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Blades:Goblin Casters

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A Goblin Caster

Goblin Casters are an enemy group that are resistant to fire and shock damage, but are weak to frost and bashing damage. Their base attacks deal fire and bashing damage. A divine weapon named Mephala's Teacher will beat Goblin casters quickly.



The following Goblins Casters are the variants found in Jobs and many other Quests.
Goblin Wizard Family

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Weakness to Bashing Spells Abilities
Goblin Apprentice Min 1 14 188 124 127 11 9 42.24 7.09 35.64 3.6 Fireball (1)
Max 9 24 258 150 181 97 81
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 254 154 187 122 86 76.8 7.09 64.8 7.2 Lightning Bolt (1)
Fireball (1)
Max 18 59 507 180 241 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 531 184 247 222 145 111.36 8.22 93.96 10.44 Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (2)
Fireball (2)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 709 210 301 298 192
Goblin Witch Doctor Min 28 78 731 214 307 304 195 144 10.63 121.5 13.5 Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (4)
Fireball (3)
Absorb (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 38 96 941 247 374 384 245
Goblin Fire Mage Min 39 95 1,054 250 381 395 252 181.03 13.37 152.74 16.97 Wall of Fire (1)
Consuming Inferno (2)
Lightning Bolt (8)
Fireball (6)
Absorb (2)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 51 118 1,092 290 461 483 306
Goblin Sorcerer Min 52 117 1,163 294 467 481 305 225.6 16.66 190.35 21.15 Magicka Surge (1)
Wall of Fire (3)
Consuming Inferno (4)
Lightning Bolt (11)
Fireball (9)
Absorb (4)
Renewing Dodge (2)
Focusing Dodge (3)
Max 66 144 1,525 340 561 590 386
Goblin Spirit Master Min 67 144 1,579 344 567 605 395 302.4 22.33 255.15 28.35 Magicka Surge (3)
Wall of Fire (6)
Ward (5)
Consuming Inferno (8)
Lightning Bolt (13)
Fireball (13)
Absorb (7)
Renewing Dodge (4)
Focusing Dodge (5)
Max 83 180 1,807 397 674 758 501
Goblin Spell Fiend Min 84 182 1,893 400 681 768 508 384 28.35 324 36 Magicka Surge (5)
Wall of Fire (9)
Ward (9)
Consuming Inferno (11)
Lightning Bolt (15)
Fireball (16)
Absorb (10)
Renewing Dodge (6)
Focusing Dodge (7)
Max 100 207 2,620 453 787 921 614


The following Goblins Casters are the variants found in the Abyss.
Goblin Wizard Family Abyss

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Weakness to Bashing Spells Abilities
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 254 154 187 122 86 76.8 7.09 64.8 7.2 Lightning Bolt (1)
Fireball (1)
Max 18 59 507 180 241 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 531 184 247 222 145 111.36 8.22 93.96 10.44 Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (2)
Fireball (2)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 709 210 301 298 192
Goblin Wizard Min 28 78 758 214 307 306 197 160 11.81 135 15 Wall of Fire (1)
Consuming Inferno (2)
Lightning Bolt (6)
Fireball (4)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Adrenaline Dodge (1)
Max 48 112 1,126 280 441 463 295

Frigid Corruption[edit]

The following Goblin Casters can be encountered in Frigid Corruption. They deal only frost damage.
EQ02_Caster Family

