v 4 — Anonymous
- ^ King Edward, Part VI — Anonymous
- ^ Quieting a Heart quest in ESO
- ^ Reesa's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Vivec's Antlers loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b c Walks-in-Ash's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Varieties of Faith... — Brother Mikhael Karkuxor of the Imperial College
- ^ Foyada topic in Morrowind
- ^ a b c Ash Mountain loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b The Sunless Hollow loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Weeping Wind Cave loading screen text in ESO
- ^ "Field Guide to Lava" Pumice Cube treasure text in ESO
- ^ Volcanic Glass Vase treasure text in ESO
- ^ a b Sorcerer Vunal's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Tormented Spire loading screen text in ESO
- ^ a b Charred Ridge loading screen text in ESO
- ^ Notes on the Dreugh
- ^ a b c Sings-With-Reed's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Stonefalls fish catches in ESO
- ^ Letter Home — Armor Apprentice
- ^ Stonefalls location and rumors in Arena
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: The Temple: Morrowind — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Morrowind — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Keeper Vildras' dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Hallfrida's dialogue in ESO
- ^ General Balreth's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Sorcerer Turoni's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Brothers Will Rise quest in ESO
- ^ Tanval Indoril's dialogue during the quest, "Opening the Portal" in ESO
- ^ Onuja's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Rending Flames story quest in ESO
- ^ Holgunn One-Eye's dialogue during the quest, "City at the Spire in ESO
- ^ Sen Dres' dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Legendary Sancre Tor — Matera Chapel
- ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: Skyrim — Imperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
- ^ Bronzed War Horn antiquity codex entries in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ a b King Edward, Part XII — Anonymous
- ^ 36 Lessons of Vivec, Sermon 22 — Vivec
- ^ Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition: All the Eras of Man, A Comprehensive History of our History — Imperial Geographical Society, 3E 432
- ^ Dwemer Inquiries Vol I — Thelwe Ghelein, Scholar
- ^ Antique Map of Deshaan antiquity codex entries in ESO: Greymoor
- ^ A Travel Guide to Tamriel Castles — Astinia Isauricus
- ^ Journal of Nerile Belvayn — Nerile Belvayn
- ^ Journal of Kovan Giryon — Kovan Giryon
- ^ The Improved Emperor's Guide to Tamriel: Skyrim — Flaccus Terentius, 2E 581
- ^ Battle of the Bones Memorial
- ^ a b The Second Akaviri Invasion — Yngmaer Raven-Quill, Historian Royal of the Bards' College, Solitude
- ^ a b Against the Snakes — Denskar
- ^ a b From Argonian to Saxhleel — Vicecanon Heita-Meen
- ^ a b Keshu: The Black Fin Goes to War, Part 2 — Peek-Ereel, Friend and Confidant to Keshu the Black Fin
- ^ a b Pact Pamphlet: Congratulations!
- ^ Nadras Hlor's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Noisy-Hunter's dialogue in ESO
- ^ A Brief History of House Telvanni — Andunririe for the Court of Proxy-Queen Alwinarwe, Alinor
- ^ a b Drathus Othral's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Scroll of Banishment — Lord General Averos
- ^ Holgunn One-Eye's dialogue during the quest "Legacy of the Ancestors in ESO
- ^ City Under Siege story quest in ESO
- ^ The Death of Balreth story quest in ESO
- ^ The Coral Heart story quest in ESO
- ^ Breaking Fort Virak story quest in ESO
- ^ Evening the Odds story quest in ESO
- ^ The General's Demise story quest in ESO
- ^ Saving the Son story quest in ESO
- ^ Opening the Portal story quest in ESO
- ^ Sadal's Final Defeat story quest in ESO
- ^ On Morrowind — Erramanwe of Sunhold
- ^ Ebonheart location and rumors in Arena
- ^ Kragenmoor location and rumors in Arena
- ^ Brief History of the Empire v 1 — Stronach k'Thojj III
- ^ a b The Madness of Pelagius — Tsathenes
- ^ The Wolf Queen, v7 — Waughin Jarth
- ^ a b Brief History of the Empire v 2 — Stronach k'Thojj III
- ^ The Wolf Queen, v8 — Waughin Jarth
- ^ a b Adril Arano's dialogue in Skyrim: Dragonborn
- ^ Chancellor Ocato's dialogue in Oblivion
- ^ The Red Year, Vol. II — Melis Ravel
- ^ The Infernal City — Greg Keyes
- ^ Journal of Adosi Fevur — Adosi Fevur
- ^ Lord of Souls — Greg Keyes
- ^ Legate Sadal's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Great Harbingers — Swyk the Long-Sighted
- ^ Paarthurnax's dialogue in Skyrim
- ^ First Servant's Letter, Page 2 — The First Servant
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ a b c d e f Concept Map of Morrowind – The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
- ^ Caius Cosades' Letter — Caius Cosades
- ^ a b ESO Unused Strings
- ^ Ted Peterson's Posts in Campaign 12/Playing Houses – Loranna's RP