Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/Settings

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Main Menu[edit]

  • Always Show This Window: Brings up the configuration menu when Daggerfall Unity begins. Unless you never want to change resolution, mods, visuals, or interface settings, leave this on. You can still return to this menu if you disabled this option by editing an .ini file.
  • Vertical Sync: Links frames per second to monitor refresh rate. Many web articles and videos can help you determine whether VSync is good for your game performance.
  • Swap Health and Fatigue: Changes health to red and fatigue to green.
  • Invert Mouse: Moving the mouse down will make your character look up.
  • Mouse Look Smoothing: Slightly changes the mouse's movement so it slides more.
  • Left Hand Weapons: Makes your character swing weapons with the left hand.
  • Player Nudity: Removes the permanent underwear on the character display. This also allows certain quests to run, which are marked with an X in the fourth column of their quest list. If this is disabled, those quests will not be offered.
  • SDF Font Rendering: Changes the in-game font.
  • Enable Controller: Allows the use of a controller/joystick.
  • Weapon Swing Mode: Changes the melee attack system between three options:
    • Vanilla: Requires a dragging movement while holding the right mouse button, to control the direction of the weapon swing. Like the original game.
    • Click: Only requires a right-click to attack. The direction of attack is randomly chosen.
    • Hold: Similar to Click, but the player can hold down the mouse button to continue attacking.



  • Start in Dungeon: If enabled, new characters will begin the game in Privateer's Hold. If disabled, they will start outside Privateer's Hold.
  • Dungeon Textures: Determines the dungeon wall, floor, and ceiling textures. The various options are classic rendering, climate-based choosing, or randomly chosen. Classic did not use climate-based textures, but randomly rolled ones. Those who prefer uniform textures per climate can choose the climate-based setting. Forum source
  • Camera Recoil Strength: Determines how much the camera moves when receiving damage. More damage also increases the recoil.


  • Mouse Sensitivity: Determines how much the mouse reacts when you move it.
  • Weapon Sensitivity: Determines how much you need to move the mouse to swing your weapon, if click-to-attack is disabled.
  • Movement Acceleration: Determines how quickly you start and stop while walking/running.
  • Weapon Attack Threshold: Sets the minimum distance required by the mouse before you swing your weapon, if click-to-attack is disabled. This is changed via an .ini setting in the Daggerfall data folder. Forum source
  • Bows - Draw and Release: Changes bows to use a nock-and-release control rather than a click-to-fire system. Hold the right-mouse button to hold the arrow on the bow, and release when desired.


  • SoundFont: Displays the sound font currently being used by the game. This can be altered by placing files into the SoundFont folder of the Daggerfall Unity install and editing an .ini. Forum source
  • Sound Volume: Determines the volume of sound effects in the game. Synchronized with the in-game volume control, so changing it there will also change this.
  • Music Volume: Determines the volume of music in the game. Synchronized with the in-game volume control, so changing it there will also change this.


  • Spell Lighting: Toggles whether spells will emit light when cast.
  • Spell Shadows: Toggles whether spells will cause shadows when cast.



  • Tool Tips: Shows item information by hovering the mouse over them in the inventory.
  • Delay: Delays the tool tips' appearing when hovering the mouse by X seconds.
  • Text Color: Changes the tool tips' text color.
  • Background Color: Changes the tool tips' background color.


  • Crosshair: Enables a crosshair during gameplay.
  • Vitals Indicators: When suffering damage to health, fatigue, or magicka, show the now-missing part in a different color for a second.
  • Interaction Mode Icon: Chooses among various styles for the interaction modes, which are the F1 to F4 buttons during gameplay.
  • Arrow Counter: Shows the number of arrows in the inventory during gameplay while wielding a bow.