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Weakness to Bashing Spells Abilities
Goblin Apprentice Min 1 14 94 124 127 10.737 8.947 42.24 7.09 35.64 3.6 Frostbite (1)
Max 9 24 129 150 181 11 9
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 191 154 187 122 86 76.8 7.09 64.8 7.2 Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Max 18 59 380 180 241 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 531 184 247 222 145 111.36 8.22 93.96 10.44 Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 709 210 301 298 192
Goblin Witch Doctor Min 28 78 804 214 307 304 195 144 10.63 121.5 13.5 Ice Spike (1)
Frostbite (1)
Absorb (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 38 96 1,035 247 374 384 245
Goblin Fire Mage Min 39 95 1,264 250 381 395 252 181.03 13.37 152.74 16.97 Blizzard Armor (1)
Ice Spike (3)
Frostbite (2)
Absorb (2)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 51 118 1,310 290 461 483 306
Goblin Sorcerer Min 52 117 1,396 294 467 481 305 225.6 16.66 190.35 21.15 Magicka Surge (1)
Blizzard Armor (2)
Ice Spike (6)
Frostbite (4)
Absorb (4)
Renewing Dodge (2)
Focusing Dodge (3)
Max 66 144 1,829 340 561 590 386
Goblin Spirit Master Min 67 144 1,894 344 567 605 395 302.4 22.33 255.15 28.35 Magicka Surge (3)
Blizzard Armor (5)
Ward (5)
Ice Spike (11)
Frostbite (7)
Absorb (7)
Renewing Dodge (4)
Focusing Dodge (5)
Max 83 180 2,169 397 674 758 501
Goblin Spell Fiend Min 84 182 2,271 400 681 768 508 384 28.35 324 36 Magicka Surge (5)
Blizzard Armor (6)
Ward (9)
Ice Spike (14)
Frostbite (11)
Absorb (10)
Renewing Dodge (6)
Focusing Dodge (7)
Max 100 207 3,144 453 787 921 614

The Eldritch Grotto[edit]

The following Goblin Casters can be encountered in The Eldritch Grotto. They have enhanced spell-casting capabilities.[verification needed — What does this entail?]

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Weakness to Bashing Spells Abilities
Goblin Apprentice Min 1 14 188 124 130 10.737 8.947 42.24 7.09 35.64 3.6 Fireball (1)
Max 9 24 258 150 210 11 9
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 254 154 220 122 86 76.8 7.09 64.8 7.2 Lightning Bolt (1)
Fireball (1)
Max 18 59 507 180 300 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 531 184 310 222 145 111.36 8.22 93.96 10.44 Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (2)
Fireball (2)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 709 210 390 298 192
Goblin Witch Doctor Min 28 78 731 214 400 304 195 144 10.63 121.5 13.5 Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (4)
Fireball (3)
Absorb (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 38 96 941 247 500 384 245
Goblin Fire Mage Min 39 95 1,054 250 510 395 252 181.03 13.37 152.74 16.97 Wall of Fire (1)
Consuming Inferno (2)
Lightning Bolt (8)
Fireball (6)
Absorb (2)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 51 118 1,092 290 630 483 306
Goblin Sorcerer Min 52 117 1,163 294 640 481 305 225.6 16.66 190.35 21.15 Magicka Surge (1)
Wall of Fire (3)
Consuming Inferno (4)
Lightning Bolt (11)
Fireball (9)
Absorb (4)
Renewing Dodge (2)
Focusing Dodge (3)
Max 66 144 1,525 340 780 590 386
Goblin Spirit Master Min 67 144 1,579 344 790 605 395 302.4 22.33 255.15 28.35 Magicka Surge (3)
Wall of Fire (6)
Ward (5)
Consuming Inferno (8)
Lightning Bolt (13)
Fireball (13)
Absorb (7)
Renewing Dodge (4)
Focusing Dodge (5)
Max 83 180 1,807 397 950 758 501
Goblin Spell Fiend Min 84 182 1,893 400 960 768 508 384 28.35 324 36 Magicka Surge (5)
Wall of Fire (9)
Ward (9)
Consuming Inferno (11)
Lightning Bolt (15)
Fireball (16)
Absorb (10)
Renewing Dodge (6)
Focusing Dodge (7)
Max 100 207 2,620 453 1,120 921 614

A Blizzard of Blades[edit]

The following Goblin Casters can be encountered in A Blizzard of Blades. They are immune to all but frost damage.
EQ08_Caster Family

