User:Daric Gaersmith/TES Fan Fiction Collection/Gaersmith Legacy/Reference Material/Plot Ideas
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Keeping secrets[edit]
Sometimes I may want to keep some of my plot ideas secret, so as not to spoil the story for my readers. In these circumstances, I will encrypt the information and place it inside a {{Showhide}} box. This way I can keep all of the information about the plot together in one place here, without giving too much of the storyline away.
Plot Ideas[edit]
Writing Perspective[edit]
This is not exactly a "plot" idea, more of a writing style idea, but anyway. I need to be consistent throughout my writing, so one important decision I need to make is the perspective that I will be writing from. Will I be narrating the tale from a third-person perspective, or will I be the voice of the character, from a first-person perspective? I haven't decided on this yet, but it requires some forethought.
Mentioning Official Add-ons[edit]
While reading Biography of a Shadowscale, I drew a connection between the vampirism of the protagonist in ArgonianShadow's story and the vampirism inherent in the Dawnguard official add-on for Skyrim. This got me considering whether or not I will make reference in my fan-fic to any content from the official add-ons. I think I will, but it needs to be done carefully. As I mentioned in my comments about Biography of a Shadowscale, "I wouldn't want to make reference to that mysterious island in the Niben Bay before it appears, for instance."
- It looks like I have decided to include official add-ons into my fan fiction. The Prologue will include content relevant to the Knights of the Nine.
When a male sibling refused to change his surname[edit]
What would happen if a male Gaersmith sibling chose to not change his surname by his 20th birthday? Could there be a fake Gaersmith out there somewhere?
High Rock sides with Camoran Usurper[edit]
"The secondary reason for the lethargy of High Rock had to do with the depth of relations between the province and the Septim Empire. For the first time since the beginning of the Dynasty, an Emperor ruled Tamriel who was neither Breton nor had spent any of his childhood in High Rock. The difference between Cephorus II and his cousin Uriel IV who preceded him was appalling to the people of High Rock. Even mad Emperors like Pelagius III revered the Bretons over all other races, and cousins and younger siblings of the Emperors have ruled in High Rock since the foundation of the Empire. Cephorus was a Nord, with Skyrim and Morrowind sympathies. The attitude of the common men of High Rock was sympathetic toward the Camoran Usurper as an archfoe of this hated Emperor."[1]
It seems from the citation above that Emperor Cephorus II was disliked by most Bretons because he was not of Breton extraction. However, The Elder Council had named Cephorus the Emperor, rather than Uriel Lariat's (Uriel IV) son Andorak, as Uriel Lariat was the bastard son of Empress Katariah I and her Imperial consort Gallivere Lariat (after the death of Pelagius III)[2], and therefore not a full-blooded Septim. The Gaersmith family were loyal to the Septim line, and thus accepted Cephorus as their Emperor, despite him not being a Breton. The Gaersmiths are opposed to Andorak's rule over Shornhelm, the original home of the Gaersmith family. Cephorus II's connection with Skyrim may have influenced the Gaersmith's emigration to Winterhold after the Elder Council gave Shornhelm to Andorak.
The flow of time[edit]
As this epic tale is going to span numerous epochs of Tamrielic history, there may be the opportunity to play with the flow of time in its telling. During the main questline of TESV:Skyrim, the Dragonborn is transported back in time during the quest Alduin's Bane. This requires that a particular Elder Scroll be read at a particular location, known as a "Time Wound", which relates only to a particular incident in history that occurred at that location. How else might time travel be achieved in Tamriel? Maybe if you ask Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time.[3], he might grant your wish. What would it take to sway Alduin to do a mortal's bidding though, I wonder? Remember, Bretons are not disposed to "excessive religion",[4] so I cannot imagine a Gaersmith joining the Akatosh Chantry, for instance. Something to ponder upon.
