User talk:
Hi, welcome to UESPWiki! Thanks for your interest in the site.
The content you've been trying to add to Tes4Mod:Mod Ideas about "Divine Armor" doesn't seem like it's needed, which is why it has now been deleted three times. It really just looks like Oblivion:Knights of the Nine with a few details changed. Even if you might like to see Knights of the Nine improved, it seems very unlikely that anybody who writes mods is going to be interested in spending months working on a project, just to recreate something that has already been written by Bethesda.
I'm also a bit confused why in May you would an entry suggesting a "Shrine to sithis", then last week you added a note to your own entry stating "Thanks for the idea there has now become a shrine to sithis availible in deepscorn." Given that you now appear to feel that your shrine of sithis suggestion is unnecessary, I'm also going to delete that from the article.
Feel free to ask if you have any questions. --NepheleTalk 18:02, 11 July 2007 (EDT)