Currently building: Tamriel Rebuilt:Slaves page to mirror that of Morrowind:Slaves, but have information on all TR slaves.
Tamriel Rebuilt: Slaves[edit]
This article is about slaves in general. For the slave class, see Slave (class).

Slavery was once widespread throughout Tamriel, whether it was the practice of using defeated enemies as slaves or selling your own children to combat hunger, and the Dunmer have raided Black Marsh for slaves for ages. Since the advent of the Third Era, slavery was illegal throughout the Empire, but protected by law in Morrowind. This exception was granted by Tiber Septim in the Armistice of 2E 896 as a concession to the Dunmer, who saw the use of slaves as their ancient right. While the vast majority of slaves on the island of Vvardenfell are Argonian or Khajiit, the mainland hosts many more slaves of all races.
Adventurers might run into escaped slaves on their travels, often in remote areas, in danger from guards, beasts and bounty hunters. Many smugglers, bandits, and pirates have cells within their hideouts that contain a number of slaves, usually locked in a single small area. A safe haven for those poor souls is the Elsweyr Mission at the Ebon Tower in Old Ebonheart. Slaves in captivity often have magical bracers preventing their escape, and you would have to find a slave key, should you wish to free them. An adventurer dedicated to freeing slaves may eventually learn about The Twin Lamps, and even be invited to participate in their abolitionist movement.
Related Quests[edit]
House Telvanni[edit]
Fighters Guild[edit]
Thieves Guild[edit]
Imperial Legion[edit]
Tribunal Temple[edit]
Miscellaneous Quests[edit]
- A Disobedient Husband
- A Household Slave is Wanted
- A Khajiit's Calling
- Awfully-Swift-Skink Breaks Free
- Cat-Catchers on the Road
- Catcatching in Almas Thirr
- Folk Medicine
- Free at Last?
- Hlarsis v Alju-Deekus*
- Hvaldur is Alive!
- Intrigue in Port Telvannis
- No Good Deed
- Of Cats and Wood Elves
- Stolen Cargo in Issarbaddon
- The Slave Trade
- The Slave Whisperer
- Woebringer
*Alju-Deekus is an escaped slave at the beginning of this quest. Depending on your actions during the quest, he may or may not become a slave again.
Notable Slave Holdings[edit]
- Mundrethi Plantation in Aanthirin, on the west side of the Thirr River near the mouth to the Inner Sea.
- Hlorandus in southern Aanthirin, north of Aimrah.
- Port Telvannis Slave Market, in the Telvanni Isles, on the east side of the city.
- Marisanibal in the wilderness of Boethiah's Spine, just north of Tel Drevis.
Slaves in Tamriel Rebuilt[edit]
This is a list of all slaves to be found in Tamriel Rebuilt. Most are Argonian or Khajiit, though more slaves of the other races can be found in Tamriel Rebuilt content than in officially published content. In most cases, their slave key can be found in the same location, either on a table somewhere or carried by the slavers guarding them. In other cases, freeing them is part of a quest. However, in some cases, there is no key to be found. These slaves can still be freed, however. All you need to do is cast Command Humanoid on them, and get them to follow you to the nearest location for which you DO have a key. Once they are in that location, your key will work. After freeing 5 slaves, you will be told about the Twin Lamps. After you have freed 21 slaves, you will be told a secret phrase and Ilmeni Dren in Vivec will have some quests for you. After you free 30, you can speak to Jobasha (also in Vivec) to receive 3 skill books as a reward.
Location | Region | Slaves | Key Found |
Aimrah | Aanthirin |
Almas Thirr, Plaza | Aanthirin |
See: Catcatching in Almas Thirr
Almas Thirr, Canalworks | Aanthirin |
There is no key to free the four slaves in the canalworks. However, Jar'Jo-Zhid and Rulene can be freed with lockpicks during the relevant quest; the others can be lead to Teloth Manor or the Majordomo's Sanctum. This must be done before the quest is completed, as all four relevant slaves will disappear after the quest. |
Andothren | Roth Roryn |
There is no key in the Imperial Commission, and Kharami doesn't have the "go free" dialogue option. |
Andothren, Andas Estate | Roth Roryn |
(If you have the key and speak to the slaves with the "go free" dialogue option, they will acknowledge you have the correct key but will not be freed. This persists even if every guard and other NPC in Andas Estate is killed. It is unclear if this is a bug or intended.) |
Andothren, Vindicci Manor | Roth Roryn |
See: Andothren Regained |
Dungra | Boethiahs Spine |
Hlorandus | Aanthirin |
Kulidon | Boethiahs Spine |
Marisanibal | Boethiahs Spine |
Mundrethi Plantation | Aanthirin |
See Also: The Slave Whisperer |
Old Ebonheart, Pride of Narusia | Aanthirin |
(closest is Closest Slave Key Location) |
Port Telvannis | Telvanni Isles |
See: The Slave Trade
See: A Disobedient Husband |
Port Telvannis, Slave Market | Telvanni Isles |
See: Chores in Port Telvannis |
Roth Roryn Region | Roth Roryn |
See: Cat-Catchers on the Road |
Samursi | Boethiahs Spine |
(these slaves are already dead before you can enter the cell) |
Tel Drevis, Tower | Boethiahs Spine |
(closest is Closest Slave Key Location) |
Tel Mothrivra | Boethiahs Spine |
(closest is Closest Slave Key Location) |
The slaves in the Pride of Narusia, docked at Old Ebonheart
Slaves involved in the No Good Deed quest
The slave market in Port Telvannis
Slaves being forced to make Skooma in Marisanibal