This page is for entry merging in the Bestiary. Feel free to add proposals for merging. Proposed changes thus far:
Entries for individual horse species to go under 'horse'.Ancestor ghosts, faded wraiths, gloom wraiths, ancestor guardians, etc. to go under 'ghost'.Orc classes.Dremora classes.Lich classes.Vampire classes.- Bonewalker classes (lesser, greater).
- Ogrim (normal, Titan.)
- Dreugh (land, water).
- Daedra/atronach/golem crossovers.
Rat types merged, note of Mournhold packrat.- All ash creatures to be listed under an entry for 'ash creatures'.
- All goblins and their ranks to go under an entry for 'goblin'.
- Merge Bonewolf and Skinned wolf.
- Merge Lamia/Medusa. DISPUTED
- Each bear type to go under an entry for 'bear'.
- Seducer, dark seducer, daedra seducer to go under an entry for 'seducer'.
The multitude of types of skeleton to go under an entry for 'Skeleton'.
These Daedra are highly intelligent and powerful humanoid war spirits, generally in the service of Mehrunes Dagon, although this is not always so. They usually appear as demon-like knights, with skin colours ranging from the flesh of men, to dark ashen greys, to blue, purple and red. They make for ferocious combatants. This is not just because of their abilities as sorcerers and warriors, but also because as creatures of Oblivion, they have no need to fear death. Some are immune to normal weapons and many can reflect spells. They craft and wear their own armor, known as Daedric armor, reputed to be the strongest available in Tamriel.
Dremora organise and rank themselves in a rigid caste structure, divided into many tiers. In hierarchical order, these are Churl, Caitiff, Kynval, Kynreeve, Kynmarcher, Markynaz, and Valkynaz. It is possible that Kynreeve is a rank similar to Count, with reeve meaning local official or magistrate. The highest order of Dremora are Dremora Lords, with the exceptionally powerful sometimes called Daedra Lords. The Dremora often communicate to inhabitants of the mundane world and much of the recorded information on their kind has come from mages with the ability to summon them from their plane. When not in service of a summoner, however, they are almost exclusively hostile to all mortals.
Dremora Lord[edit]
Intelligent and powerful, Dremora Lords (also known as "Markynaz") are war spirits in the service of Daedra Lord Mehrunes Dagon. Dremora Lords are very powerful foes and typically carry a range of high quality weaponry. They are immune to normal weapons and can reflect spells, in addition to casting various other spells.
Daedra Count[edit]
A very intelligent and powerful Daedra spellcaster.
Daedra Lord[edit]
One of the most powerful Daedra to be commonly seen in Tamriel and is to be feared by all but the most experienced of adventurers. The Daedra Lord is a powerful fighter and spell caster and can only be harmed by mithril or better weapons.

A domesticated quadrupedal animal bred for use as a mount in war and travel. They can be purchased from stables or other merchants, and some may be trained to pull carts. They may occasionally be eaten, but this is almost universally considered in bad taste throughout Tamriel.
Bay Horse[edit]

A breed of horse in Cyrodiil, with a dark brown color. The Imperial Legion train many of these as mounts.
Black Horse[edit]
The fastest of the five breeds of domesticated horses available in Cyrodiil.
Chestnut Horse[edit]
A light reddish brown breed of horse.
Paint Horse[edit]
A breed of horse with a brown and white pattern.
White Horse[edit]
One of the five breeds of domesticated horses available in Cyrodiil.
Entities trapped between planes, ghosts are undead creatures of moderate power known for haunting tombs and their ability to cast chilling frost spells. They can only be attacked with either enchanted weapons, or weapons the quality of silver or higher, and often drop ectoplasm when banished.
Ancestor Ghost[edit]
Ancestor Ghosts commonly defend the tombs of clan and kin, but may also be summoned and controlled by sorcerers. Ancestor Ghosts are aggressive but not very dangerous -- if you have an enchanted or silver weapon or deadly sorcery. These ghosts can curse those who attack it and are immune to Disease, Frost, Poison and Normal Weapons (MW Prophecies).
Ancestor Guardian[edit]
A more powerful form of the common Ancestor Ghost. Typically immune to Disease, Frost, Normal Weapons, and Poison. Dunmer have a unique, innate ability to summon Ancestor Guardians to aid them in battle, or to help them avoid blows.
