User:Lord Melchior

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Lord Melchior

Dutch Elder Scrolls fanatic.

SR-mapicon-Landmark.png SR-mapicon-Palace.png
Steam Account Website
Personal Information and Stuff

Personal Info[edit]

Name Melchior Philips
Sex Male
Place of Residence Arnhem, The Netherlands
Birthdate 08/07/1994
Steam ID melliemaster
Skype Lord Melchior


Flag Netherlands.png This user is from the Netherlands.
MaleIcon.png This user is male.
User-userbox-PC Icon.png This user plays on a Windows PC.
Wiki.png This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years, 3 months, and 19 days.
LO-race-Nord.png This User loves Nords
User-userbox-HermieMora.jpg This user follows the teachings of Hermaeus Mora.
If you like talking about me post on my talk page. Cool people only.

Made by Me[edit]

Pages that I created or improved greatly


Warmaiden's - Lost Echo Cave - Pinemoon Cave

Pre-Production Pages[edit]

Pages that are pre-written but not officially released. Feel free to edit/move these as you see fit.


Images of Unknown Significance:
Torn Flag Embraced by Skeleton

Personal Notepad[edit]

Stuff nobody cares about that I find to be important.

  • currently empty. :D