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Daggerfall Mod:Daggerfall Unity/Console

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A console with many useful commands can be invoked by pressing the tilde (`) key during DFU gameplay (this key can be changed in Controls -> Advanced as of 0.10.23). Users with certain keyboard layouts may need to place the tilde key somewhere on their layout.

Some mods may add more console commands not listed here.

This list is up to date as of DFU version 1.0.0.
Note that the "tele2" commands are not intended to be used in civilized areas; only in dungeons. Elsewhere they can drop you into the "void".[1]

Command Description Usage
activate Triggers an action object regardless of whether it is able to be activated normally. activate
add Adds n inventory items to the character, based on the given keyword. n = 1 by default. add (book|weapon|armor|cloth|ingr|relig|soul|gold|magic|drug|map|torch|potion|painting) [n]
add_all_equip Adds all equippable item types to inventory for the current characters gender & race. (for testing paperdoll images) add_all_equip (clothing|clothingAllDyes|armor|weapons|magicWeapons)
add_armor Adds an armor to inventory. add_armor {Genders} {Races} {Armor} {ArmorMaterialTypes}
  • {Genders}: Male, Female.
  • {Races}: Breton, Redguard, Nord, DarkElf, HighElf, WoodElf, Khajiit, Argonian.
  • {Armor}: Helm, Cuirass, Left_Pauldron, Right_Pauldron, Gauntlets, Greaves, Boots.
  • {ArmorMaterialTypes}: Leather, Chain, Iron, Steel, Silver, Elven, Dwarven, Mithril, Adamantium, Ebony, Orcish, Daedric.
add_clothing Adds clothing to inventory. add_clothing {Genders} {MensClothing|WomensClothing} {Races} {DyeColors}
  • {Genders}: Male, Female.
  • {MensClothing}: Straps, Armbands, Kimono, Fancy_Armbands, Sash, Eodoric, Shoes, Tall_Boots, Boots, Sandals, Casual_pants, Breeches, Short_skirt, Casual_cloak, Formal_cloak, Khajiit_suit, Dwynnen_surcoat, Short_tunic, Formal_tunic, Toga, Reversible_tunic, Loincloth, Plain_robes, Priest_robes, Short_shirt, Short_shirt_with_belt, Long_shirt, Long_shirt_with_belt, Short_shirt_closed_top, Short_shirt_closed_top2, Long_shirt_closed_top, Long_shirt_closed_top2, Open_Tunic, Wrap, Long_Skirt, Anticlere_Surcoat, Challenger_Straps, Short_shirt_unchangeable, Long_shirt_unchangeable, Vest, Champion_straps
  • {WomensClothing}: Brassier, Formal_brassier, Peasant_blouse, Eodoric, Shoes, Tall_boots, Boots, Sandals, Casual_pants, Casual_cloak, Formal_cloak, Khajiit_suit, Formal_eodoric, Evening_gown, Day_gown, Casual_dress, Strapless_dress, Loincloth, Plain_robes, Priestess_robes, Short_shirt, Short_shirt_belt, Long_shirt, Long_shirt_belt, Short_shirt_closed, Short_shirt_closed_belt, Long_shirt_closed, Long_shirt_closed_belt, Open_tunic, Wrap, Long_skirt, Tights, Short_shirt_unchangeable, Long_shirt_unchangeable, Vest.
  • {Races}: Breton, Redguard, Nord, DarkElf, HighElf, WoodElf, Khajiit, Argonian.
  • {DyeColors}: Blue, Grey, Red, DarkBrown, Purple, LightBrown, White, Aquamarine, Yellow, Green.
add_weapon Adds a weapon to inventory. add_weapon {Weapons} {WeaponMaterialTypes}
  • {Weapons}: Dagger, Tanto, Staff, Shortsword, Wakazashi, Broadsword, Saber, Longsword, Katana, Claymore, Dai_Katana, Mace, Flail, Warhammer, Battle_Axe, War_Axe, Short_Bow, Long_Bow, Arrow, Buckler, Kite_Shield, Round_Shield, Tower_Shield.
  • {WeaponMaterialTypes}: Iron, Steel, Silver, Elven, Dwarven, Mithril, Adamantium, Ebony, Orcish, Daedric.
addArtifact Adds an artifact of ID [n] to the character. addartifact [n]
  • Artifact IDs can be found in the in \DaggerfallUnity_Data\StreamingAssets\Tables\Quests-Items.txt.
addbook Gives player the book with the given ID or name. addbook {id|name}
addpopuptext Fill HUD buffer with messages. addpopuptext [n]
addspellbook Gives the player a new spellbook if they do not have one. addspellbook
change_modsettings An experimental command to alter settings in currently enabled mods. change_modsettings
clear_crimecommitted Clear active crime state. clear_crimecommitted
clear_negativelegalrep Negative legal reputation and banishment state for all regions is set back to 0. Does not affect positive legal reputation. Does not change factional reputation. clear_negativelegalrep
cm Creates a mobile of type [n] on [team]. Omit team argument for default team. cm [n] [team]
  • Enemy type numbers can be found in /DaggerfallUnity_Data/StreamingAssets/Tables/Quest-Foes.txt.
  • A [team] value of 1 results in a mob that is allied to the player.
diseaseplayer Infect player with a classic disease. diseaseplayer [index]


diseaseplayer (vampire|werewolf|wereboar)

