This user is from Great Britain. |
This user is male. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user plays on the Xbox. |
This user is right-handed. |
This user is a Grand Champion in the Arena. |
About Me[edit]
My real name is Luke Smedley and I started using Bambobo for everything online a few years ago, after the name sprung up between me and a friend. I currently have a very crappy part time job in a shop which I reluctantly go to whilst at the same time tryuing to do well at school.
I started playing Oblivion last June, the day after I got my Xbox. This then became my most played game for several months, though my interest in the game started to drop because I got Xbox LIVE and I had done pretty much everything in the game. However I kept on coming back every now and then for a short while.
My Oblivion Characters[edit]
I have made a ton of characters but I will list my mai and most succesful ones:
Ramus Hlaalu- A powerful Dunmer whos major skills were all of his race bonuses. Starting out powerful and well balanced, he was a natural at anything whether it happened to be fighting toe-to-toe with a bandit, launching fireballs at necromancers in ye olde style shootouts or lurking in the shadows to take out a ringleader. Nothing could stand up to him. After becoming Sheogorath, The Gray Fox, Listening of the Dark Brotherhood, Fighters guild grandmaster, Champion of Cyrodiil, Divine Crusader, and Arch-mage he decided to live the quiet life. He now resides in the safety of battlehorn castle to live out the rest of his life.
Arpen Cel- Translates to "Noble Shadow" in one of the ancient languages of Tamriel (I think its Aylied). However, regardless of his name he is a sinister assassin. Few foes ever see him, and the few that do are dead before they can draw thier sword due to the efficiency of his poisons. After learning risen flesh from a few grateful ghosts, he decided to pay another visit to the emperor, whos body now resides in his Bruma house. Armed with the staff of corruption he was able to get the emperors robes, along with his shoes. Arpen now spends his life in Bruma, paying visits to other towns to extinguish a life, before returning with enough loot to get through the year.
GeneralEquip- As in "General Equipment". He is a humble Altmer who resides in the sewers. He helps new adventurers get into the world of Oblivion by making it so they dont have to go through all of the tutorial. An apprentice in almost all skills and with the ability to become any race, gender or class by activating a gate, he saves people a lot of time.
Major Contributions[edit]
I haven't done anything very major on the wiki. I tend to just get infomation from the site and fix any spelling mistakes or any other small errors if I happen to come across them. My biggest contributions to the wiki are the Crimson scar and Family life roleplaying ideas.