Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Undeath at Underpall

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Clear the necromancers from Underpall Cave.
Quest Giver: Cadius Venucius
Location(s): Underpall Cave
Reward: Leveled gold
ID: CYRBrumaMS06
The Underpall welcoming committee

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Cadius Venucius about magical threats in the Jeralls.
  2. Clear Underpall Cave and kill or spare Alavva Venucius.
  3. Return to Cadius for your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Clearing the Coven[edit]

Speak to Cadius Venucius at the Bruma Synod Conclave about magical threats in the Jeralls and he will mention a nest of necromancers holed up at Underpall Cave. After agreeing to a reward if you can clear them out, head to the cave in the far southwest of County Bruma. From Bruma's eastern gate, head to the Eastern Watchtower and then take the road south. At Toadstool Hollow take the western road, and follow this until Reman's Fist, then take the dirt path heading north to the cave. For a full walkthrough of Underpall Cave please see the place page. Enter and follow the cave tunnels until you reach the Keep; enter this zone and head east into the large central room with a few necromancers. Work your way to the top of the central pillar and activate the various levers, opening the gate to the south. Pass through this and then head west, battling necromancers as you go, until you reach the door to the South Wing. Head south and then east, crossing a room full of necromancers on a stone bridge. Turn east after the bridge and take the southern corridor until you reach a door guarded by an Undead Servitor.

A Family Business[edit]

Cadius and Alavva, reunited

Speak to the Servitor and he will politely escort you inside the room to meet the leader of the coven, a female necromancer by the name Alavva Venucius. It is also possible to speak to the Servitor while in sneak mode and to then follow him into the room. Talk to Alavva and she will reveal she is actually Cadius's sister, although he is unaware of her dealings. Their father was once the leader of the necromancers at Underpall and she was his apprentice. As soon as she grew powerful enough, she killed him and turned him into her servant. After this, she exclaims that she wishes to test your mettle and proceeds to attack you, reanimating four nearby zombies. Once you defeat her, speak to her again. She cries out that she wants to die for her crimes and begs you to finish her off. From here, you have seven choices:

  1. Agree to kill her, at which point she'll attack you;
  2. Decide to spare her, but fail to persuade her from taking her own life, which she will do as soon as you exit conversation;
  3. Persuade her (requires passing an Average persuasion check) to give up her necromancer life and either:
    1. Move to Bruma, in which case she will divide her time between the market place and the Jerall View Inn;
    2. Go work at the Synod along her brother, in which case you'll be treated to a tearful reunion;
    3. Go work for the College of Whispers to spite her brother, in which case she'll relocate to Frostcrag Spire and work under Ravil Fandrani;
    4. Turn herself in to the authorities, in which case she'll relocate to a cell in Castle Bruma;
    5. Start a new life in Hammerfell, far away from it all, in which case she'll disappear from the game.

If you manage to persuade her to give up her necromancer life, whichever path you suggest for her, she will first blast her undead father with a fireball. Upon dying, the Servitor will whisper: "Rest... at last".

Either way, return to Cadius to inform him of your choice, which he will react to accordingly before thanking you for your service and rewarding you with some leveled gold. If Alavva is dead you can also choose to withhold informing Cadius about his connection to the slain necromancer; this has no impact on the reward.

Levels Reward
1–9 500
10–19 750
20–29 1,000
30–39 1,250
40+ 1,500


  • After you have defeated Alavva and her zombies for the first time, it is possible for you to become stuck after her "Well, you did it. "The High Necromancer is dead", no doubt that's what you'll be telling my brother, Cadius, when you see him again." line. The next conversation topics will not appear and there is no way to exit conversation, making the quest unfinishable and obliging you to force quit the game. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Undeath at Underpall (CYRBrumaMS06)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Cadius Venucius of Bruma's Synod conclave has tasked me with dispatching some necromancers causing trouble in the Jeralls at Underpall Fort. By clearing the fort, Cadius hopes to protect the good name of magic users and, by extension, the Synod. I should head to Underpall Cave to begin this task.
Objective 10: Enter Underpall Cave
20 Cadius Venucius of Bruma's Synod conclave has tasked me with dispatching some necromancers causing trouble in the Jeralls at Underpall Fort. By clearing the fort, Cadius hopes to protect the good name of magic users and, by extension, the Synod. I've arrived at Underpall - time to clear out the necromancers.
Objective 20: Clear the necromancers out of Underpall
30 I've made my way deep into Underpall, and been met by some sort of non-aggressive servitor. He's beckoned me further into this place, to speak with his "mistress", whom I suspect is the leader of the Underpall necromancers.
Objective 30: Speak to the leader of the Underpall necromancers
Objective 40: Talk to Alavva
Objective 55: Kill Alavva
60 The task given to me by Cadius Venucius is done - the high necromancer lies dead. I should return to the conclave and inform Cadius both that the deed is done... and that she was his sister. OR The task given to me by Cadius Venicus is done - sort of. I spared the High Necromancer. I should return to Cadius Venucius and report what has transpired... and that she was - is - his sister.
Objective 60: Report events to Cadius
65 After fighting through Underpall to dispatch the necromancers that Cadius Venucius sent me there to deal with, I met the leader of their coven. After speaking with her, I discovered that she was none other than Cadius's sister, Alavva. I chose to spare her - time to return to Cadius and tell him what I've uncovered.
80 After fighting through Underpall to dispatch the necromancers that Cadius Venucius sent me there to deal with, I met the leader of their coven: Alavva Venucius. After speaking with her, I discovered that she was none other than Cadius's sister. I chose to spare her and managed to convince her to start a new life with her brother at the Synod conclave in Bruma.
100 Finishes quest☑ Cadius Venucius of Bruma's Synod conclave tasked me with dispatching some necromancers causing trouble in the Jeralls at Underpall Fort. I completed the task and received my reward.
999 Fails quest☒
2000 Fails quest☒ Cadius Venucius of Bruma's Synod conclave tasked me with dispatching some necromancers causing trouble in the Jeralls at Underpall Fort. Unfortunately, Cadius has died.
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 5, 35, 50, 66, 67.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage CYRBrumaMS06 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest CYRBrumaMS06.