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Tamriel Rebuilt:Telvanni Waystation

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Telvanni Waystation
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Console Location Code(s)
Telvanni Waystation
Boethiah's Spine, [37,-3]
The Telvanni Waystation

The Telvanni Waystation is a small outpost just north of Alt Bosara.

The waystation guards the main road into the city. It is found next to the bridge over the river to the north.

Inside the tower are the sort of items one would expect to find in a waystation: food, clothes and books, and a couple of weapons including, slightly oddly, a couple of miner's picks.

Related Quests[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Glorynwen Female Wood Elf Assassin 8 67 120 85 30
Medheleg Male Wood Elf Caretaker Great House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 12 114 122 85 30