The smell of majicka[edit]
This idea was inspired by reading The Armour of Contempt by HMSVictory. As I mentioned in my comments, "I gather that it would be similar to the smell of tarseal / bitumen on a road after the rain. Or perhaps the smell of ozone after a crack of lightning. Or perhaps the acrid smell of a burned out printed circuit board. What does majicka smell like when it is unleashed, I wonder?"
This also got me thinking later about the sound of an enchantment on a weapon. Does a weapon hum if it has an enchantment on it? What if there is a collection of enchanted weapons in a single place, such as at the Gaersmith's forge? Will the sounds combine to form a harmony, or a cacophony? And what of sentience imbued through enchanting, such as the sword Umbra? I don't want to go anywhere near The Infernal City, but the concept of a sentient weapon is appealing. Something to think about.
Teleportation Portals[edit]
This idea came from reading chapter 5 of Eric Snowmane's fan-fiction tale, The Vampire's Tale. Well, actually, I had already been thinking about this, but I was first inspired to write about it thanks to Gallen's mentioning of a teleportation spell that got him home in time to see the birth of his daughter. As I am often looking for outlets for my own creativity within the world of the Elder Scrolls, in places that won't cause a furore over established Tamrielic lore, opportunities like this are hard to pass up. There doesn't seem to be much lore surrounding these magical portals. I postulated in my comments that perhaps these portals are somehow related to the other well-known portals in ES lore: portals to planes of Oblivion. Perhaps the portals seen in the Arch-Mage's Tower of the Arcane University, and those added by the Wizard's Tower official plug-in somehow traverse through a plane of Oblivion for instantaneous transportation between two fixed points. One hitch that I can see is that the portals on the ledge outside the living area of Frostcrag Spire do not have corresponding portals in their Mages Guilds.
Homage to PBN[edit]
Sir Amiel Lannus[edit]
This idea was used in the prologue to the Gaersmith Legacy. |
According to the Gaersmith Legacy, Sir Amiel Lannus, formerly known as Amiel Septim, was the brother of Emperor Pelagius II. In 3E 110, he was forced by his nephew, the Emperor Antiochus Septim, to enjoin the War of the Isle, as penance for some crime he had committed that year. This was to keep his crime a secret because he was descended of the Septims, where any lesser man would have been executed. Prerequisite to this cover-up was his solemn oath to deny and declaim his birthright. Publicly, Amiel Septim was thought to have died valiantly during the War of the Isle. When Amiel Lannus unexpectedly survived the War of the Isle and returned victorious, the Emperor sent him on a Holy Crusade to search for ancient relics.
In early 3E 110, Amiel Septim had lain with his wife just before he left for Summerset, and while he was away at war, she gave birth to their son, Childeric Septim, later that same year. Amiel's wife died in childbirth, and Childeric was renamed Childeric Lannus upon the return of Amiel Lannus (né Septim), when the boy was but a year old.
As we know, in 3E 111, Sir Amiel Lannus went on to found the Knights of the Nine. His son Childeric grew, but never knew of his famous ancestry. He had little chance to ask his father, as he was off Crusading during most of Childeric's life. By the age of 37, Childeric was living in Sentinel, Hammerfell, where he sired a son named Sorian Lannus in 3E 147. At the age of 5 years old, the year before Sir Amiel Lannus departed for the final time, never to return, Amiel revealed to Sorian the secret of his birthright. In 3E 198, at the age of 51, this same Sorian Lannus assassinated and assumed the name of an agricultural economist from Sentinel who was on his way to Black Marsh at the time that Empress Katariah was due to leave for Black Marsh. The ag. econ. was to be consulting on the establishment of gingko trees as a cash crop along the many rivers of Black Marsh, and was going to be meeting with Empress Katariah while in Black Marsh, but she had never met him before. This gave Sorian Lannus, a disenfranchised relative of the Septims, the opportunity to assassinate Empress Katariah.
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![]() 3E 58† - 3E 153 |
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![]() 3E 110 - ? |
![]() 3E 147 - ? |