This template is used to display a box in Skyrim style.
Parameter | Scope | Description |
1 or text | required for simple form |
The content to display inside the box. For more complex content such as tables, use {{SkyrimBox/Start}} and {{SkyrimBox/End}} around the text you wish to display and do not include this parameter. Will display Lorem Ipsum... if left blank. |
2 or width | optional | The width of the box (e.g., 400px ). Defaults to fit the width of the text. |
3 or text-color | optional | The text's color. Defaults to white. |
main-color | optional | The main color of the image. Defaults to #0D0904 (brownish-black). |
{{SkyrimBox}} can not handle wiki-formatting (such as ==Headers==
) on the very first line of text, nor can it handle wikitables. To do either of those, just use {{SkyrimBox/Start}} and {{SkyrimBox/End}}. The parameters for those are listed above.
You can display formatted text and images. All HTML tags that work elsewhere on the wiki work, including <center> tags and HTML tables.
Fixed Width, Custom Font Color[edit]
{{SkyrimBox|The more I use destruction magic, the better it gets!|400px|lightgreen}}

SkyrimBox is very picky when it comes to wikitables. For them, you have to use {{SkyrimBox/Start}} and {{SkyrimBox/End}}. Additionally, if the table has a weird space surrounding it you have to add style="margin:0px;"
to the wikitable, as shown below:
{{SkyrimBox/Start}} {| class=wikitable style="margin:0px;" ! A Header !! Another Header |- |colspan=2| A double-wide cell |} {{SkyrimBox/End}}

A Header | Another Header |
A double-wide cell |
Custom Main Color[edit]
{{SkyrimBox|main-color=#FBEFD5|text-color=inherit|text=This is a test}}

causes a small visual glitch with this template. Use main-color=#FBEFD5
to match the page background color of the Cologne Blue, Monobook, and Vector skins.