Happy Boxes[edit]
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This user is from Not-So-Great Britain. |
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This user is male. |
36 | This UESPWikian is 36 years, 3 months, and 22 days old. |
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This user plays on Linux. |
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This user plays on a Windows PC. |
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This user is knowledgeable about the Oblivion Construction Set. |
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This user doesn't like Elves. |
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This user was born under the sign of The Atronach. |
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This user is a Warlock in the Mages Guild. |
Who's Takark?[edit]
Daniel | |||
Location | Not far | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Male |
Level | 21 | Class | Warlock |
RefID | N/A | BaseID | N/A |
Other Information | |||
Health | 100 | Magicka | 120 |
Morality | Aggression | 5 | |
Essential | Debatable | ||
Faction(s) | Player, Mages Guild |
Also known as Daniel (or just Dan), I'm a 21-year old male person from Sandiacre, a little town smack-bang between Nottingham and Derby, in England. I've been playing Oblivion on the PC for about 2 years, maybe longer. I've been running it through Wine most of the time, originally on Ubuntu 8.04 and now on 9.04. Only the past few months has OBSE been functional through Wine, which I have greatly exploited. I'm currently working towards a BsC Honours in Physical Science through the Open University. My greatest passions are Astronomy (and the physics to go with it), programming, games, listening to music and the odd social venture with my close friends. Yep, I am indeed a full-on nerd/geek/square, whatever the kids are calling us these days.
My Life in Cyrodiil[edit]
I've had countless avatars in the wonderful world of Oblivion. Most no longer exist or have been nicely placed in my character bin... I mean, backup save folder. I'll list some of my current favourites here:-
Krawvok is a Drofgan Warlock. The Drofgan are a dark-skinned and dark-hearted species from somewhere in the endless nothingness. Krawvok's particular interests include heavy armour and a lot of explodey spells. He is slowly working his way through the ranks in the Mage's Guild, gaining as much power as possible. He's never really had a home on Nirn, though he recently came across a place Southeast of Leyawiin that is to his tastes... His morality is never uncertain; he'd happily end your life just to see what you're dying words would be. He does have self-control though, and doesn't go on a killing spree because he finds the guards' constant yelling of murder to be tedious. There has been the occasional body found with shock burns though...
With an almost macabre interest in controlling the minds of others, Davarn is a naturally gifted Illusionist. Never a fan of engaging in combat himself, he uses his powers of manipulation and summoning to get others to do his bidding. His morality is a bit of a grey area; he doesn't intend to be evil or good, he just tries to make things go his way as much as possible. And when he doesn't, there tends to be daedra and paralysis involved. Oh, and he's a Dunmer.
A Breton with a fondness of archery. Possessing the magical ability that comes so easily to her kind, she uses the schools of Mysticism, Restoration and Alteration to aid her when arrows just don't solve the situation. Often called a Witchhunter because of her skills, Illeria actually prefers the title of Witch, labeling herself as a misunderstood member of society. She is mostly good, doing her best to avoid immoral actions. Although her temper when disturbed can lead others to believe she isn't the nicest of people.
Why're You Here?[edit]
I've been using this wiki for Azura knows how long, and have been tempted on many occasions to sign up and do what I can here, but I've either forgotten or chickened out for fear of making the whole site explode or something (it's happened before... maybe). I finally signed up recently when I found a genuine thing I could contribute. And here I am. I still doubt I can actually do much, if anything, because of the pros that have done such a ridiculously good job already, but I'm willing to try!
My main intention is just to live behind the scenes, helping to unravel any remaining mysteries. I don't plan on actually changing any of the actual articles. That's far too scary!
On Modding[edit]
These days I seem to spend more time changing Oblivion than playing it. I'm a huge fan of the Construction Set, even if it does crash for no reason more than it should. I've made several mods that I use, though I've never released any of them as I only really create them for myself and, being the ever-confident being I am, I daren't actually let anyone else see or use them.
The mod I'm currently working on is a reasonably simple companion mod. My original intention was to create a little Goblin fella that follows you and maybe does some extra things. It currently contains 10 different companion creatures, each with their own skill and home location. There is also a simple Pet Levelling system implemented, allowing you to perform different actions or causing your companions to grow stronger the more you have them with you. This is what happens when I can't leave well enough alone.
For the sake of it I'll make a list of the mods I've done that are actually still used (only by me, of course):-
Dan's Minor Changes[edit]
Makes some slight modifications to settings etc in the game. Also adds a few new functions, such as the ability to smash locks and shortcuts for alchemy/repairing. I consider this to be my own personal version of the UOP for the things that irritate me (of course, it doesn't do anywhere near as much stuff as the UOP).
Dan's Magicka[edit]
Similar to the above, but the changes and additions are focused on spells, magic effects and magical skills. It also adds a few extra privileges for the Arch-Mage, including ordering pre-enchanted Arch-Mage robes and adding enchanting/spellmaking altars to the Guild halls.
Dan's Vampirism Changes[edit]
This slightly modifies the vampire system so that it's a bit more forgiving with the whole Sun Damage thing, but also takes a bit longer to advance through. Also makes a few changes to some of the vampire abilities (making Hunter's Sight toggleable, for instance).
DJC Custom Races[edit]
Shockingly this adds a few new races to the game. Nothing amazing, mainly just retextured Imperials, but I like 'em nonetheless. So far it contains 4 races: Drofgan, Mhanatah, Gai-Yaka and Shade. I tend to add more as I find a particular niche for a class that the other races don't fill exactly.
DJC Custom Races Shivering Isles[edit]
Adds a playable version of Dark Seducers and Golden Saints. Seperate from the other Custom Races in case my hard drive explodes (my SI disk vanished years ago).
Dan's Goblin Follower[edit]
Already mentioned; 10 creatures, each has a skill and home, simplistic levelling system.
Dan's Bloodbone Fort[edit]
A fort full of Undead. But it's not a dungeon, it's a sanctuary for vampires. The inhabitants are aggressive to the player if he/she is not a vampire. Requires the player to be at 50% Vampirism or more to be able to access it.
DJC Darkened Daedric Armour[edit]
Very simple mod that adds a black, retextured version of Daedric armour and weapons to the same leveled lists as the standard Daedric items.
DJC Adventurer's Cave Store[edit]
Adds a cave just West of Weye that is run by an ex-adventurer (and her troll guardian). Sells things useful for dungeon delving, such as obscure potions, repair hammers, and various jewelery with Night Eye and Light enchantments.
Dan's Hungry Hungry Hero[edit]
Adds a very simple hunger system to Oblivion. If the player doesn't consume an ingredient every 6 hours, the hunger advances a stage, decreasing Strength, Speed and Willpower (and slowly damaging health at the extreme stages).
None of the above are incredibly advanced or make Oblivion unrecognisable. But I prefer it this way. Strangely I don't like the idea of making all of the NPC's look like anime characters...