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Dark Brotherhood

Legends:Imprisoned Crime Boss

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Imprisoned Crime Boss
Creature (Nord)
LG-card-Imprisoned Crime Boss.png
Card Set LG-icon-Dark Brotherhood.png Dark Brotherhood
Availability Unobtainable
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png4
Attribute Neutral Neutral
Power Power 0 Health Health 5
Rarity Epic Epic
Your opponent can't win.
Imprisoned Crime Boss can't be targeted by actions.

Imprisoned Crime Boss is an epic Neutral creature card. It cannot be obtained as part of your collection, but instead appears in NPC matches, such as the master difficulty version of the Falkreath Jail battle in The Fall of the Dark Brotherhood.

Compared to its counterpart in the normal difficulty Falkreath Jail battle, Imprisoned Criminal, the Imprisoned Crime Boss has higher health. It also appears in the jail lane alongside a Septim Guardsman, making it even more difficult to kill him than his normal difficulty counterpart.


When summoned:

"Don't think you're safe out there."

When attacking:

"Think you're better than me?"