  • Free Scaling: Allows the GUI to scale as necessary to fit the resolution, ignoring requirements for a certain aspect ratio.
  • Countdown Quest Journal Clocks: Changes the journal system to show how many days remain to complete a quest event instead of how many days were given at the start.
  • Inventory Info Panel: Adds a small information panel on the inventory screen near the bottom-right which displays various details about a chosen item.
  • Enhanced Item Lists: Increases the number of visible item tiles in treasure piles from 4 to 16.
  • Talk Window Modern Style: Changes formatting of text while talking to peasants, using right and left justify and different colors to make the conversation stand out more.
  • Buff Icons Layout: Allows you to change where the enchantment icons are placed during gameplay.
  • Helm and Shield Material Display: Shows the material used in helmets and shields. These items use such materials but normally do not display them. Some characters unable to use materials such as Elven or Dwarven can provoke confusion when this setting is missing.
  • Geographic Background: Changes the character and inventory background to where your character is. If in a desert, the background will be a desert. If in a graveyard, the background will be a graveyard, and so on.
  • Dungeon Wagon Access Prompt: Determines whether the game will ask if you want to access your wagon, if possessed, when clicking on the dungeon exit. Wagons can still be accessed within a short distance of the exit if this is disabled.


Mod System[edit]

  • Mod System: Enables the modding system. Turn this off when verifying bugs to report.
  • Asset Injection: Enables loose file mods.
  • Compress Modded Textures: Causes modded graphics to be compressed, reducing system requirements.


  • Dungeon Ambient Light: Changes how dark dungeons are.
  • Night Ambient Light: Changes how dark outdoors is at night.
  • Player Torch Light: Changes how bright the light you radiate is.
  • Item-Based Player Torch: When enabled: to radiate light during gameplay, you must use candles, torches, and lanterns. New characters will be created with several torches and candles. Use the "use" action in the inventory to ignite or douse a light source. Buy oil in stores to refuel light sources. Check their quality with "info" as you use them, as damaged light sources are low on fuel.


  • Game Console: Allows you to use the game console. Recommended in case something goes wrong during gameplay.
  • Near Death Warning: Makes the screen turn dark momentarily when close to death.
  • Alternate Random Enemy Selection: Uses a different seed to generate enemies in dungeons.
  • Advanced Climbing System: Enables holding on to the wall, rappelling, and climbing sideways. The forward key is up and the backward key is down. Strafe to move horizontally on the wall.
  • Combat Vocalizations: Implements human combat sounds such as yelling and grunting, including your own.
  • Enemy Infighting: Enables enemies to fight among each other. Quest NPCs are exempt from infighting.
  • Enhanced Combat AI: Makes enemies step backward, dodge to the side, and measure their distance when attacking.
  • Allow Magic Item Repairs: Allows blacksmiths to repair enchanted items.
  • Instant Repair Services: Makes repairs happen instantly.
  • Guild Quest Player Selection: When asking for quests in a guild, a list of available ones will show instead of offering random quests one at a time. The available quests will change periodically.
  • Equip Bows in Left Hand Only: Forces your character to only use bows with the left hand.
  • Maximum Loiter Time in Hours: Changes how long your character is able to loiter for at one time. Range is 3 to 12.



  • Resolution: Chooses the game resolution for the screen.
  • Fullscreen: Enables or disables fullscreen mode.
  • Quality Level: Decreases the quality of sprites. For most systems Fantastic is the only proper setting. Otherwise sprites will lose their pixels and look very strange.
  • Main Filter: Chooses what kind of video filtering to use for the game world. Point is sharpest, and bilinear and trilinear make the graphics smoother and blurrier.
  • GUI Filter: Chooses what kind of video filtering to use for the GUI.
  • Video Filter: Chooses what kind of video filtering to use for videos played in Daggerfall Unity.


  • Field of View: Determines the scope of the camera in-game. Allows either zoomed or panoramic views. Setting ranges from 60 to 80.
  • Terrain Distance: Determines how much of the game world is loaded around the player.
  • Shadow Resolution: Sets the quality of shadows in the game world.
  • Dungeon Light Shadows: Toggles whether objects in dungeons cast shadows.
  • Interior Light Shadows: Toggles whether objects in buildings cast shadows.
  • Exteriors Light Shadows: Toggles whether objects outdoors cast shadows.
  • Texture Arrays: Helps implement modded textures if the player's system supports the use of arrays.
  • Retro Rendering Mode: Sets graphics quality and resolution similar to classic Daggerfall. Can help low-end machines run Daggerfall Unity.
  • Retro Rendering Postprocessing: Determines the retro rendering's palette options.