A list of PC3 settlement places organized according to Project Tamriel's tier system. File:PT3-map-Province Cyrodiil.png is used as a reference.
Megalopolis (Nonogon)[edit]
None in release area...
Metropolis (Octogon)[edit]
- Anvil —
Large City (Heptagon)[edit]
None in release area...
Small City (Hexagon)[edit]
None in release area...
Town (Pentagon)[edit]
- Brina Cross —
- Charach — Formerly Stirk (city)
Village (Square)[edit]
Outpost (Triangle)[edit]
(Minotaur) Camps[edit]
None in release area...
Other Settlements[edit]
Minor Settlements (Dot)[edit]
Map Marker[edit]
Use town table template and list on Cities & Towns#Other Settlements page
No Map Marker[edit]
Use place template and list on the Minor Settlements page.
- Bernd and Nessa Conina's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Kyro Gavus' Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Quintus Tragia's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Sabina Silvian's Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Mervos' Farmhouse — Include info on Charach page
- Relds Farm —
- Brina Cross Granary — Part of Brina Cross
- Weylus Orchard — Include info on Talgiana Orchard page
- Felcis Farm — Include info on Talgiana Orchard page
- Soccoro Farm —
- Ossius Ranch —
- Merax Farm —
- Charach Lighthouse — Part of Charach
- Anvil Lighthouse — Part of Anvil
- Mykoi Lighthouse — Part of Kalir's House
These locations should be grouped by the settlement they are located within on a page named "SETTLEMENT_NAME Places" (e.g. Anvil Places), with a layout similar to the places section found on Region pages; a link to this pages can be placed at the end of the lede on the settlement's page.
Non-notable locations should be listed on a single "SETTLEMENT_NAME BUILDING_TYPE" page (e.g. Anvil Residences, Brina Cross Workplaces, etc.). Morrowind:Balmora Homes (or other Homes pages) can be used as a reference for the general layout of the page, though section content should instead list location, occupants, services, and a brief description. The focus of each entry should be on describing the place as a location within the settlement, rather than as a potential player housing option.
Includes Temples, too. Chapels and temples found outside settlements should be listed on the minor settlements page instead.
These will probably all be non-relevant and can be merged into a single Residence page for each settlement.
Maybe merge with houses.
This would includes locations that offer Services. None of these should be non-relevant.
Locations where NPCs work; usually not relevant to the player outside of quests.
Guildhalls and Offices[edit]
The guildhalls of guilds, offices of major companies, or other similar buildings that can be found within the settlement.