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Niffweed17 is a user. Although he is currently too lazy to create a userpage, you may view his Wikipedia userpage to procure information about his habitual addiction to technology and games such as Oblivion and Morrowind.

Alternately, you may view his Spanish Wikipedia userpage, but be warned that it has far fewer userboxes and useless factoids about his demented existence.

Niffweed17 also contributes to and helps to moderate the socionics workshop and corresponding wiki. The socionics workshop is a site dedicated to focused and reasonable exposition of classical socionics, a derivation of jungian personality theory and analytical psychology created by ausra augustinaviciute in the 1970s. He is also a former contributor to wikisocion, the free socionics encyclopedia. Therefore, his wiki experience is extensive, and he may be able to answer questions about formatting, style, Tamrielic lore, simple computer maintenance, socionics, cognitive psychology, the new york city subway system and other transportation in new york city, the java programming language, music from the Romantic period or from eastern europe or south/central asia, the NFL, and King Philip's War of 1675.

Niffweed17 sometimes rides the fung wah bus. Praise be to the Lord Hermaeus. fe4c2

Repository of characters[edit]

Eredec Morrowind Female Argonian. WGI Mage Birthsign. Mythic Amazon Class: Combat, Strength and Luck. Spear, Medium Armor, Enchant, Acrobatics, Marksman <=> Mysticism, Illusion, Alteration, Alchemy, Short Blade. This is a character straight out of the amazon jungle, acquainted with primitive weaponry; daggers, spears, bow and arrow, and basic magic. A perfect nerevarine. Intended as a balanced and independently minded but principled character who can fit in nicely in ideology and in skill emphasis with any of the three great houses.
Aureian Morrowind Female Imperial. WGI Lady Birthsign. Courtesan Class: Stealth, Agility and Luck. Speechcraft, Blunt Weapon, Security, Block, Hand-to-Hand <=> Marksman, Heavy Armor, Sneak, Enchant, Mysticism Seductress character. Intended as a hlaalu character that can succeed in a variety of different guilds, including Fighters, Thieves, Morag Tong, Imperial Cult, Imperial Legion, Tribunal Temple (though the character will probably end up avoiding the Imperial Legion and the Tribunal Temple). Serves her own interests and rarely cares what anyone else is doing, though she can sweet-talk anyone into anything when it suits her. Jiub will be the nerevarine for this game, but Aureian will be the prom queen of Vvardenfell.

Mods I Use[edit]


  • Unofficial Morrowind Patch
  • Morrowind Code Patch
  • Tamriel Rebuilt (reconstruction of mainland Morrowind)
  • LGNPC (Less Generic NPCs)
  • Vivec Redesigned (a beatiful new outdoor Vivec)
  • Better Bodies
  • Morrowind Visual Pack
  • Necessities of Morrowind
  • Princess Stomper's Ald Redaynia extended
  • all official patches
  • abot's Water Life
  • abot's Where Are All the Birds Going?
  • Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul
  • Beryl's Head Replacer
  • Syclonix's Herbalism for Purists
  • Sabregirl's Morrowind Ecology
  • LDones' Stealth Enchancements
  • Adjusted Magicka Regenerator
  • Toccata & Drac's Morrowind Crafting
  • LDones' optimized version of Horatio's Dodge Mod
  • BlueBit's Alternate Beginnings 2
  • Raejak's Healers
  • Voltayre's Weathered Signposts
  • Better Clothes
  • Aleanna's Clothing Mod
  • Aragon's Monk Mod
  • Duncan's Atmospheric Sound Effects
  • A flock of seagulls
  • Avenger's Dark Brotherhood Attack Mod
  • Fetus X's Dark Brotherhood Assassins Fix
  • HotFusion's Econonomy Adjuster (except misc./alchemy plugin)
  • Threesixty's momoney
  • Nymeria's Monthly Respawn
  • Nymeria's faster walk
  • Stat-Based Hit Points
  • SpectaclesOfDoom's Level-up Birthsign Remover
  • CalSur guard mod (adds guards to Caldera and Suran)
  • Talore's Gnisis Bridge (adds a Bridge south of Gnisis)
  • Talore's Hla-Oad fortress road (adds a road from Hla Oad to Odai Plateau... very simple mod but much appreciated).
  • Balanced Medium Armor
  • Personally made mod to alter training and travel costs.


  • Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul
  • others


User-userbox-Morrowind.gif This user is knowledgeable about Morrowind.
User-userbox-Oblivion.png This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
OB-icon-Knights of the Nine.png This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
User-userbox-Shivering Isles.png This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
User-userbox-Linux Logo.png This user plays on Linux.
MW-banner-House Telvanni.png This user is a Magister in House Telvanni.
MW-banner-Temple.png This user is a Diviner in the Tribunal Temple.
OB-icon-Mages Guild-Evoker.png This user is an Evoker in the Mages Guild.
OB-icon-Dark Brotherhood-Eliminator.png This user is an Eliminator in the Dark Brotherhood.
TheBlades.gif This user is a Knight Brother in the Blades.
OB-icon-Arena-Gladiator.png This user is a Gladiator in the Arena.
SI-icon-Court of Madness.jpg This user is a Duke of Dementia in the Court of Madness.
OrderOfTheDragon.gif This user is a Champion of Cyrodiil in the Order of the Dragon.
LO-race-Breton.png This user is a Breton divinary
OBbsign Shadow.jpg This user was born under the sign of The Shadow.
SR-npc-Hermaeus Mora.jpg This user worships Hermaeus Mora.