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Fire Immunity Shock Immunity Poison Immunity Slashing Immunity Cleaving Immunity Bashing Immunity Spells Abilities
Goblin Apprentice Min 1 14 57 124 127 10.737 8.947 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Fireball (1)
Max 9 24 78 150 181 11 9
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 102 154 187 122 86 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Lightning Bolt (1)
Fireball (1)
Max 18 59 203 180 241 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 266 184 247 222 145 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (2)
Fireball (2)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 355 210 301 298 192
Goblin Witch Doctor Min 28 78 439 214 307 304 195 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Consuming Inferno (1)
Lightning Bolt (4)
Fireball (3)
Absorb (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 38 96 565 247 374 384 245
Goblin Fire Mage Min 39 95 738 250 381 395 252 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Wall of Fire (1)
Consuming Inferno (2)
Lightning Bolt (8)
Fireball (6)
Absorb (2)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 51 118 765 290 461 483 306
Goblin Sorcerer Min 52 117 814 294 467 481 305 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Magicka Surge (1)
Wall of Fire (3)
Consuming Inferno (4)
Lightning Bolt (11)
Fireball (9)
Absorb (4)
Renewing Dodge (2)
Focusing Dodge (3)
Max 66 144 1,067 340 561 590 386
Goblin Spirit Master Min 67 144 1,105 344 567 605 395 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Magicka Surge (3)
Wall of Fire (6)
Ward (5)
Consuming Inferno (8)
Lightning Bolt (13)
Fireball (13)
Absorb (7)
Renewing Dodge (4)
Focusing Dodge (5)
Max 83 180 1,265 397 674 758 501
Goblin Spell Fiend Min 84 182 1,325 400 681 768 508 Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Immune Magicka Surge (5)
Wall of Fire (9)
Ward (9)
Consuming Inferno (11)
Lightning Bolt (15)
Fireball (16)
Absorb (10)
Renewing Dodge (6)
Focusing Dodge (7)
Max 100 207 1,835 453 787 921 614

Vault of Lightning[edit]

The following Goblin Casters can be encountered in Vault of Lightning. They deal only shock damage.

Goblin Casters Level Damage Health Stamina Magicka Armor Block Resist Fire Weakness to Frost Resist Shock Weakness to Bashing Spells Abilities
Goblin Apprentice Min 1 14 67 124 127 10.737 8.947 42.24 7.09 35.64 3.6 Lightning Bolt (1)
Max 9 24 86 150 181 11 9
Goblin Shaman Min 10 44 146 154 187 122 86 76.8 7.09 64.8 7.2 Delayed Lightning Bolt (1)
Lightning Bolt (1)
Max 18 59 245 180 241 215 140
Goblin Wizard Min 19 62 372 184 247 222 145 111.36 8.22 93.96 10.44 Delayed Lightning Bolt (1)
Lightning Bolt (2)
Dodging Strike (1)
Max 27 76 493 210 301 298 192
Goblin Witch Doctor Min 28 78 567 214 307 304 195 144 10.63 121.5 13.5 Delayed Lightning Bolt (1)
Lightning Bolt (4)
Absorb (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 38 96 714 247 374 384 245
Goblin Fire Mage Min 39 95 802 250 381 395 252 181.03 13.37 152.74 16.97 Thunderstorm (1)
Delayed Lightning Bolt (2)
Lightning Bolt (8)
Absorb (2)
Renewing Dodge (1)
Focusing Dodge (1)
Max 51 118 942 290 461 483 306
Goblin Sorcerer Min 52 117 967 294 467 481 305 225.6 16.66 190.35 21.15 Magicka Surge (1)
Thunderstorm (3)
Delayed Lightning Bolt (5)
Lightning Bolt (11)
Absorb (4)
Renewing Dodge (2)
Focusing Dodge (3)
Max 66 144 1,314 340 561 590 386
Goblin Spirit Master Min 67 144 1,353 344 567 605 395 302.4 22.33 255.15 28.35 Magicka Surge (3)
Thunderstorm (6)
Ward (5)
Delayed Lightning Bolt (9)
Lightning Bolt (13)
Absorb (7)
Renewing Dodge (4)
Focusing Dodge (5)
Max 83 180 1,653 397 674 758 501
Goblin Spell Fiend Min 84 182 1,698 400 681 768 508 384 28.35 324 36 Magicka Surge (5)
Thunderstorm (9)
Ward (9)
Delayed Lightning Bolt (13)
Lightning Bolt (15)
Absorb (10)
Renewing Dodge (6)
Focusing Dodge (7)
Max 100 207 2,164 453 787 921 614