Shrieking, aggressive ghosts. The wraith can do massive amounts of damage in direct melee and also has the ability to cast ranged spells. Like all ethereal undead, only silver or better weapons can do damage to a wraith.
Faded Wraith[edit]
A weaker form of wraith, with a translucent appearance.
Gloom Wraith[edit]
An extremely powerful wraith which can wield swords and project curses that damage Strength and Endurance. Can be harmed only by silver, Daedric and enchanted weapons. Can also be harmed by non-frost based spells and some conjurations.
Liches are extremely powerful undead humanoids. They are usually extremely intelligent and are adept spell casters. They are created when a powerful mage seeks to escape mortality by becoming undead.
Nether Lich[edit]
A lesser Lich, with a more faded appearance.
Ancient Lich[edit]
The Ancient Lich is the most powerful form of the Lich, and are extremely dangerous. Mithril or better magical weapons are needed to hurt them.
Green-skinned tribal humanoids known for their skills in combat and proficiency with armor. Originally considered monsters by adventurers, Orcs later became known as an intelligent species and are available as a playable race. They are often seen as hostile marauders, or in scouring dungeons in search of valuables to bring back to their homeland of Orsinium. For more information about Orc culture and history, see Lore:Orc, or for more on Orcs as a playable race, see Morrowind:Orc and Oblivion:Orc.
Orc Shaman[edit]
Orcish wisemen and spellcasters. Their favorite tactic is to become invisible at the first sight of their opponent and attack unseen.
Orc Sergeant[edit]
A distinguished Orc bearing more armor than his regular counterpart.
Orc Warlord[edit]
The highest rank of Orc encountered outside of Orsinium, the Orc Warlord is skilled in battle and heavily armored.
A common undead creature often found protecting the dungeons, forts and ruins of Tamriel. Many varieties of animated skeleton exist, some stronger than others. They are able to wield weapons and fight as soldiers, many producing guttural grunts and war-cries as they battle.
Although they can be damaged by unenchanted arms, any edged weapons (swords, axes, etc.) do only about half their normal damage. Adventurers are advised to used blunt weapons (maces, hammers, flails, etc.) when fighting these creatures. They are immune to disease, frost and poison and resistant to shock.
Skeleton Archer[edit]
Skeleton Archers employ a bow and arrow to attack, and will keep distance from their targets.
Skeleton Warrior[edit]
Slightly more powerful than a regular Skeleton, Skeleton Warriors are found in tombs throughout Morrowind. Immune to disease, frost, and poison and resistant to shock.
Skeleton Guardian[edit]
A tougher variety of the regular skeleton. Capable of carrying both melee and ranged weaponry.
Skeleton Hero[edit]
More skilled than Guardians, but not as challenging as the Champions. Capable of carrying both melee and ranged weaponry.
Skeleton Champion[edit]
The most powerful form of the Skeleton found throughout Morrowind and Cyrodiil. They carry silver weapons, usually longswords, claymores or bows.
Wild rats are vermin that carry a number of diseases harmful to humanoids, and often attack on sight. There are many varying species of rats in Tamriel; see also entries on Cave Rat, Giant Rat. Rats have been domesticated by some races and creatures of Tamriel. Merchants in Mournhold train pets as pack animals and pets, Goblins keep rat farms as a source of food and bandits of Hammerfell have been known to train rats to carry small items for them, and even to drag away chests.
Cave Rat[edit]
A common rodent found in most underground habitats (like caves, for instance).
Giant Rat[edit]
Higher levels can quickly dispatch with one swing, but lower levels may wish to use ranged weapons to avoid disease.
The vampire is one of the most powerful and feared undead found across Tamriel. Considered slightly less powerful than a Lich, the vampire is likely more feared because of its ability to turn those they bite into vampires themselves, a fate described as worse than death itself. Even if the bite does not render one a vampire, it may inflict other blood-borne diseases on the victim. Vampires, especially in their older, Ancient form, are excellent fighters and spell-casters and should be approached with great caution.
Vampires were once people who suffered from Porphyric Hemophilia, a creation of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal. The condition makes the bearer supernaturally strong and agile, at the expense of hungering for the blood of other living creatures. For more information on vampires in general, see Lore:Vampire.
Ancient Vampire[edit]
Ancient Vampires are creatures who have prolonged their life for such a period of time that the effects of vampirism have completely changed them, turning them into extremely powerful sorcerers. This form of vampire can only be damaged by weapons of mithril quality or better.