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Template:ESO Health

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This template stores the standard Health values for ESO NPCs and creatures, and includes a multiplier based on the NPC/creature strength. Calling the template with a defined multiplier type produces the health value for an NPC/creature with that multiplier.


ESO Health
Parameter Scope Description
1 required See list below.
2 deprecated The level of the NPC/creature.
Health Type
Weak (w) = 13,846
Below Average (ba) = 29,870
Average (a) = 31,364
Above Average (aa) = 34,501
Strong (s) = 60,370
Elite Low (el) = 103,494
Elite Medium (em) = 108,669
Elite High (eh) = 103,494
Justice/Friendly Low (jnl/fl) = 25,974
Justice/Friendly High (jnh/fh) = 39,959
Justice Very High (jvh) = 59,939
No-Combat Friendly (ncf) = 15,000
CP Cyrodiil Below Average (cyrba) = 40,643
CP Cyrodiil Average (cyr) = 42,677
CP Cyrodiil Above Average (cyraa) = 46,945
CP Cyrodiil Strong (cyrs) = 82,145
CP Cyrodiil Elite Low (cyrel) = 140,824
CP Cyrodiil Elite Medium (cyrem) = 147,865
CP Cyrodiil Elite High (cyreh) = 162,654
CP Cyrodiil Friendly High (cyrfh) = 54,372
Delve Boss Low (dbl) = 66,924
Delve Boss High (dbh) = 127,470
World Boss (wb) = 1,846,117
Guard (g) = 10,229,568 (Invulnerable)
  • Their health value is shown in-game as 10229568, but the value is meaningless as reducing it to 0 will not kill them.


Average NPC
{{ESO Health|a}}


Weak NPC
{{ESO Health|w}}