  • [index] is a number from 0 to 16, each corresponding to a different disease.
dumpblock Dump a block to json file, or index if no block name specified. dumpblock [blockName]
dumpbuilding Dump the current building player is inside to json file. dumpbuilding
dumplocblocks Dump the names of blocks for each location, location index, or locations for list of given block(s) to json file. dumplocblocks [locindex|(blockName.RMB)*]


  • dumplocblocks
  • dumplocblocks locindex
  • dumplocblocks RESIAM10.RMB GEMSAM02.RMB
dumplocation Dump the current location (from MAPS.BSA) that the player is currently in to json file. dumplocation
dumpregion Dump the current region(from MAPS.BSA) that the player is currently in to json file. dumpregion
enddebugquest Tombstone quest currently shown by HUD quest debugger (if any). Does not issue reward. enddebugquest
endquest Tombstone quest. Does not issue reward. endquest <questUID>
  • Quest UID can be found through the quest debugger UI. To open the quest debugger UI, ensure EnableQuestDebugger = True in C:\Users\<Your Windows Username>\AppData\LocalLow\Daggerfall Workshop\Daggerfall Unity\settings.ini. Then, while in-game, press ctrl + shift + d to activate the debugger. Select different quests by pressing ctrl + shift + left arrow key and ctrl + shift + right arrow key.
execute Compiles source files (and instantiates objects when possible) from streaming assets path. execute Script00.cs Script01.cs Script02.cs...
getallquestitems Immediately give player a copy of any items referenced by active quests (including rewards). This can break quest execution flow. getallquestitems
getlocpixel Get pixel coordinates for a location. getlocpixel <region name>/<location name> (no space between region name and location name)
groundme Move back to last known good position. (Useful if floating in void or other bad location.) Only works indoors. groundme
guildjoin Join a guild. guildjoin <guildGroupName>
  • This command uses the internal naming system for the guilds, so the Thieves Guild is "GeneralPopulace". Other guild names can be found in GuildManager.cs
guildrank Set rank in a guild that you are a member of. guildrank <guildGroupName> [rank]
  • Your reputation in the guild will change to [rank] × 10.
help Display the list of available commands or details about a specific command. help [command]
ingredUsage Log an analysis of potion recipe usage of ingredients. ingredUsage
killall Kills any enemies currently in scene. killall
levitate Start or stop levitating. levitate (on|off)
load Load the specified scene by name. Before you can load a scene you have to add it to the list of levels used in the game. Use File → Build Settings... in Unity and add the levels you need to the level list there. load scene
locale_debug Enables verbose localization debug to player log. locale_debug (on|off)
locale_print Output available locales. locale_print
locale_set Sets current locale. Use locale_print to list available locales. locale_set <index>
location Send the player to the predefined location. location [n]; where [n] is between 0 and 9:
  • 0 ... random location
  • 1 ... Daggerfall/Daggerfall
  • 2 ... Wayrest/Wayrest
  • 3 ... Sentinel/Sentinel
  • 4 ... Orsinium Area/Orsinium
  • 5 ... Tulune/The Old Copperham Place
  • 6 ... Pothago/The Stronghold of Cirden
  • 7 ... Daggerfall/Privateer's Hold
  • 8 ... Wayrest/Merwark Hollow
  • 9 ... Isle of Balfiera/Direnni Tower
map_hideall Wipes every segment in the dungeon from your automap, starting it anew. This effect will carry over if the game is saved. map_hideall
map_hidebuildings Reverts map_revealbuildings map_hidebuildings
map_hidelocations Reverts map_reveallocations map_hidelocations
map_revealall Reveals the whole dungeon automap map_revealall
map_revealbuildings Temporarily annotates the name of all buildings in the town's map, excluding ordinary residences. All buildings in all towns will be annotated until game exit or revert. map_revealbuildings
map_reveallocation Permanently reveals the location with [locationName] in region [regionName] on travelmap. map_reveallocation [regionName] [locationName] - inside the name strings use underscores instead of spaces, e.g Dragontail_Mountains.
map_reveallocations Temporarily reveals all undiscovered locations on the travelmap map_reveallocations
map_teleportmode Toggles (enables or disables) debug teleport mode. (Control + Shift + Left Mouse Click on a dungeon segment will teleport player to it.) map_teleportmode
modnpcrep Modify reputation with last NPC clicked by a positive or negative amount. Clamped at -100 through 100 modnpcrep <amount>
nt Toggle NoTarget mode. nt
openalldoors Opens all doors in an interior or dungeon, regardless of locked state. openalldoors
opendoor Opens a single door the player is looking at, regardless of locked state. opendoor
playflc Play the specified FLC or CEL file. playflc {filename.flc|.cel}


  • playflc azura.flc
  • playflc warrior.cel
playvid Play the specified VID file. playvid {filename.vid} (e.g. playvid anim0000.vid)
poisonplayer Infect a player with a classic poison. poisonplayer [index] (a number 0 to 11)
print_crimecommitted Output active crime state. print_crimecommitted
print_legalrep Output current legal status and reputation value for all regions. print_legalrep
print_quests Output current quests running on quest machine. print_quests
purgeallquests Immediately tombstones all quests and removes them from quest machine. Does not issue rewards. purgeallquests
purgenonstoryquests Immediately tombstones all quests that aren't related to Daggerfall's main quest and removes them from the quest machine. purgenonstoryquests



quit Quit the application. quit
refresh_buildingnames Refresh discovered building names in current location. Used for testing localization and debugging stale discovery data. refresh_buildingnames
reroll_maxhealth Repair permanently reduced maximum health caused by a level-up bug in 0.10.3 and earlier. This bug is resolved in 0.10.4 and later but some older save games might still need repair. Note that new maximum health is set by forumla and may be slightly higher or lower than before bug. reroll_maxhealth
reset_assets Clears mesh and material asset caches then reloads game. Warning: Uses QuickSave slot to reload game in-place. The in-place reload will trigger a longer than usual delay. reset_assets
retry_assets Clears records of import attempts for assets from loose files and mods. retry_assets
set_grav Set gravity. Use -1 for default (namely, 20). set_grav [n]
set_health Sets your character's health to a value. set_health [n]
set_jump Set jump speed. Use -1 for default (namely, 4.5). set_jump [n]
set_mspeed Set mouse sensitivity. Default is 1.5. set_mspeed [n]
set_runspeed Set run speed by multiplying current run speed by inserted percentage. Set to -1 to disable or enable speed overrides. Set to -2 to clear out all speed modifiers. set_runspeed [n]
set_timescale Set Timescale; Default 12. Setting it too high can have adverse affects. set_timescale [n]
set_vsync Set Vertical Sync count. Must be 0, 1, 2; set_vsync (0|1|2)
set_walkspeed Set walk speed by multiplying current run speed by inserted percentage. Set to -1 to disable or enable speed overrides. Set to -2 to clear out all speed modifiers. set_walkspeed [n]
set_weather Sets the weather to indicated type. set_weather [n]
  • 0 ... Sunny
  • 1 ... Cloudy
  • 2 ... Overcast
  • 3 ... Fog
  • 4 ... Rain
  • 5 ... Thunder
  • 6 ... Snow
setlevel Change player level to a value from 1 to 30. Does not allow player to distribute points; only changes level value. setlevel <level>
showbankwindow Opens a banking window for specified region. showbankwindow {region index}
showitemmaker Opens a item maker window for enchanting items. showitemmaker
showpotionmaker Opens a potion maker window to brew spells showpotionmaker
startquest Starts the specified quest. startquest {quest ID}
suicide Kill self. suicide
summondaedra Summons a daedra prince to test quest delivery. summondaedra [filename] (note: matches the .VID filename for daedra in /arena2 folder.)
tac Toggle air control, which allows player to move while in the air. tac
tai Toggles AI on or off tai
talk_npcBehavior Overrides NPC behavior: 0 = default, 1 = know everything, 2 = always friendly, 3 = know everything AND always friendly. 1|2|3)
talk_npcsKnowEverything NPCs know everything and do not run out of answers. talk_npcsKnowEverything
talk_npcsKnowUsual NPCs know the usual number of things and run out of answers. talk_npcsKnowUsual
talk_print Output talk text from the RSC string database. ID must be a talk-related string. Record is selected at random. talk_print <id>
tcl Toggle noclip by turning off all collisions and activates levitate. tcl
tdbg Toggles if the debug information is displayed. tdbg
tele2exit Teleport player to dungeon exit without leaving. tele2exit
tele2pixel Send the player to the x,y coordinates. tele2pixel [x y]; where x is between 0 and 1000 and y is between 0 and 500.
tele2qitem Teleport player to quest item marker tele2qitem
tele2qmarker Teleport player to active quest marker (monster, NPC placement, item, etc.) tele2qmarker
tele2qspawn Teleport player to quest spawn marker (monster, NPC placement) tele2qitem
teleport Teleport player to object they are looking at. God mode ("tgm") recommended. teleport

Optional parameters:

  • {true|false}: Always teleport if true, even if looking at empty space (default = false).
  • {max distance}: Max distance to teleport (default = 500).
  • {up|down|left|right}: Final position adjustment (default = up).


  • teleport
  • teleport up
  • teleport 999 left true
tgm Toggle god mode. tgm
trans_out Leave dungeon or building and load exterior area; only works if player inside. trans_out
vamp_cureme Player is cured of vampirism effect at start of next magic round (1 game minute). vamp_cureme
vamp_feedme Vampire thirst becomes sated. vamp_feedme
were_cureme Player is cured of lycanthropy effect at start of next magic round (1 game minute). were_cureme
were_sateme Lycanthrope urge to kill becomes sated. were_sateme